Is Quentin Tarantino the most alpha male movie director of all time?

Is Quentin Tarantino the most alpha male movie director of all time?

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no, that would be John Ford

no, that would be Clint Eastwood

no, that would be Mike Stoklasa


nah hes the most beta other then Paul Fiege

No, he is a fucking dweeb

Thats a big NO.

i think so

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>forces Uma Thurman to be in a life-endangering stunt that permanently damages her
>she still fucks him later and lets him film her toes
Hmm... maaaybe

no, that would be Mel Gibson

no, that would be Alfred Hitchcock

Sam Peckinpaugh, motherfucker?!

Is a close 2nd.

James Cameron, Quentin is close though.

peckinpah. herzog. cimino. kubrick. coppola. friedkin. siegel. eastwood. prime ford. hawks. kurosawa. hitchcock literally considered actors a cattle.




No, Sam Fuller.

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No, that would be Sergio Leone or David Lean


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>wife cheated on him with a black man
>got blacklisted from hollywood for getting drunk and being an idiot
>did nothing for a decade
>didn't even get a cameo in Miller's Mad Max revival
>had to have fucking rdj, of all people, apologise on his behalf and beg for forgiveness
>hollywood gives him a second chance in the form of a ww2 film about pacifism that revels in its violence and stars a jew
Wow, so based...

someone post that rumor about how he picked up two girls by asking if their father had as big of a cock as he has

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Isn't be Catholic

why are there no controversies amd fights on sets nowadays? or at all in modern cinema? go to imdb trivia of literally any old coppola/ford/peckinpah/cagney/etc movie and there are all sorts of details about pranks, brawls, shenanigans etc

he's some obscure version that's against the roman pope or something. he has his own church

He's a childfucker like the rest of them

I think it's called a Valentinian

or Oliver Stone

Actually, you're right.

You're all wrong

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Too sensitive & not in the homicidal rapist way like PECHINPAUGH