Why the FUCK some italian kid would randomly give a Pinocchio book to a total stranger?

Why the FUCK some italian kid would randomly give a Pinocchio book to a total stranger?

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>why isn't my capeshit 100% logical?

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So he can jerk off to her noticing him later at home

He saw a smoking hot redhead. Us Meds love redheads.

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She's hot

He probably didn't like and was looking for some random tourist to give it away.

It was a girl who hand the book to her.
And her hair is a huge distraction. It is way too artificial and fancy for someone living under water.

>It was a girl who hand the book to her.
Uh... All girls are AT LEAST Bi-Curious. Maybe she thought Mera was pretty and wanted to be her friend or some shit.
>And her hair is a huge distraction. It is way too artificial and fancy for someone living under water.
Yeah, that's true. Comic Books don't color red hair properly, and they went for a Comic Boom look. She basically looks like Ariel.

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I disagree about the red hair. They made her the little mermaid in look and people seemed to dig it.

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All I was thinking during her scenes was how she managed to dye her hair under water.

t. never been to Italy

>It is way too artificial and fancy for someone living under water.
>who's Ariel

I actually did and the only people who approached me actually tried to take things from me, not give me random stuff


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I would give her my soul if I saw her irl

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You don't look like Mera dumbfuck

Damn Amber Heard is so hot, i would let her suck my fortune and my soul if it'd mean she'd suck my cock too.

you don't know that
also, rude.

Italians love Pinocchio. It’s the only thing they have to be proud of.


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>what is pasta?
>what is tiramisu?

>This shows up at your lighthouse
Wat do?

that's not even natural red

ROILLY?! And here I thought me funny books had natural colors on mermaids! In-Universe maybe Atlanteans have such a bright red or some shit user, the fuck do I know? That kid probably saw Superman flying by the other day; it ain't gonna question the shade of red.

The point is if meds love redheads they love natural redheads, her hair might as well be in the same category as an SJW tumblirina tatted up roasite.

FUck off wop.

because it isn't a good film.

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Those are fictional fucking Meds in a world with Superman and Wonder Woman. Maybe there are muties with such a natural haircolor. Christ you autist, stop taking everything so serious.

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You're not fictional you fucking balding manlet.

She wanted to thank her and had nothing to give but the book

It's pretty simple even someone like you should have gotten it