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literally who?


Holy fucking kek

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Hard to believe the drop in quality in only 2 years

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He's the guy from the POPOPOPOWER commercial.
He's one of the few niggers I like personally

my fucking sides

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not very epic or as based as


This thread is golden, a rare gem

I am allowed to point and laugh at fatties aren't I?

Is it gold or is it a gem then, you geologically illiterate buffoon?

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No, that's triggering and ableist

A screenshot is not indicative of the board's "quality" you dumb redditor.

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Nothing is more hilarious to me than newfags bemoaning a perceived drop in quality as if their old days were better
I'm sure 2004 oldfags thought the same thing of me

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>10 weirdest zoo animal escapes in the tags
based tumblr kek

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>In the future, you will want to "tap" this.
All according to plan...

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Man fat jokes are really fucking funny, they're not even hateful like most gay and race jokes. Like, if you're fat enough to be made fun of then you deserve it, period.

It's been very disappointing to see Terry Crews fall to the alt-right recently. Doesn't he realize that they hate people like him?

>tfw fat
Haha this thread is funny

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>terry crews is /reddit/
>yet terry crews is also /ourguy/
sometimes i just accept lifes mysteries

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For a three time mother she doesn't even look that bad desu

Sickening, pissening.

just eat less


I dunno I feel like I might have some thyroid issue.
I don't even eat much and I'm still not losing any unless I just straight up eat next to nothing.

I mean I'm 6", have under 2k cal a day, work 8 hours and still don't lose any weight fucking how

>tfw fat
>still laughing at landwhales

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>get a few replies
>feel swollen sense of pride for the first time in your life
>cap it
>repost it over and over again for years

It's mildly funny but user you need to let it go

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Might need to check not just how much you're eating, but what you're eating. Is it full of trans fats/sugars/sodium?

I went from 325lb to 140lb in a couple years. 5'11" here. You can do it, user. You might need to be eating less to gain a calorie deficit anyway. What is your job like? How generally active are you?

seething much, fatty?

Several things
Thyroid issues don't magically make energy appear out of thin air so you'd just need to eat even less
How are you counting these calories? You don't need to weigh everything you eat but people tend to forget or underestimate shit they eat or drink. Soda especially is something most people think of as a freebie for some reason
If you're absolutely sure about this less than 2kcal thing, go see a doctor so you can be sure instead of just suspecting muh thyroid

It's both

kek, i used to be fat, but i started going to the gym last year, this is how i am now

fat people are pathetic, i was pathetic

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This. I totally would both of them

If your genetics are this unfortunate, you gotta do more forearm work

It's an office job so not the most active admittedly, but still
I guess it's maybe too much white bread.
Yeah I just roughly estimate off the nutritional values given on the packing, I don't calculate it down to every last digit.

It's all frustrating because one of my best friends is no more active than me but can eat fucking anything and still look as fit as ever. Are metabolism memes real?

There was this super kinky land whale at my school growing up. One day she left school early because people could smell a rotten odor coming from her. She went to the doctor and they removed a piece of Ham from her box. She was banging one of the nerd Bandies and I guess he was stuffing food up there and eating it out. Mash potatoes and shit.

You look as fit as Jonah Hill.

>be French master race
>go to Subway cause I heard pedos like this food
>before me in line are two girls
>one is fat
>so fat her weight should be calculated in cubic meters
>so fat I'm like "now way this thing is french"
>i wait for it
>her turn ordering
>mfw clapland accent

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>I mean I'm 6", have under 2k cal a day, work 8 hours and still don't lose any weight fucking how
You aren't counting calories you drink. You're making estimates that are wildly off and mindlessly snacking on calorie dense shit. You're adding calorie bombs via oils and sauces. You're eating below maintenance six days a week and then binging like a fucking maniac on the seventh and the average is what matters.

You don't have an issue. It's never a real issue. And if it somehow is your fucking thyroid you can get a pill to deal with that. It costs like $10 a fucking month, you lazy fat fuck.

I say that as a former lazy fat fuck who needed to hear that once upon an etc. So. Stop making excuses and sort your shit out.

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>tfw I eat a lot, no job, and most of it is carbohydrates
>tfw I weigh 146lbs and keep losing weight
I'm kinda scared t b h

Cubic meters are used for mass calculation, not weight, you illiterate.

>skipping leg day

failing to detect humor is a sign of autism

Roughly estimating clearly doesn't work, then
Start exactly counting or weighing your food. Take into account snacks and drinks
The way I estimate my food intake is to say, for example, "this packet of oatz will last me three days so I know on average I'll be eating 1/3 of a packet of oatz a day" instead of weighing it exactly

Metabolism is real. An office job is virtually sedentary. A lightly active (like retail job) person can eat about 1800 calories a day at your height and lose weight, but if you just sit in an office chair all day, that would probably be closer to your maintain calories.

Calculate every last digit, do some exercising or eat less than 1800 calories a day. Don't kid yourself, user. You might have a deluded sense of health and what you need to do, but your body doesn't. Be objective, be realistic or else you're gonna be fat.

No...cubic meters is volume.....

displacement ya dip

We /fph/ now boys

based tapeworm, bro


still volume......

Does that still exist? I would've thought that died when young Americans kept forcing the MUH HIGH TEST THICC MEME for lack of any non-fat dating options

>used to be fat
>have ulcerative colitis
>shit my guts out
>lose weight

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I wish I had a tapeworm.
What's so bad about them?
>get tapeworm
>can now eat what you want, worm bro eats off excess calories for you

heavier objects sink deeper so they displace more water ont the way down
that's how archimedes proved alchemists wrong who claimed to have made gold

>lose 30 lbs
>gain it back

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Yeah especially since the little one looks like they aren’t more than a few months old. It’s still a retarded sentiment to get behind when the Chinese bitch is clearly trying to inspire people who think it can’t be done while being a parent. Shows enormous insecurity on the white womens side.

they can make you real sick and cause undernourishment

>Unironically posts pictures of himself on a Yugoslavian mosaic forum
I've got bad news for you; you're still pathetic.


Grandma and granddad are 90 years old and never exercised.
People who exercise injure themselves sooner or later. It's guaranteed.
If you're fat or thin depends on how much you eat. Has nothing to do with exercising.

Is this autism or just stupid? I can't tell.

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he's used to be swollen

>Has nothing to do with exercising.
I can't tell if you're actually this stupid or if this is b8

Well one thing is for certain. Losing weight is at least like 90% about what you eat, the last 10% are exercise and sport.

The difference between eating that cinnamon bun or not is so huge in calories that it would take you a LONG time to make up for it by running around.

>check the replies

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Good work user. Don't train your biceps too much compared to the rest of your body because it will look silly.

>return to your old habits after losing weight
>wonder why you can't keep the weight off

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How can you stay with a fat girl who'll say:
"Oh! Would you like to marry me?
"And if you like you can buy the ring"
She doesn't care about anything
Would you like to marry me?
And if you like you can buy the ring
I don't dream about anyone - except myself!

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I was just making a bad joke. In all seriousness though, Archimedes' principle says that any object in water gets buyoed by a force equal to its weight


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It's b8 because of the anecdotal evidence of his grandparents, but he's right about the eating part
Calories burned by exercising are dwarved by your BMR. Your body needing to stay alive and warm is the main energy expenditure every day

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>French master race

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>be skinny since forever
>no eating disorder, just naturally very thin
>reach 30
>a wild pot belly appears
I guess I have two choices now: hitting the gym or learning that "Hello my baby, Hello my honey" bit

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oh you went to Gare du Nord that's cute
you and your strawman should go somewhere else next time, the 16th district maybe

Pic related ya chungus

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Yep, that's totally commendable, but also the tris and shoulders are definitely lagging and need some love, while the forearms lagging as well say that's too machine work and not enough with the free weights. Compound dumbbell exercises. That way even if you're focusing on the bicep you're at least engaging some secondary and tertiary muscles.

>complains about thin people not putting effort into their cosplay
>puts on a pair of xxxl shorts and a top and calls it a costume

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Six inches? Holy shit how are you typing

This is scary
No district of a European city should have this many niggers. And going "haha SOME parts are still okay" as they are outbreeding you is stupid
This is silly though. Are we pretending Paris had no hobos until recently?

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>eat fresh

>its fine because only some of our districts are africa!

Nobody cares faggot

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Shoo shoo, fatty

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When I dated a chubhy girl, I am glad she didn't complain about thin privilage. My white privilage on the other hand...

no you idiot thats not what it says at all. it says the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced

>Your body needing to stay alive and warm is the main energy expenditure every day
I mean if you don't live an active lifestyle this is true...

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>When I dated a chubhy girl
And that's where you fucked up


Yes yes user very epic. I'm sure you're doing olympic level sports

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>No district of a European city should have this many niggers. And going "haha SOME parts are still okay" as they are outbreeding you is stupid
so whats the solution? and why arent you doing it in the US?

Why did he think there was a snickers bar behind him just because he heard a creaking sound?

She's got free money for not being a hambeast and she just cries.

Deporting them.
And before you give me shit for not trying to deport any niggers recently: The point isn't whether or not you're actively helping the situation, the point is that you are resigned to the point that you think "w-well there are some non-overrun parts" is a valid argument

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I had this happen to me except in the middle was a fucking packers fan and the isle seat was this fine ass volleyball chick. I had to sit with my back turned like 65 degrees left for two hours. I just looked out the window.

Did you legitimately not understand the joke? Because if you were trying to build on it, you failed

You’d be surprised

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>olympic level sports
Jesus christ how fat are you? If you run a mile every day, trust me you'll lose a lot more weight than someone with the same daily routine (other than the running) who eats the same amount as you. If you're seriously disputing that then I don't really know what to say other than that this is why idiots shouldn't be allowed to use the internet unsupervised

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why did he feel the need to draw that? i mean everyone on Yea Forums is fucking retarded but what he explained is pretty easy to grasp


keep posting more please, those are fantastic

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I dunno. Not my usual jam, but I messed u0 getting back with an ex and this qt chuffy friend was there and... well.. more cushion... and I still haven't really gone back either...

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>tfw you'll never be Chuck

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Just being silly on my end. The picture is from China. They rebuilt the Eifel Tower a couple of times.

my bad, mean to

Very cool user, I'm not fat. All I was saying is that the "lol you need exercise to lose weight" meme is wrong.
Energy in, energy out, and your BMR makes up the lion share of your energy out even with a reasonably active lifestyle and going to the gym.
>you'll lose a lot more weight than someone with the same daily routine (other than the running) who eats the same amount as you
That's so far outside the scope of what I was saying it comes close to a strawman.
Feel free to think whatever the fuck you want about my supposed fatness, but read what exactly my post says instead of misinterpreting wildly please

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