I haven't been to a movie theater in over a decade. How do I go see this movie by myself without being laughed at or looking like a sperg?
I haven't been to a movie theater in over a decade...
>implying people will laugh at you
Everyone wants to see this lil nigga, relax.
you literally can't
unless you go to an evening or nightscreening where all the adults and zoomers with too much freetime and alcohol go
Kidnap a child and have it escort you inside before setting it free
Hire an escort to go with you
Just don't smell bad or bring attention to yourself and no one cares you're there.
Literally everyone is gonna watch this. You’ll still look like a sperg, though.
It's not difficult, just use a ticket kiosk. I go to autistic anime re-screenings alone all the time. I'm also /fit/ and good looking so that probably helps
go in looking angry and wearing a wifebeater
This. Make the experience unpleasant for everyone there, especially the children.
Look like this
is this a hookup thread?
i'll go with you op
I’ll go with both of you if you want
Only if youre biologically female
You dont need to feel ashamed cause I guarantee there will be a lot of manchildren autists playing with their pokemon on their switches while waiting for the movie to start
Kidnap a child and pretend to be their dad.
I want to come too
That actually sounds like a fun idea!
Just go. Lots of people go to the movies by themselves
Not where I live
Jesus just go to an early showing about a week into the screening of the movie. There will be like 3 people in the theater and nobody will care. I've watched the last 3 movies that I've seen alone in the theater and as long as you aren't staring at people or making weird fucking faces or noises you'll be fine.
You dont, just watch it online.
Just go to a screening 2 or 3 weeks in.
Nobody cares whether you go alone unless the theater is like 3/4+ full
Why would this of all movies to come out in the last 10 years be the only one that makes you want to go to the theater again?
its the only thing in 10 years to come out that looks fun?
It’s Pokemon, but in real life. Did you forget how huge Pokémon go was?
What a sad, sad post. I can't even imagine how much you've missed out on.
for 15-16 year olds.
Can i join you guys? I dont have any friends. I have plenty of weed if you guys are into it tho
Order your tickets online beforehand and sit in the back.
buy two tickets and say youre waiting for a friend as you go in
go to the earliest showing during a school day, that way you'll probably be the only person watching it, or one of like 3 other autists. You'll sit so far apart it'll be like you watched it by yourself
my birth certificate says I'm female :^)
DUDe wtf is your problem just go see it
I'm in Vegas
Because I don't like capeshit
Who cares? There have been so many more movies that I'd think would excite an 18+ year olds more than Pokemon (or capeshit -- pretty much on the same level) idk, the only solution I have is to dismiss this as a manchild thread and OP and give up.
Also to the other guy, why am I supposed to care how much the Pokemon Franchise has made?
Pokemon Go has pretty much made pokemon for all ages now. Theres no shame anymore. Yuore fine dude
I swear, I feel that Yea Forums is taking my genuine posts and turning them into memes
Not that it's something that bothers me, keep doing it, idgad
But it's just sad that I'm so pathetic that the genuine shit I say are interpreted as ironic and become memes
>t. contrarian retard
You’d think that with all the people who post threads like these, that either:
A)your expectation of getting laughed at means it happens quite often, at which point you should’ve gotten used to it by now
B)it never happens, because if it did, thou wouldn’t worry about it being so bad.
Do Americans really care about this? No one bats a fucking eye if you go to the cinema alone here.
Nobody cares if you go alone in the movies (it's the patrician way) but being a 40 year old single guy in a movie about a talking yellow rat in a theater with kids, moms and dads then you may end up spending the night in jail
man, lucas was right
all the money is in toys and merch
This is the age of 35 year olds collecting Pop figures and getting marvel tattoos. No one cares.
pre-heat your spaghetti at a gas station microwave before taking it into the theater lobby
Can you really smuggle food into the kinotorium?