s8 trailer:
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Azor Jon
Post your favourite art
Pic related is pretty much how I envisioned Stannis when reading ACoK
>Final scene ends, fade to black
>"YEARS LATER" in white text
>fade-in in on a group of monks setting a table for dinner
>"Where's Maester Sam?"
>"In his chambers, writing in that book of his"
>"Still? Well leave him be, you know how he hates interruptions"
>cut to a candle lit room, and the silhouette a fat old man hunched over a desk
>camera pans in toward his back, over the sound of quill scratching ink to paper
>close up of the book, a fat hand carefully laying down the quill and closing the cover to reveal the title
>camera cuts back, looking into the room as the silhouette stands up and shuffles toward the door
>stops and looks back toward the desk.
>camera cuts again to show the candlelit face of George R. R. Martin
>looks at the desk and smiles, then looks straight into the camera
>Cut to black
And everybody claps
>and who
>are you
>lul muh dragons and chair
>100 million budget
>reddit spacing
/got/ is back
giant sansa and stannis vendor pasta PLEASE
>bringing the Golden Company into the story this late
To what end?
Dragons need something to burn while Dany looks smug
Will he save Winterfell
This is just fucking generic ass fantasy now. The Others were cool little side shit in the books, but no, I was not hoping to see a final big zombie army battle, I read this shit many years ago for the rich characterization and politics not for dragons and shit.
To generate fake tension.
She's pretty fucked without an army. This way, some pretense of drama and suspense can be maintained.
Is stannis really like that? I though he was supposed to be an ugly lanklet.
This is how I felt from the beginning. Interesting medieval politics mixed with lame dragonshit. Eventually the ratio politics to dragonshit became to bad.
His face is gaunt and he looks older than he is, but he's still a pretty strong dude with a Chad square jaw.
this would be kino ending desu
Good King Joffrey coming through
This, Baratheon genetics are top tier so even with his receding hairline he's still manly enough to be a chad
I've been on Yea Forums longer than you've been alive probably, I just refuse to post a wall of text without breaking it up.
tfw Gurm actually was supposed to have a cameo but refused so he can finish the fucking book
you cant make this shit up
if he showed up it would probably have been something like this
Maario Naharis
your shit meme is shit
lul that Mansa looks like fat lancel from s5
the only acceptable outcome is for cersei to win everything
>app doesn't just change Gilly into a man, it puts her in a shirt and suit jacket
fucking kek
>Jaime is a 10/10 regardless of gender
Truly top tier genetics.
Tormund has such an epic beard that even his female version has one
Brienne has such a manly face that her genderswapped photo looks literally the same except with another haircut
Bran is a loli in both genders
Most mysteriously, Renly actually turns into Smirkfu
>female Viserys is literally just Daenerys
What they did to Casterly Rock in the show was a fucking crime.
>mfw I realize Game of Thrones' plot is basically Army of Darkness
>was about to say "without the time travel fuckery" but HOLD THE DOOR
>was about to say "without the Remington and Oldsmobile" but give D&D time
>female Euron
I always imagine Jon as an attractive teenage, not some JUSTed bong actor.
>missandei is exactly the same just darker
Female Viserys is just Viserys
>nearly all the women turn into chads
this says a lot about our society
Rob becomes Daisy Ridley
doran is cara delevigne
Ros too
Why does it keep doing this
Jon looks like Ned, and Ned is described as plain. Jon is probably just Wall handsome rather than regular handsome.
Can't choose a favorite Tyrrell
Cause it removes the hair and has to use something for the sholders?
Yara turns into Tommy Robinson
This but younger
the dag should have been dany
Is it true that Harry Strickland and the Golden Company end up almost immediately joining the “good guys” because the white walkers show up to Winterfell right after they do? If so what does Euron do? Run away or join them?
I didn't necessarily imagine him being a male model or anything, just not older and gross like Kit. He's still like 14 or 15 in the books.
The worst one was Doran though, I never imagined him looking live Julian fucking Bashir.
So which leak should be trusted? I just read one that was absolutely garbage.
He was never supposed to be weak, just a joyless asshole
Winterfell send Jaime and Varys to negotiate with Euron, which goes poorly.
After most die, the GC split between fleeing like bitches and joining the Northsmen to die like bitches instead.
Euron goes home to Kings Landing
you got fat, father
I got my money on Jon “the King in the North!” Snow
at first I was like
He is described as ugly though
but then I was like
He's not. He's imposing and tall, like all Baratheons, and became gaunt enough to see the outline of his skull after Renly's death, but he's never called ugly.
femloras obviously
is it wrong to want jaime to go back to cersei
You mean after he literally, unironically raped her?
Yup. The hairline works against him when people draw him with more hair than the actor imo but he's definitely not an ugly man by virtue of bone structure.
Female Viserys is what Dany was supposed to look like.
more wives, your grace?
listen you homosexual lookism retards, he's an ugly piece of shit which is why nobody wants to fuck him hence his personality, fuck you and your mothers
Cersei will betray the good guys, and Jaime will be forced to kill her, making him both Kingslayer and Queenslayer.
Jaime dies fighting the Walkers. Brienne avenges him and dual-wields Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail, which Jaime renames Hero's Wrath with his final breath as he gives it to her.
No need to screencap this, we all saw the leaks.
>friendly reminder that Jaime is already a kinslayer in the show
>Nobody wants to fuck him
He was a brother to a king from a great house, you simp. He could fuck any woman he wanted, if he's not being a lech, that's his decision.
Shae became Alex Honnold
>wield Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail
>use them to block dragon fire
>they melt and merge back into one sword
>Jon Snow picks it up
>Ice is reforged
Ned Approves.jpg
fuck I thought I got over this but still mad
Who did he kill?
>longer than you have been alive
how fucking new are you
he already slayed her cunt
>nobody wants to fuck him
Stannis not wanting to fuck isn't the same as no one wanting to fuck him. He's the least attractive of the three brothers, but that doesn't make him ugly.
checked and confirmed
By the time of AGoT he was definitely better looking than Robert
I was thinking in their prime, but yeah, Robert completely destroyed himself.
Ah ok. Do we know what happens when they get back to kings landing? Is the old rumor about the dragon pit exploding and killing all of the male characters true?
>tfw you rewatch a S1 or S2 GoT scene and remember how cool Tyrion used to be
Fuck D&D
Holy fucking überchad
He killed his cousin to escape Robb Stark
That cousin explicitly made the distinction between the family and The Family. He was a Lannister but he was also some 8th cousin thrice removed that meant no more to him than any other rando impressed by tales of his heroics
Hold the whore
>virgin brienne vs chad brian(ne)
Rhaegal is looking SMASHED AND SLAMMED.
>Though the sight of Greyjoy ships may have us thinking of Euron, these are only three meager ships, none of them Silence, and none of them bearing Euron’s modified Greyjoy sigil with the red eye. So this is probably Theon
sure, but he's still technically kin
So what is Arya running from?
Mountain. Hound saves her
What's up with that awkward Cersei scene? It feels like something was supposed to happen or she was supposed to say something but it's just silence.
tfw no frog gf
>Sansa's face barely changed
kino if true
Bobby B rising from his grave
jorah has heartsbane on his hip
That's called a "generic prop sword" user
he was at the citadel with sam when he healed him, user
So was Gilly, your point?
Catelyn becomes CIA
The quick shot of The Hound does have similar lighting as the Arya shots and he has blood on his face. Could be true.
>another 6 months of ultramega reddit posting on my Yea Forums
cant wait
i want to live in casterly rock lads
this looks fucking terrible, holy shit
that he gave it to jorah? i thought the implications were implied but your point about gilly needs some explaining cause thats like completely irrelevant.
>good guys
fuck off starkshit dragonshit
First for based Dickon
Season 8 is going to be wall-to-wall fan service crap, isn't it.
Scenes women will never understand
uhh guys? you're not gonna believe this
we just landed in a world where brothers fuck their sisters and dragons exist
at least we can bobbypost the threads to death
>Hound saves Arya
>Gets desperate enough to use his blood on his sword, igniting it
>Runs Clegane through
"This is how it ends for you, cunt."
Boar wine your grace?
her bong genes
Your mother was a boar, did you know that?
Thomas, gods what a stupid name. Who named you? Some Putney blacksmith with a stutter?
Why would he think of smearing blood on his sword?
Kelly C dies at the end confirmed.
What’s her fucking endgame?
"fuck everything"
be the "bad guy" so the brainlet audience can cheer for the "good guys"
bonus points for being an emporewed waman
>getting drunk at Red keep while the assholes up North are dying in droves
She has the right idea.
Sounds pretty kino desu, hope they go with this
>oh look another cover to cum on
Its been a while since i got a new one.
It's a good plan.
In those spoilers we Euron take over the throne after Cersei is killed Arya. The last episode had the remaining characters storming the beach at kingslanding fighting the golden company and then Euron blows up jon, the hound a few others and himself at the dragon pit
The Mountain's armour looks so fucking retarded. I just imagine him doing an echoey version of Goofy's laugh in the background.
Being best girl.
Post the leaks
>receding hairline
>not chad
Kys hairlet fag
She's going to use Qyburn to find a way of forging an alliance with the NK.
Qyburn will fuck her over in the last few eisodes, revealing his true power level and his true status as the true final boss.
The fucking Ginger, of course.
euron killing jon would be the most absolute retarded thing ever
fuck off with your retardedness
How does his story end lads?
Wow, if you were hit by that it would be extremely painful
He survives and becomes Lord Onion and a legend. People will tell stories about his accomplishments.
Sacrifices himself in a blood ritual to resurrect Based Stannis
D&D literally forgetting to write an ending for him, just as they forgot to give him any kind of motivation post Stannis.
And Shireen
This. He becomes a commoner to lord folk hero.
Does anyone feel that the energy surrounding Stannis is similar to the energy surrounding Trump pre-election? Very powerful individual.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Remake when?
funny meme, but Maisie isn;t good enough of an actor to portray the heartbreak necessary to play Quasimodo
>tfw they are like 1ft from him and can hear his shuffling as his heart is crushed and thye just don't care
Of course, Queen Shireen will reign following Stannis’ daring sacrifice at the Battle of the Breach - after pushing the armies of the dead back to the Wall, Stannis and his last straggling veterans charge alone into forces of the NK, holding the breach until Bran can reseal the Wall with his telekinetic powers.
I will literally fight every single GoT nigger on this entire fucking board
Post your contact info and I'll fly out to you and smash your stupid fucking face in
>weirdo just keeps watching
He really was a cuck.
This is the Cersei we needed
Someone edit this photo to make it look like she’s breathing in a brap.
Sure, but Lena is probably hotter than AFFC/ADWD Cersei was.
Taylor Swift as fuck
>Cersei with actual tits
I can support this. GoT is too fucking flat.
This is our board again now
>Golden company gets to Kingslanding
>Harry Strickland meets with Cersei
>All the sudden JonCon and the little blue haired faggot come out of no where and kill Cersei
>Showfags everywhere are confused
>Especially my mom who refers to characters as "The Bad Queen Syria", "the Dragon women" and "The girl that had to pretend to be a boy"
>Euron gets killed by Others
>Jon and Dany defeats the others, but Dany dies
>Final battle is now between Jon and Young Griff
>Varys betrays Jon, which gives Griff the advantage
>King Aegon is crowned
Book it
She looks great these days. That wig is atrocious though.
What is this hairstyle called?
>Fade to black
years later
>The tales of ASOIAF are seen as mythology and bed time stories
>Cut to police station
>"Jeez Frank, you here these cranks in the papers these days? Some jerkoff thought he saw a freakin' dragon on 4th street. What the fuck is happening to this city.
>Camera pans down
>Detective F. Targaryen
Pixie cut
Turnip. Or "how to make every other woman look worse becaue Daenerys is supposed to be fucking beautiful".
Lena Headey is actually ugly.
She has britbong's teeth.
Lena was in Purge 1 and was hot
Cersei is supposed to be stunning, its a weapon she uses for manipulation. But Lena just isn't that attractive, she portrays the attitude right, but is basically dike-tier appearance wise.
GOTbros...the ride is almost over....
This is exactly the kind of fanfiction shit they would do, too.
will we finally see him this season?
Though he would be mercilessly mocked for playing a character who actually finished his story.
nikolaj blowing a kiss to cersei /twincest/
Stay on reddit please
>those retards in the comments saying that Jaime is fighting with Brienne
>it's actually Pod
The absolute status of JBfags.
I'm honestly shocked that nobody has done a BLACKED or S O Y L E N T edit of this.
Keeping her shoulders properly ventilated.
who dis
myrcella baratheon lannister fucking shit
nell tiger free
Her smirking drives me up the fucking wall.
So it’s when he goes and rescues Yara, who Euron isn’t using as a salt wife for some reason. I’m going to be pissed if she still has a tongue, they showed his guys cutting everyone’s off when she was captured and she totally deserves it for always telling Theon to man up and get over his dick
The Hillary.
Ok I've gotta say these two have done some stupid things in the show.
But Euron attacking Winterfell with the Golden Company when the Nightking is right behind him has to be the most braindead thing in this entire show.
>the face of a middle aged women whose gone through multiple births, lost her entire family, hated by everyone and tortured for months not so long ago
No you see when the Night King sees him attacking Winterfell they're going to make an Alliance and NK will destroy the Red Keep but leave Cersei and leave them to the Iron Islands since they can't swim anyway
So mah boi CIA can use the power of the market economy to BTFO these feudal cucks.
I bet instead they'll do an Easter egg like have two blue haired characters in the Golden Company, but they get killed quickly after being introduced. Strickland gets flustered as hell and pretends it's nothing, but afterwards it's obvious he no longer wants to be there anymore.
John Snow will take over as night king, he is the prince who was promised (to the night king)
They already stole other scenes from Wrath of the Lich king, theyre going to do it again.
I wish I could make believe like this but Euron's big moment in sacrificing himself along with his men, Dothraki & Unsullied so the cowards hiding inside the castle can escape.
the proud lord said
Fucking finally someone else saw it
Top tier waifu's
That were posted at the end of august in 2017 but i can't be asked to dig through the archive to find em just remember there being 3 main battles winterfell the eyrie and kingslanding. The bit in the trailer that reminded of the spoiler was part was dani and Jon in the winterfell crypt.
the Emotional Vulcan
Jesus user i laffed out loud
No that would be awesome just because of how unpredictable it is. A character who was as of season five cut from the show they last minute thrown in for season six and then receiving a character overhaul in season seven killing the main hero of the series for some reason? It’s so absurd and representative of D&D winging this show that it would be an appropriate ending.
here it comes. shit threads for a shit show
Did anyone feel the dragons were smaller? They had budget properly or something?
They spend all the budget on emo winter clothing.
Why do Robert memes make me laugh every time?
I really do love you, you autistic fuck
I dunno but was he the only character with personality written in this show? He could be serious but always tell a joke, like he wouldn't of felt out of place in The Sopranos.
Also didn’t D&D say the end will be the same as the books even with the path changed along the way? Because Euron being the endgame villain is actually far and away the most likely ending for the books.
the dragonshit in the books is really dragon politics though.
>fly out
stannis was azor ahai, obviously since stannis is dead there is nobody to oppose the white walkers
logically this means the white walkers win
Anyone got a couple of good stills of Bran and if possible one of Jon/Kit puking? Wanna make a macro of Jon puking when Bran tells him he looked beautiful while fucking his aunt
Those are outdated. Those have Tyrion and Missandei raising Dany's kid. Bran is also dead and a couple other people. The new leaks have Tyrion being executed for treason and Bran is there and it was actually filmed.
>Wall handsome
I didn't see the leaks.
>Those have Tyrion and Missandei raising Dany's kid
Do you think Tyrion prepped the bull?
It felt weird, Drogon wasn't noticably fucking gigantic or even that much bigger than his sibling, but they did look more detailed I think
>it was actually filmed
Fake scenes get filmed with not even the actors knowing what is real
Cersei is supposed to be past her prime tho, an alcoholic and has given birth to three kids. Just slap a blonde wig on Lena in her 20s
>Jon looks like Ned
He looks like a Stark, and his mother was described as being pretty. Nobody is gonna compare him to the mother nobody knows about
based aggroposter
Damn, male Ygritte is Chad Chadington the Chadliest, twice Chaded, uncucked, breaker of thots.
pls anons
I dont have any good quality episodes on this drive
Unironically better looking than Dany.
You people cry about everything. You know for a fact that the final episode isn't even the battle, just as it has been ep 9 for the last 6 fucking years in a row now. The ending to every season has been small and character driven. Not sure why you think the formula will change all of a sudden.
>male arya
>female arya
whats the difference here?
Brienne literally looks the same, how the fuck?
This was the saddest change for me. Casterly Rock was always my favorite stronghold and it was pottery because you KNOW that in the books, the remaining Lannisters will be cooked in that natural oven by Dany but the show made it look like a generic castle.
>you wouldn't fuck Kit
I shed tears of joy reading this
>Lancel is the same either way
shes both a mega slut and super shy. I love her
She's not a slut, she's humble and pure.
that's a big sword
for you
More interested in Buck Strickland and the Propane Company desu
I'm getting conflicting reports here.
What game is this?
>Older Arya (at the bottom) is Cristiano Ronaldo
>Male Shae is the fusion of Aidan Gillen and Keanu Reeves
>Rickon is just fucking Rickon with makeup
>Roose is too alpha for the program to comprehend
>Podrick turns out to be a slightly less retarded version of Lily Allen
>whipbitch seriously looks like that beaner who worked at my office before his green card expired
So who kills Cersi?
Her own incompetence.
wall handsome
Wait so /got/ general are officially back?!
He didn’t actually turn it down. They released that story so it’ll be a surprise when he shows up.
Maybe she lost the child. She is drinking wine here. Teary eyed. Something has happened.
Dat Jona Snow
>No "It's a new one"
Almost perfect
I hope to see him go back to his wife Marya in the stormlands once the story ends
I hope so.
>Wall handsome
Now that I think about it it's surprising the show didn't turn the wall into a frozen San Francisco.
What is up with this guy anyways? Do you think he is a Rain?
He lives.
Super kek
I like most Dany’s that aren’t based on Clark’s appearance.
>"At last have won...A Game of Thrones"
Who was that at 1:19?
I've been blocked from posting images so here is a winky face in response to your post user.
; )
dude they've been confirmed for ages via casting lists
She gets drunk and is killed by a boar while running away from 20 good men.
why fire flaming arrows at infantry in the snow?
Hound I think
Until the mods boot them to make room for the pedo threads.
Fuck me, I thought it was Stannis for a minute.
Shit everywhere
Because its dark so you can't see where your arrows are landing. Essentially they're primitive tracer rounds.
>Comes back as a wight to save the realm from Cersei and the Dragon bitch
>Not even death will get in the way of duty
Literally the only character left who I care about.
Holy fucking shit you're right
I already was thinking during the trailer that I played this game before.
Dickon made the right choice. If you wouldn't die with your father like him, I don't know what to tell you.
interesting. I didn't expect an actual answer. Thank you kind user
not enough bobby posting in this thread..
Go back to /r/freefolk
>women, children, and trannies are hiding in the Winterfell crypts
>Night King raises the dead Stark kings
>everyone is slaughtered
It's gonna be based
Could Aegon work in the show if he was introduced early?
So Arya is running from the dead Starks in the crypt coming back to life thanks to the Night King, right?
you have to let go user
Dany's got crazy traps
Yeah, her tumblr tranny trap fans are pretty crazy
Tell me /GoT/bros...
How old were you when you hopped on this ride?
>mfw I just turned 14 when I bought the season 1 boxset from walmart
Kys zoomer
Jon is the next Night King
I mean she could kick my ass (I wish btw)
bout to gonna finna be a yikes from me
28, last year, I bought a bunch of smoked meat from a vendor at the local mart and pigged out while marathoning the whole series right before the season 7 premier.
>tfw we will never hear iain as jorah again