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Other urls found in this thread:


Joe's a pussy again

lmao what a cunt bitch

>Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde & Tim Pool
Literally who?

this is your last chance to save him Joe

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twitter fag, his lawyer and some nazi guy crying about muh freeze peach

Why is this woman even on? Tim and Jack and the only ones anyone wanted

>Tim Pool

I wish

>some nazi guy crying about muh freeze peach
Why are you lying?

It's called sarcasm

>bix nudes better pay up

Which one of you

Are they in separate room's lol whos the poo

>unironically being okay with corporate censorship
Gas yourself you shit eating brainwashed leftist.

>tfw Joe stabs Alex Jones in the back again

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Who is this pajeet and why should we care?

>*glass breaks*
>By gawd its Alex Jones, he's here!!!

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its a private platform you retard. They can do whatever the fuck they want.

Jack sends a woman so he can claim sexism if they're too hard on her

Diversity Messiah

tim pool is /r/hapa poster

Tim pool needs to rip jack a new asshole and call him out to everyone right in front of his face.

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Send Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo in.

true but dont act like you have no biases and that you are fair

>computer company
>poo in loo employee

>center lefty vs 2 far lefties
What fight!

They shouldn't be allowed to and I'm a guy that typically supports free markets.

Who are these fucking nobodies? Get Alex Jones again

How much you wanna be there won't be one single peep about Dorsey handing censorship powers to the (((ADL)))?

Joe "I change my political beliefs depending on who I'm interviewing" Rogan

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>Translation- they can ban whoever they want unless it's people I agree with

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>but tim
>but tim

so condescending

nothing will happen
jack dorsey will say he will hook up tim with hair regrowth therapy in exchange for shilling for twitter and bashing alex jones.

Vijaya is super cunty.

I dont get the symbol om the top right. An black shirt with an ax?

if they want to masquerade as a pariah of free speach, again, they have every right to be hypocrites. Don't like it, don't use it.

>wants govt regulations
>thinks he's for free markets

>fucking alex jones in the ass again
Is Joe the most backstabbing snake in all of the internet?

Jack is such a massive turd and he can't stop lying.



I mean hosts of these kinds of shows are usually so successful in getting guests because they make them feel comfortable, unfortunately part of making people feel uncomfortable means also not confronting or debating them. If he or anyone else who did this kind of show, as in not an inherently political one, would start being obtuse and debate everyone who they disagreed with on their own show people would stop agreeing to participate. The problem for Joe is that he let's the guests go off, he should instead ask them to keep it light if he doesn't want to make it seem like he agrees because like I said he can't disagree.

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Notice I said the word "typically".
Why are leftists so unbelievably brain damaged?

Who is Va Jay Jay?

It's a fasces, a symbol from Roman times for military unity. Mussolini adopted it for his fascist party.

>context matters, tim

pajeetocaust when

>Tim Pool
YOU are a tranny.

Watch the Bill Burr episode. Joe wants nothing to do with Burr's cuckery and sjw talking points

Chief Legal Officer & Secretary at Twitter

>Jaime isn't pulling any of this shit up

lmao joe's been paid

what a dumb bitch

Thanks...thats pretty obscure reference for a political cartoon but

>this description
absolutely based

I love this Indian girl talking over these 3 white guys. Western men are so pathetic

Can anyone explain why Tim looks and sounds so dumb even when he isn't saying anything significant?

Can anyone explain why this tranny is on Yea Forums?

You're just a pleb.

>your actually listening to that trash

Same reason why you're a tranny.

discord tranny fuck off

>sounds so dumb
>when he isn't saying anything significant
you answered your own question

Most kino moment of the 21st century.


imagine if she stepped on your penis lads

>b-but white males are the ones being persecuted

Tim Pool on the verge of tears

Yeah she is a massive bitch


The point is that the Libertarian is surprised to see a fascist on his side for "freedom." He's even more surprised to see he is fighting against a commie and corporate power.

>some soi in a beanie vs twitter man and twitter's lawyer
the fuck is this it should be Alex Jones vs these people

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I literally have no idea what you're talking about samefag.

Imagine the sex though

Cool nose ring fellow kid

>he called them "GULLIBLE"
wow, the abuse


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Nigger lovers

>we ban people for saying bad things about others
Bullshit, they don't ban leftists for doing this shit.
They've banned countless right wingers for absolutely nothing.

The replies to this post taking it seriously prove nu/pol/ are reddit who cant spot obvious bait/sarcasm from a mile off. Literal cancer

It's true, only people to face institutionalized and social racism in the West.
Makes one happy to be Eastern Yuropoor all of a sudden, lel

that poo woman is playing dumb

honestly this poo is crushing him

why bring on a fucking retard like tim pool

> a fascist on his side for "freedom"
> he is fighting against a commie and corporate power
but why

you're really stupid

>I don't know what that means
>that's a lot of assumptions
>I am always right
>but tim listen to me
This poo in the loo cunt is fucking insufferable.

honest to god tim pool is so fucking annoying and has this numale effeminate voice i'm literally on the side of the indian girl here.

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your stupid you fucking bitch

Christ Tim Pool is fucking pathetic, what a whiny piece of shit fat wimp
>conservatives dindu nuffin!

>gets btfo
>n-no I don't agree with that
>joe isn't gonna call any of this out

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Hi leftypol.

>dude we're totally fair and not biased at all

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>autist brought his female lawyer to fight for him
>It's actually fucking working.
Why don't more autistic tech guys do this?

Yeah anyone defending this balding cuck is lying to themselves, I'm literally taking her side despite being ideologically against it

Style over substance, right? You're part of the problem.

>poo woman
>playing dumb
Shes a political activist and not a doctor. She is dumb.

Transphobes BTFO

holy shit this bitch is absolutely blind to her bias

Joe's awful quiet here fellas...

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Do you enjoy being wrong?

>on the side of the Twitter corporate shill
This entire podcast is obnoxious and nothing of value will be obtained.

she knows what she's doing

This is just tons of lawyer speak for "I do what I want"
>you should understand the "context"
>well here's a side of the context
>I don't understand that context
>how about this situation
>it was a "mistake" then
>are you gonna do anything about it?
>there's too much "mistake" to take care of, some falls through the crack
>but you will remove these people you don't agree with?
>we can't win them all

tim pool is so insecure

even this poo who is a professional drone with trained speech to calm the conversation down lets loose every now and then

She's a corporate lawyer

Tim completely BTFO this evil cunt and Joe is letting her get away with weaseling her way out of it



>a political extremist that has a bias
Water is wet

>literally NO argument
Why do you leftists even exist?

I think the problem is more that if they curate content they should then take responsibility for the things they leave up, like a publisher, leaving them open to libel lawsuits

Dumbass tranny.

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>get invited on the number 1 podcast on earth to debate a company with a mountain of history of shit behavior
>don't do your homework
>whine about pronouns


whats with all the Tim defense force here? Does he have a discord where he sends his pathetic fanboys to defend him on internet forums?

>misgendering a tranny is one of their rules
>tim points out this is a leftoid thing

>i should be able to insult trannies on twitter! please stop persecuting me! Ben Shapiro is a victim!

Poo doctor > poo lawyer

He parents must be disapointed in her.

Fuck this smelly poo.

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He has no substance, her reasoning is actually very logical. He literally looks like he's turning her into a boogeyman and she's debunking all his conspiracy theories about her.

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She's cute.

he's a pussy who doesn't want to upset his masters

>human rights council

Literally an LGBT lobbying group but Pool's too retarded to know that

Because he's Captain Picard-tier bald:

Joe is fucking cucking again because he's scared of the poobeast and Dorsey


Tim pool is winning this debate hands down.

holy shit this pool guy is retarded. is this the best the altright has to offer?

>Fuck this smelly poo.
Id fuck that smelly poo if you get my meaning.

Yes everyone who doesn't agree with you have organized a concerted effort to antagonize your viewpoints. How far is your head stuck up your ass?

Who the fuck is this Tim Poole kid and why is he wearing a skull cap in a fucking studio?

Why does he never take off that toque? why doesnt he change it to something different in the summer time?

Of course they can. The problem is the hipocrisy. I'm far from right and even I can see how people on the right get banned for minor infractions while people on the left get tons of chances.

no he's just correct and trannies and twitter are wrong

lol I want to throw jack and the pajeeta into a gas chamber and it's obvious tim pool's a melt

Where's /ourguy/?

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He has a discord but people like him because,he tries to be fsir

not him but "looks like" is precicely the point.

Pool is getting BTFO and you fucking morons can't even refute that pajeet. It's embarrassing

Seething tranny. You will definitely kill yourself in the future

Smells like samefag chapo up in here. Fuck off faggot.

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begone discord trannies

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>He has a discord
go back then

Why doesn't he take off his stupid hat. Maybe that pajeet takes him more serious then.

>why is he wearing a skull cap in a fucking studio?


Joe dropping redpills about trannys

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Not really. She uses a lot of terms and phrases that essentially say nothing, it's all a big barrier to prevent people from peering through the veil.

Holy fucking shit

Its actually fucking happening.

Is Joe turning it all around between this, Yang and AJ


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Her "logic" is just saying she disagrees and then saying "context context context" and substantiating no further

This is tough to watch, it's a slaughter.

Just look into it, that's all I'm saying.


twitter shills btfo by two balding retards

>Twitter actually thinks this is helping their image

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>Depends on the context

aka, depends on what side of the political spectrum the person saying it is on

Okay, the shit he's saying. He's calling her a SJW agenda liberal based on literally nothing and she's calling him out for the balding manlet numale retard that he is.

You are fucking stupid and so is Tim, and you look like a fucking moron defending his idiocy.

>lol twitter is a private company they can do what they want

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'the context of the platform' is newspeak for 'we do whatever we want and you can take it or shut the fuck up'.

what a group of people on a podcast to get and you choose fucking tim pool to argue with twitter

what the fuck is joe thinking, tim pool is some random cuck who hardly has any personality at all

Did Jack really bring his fucking lawyer on Joe Rogan to defend him and his organizations decisions? That is the biggest limp dick move I've ever seen.

Twitter is government subsidized, they legally can't.

Dude needs to just shave that shit and get over it.

Why is he wearing that hat? He;s almost 40



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>tfw Joe is arguing the best out of anyone
Is this the DMT alt-world Alex was talking about?

It isn't obscure for anyone who actually got an education.

>I'm not
>No, you have no facts or history to back up these claims
>I'm not
>I disagree.

jesus just shave it off and dont wear this stupid hat

>too much of a chinlet to shave beard
>too much of a hairlet to show head without a full shave
tim is suffering

this is the height of the lawyer class twisting and abusing language, what a smelly cunt

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>You cant have targeted abuse

>Not immediately shifting into liberals reaction to Covington Kids and wanting to shove them into woodchippers

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I'm just waiting for Tim to start going hard on them. You can see the tension brewing

The fact that Joe agreed to it is extremely fucking weak

nice projection faggot. Did you see me defending that fag cake shit anywhere in that post? fucking moron

When will Joe invite him?

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is that stan marsh?

>Calling samefag on posts that are less than 10 seconds apart.


Imagine if Joe had Alex debate this Pajeeta

>a private company shouldn't be biased!
LMAO are these fucking idiots socialists or something?

>get proven wrong
>umm no sweetie muh context :)

Deport this poo creature

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yet I don't see the government suing them. All I see is a basement dwelling neckbeard getting all riled up on it.

That's a lot of toys.

>private platform

If he invites him, conservatives will lose

>He doesn't know Yea Forums pass exists

He would have flipped his shit; allowing the Pajeet to win through optics.

he looks worse with the beanie desu

i remember seeing this live he used be on a hwndu

He's a leftist

>funko pops

not even Joe is that much of a queer to have that faggot on his show

>small woodland creatures


>trans hamsters

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they are blind to socialist elements unless its blatantly obvious.


>Thank you for the feedback
Hahaha get fucked

>thank you for your feedback

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>thank you for the feedback
He did it lads

only the funko pops are toys, trading cards and video games have their own boards

>....thank you for the feedback
she literally just shut down

He's bringing up plenty of examples of her and twitters clear and obvious bias (to anyone who isn't a mentally ill tranny) and she's just worming around with her lawyer snake speech

my 12 year old niece has less toys

i´m not defending pool, he is a turd that did not do his homework. shes just deflecting tho. shes not winning by argument, shes winning because pool lets her make him look like the idiot he is.

>Thanks for the feedback
Holy shit what corporatism garbage.



>fukno pops
the soi is strong with this one...

>get BTFO
>thank you for your feedback

>when joe is better than tim pool

lel she got BTFO there

Tim is so fucking annoying and reddit

I dont use it

didnt realise it was a football game

not my fault your niece is a poorfag

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Exactly. Just because Tim's stupid doesn't mean that she's right.

tranny nigger ape

>thank you for your feedback

there you have it, the bitch cracked

Name one, incel.

>corporate lawyer for one of the biggest firms in the world vs. a shitty comedian and some random mid-tier jurno
her job is literally to win arguments, if she doesn't come out of this having made everyone else look like a retard compared to her then that's like one of rogan's MMA buddies failing to beat up a fat, unfit manlet like myself

kids these days don;t play with toys. its all ipads and videogames

She can poo in my loo anytime.

they already did


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tim really wants to go into a full blown aggression argument but none of them take it that seriously

its just fucking online shit and he needs to get over it too much autism


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>legal professional getting curbstomped by an internet journalist


Not at all. Did you never ask yourself why it's called fascism?

>fukno pops
don't know why that fucked me up so much

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All she does is double-talk and use dismissive PR hotwords. Get a litigator or a police interrogator in here to get real answers from there types.

are poos the new jews? there's literally no argument here but she weasels out of it

Pretty cool picture tbqh

The Sargon one was more than cringe enough, thanks.

she has her own horse lol



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Just tuned in. How's it been so far? Is Joe still sucking up?

Joe had enough preparation by absorbing pic related's aura. He's been preparing everything for this moment, like a hunter on a hunt.

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This Tim Pool guy need to learn to fucking talk like a normal human being. Everyone else present talks one word at a time, but Pool sounds like Ben Shapiro. Like a rat on cocaine.

Joe speaking up more after Tim being so inept

Joe fucked up again, the poo woman is clearly an experienced legal/PR person and Tim Pool is the 1000th person to become an alt lite political commentator during the Trump election. Pool is so fucking out of his league

She is lying a lot as well and I guess he’s too unprepared. This is just a joke. Like I’m 20 minutes behind and she said they censor trans dead naming and misgendering because it’s harassment and someone more intelligent could’ve fucking destroyed her

This is so aggravating

>thank you for the feedback

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Nope, Joe's going all in against the Twitter hypocricy.

then why is she complaining about not having enough toys
a horse should be good enough
is the horse a pet or does she do those horse show things

Joe seems to strike back
wow he grew a spine.

Tim the bald bitch is being a bumbling retard and Pajeeta and Jack are owning him into the stratosphere.


it's not interesting for me to watch because I already know everything about this, it's retarded. But it's quite telling that these liberals in charge seem to understand that what they are doing is technically wrong. They just dont care that it is wrong, all their friends are on side X and so they will remain on side X too. It's that simple.

Left wing shapiro

it's a faggot for fascists

>Joe has to step in after Tim realized he had no idea what the fuck he was there for

>but it's not for white people


>this bitch saying racism isn't "harassment"

Joes gonna say it!

Lol, hol up you think /ourguy/ is stupid? Back to discord!

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Jesus fucking fuck this world

Christ I'm glad Joe took over, that fucking bald fat cuck was embarrassing himself.

You think he started suffering less fools after the Alex Jones episode?

get literally anyone else but tim pool and this would be a slaughter
why the fuck did joe pick him

pajeeta is controlling the conversation and tone with her corporate speak

tim sounds insecure and all heated about MUH INTERNET DEBATEZ when it's just fucking twitter and he needs to get over his grudges

>The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio meaning a bundle of rods, ultimately from the Latin word fasces. This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates.
who the fuck goes around knowing that?

they're focusing too much on trans stuff, most people don't care about this. Call out Jack for fagging out with DeRay

has joe been taking super male vitality recently?

Tim is dropping nukes
Joe is being polite and BTFOs them twice as hard thanks to it
It reminds me of that podcast with Candance Owens and that jewish journo when he destroyed them by just acting nice and asking normal questions which exposed them as insane people

I mean, this guys are highly trained NPCs from the corporate world. They have this shit under control. They have been there and done that

she doesn't complain, I just pointed out that my niece hass less toys than this grown balding man

>al this corporate jargin and dodging
were not gonna get anywhere with this when she wont ever take a fucking stance

Based Joe bringing it.

sounds to me like she's complaining about it bro

>protected class

I thought we wanted equality???

got a year supply after Alex visited

She pretends to be more of a 'based centrist' than Joe, which says a lot.

>some animals are more equal than others

>Tim Pool
Yes, I only watch his third, hidden, channel where he talks about gassing the jews

should've got gad saad

>Tim is dropping nukes
Took him hours to make the lawyer shut the fuck up. Joe has much better arguments

The Candace Owens one was great. Her whole gimmick is larping as a "imma black conservative" and Joe was exposing her like crazy

Please Joe DO SOMETHING. They’re fucking evil and you’re letting them get free PR and defend their war on free speech because you brought in this know nothing to take the opposing stances

this is BS tho, you can't start badmouthing niggers on twitter and not get banned

I don't know if she complains bro, I just noticed she hass less toys

Having to manage a conversation about flat earth between Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones means you can handle anything.

An example of their bias he brought up? He brought up the 22 high profile bannings on twitter having 21 of those on the non-liberal spectrum of politics
Then she just said she "didn't agree with" the obvious fact of their bias
timestamp is 20 minutes from this post


Seriously. This woman is being allowed to just sit there and recite her prepared speech with basically no pushback. What the fuck.

she is a bad person but she is very smart. no wonder jack needed her on with him. corporate lawyers like her need to die. absolutely amoral

The whole foundation of her discourse is based on double-speak and being intentionally vague by means of corporate jargon that doesn't mean anything whilst still 'btfoing the alt-right'. A snake through and through.

Just jumped in. Did they ask about maga kids/covington catholic?

next time you hang out with her ask if she wants more toys or not and if she does buy her some you virgin

people in the joe rogan subreddit are actually agreeing with the fucking corporate pr bitch because of how bad pool is

goddamn why the fuck is that beanie wearing bald cuck even on here if he's dumber than horse shit

holy shit why the fuck do we need rules on harassment. When I was in fucking 5th grade they told us if you're getting bullied online get the fuck off. Is telling someone to ignore harassment also harassment now?

Tim Pool getting BTFO

no, but they should

What is this South Park guy doing?

>hundreds of years of intellectuals independently observing the same malicious behaviour in leftists from dozens of different vantage points
>people still don't understand what's going on or why they act the way they do
We only have ourselves to blame at this point.

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>gets alex jones to scream and say wild shit for FOUR FUCKING HOURS
>gets some bald numale to whine about white people being banned on twitter
>yfw Joe's a false flagging progressive

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That sub gets brigaded by chapo faggots all the time.

maybe the quartering guy gifts her some of his, since he has so much of them

You can feel the tension inside the room. Wait a few more minutes and things will escalate

why is neither of them mentioning the hundreds of documented examples of reported anti-white tweets that twitter decided "does not break any rules"?

imagine being dorsey right now creating a website and some guy gets all pissy about your rules

tim is like some sad cuck on an old school forum who hates the mods and treats it like irl

Why is Jack dorsey slower than Joe "dude weed, dude dmt" Rogan?

Joe had enough of Tim being a shitter

>(((scale these dynamically)))

>Alex Jones is so deep into his kayfabe he powerbombs Jack through the table

They should have gotten Styx instead of Timbo

he probably would since he's such a bitch just threaten him a little


No it doesn't she's a lawyer.
She'll argue for what ever side gets her paid.

If the same happened to Yea Forums you would be fucking seething you disingenous fuck.

Why is he wearing a hat inside?

twitter is a private company they can do whatever the fuck they want. if they want to ban all white people they can do that. who cares

>just 'some guy'

Time to dilate, you are getting ornery.

Yes, in the beginning and tim pool still somehow managed to get owned. Like that’s impressive.

>sidesteps the shit out of his question and answers a different one

God I hate the corporate speech of this woman

There's no proof that 22 high profile leftists are doing something of the magnitude that those accounts did. Baldie didn't give any proof it was bias.

>pin drop


>turn to lawyer to hop in with her snake talk to defend you
pathetic cunt

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She's got ya there, timmy.

>You should apply USA laws
>75% of our users aren't even american

>being for equal rights and freedom
>having no problem with censoring if it is a "private platform""
>implying the "private platform" isn't actually public

To cover his head as a sign of humility to G-d

>shouldn't you enforce free speech equally?
>no, I don't think so, we're a (((Global))) company

>if they want to ban all white people they can do that. who cares

Ok so let's require Yea Forums users to upload a photo ID and start banning blacks and see how far we get with that

>twitter is a private company they can do whatever the fuck they want. if they want to ban all white people they can do that. who cares

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>European cuckold laws affecting the US

I've been trying to say this for years



Covington finally

get out some more, sweetie

no there's proof of far more you dumb fucking nigger lmao

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By your logic I can put a sign up on my business saying "No blacks"

Not an argument, Vijaya.

Tim is getting more comfortable now

he can't get blown the fuck out personally in front of his investors, so the poohette gets btfo-by-proxy for him

That's nowhere near as bad as what these rightwingers said. And Baldie never brought up any examples.

I have hundreds of these blue checkmark posts btw all from people working in "media"

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Nothing wrong with what they said, freedom of speech.

It's about the hypocricy you dumb nigger, try to see the big picture here.

then you should protest against that and not why twitter is banning people.

Jesus fucking christ Joe please moderate your podcast and calm down this spastic autist Tim Pool. He asks 10 questions in 30 seconds, then interrupts them when they begin to answer. The guy is so fucking irritating.

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that fucking snide smile from the pajeet cunt

Why is he so slow?

>maga retard suddenly believes that russia meddled with the us elections for the sake of his piece of shit "argument"
LMAO could this tim faggot be more retarded?

So they were lying

Are there really no well-spoken non-leftist eCelebs? Every single one of them has been a complete embarrassment once they go up against real people. They're debating people who make the most easily-refuted fallacies, and they just concede or get flustered.

I remember when Angry Foreigner went on some show. He had to debate some crazy Swedish feminist, and somehow he still managed to look like a complete autist.

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Tim is so not the right person for this.

Should have brought in Shapiro as much as I hate to say it

>Absolutely not true
I said things were going to escalate

No proof of this tweet. I googled it and it doesn't exist, and there's a high chance if it did you are taking it out of context and she said it sarcastically as a response to incel losers like you.

And at the end of the day it's freedom of speech. There's a difference between saying mean things and targeting pepole for violence IRL.

You stupid incel fuck.

the hypocrisy of calling people dumb when you yourself are illiterate is amusing

This baby faced balding incel Tim Pool should just leave, he's getting embarrassed by a PAJEET!


Pool is liberal, what the fuck makes you think he's alt right?

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anyone who calls for more regulations is a bootlicker faggot who deserves the rope.

what a fucking dumbass

There's nothing ban-wothy about this. Cry the fuck more. He's not calling for someone to be attacked by violence. You retarded snowflake. And you are racist, he just pointed it out.

Post derailment tier webms

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>deliberately evading the subject
Thanks for playing, Vijaya.

Shapiro has been debating people since forever. Obviously he is a better debater. But Tim Pool is the right person since this is a left-wing vs left-wing debate. If they brought Shapiro nobody would have taken this debate seriously because of the obviously right wing bias

what the FUCK did they mean by this???

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dude i didnt think about it but shapiro would be fascinating to hear in this
maybe Joe will get him if they want to go for round three
i wonder if Jack's lawyer will bring in her lawyer

Again, there's nothing wrong with this you triggered beta virgin.

Was Tim shit or is it just discord trannys and memer trolls?

Only incels take Tim Pool seriously

>retards believe that all white people are racist
>white people are 'justified' in attacking white people because they're all racist
>violence escalates
Why do you willfully ignore this?

>discord trannys and memer trolls

>people in the joe rogan subreddit
you have to go back

having an I hate black people and jews and transgenders sort of week rn lad

>triggered beta virgin
t. discord tranny


Literally kill yourself, you pathetically stupid virgin for the rest of your sad life.


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It is the hypocrisy you disingenuous twat. Why are you acting like a retard?

Jesus Tim...


fucking neck yourself

Best part about this is after Joe brought it up they didn't even have a response.

>He's not calling for someone to be attacked by violence.
Much like the lady that was banned for saying trans women aren't women?


What a fucking snorefest


90% of them are saying they just hate whites

I understand though you're a tranny it's okay you'll never not be disingenuous this is why you get the gas

None of the right wingers who got banned said anything like this, you dumb white fucktard.


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its pretty much 3 vs 1
joe rogan is so fucking lame

Tim going hard now finally

Look at the tranny everyone, even using their own degenerate code speak. Join the 40% of your bretheren and kys cunt.

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If Shapiro would have come, Jack and Vijaya wouldn't have come. They agreed because they know they're going up against someone who'd roll over and take it.

Also notice it's a 2 vs 1. This is what leftists do. That's exactly why Shapiro "debates" the way he does - the environment is always rigged against his side, so he has to go rapid-fire strawman style and put words into his opponents' mouth.

you're right they got banned for misgendering LMAO

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