This show is actually very redpilled

this show is actually very redpilled.

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During the week they met she slept with:

>her rich boyfriend
>some guy from tinder
>that bartender

Do women in NYC in the current year actually do this? 4 guys in one week?


yeah, except more

8 seconds

nigger you would be suprised the show was tame never bother with women from NYC

I live in Seattle with a female roommate and she's fucked multiple guys in one day lol. She's actually pretty nice and pays her bills but she's easily fucked 100's of guys in her life and she's only 28. I couldn't even really tell you why she does it, she acts like they are all bad at sex when she talks about them.

sounds like classic nymphomania, she's obsessed with sex but cannot derive pleasure from it

>tfw no crazy bitchy filhy rich eastside old money gf

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was salinger a chinaman?

That would actually make a lot of sense. She's had my back through some shit so I try not to judge her over it.

Shay Mitchell is a hapa

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I unironically want Peach to dress me in panties and lingerie and peg me while calling me Becklicious

She'd probably be into that, she was pretty kinky in the show.

>that one scene where she pegs that Pajeet while Joe is hiding under the bed listening

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Nothing wrong with enjoying a wild lifestyle

The real question is if she will tell her future long-term boyfriend about it though, would you like for her if she asks you to user?

I felt bad for Joe in that scene, you got a sexy bitch above you and all you get to hear is some poo get sodomized

*lie, whoops

>Nothing wrong with enjoying a wild lifestyle
Is this b8?

>The real question is if she will tell her future long-term boyfriend about it though, would you like for her if she asks you to user?

I don't think she's going to have a future boyfriend. She straight up says she's never had one before.

well, have you?

I dropped it when he showed up at the Dickens festival or whatever. Come on now, you can't fool me

I unironically enjoyed it

Although other than the beard guy in the book shop every character is a piece of shit

Even Paco

No, it just means more schadenfreude for me, I only have a problem with it when people lie about it so they try to have their cake and eat it too, hypocrites are scum

That's weird man



>That's weird man

Yeah, the whole situation is very strange lol. I never once seen her actually date a guy.

Killed off Peach too early IMO

Like Mashahinder Ali in Luke Cage or David Tennant in Jessica Jones. You got a good foil, don't blow your load on the easy kill, try and keep the actor around

She's going to be depressed man hater in her late 30s. I love it

Would've been more kino if he fell in love with Peach and she never wanted him throughout the whole series.

>all the women watching saying they find Joe hot "despite him being a murderer" and being jealous of Beck


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that chick is too old though

no different than masturbating every day. Just way more effective

It's a bit ridiculous but I enjoyed it.
The ending was kinda bullshit though (not finishing the job and leaving the killer for dead)