how hype are you for this? personally, i don't think it can be better than boogie nights, that's a bona fide masterpiece

Attached: nolankino.jpg (3720x1778, 1.93M)

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WTF this isn't Dune (2019)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I ain't reading all that shit.

Took multiple swipes to the right to read one line on my phone. I’m not reading all that nonsense OP

true acolytes of film would sweat and squint but finish readingit
your lack of devotion to kino is pathetic

It really depends on how they tell the story. I am hoping for a non pc lends.

It's probably going to be shit.

Porn actress becomes fbi informant against the mafia

if jessica chastain disrobes for this I will cum buckets


Complete made up bullshit

>Production Weekly’s tweet also provides our first details of any kind concerning Untitled Christopher Nolan Project’s plot: They report that the film is being described as “a romantic thriller, North by Northwest in tone meets Inception,” adding that the film is scheduled to begin production this June.
>romantic thriller
You're always wrong.

Sounds boring. Should've made Interstellar 2 instead.

Nolan only makes PG-13 films

Thanks for killing my eyes.

This has got to be the worst leftist meme I've ever seen.

Lead actress role is literally made for Jennifer Lawrence. She could finally get all naked on screen in some porno scenes.

Sounds like an interesting story with an actually interesting character.

Kek, if this is true. There's never been more elevated status for filming some dude porking a chick

de Palma and pta already made porn themed kino ,yawn this is nothing new unless there's full blown penetration by an a list actress filmed in imax ,it honestly sounds made up

> nolankino.jpg (1.93 MB, 3720x1778)
yeah... no. Someone gonna have to at least add some line breaks in that mofo before ima read it, ya feel me senpai

Can you just make up any shit on this blindlist website?

Great read. lose Jennifer Lawrence and it might be a perfect movie