Why is Howard Stern such a queer now?

Why is Howard Stern such a queer now?

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he's a relic from a different time. everyone loses their edge when they get old

He'd rather his legacy be him interviewing celebrities than him watching High Pitch Eric masturbate to Big Foot.

>everyone loses their edge when they get old

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He was the ONE person to get us out of this SJW bullshit we are in now. A right wing Jew who is actually talented. Who could have stopped him?

Talk radio is obsolete. Zoomers prefer to watch youtubers.

Howard went crazy in about 2008 due to Mccain/Palin ticket and his Jewish obsession over Palin turned the show from 1/20th political to a huge portion of the show being political. He talked endlessly about gay marriage and other ponderous topics, that's when I stopped listening. I started listening in about 1996

Old Stern clips are my mainstay on youtube. That and MST3K, and old 80's Letterman shows.

why does everyone have podcasts?
even my dad has one talking about fishing

top 10 boomer posts

He's never been a man. A manchild perhaps. I thought he was dead.

Yeah so the fuck what?
He's absolutely correct about Stern being a sellout piece of shit

he was always a greasy perv

>everyone loses their edge when they get old

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Letterman is better than Johnny. Let's just get that out of the way.

He's Hamptons Howie now. I dropped the show around the point when Artie was banned, but would still pop in occasionally. I finally said "Fuck this show" during the Zimmerman trial, when I listened to Howard, Robin, and Fred gang up on Scott in the studio, and actually get pretty hateful, because they were trying to present Zimmerman as some savage monster who had set out that night to kill himself a nigger, and Scott disagreed.

Couple of things:
1. I didn't know I wanted to breed Robin so badly.
2. Ron & Fez >>> O&A > Howard

Why though? youtube.com/watch?v=QiqMdu2AZZ8

settle down boomer

Imagine dropping these two into modern times.


Holy shit, that's Billy?

Poor Scott. Fred has a Jewish wife, Howard has to keep his left wing image in the Hamptons and Manhattan and Robin is still black. Even Gary is a faggot now

when was the last time he had beet on?

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Imagine going to a construction job hungover as fuck and you listen to this on your morning commute. Not everything today is better.

Yea old Howard Stern is very comfy, sometimes I wish I could just sit around for days and listen to that crap like it’s a time capsule 80s/90s pop culture happiness and the Artie years were good too

The coolest.

Is Beat even allowed on the show anymore?

Supposedly, they've got something put together where they're going to have a constant flow of content for the next decade after Stern finally retires. I'm hoping that consists of an episode streaming archive that is as complete as they can manage. I would gladly pay for that.

Artie verses Eric the Shitty Actor is comedy gold.

jason here, where can i watch old shows

Howard Stern has never been good

I was listening to that last night, in fact. My god, that shit is funny.

>Howard: "Hey Gary, can we talk about that thing yet?"
>Gary: "No, we're not ready for that yet."
>Howard: "We're going to do something nice for Eric."
>Artie: "What, are you going to smother him in his sleep?"

Rat bastard.


post more sexy robin quivers

>"Get a ladder and hang up the phone"

Funniest line in the history of man kind.

All parade questions...DIRECTED TO THE CUCA CULPA!

The thing being, Robin and Fred were OK with this? Why?

Artie made the show semi-interesting and listenable but even by 2000 is was a shell of itself. It peaked in the early 90s when Howard was still young and angry and only a little rich and jackie and billy west were on it.

Petey Greene was based

Is this the closest she ever got to getting them out?

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90% of radio is lazy trash, sooner or later people start looking for alternatives

It does kind of bug me that the area I lived in didn't have a local station that syndicated Stern in the 90s. The only place that aired it was in St. Louis, and was about two hours from where I grew up, so you could only pick it up if you got really lucky, and conditions were just right. I didn't start hearing the show proper until I moved to Chicago in the early-00s, and didn't start listening daily until they moved to Sirius.

>Ben Gillette
>Jim Florentine

She likes the white cock.

>Howard Stern

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Because it's a chance to possibly make a few bucks having fun talking about shit that interests you, and as long as you're not an insufferable bore, you can stand to get a decent audience of like-minded people.

I remember fapping to that on E! channel

Stern gets way too much credit. The show was awful after Jackie and Billy West left and didn’t get good again until Artie joined. After Artie was fired it immediately became garbage again.

a clip like this would be inconceivable in the last 10 years

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Letterman is loved by millions and is also a bit underrated. He did it well.

Fuck this kike and all he still employs. >Talks to gweneth paltrow about guys in hollywood taking advantage of young up and comers willing to do anything to get ahead and stay ahead.
>Talks about how evil it is
>Literally only has a career because of this.
Yea no thanks the last time howard stern was cool was when he crashed the vmas as fartman.

I honestly never knew she had those. And ive seen private parts a dozen times.

Yea this was the stuff I remember the most. This was great too


>He did it well.
both he and Conan were based when they were the bastard step-child of Johnny

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>Howard Stern is a right wing Jew
No, son.

>Howard went crazy in about 2008 due to Mccain/Palin ticket and his Jewish obsession over Palin

Yes, but Stern was already trying to reinvent himself years prior as a mature and educated opinion giver, and he tried to use the political season of the late 2000's as a turning point for his career. Stern always modeled himself on Don Imus, and Stern was always amazed at how Don Imus shifted away from the comedy format that Stern copied to a hybrid of mature, pithy intellectual political humor and down-to-earth but deeply penetrating interviews with politicians and celebrities. Stern tried to make the pivot in the late 2000's but came across as an ignorant half-wit heavily influenced by leftist propaganda while exposes his elitist disconnections from the common man. I struggled to find Stern funny after his attacks on Sarah Palin and her family.

the taco bell one was funny too


1. Letterman
2. Joan Rivers
3. David Brenner
4. Johnny
5. Craig

why did stern badmouthed norm macdonald? anyone has the clip of it?

Norm was talking to the media saying Stern abided Artie's degradation.

so norm was in the wrong here, that canadian cocksucker

i'd say 99%

Is Joe Rogan the modern day equivalent to Howard Stern?

Also why doesn't howard get cameos in films?

she lovely oh my

Maybe as an interviewer, but that's only a tiny fraction of what Stern was in its prime. They were actually my least favorite parts of the show, aside from segments where they would bring thots on that listeners couldn't even see.



Wew lad

ass treeks

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who me?

Coo be, yea a cuppla times I did it
he moved down south with his family and can't travel anymore due to diabeetus and other health issues


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