what are the best satanic ritual movies?
What are the best satanic ritual movies?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Witch
eyes wide shut
9th gate
End of Days.
lords of salem
Rosemary’s baby
Evil dead
a dark song
also the ending is great
fuck off plebs
this looks like a don't deliver us from evil remake still
I once saw a movie where a guy on a wheelchair summoned a demon while he was on a ship in the middle of the ocean with some other people. the demon killed everybody except wheelchair dude who then sealed the demon inside of him so he could walk again.
dont remeber what it was called
fuck satan
Cool. I guess the twist ending was that the wheelchair guy was possessed by the demon. At least he could walk tho ;^D
This is bullshit if you watch lucifer youll see the devil is actually decent
The Devil's Rock.
Starry Eyes
The Devil Rides Out
Suspiria (1977)
This, the Craft and the Witch
yesterday I watched the blackcoat's daughter. try it if you like a24
Rosemary's Baby is great. If music videos count, then see Danzig's "Mother".
It's just a jump to the left
Is "A Dark Song" any good?
Based, I mean its how the abramelin operation is meant to end if you do it right.
>based tranny-poster
Its the best movie out there about occultism.
Its also one of the few movies which shows more about occultism then 'read this from a book which is not the necronomicon and a spooky ghost will appear' like they love to do in movies about this subject.
This movie made me so hype for that Sabrina reboot show because they were playing it up to be all horror and satanism and Shipka was pretty great at that.
Great movie, but god damn that show sucked.
Rosemary’s Baby is my favorite film of all time.
I haven’t seen anything that I believe comes close.
Why is Kiki in so much Satanic based stuff?
who doesn't love Satan?
Me nigga
The Black Door
cool thread. hail Satan.
delete this.
Might watch tonight’
what are they doing?
I enjoyed it
Sexual ritual.
It’s good and really does a good job of exploring the personal side of occultism and has a more realistic presentation
This was absolute kino
Who is this qt?
thanks, user, I'll be sure to check it out.
based man you a blessed with an arkangel.
I love the alchemist cookbook , it was fun.
God I wish that were me
The end would've been great if it weren't for the cheap CGI, it's shit.
Fucking heathen delete this.
Movie is not out yet but it seems to be what you're looking for, OP
I loved the cousin of the protag, he was the typical ghetto nigger trying to understand alchemy which was funny.
Berserk is fucking amazing