How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
>5 mins ago
You tell me.
>User Ratings: N/A
>caring about user ratings
genuinely why?
Users haven't seen the movie yet.
Less shilling than the critics
I mean, even at 83%, incels have definitely been BTFO by an amazing score of 78%
critics are literally bought. Black panther is the number 1 movie of all time according to critic score
No Marvel film is good so the fact that this managed to bamboozled /pol/ is v funny
God this really pisses me off. I don’t give a shit about this movie but just GO HOME /pol/. These threads are started by pathetic poltards masquerading as the other side, for the sole purpose of riling up other poltards. Just fucking stop.
User ratings are 100% political all of the time.
Metacritic is either a 10 or a zero. Those aren't ratings; they're fanatical nonsense or a fucking temper tantrum
I don't care about capeshit because i'm not a mouth breathing pleb
Holy shit, even with the desperate shilling at Black Panther levels, it couldn't break 90%? This must be a fucking trash-fire.
No one bitched about the Wonder Woman movie because:
1. It didn't look like shit
2. It wasn't shit
3. It didn't have an aggressively anti-male marketing campaign
Death to Hollywood. Trust-bust Disney.
>people are saying something negative about a woman
>they're right-wing trolls doing it because they hate women. Because republicans hate women
Is this what you think?
Is it really?
>1. It didn't look like shit
>2. It wasn't shit
>mfw even the reviews praising it are saying brie was a miscast and not very good
It's not even true.. I just checked and on the first page alone 3/5 of the negative reviews are from women.
>User ratings are 100% political all of the time
so are critics
if you pay attention to them you're a retard
I mean, he's not wrong
I hope that cunt is being ironic
>Men are writing all the bad reviews
>Literally called The Mary Sue
you can't make this shit up
You do realize they purged the negative feedback it got? Those 114 reviews are paid shills. They censor anything negative that is said about the movie.
Is this a rebuttal
User ratings open after the Thursday night previews
so are critics, are you stupid?
Someone post that review from that raging feminist who hated the movie
> 8 Negative Reviews
> 3 of them are female
> 1 is from a gay russian male
> 1 is from a black guy
> 3 are from bi-sexual men
That seems more like a thing you invented to give yourself a feeling of victimhood than anything real. When you read the critiques (which I don't do often), they are generally about the movie and its merits.
There isn't a single user review about which you can say the same anymore
Imagine being a man and caring about a superhero movie that's about a woman? can you imagine?
>why care about the majority of people who are supposed to see the movie and make up the entire box office earnings
You are incredibly retarded.
>hating on based Wondy
>every time one of these threads pops up it's 2% lower
Fuck marvel, fuck dc, fuck the shills, fuck the discorders, fuck the fans, and fuck the haters.
Everybody dance with me!
user if they purged all the negative feedback it would be at 100%
Fuck Ed Boon
No. Just a regular buttal.
>wrong side of history
I mean, sure, user reviews are great if I want ot know why something is a 0/10 (not a real thing)
But if you're not really interested in someone else's temper tantrum, they are worthless
>didn't look like shit
at least this is demonstrably false
>why care about the opinions of thousands of people when you can care about the opinions of a few dozen that are paid by the companies making the movies?
less than 98% for a Marvel movie is dogshit desu
If it dips to even a 6.99 it's to be deemed a 6/10 and therefore bad in modern scoring.
>There isn't a single user review about which you can say the same anymore
Try not to say something so hyperbolic and wrong that it discredits your entire argument
>fewer reviews
>higher rating
I was talking about the massive purge they did a few days ago that made them change the entire site for Captain Feminism
I got your hyperbolic argument RIIIIIIIIGHT here
agree or disagree; I don't care
Yes he is.
He is 4 levels of contrived and he can't even be bothered to make sure they all make sense.
Stop and actually evaluate the drivel that you just regurgitate from other sources like a baby bird
1. Republicans don't "hate women". Unless you think not spending half your paycheck on an e-girl's Patreon account means you "hate women"
2. These people aren't "right wing". Even the most simple-minded developmentally stunted redditor manchildren that just want to see a space alien with glowing eyes punch 2003 CGI think this movie looks lame
3. Why is this a rebuttal?
Why does being "right wing" nullify their opinion?
For someone that's liberal (you can only be 2 things, because you're an Ameridumb), you're awfully okay with making sweeping prejudices
BASED real Yea Forums here, fuck everyone
Mark my words: this is the Hillary to Black Panther's Obama. People being told they must like it isn't going to mean a thing.
They didn't really do anything. Once the movie opens for everyone you can still go on and rate the movie. We already know the same people that clicked not interested will go and give it 1 star.
Fucking imagine giving something an 83% while in the same breath saying that it follows an established formula.
I bet you don't even kiss your mother after fucking her. You don't, do you? Fucking virgin gayfag incel.
>That seems more like a thing you invented to give yourself a feeling of victimhood than anything real.
>When you read the critiques (which I don't do often), they are generally about the movie and its merits.
general statement, means nothing, anyone can talk about the movie and its merits
>There isn't a single user review about which you can say the same anymore
lmao, pure retardation
try formulating your thought more carefully next time
looks like something from who framed roger rabbit
Based and Yea Forumspilled
Remember when you guys were adamant there was some sort of theatre buyout conspiracy?
based and redpilled
They really need to par down this top critics list. A lot of these are so light on any worthwhile critique and are essentially just summaries of the movie.
>Black Panther's Obama
Black Panther released well after Obama was out of office
I remember when I fucked your dad.
That buyout shit was really really retarded but Disney has bought out theaters before and even forced people to break contracts with other studios.
Yea Forums gets collective amnesia whenever they post something retarded and then get proven wrong
I've got oodles of noodles for you.
Wouldn't that user posting it by definition prove you wrong?
Rotten Tomatoes will change the negative ratings to positive ones to keep it at 100%
How very euphoric of you.
Stop watching Disney garbage
> It's not happening in Little Rock!
Who you calling little?
No, stop watching capeshit in general. That includes DC and shit like Alita.
>Tumblerinas flood Yea Forums bragging about Captain Marvels score
>Somehow /pol/ gets namedropped and blamed for this anyway
fucking lmao
Google's results are slow to update, it's best to get showtimes directly from your theatres website
looks trash and wont even hit 700 mil
>using google
Well there's your problem, numbnuts
Male Yea Forums is so fragile lol
That's a really old really misused meme
>trust the critics goy!
Absolutely based
I'll misuse your meme, faggot
>It wasn't shit
You got me. I saw the movie and it wasn't pushing an agenda, or telling me how my skin color or my penis makes me a danger to society
It was just the Gunnm OVA made by James Cameron. Litteraly
actually you shouldn't trust anyone, not even yourself. no one of us are real
Very respectable of Rod.
You're trying to tell me that stealing my heart wasn't part of her agenda?
Yes? She's basically a superhero.
Why are they making out that you cannot possibly dislike this movie without being an incel
And you're basically an autisic incel
Idk then chief, all I can say is call your local theatre and ask them if the next week's schedule is up or if the night manager is the one working on it
So edge of tomorrow is a superhero movie? And Pacific Rim too?
>the virgin Peter
>the Chad David
Not really.
If incel power were that large then Alita wouldn't be a box office bomb
You're right, you're not basically an autistic incel. You are an autistic incel.
Bend the knee to CAPTAIN MARVEL or die a virgin you stupid fuck
>Literal floods of Pro or anti Captain marvel shitpost threads who do nothing but try to piss people on the other "side" off are allowed to stay up.
>Lighthearted Robert posting instantly gets the hammer
Mods, you're lazy pathetic, retarded pieces of shit.
User ratings are the only ratings that matter.
If a review mentions reviewing meta or current politics you can guarantee the movie is rotten.
Yes literally anything can be considered capeshit at this point
Look's like it's going to drop into the mid 70's so I guess you can sum it up as "fine" but it's no Wonder Woman that's for sure
I really hate this fucking obsession people have with being on the "right side of history" these days
like everyone else in the planet
C- is not even THAT bad
>mfw 2001 is capeshit in space
It's all about when you make your threads, not the content or quality. You have to create your thread after they finish their semi-regular purges. They just had one maybe half an hour ago.
You have to really break some serious rules to get deleted when they are resting.
This is the formula for narcissists user. If you can't achieve anything in life you elevate mundane acts to achievements, so there's a whole current pathology where people invent and exaggerate their enemies so they by comparison get to feel good about themselves and it doesn't cost them anything. "People don't like this because they're sexist, not me though, i love women" and to maintain internal consistency just ignore anything that runs contrary to their insulated world view. When in reality some people are just going to not like things and not views the world through a lens of patriarchy or whatever.
Whatever you say retard
Straight white men are this movies biggest ally. They're to scared of being called sexist to give it a bad review
I do say retard. To people like you.
Millennial People
All mythology and religion is capeshit too. Make sure you remember that.
Not clever, not good. Just embarrassing, I actually feel bad for you.
Friday opening night 7pm showing.
lmao this is worse than japanese cartoons
All me btw
>caring about what (((critics))) get paid to say
good goy
I bet you were born of (((woman)))
the movie will be frontloaded me thinks.
the reception for this is about on par with ant man 2. It will open much higher though because of Endgame, but it's probably gonna miss the billion and end around 850-900 million
I'll frontload your dick
It broke even faggot and is still in theaters.
It's a genious ad strategy, don't even question it
>fuck you white men, we don't want you're kind here watching this movie
>it's white men's fault this movie isn't doing well
The only thing I'm questioning here is how you managed to fit 20 dicks in your ass at once. Like seriously, how did you do that? I'm more impressed than anything else.
(((You))) would be wrong. and to be fair, user reviews don't matter either, watch the movie yourself so you can have an informed opinion about whether it's a good movie or not.
Uhhh... It's getting lower... KEK!
it's going to hit 500M after 4 weeks you dingus. It's at 350M right now and they haven't updated foreign countries since the first week
>Yea Forums gets collective amnesia whenever they post something retarded and then get proven wrong
You mean like how all you retards forgot the critic and audience discrepancy?
>implying I'm going to read anything born from a tank has to say
You're not even a real person.
I need to see a bunch of manbabies crying about a female lead
Orange lady bad
>The mary sue
More like Hairy Jew
The logic is weird, he doesn't like the movie but he contextualises everyone else's dislike of the movie as a function of misogyny. Instead of accepting that they may have disliked it for a bunch of independent reasons. So people are misogynistic for coming to a conclusion that he also came too. I literally cant wrap my head around this shit.
>I literally cant wrap my head around this shit.
Yet you keep wrapping your head around dicks.
Twitterly Who btfo
>watch the movie yourself
no, I won't watch it
There's still time to delete your retarded post.
itt: 12 year old Faggots discuss an Rt score
God that finger is almost touching the ground
>mfw it bombs
I literally can't
You know it won't. May not be good, but Marvel movies are pretty much monkey making guarantees at this point.
Pretty damn low for an PC (you hate it you sexist) marvel movie.
A lot of the review summaries are negative, but they give 3/5 so it’s a “positive” review.
Remember Solo?
okay then your opinion about whether the movie is good or not has no value.
you can critique the marketing and how shitty and racist foot fungus lady is because you've witnessed them first hand, but your opinion on a movie that you haven't seen, doesn't mean anything.
that being said, fuck captain marvel and fuck capeshit.
Same face I make when dropping n-bombs.
That's not a Marvel movie
She's going to beat Thanos single handed without any of the other Avengers to help, isn't she? Superman tier levels of shitness
But it is a disney movie, just like this one.
>best movie cat ever
>poltards still seething
LMAO get a life
I'll need to see Cavill's feet before making that judgement
same goes to you my retarded tranny
The (((chosen ones))) are shitting on this movie?
Avengers is coming out in April. Ms. Marvel only has a few weeks to make it's cash.
When you fail them, they must purge you from memory.
If it gets like Ant-Man like box office then guess what? It bombed anyways. So all we have to do is wait till it plateaus at Thor, Hulk or Ant-Man levels and Marvelshills are fucking done.
okay this is based
2/4 from The Washington Post still counts as fresh?
If they can't tell whether a review is fresh or rotten from the score then RT contact the reviewer personally and ask whether they meant it to get either a fresh or a rotten.
>history started when my ideas formed
No. They're actually disgusting. She's already a 4'11" turbo womanlet and her feet are really disproportionately huge even if you ignore the fingertoes.
based peggy hill
Why do people watch capeshit? What's worse, Hollywood exports its spew to other countries, and it outranks native cinema at the box office. Defend your shit taste if you can.
Because mediocrity sells
No. I'm doing you a favor.
Is there no normal men left in the industry?
Ok. I name you Dave.
Hey guys, remember how Ghostbusters 2016 was certified fresh also?
>That pic.
Thanks for the laugh
>perfect dark
mah n-word
Well, it helps that WW has an actual storied history as a feminist icon but not being solely that in a pushy way and was one earned over time. CM never had that. Always has reeked of a forced agenda. And it's not like Marvel doesn't have any other options. They just picked the worst one to push in a solo movie starring someone who is more an activist than an actress at this point who barely registers a pulse on screen.
I liked the WW movie. Some wonky CGI but that's par for every CB flick these days so I don't hold it against it. None of them are going to look good in five years time, hell they don't look good now. For a female centered superhero flick it did it's job well. Quite a few male driven ones paled in comparison. Best I can say for it. None of these movies should be nominated for major awards if we're being honest. They're all fantasy tripe with fairly basic story formulas at the end of the day.
>Under 90%
Not even the paid Marvel shills can shill this trash
Black Panther is garbage that white people are too racist/scared to say sucks
Is this bitch clinically retarded?
>being this fuckin paranoid
why do i even go on these stupid fuckin websites
Do you guys seriously think people who watch capeshit look on rotten tomatoes to see if it's worth it?
Critics can be bought