What the fuck was his problem?
Stop making threads about jewflix shows no one watches this shit
He was in a shitty TV show, is shown to think himself an expert on stalking but got btfo over and over
god pls give me beck irl
Too much Yea Forums.
formerly me
think again
is it me or the main girl had a HUGE ass?
I hated her friends cause they feel why too real.
Any hari panty scenes?
i wish the whole beth finding out thing lasted longer than one episode
it was over before they really got to explore that aspect
any of you fags read the book?
He browsed and posted on Yea Forums.
if it ain't peach i'll kill myself
>reading not watching
go to sleep, grampa
rolling for the chinawoman
Which one was Claudia? What did she do
this, it was how he sounded
ez peachy
So music girl who will cheat on me? I'll just enjoy that month of new relationship bliss and dump her the second it requires any investment.
fuck, I’m a fag
He's like the guy from 500 Days of Summer taken to a new level. Some girl likes the stupid shit he likes and he takes that as having a perfect soul mate waifu
It is strange to see the obsessive stalker character actually reform into a healthy relationship and want to stop midway through
Only for that slut Beck to force her way back in
You need all these toxic single digit posters out of your life beck.
I hope you don’t mind if I use a script to guarantee my doubles and therefore guarantee you.
I know you love me, Beck.
epic fail
Candace will do, but I want to roll again.
greedy asshole
Enoy feminine benis
I was hoping she'd get raped in that cave dungeon thing.
Joe did nothing wrong, honestly.
Why can't no one get Beck.
Not knowing what to do with Benny and leaving his piss jar is a few things
candice or i kill myself
I lowkey hoped hed fall for Peach
a robot's wet dream because she'll never leave you
didnt get enough (You)s