Austin Powers Trilogy

yeah, babay!!!

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do as pic says
shall we shag now or shag later?

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hit me

i also like to live dangerously

prob the best spy parody movies ever

I never forget a

Alotta Faginas


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how is this? i'll stream it later if its any good

pardon me for being rude it was not me it was my food it just popped up to say hello and now its gone back down below

I really like it and think it's one of the best Carry On films but most people would find it quite dated, it's from 1964 and in black and white. Then again you might like it for the same reasons, it's parodying the same era of Bond as Austin Powers - at the time there were only 2 Bond films out.

Hey IN LIKE FLINT thats my favorite movie!

ifi can find it i'll dl it and stream it.i like classics and older movies

Unironically one of the top 5 trilogies of all time in terms of quality, consistency, universe building and entertainment value

Even 3 the weakest installment has solid laughs

first two films are great, Goldmember is hot garbage

What ever happened to Mike Myers?

>The details of my life are quite inconsequential.... Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a 15-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize; he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament... My childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon... luge lessons... In the spring, we'd make meat helmets... When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds — pretty standard, really. At the age of 12, I received my first scribe. At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilmer ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking... I suggest you try it.

How dare you. It's a proven fact that Goldmember is undoubtedly the greatest AP movie.

Oops, didn't mean to reply to OP. Sorry buddy

the love guru happened

that shitty guru flick that apparently really meant something to him.

he was uber rich from austin powers and after the backfire of love guru decided he would just take his time and money and focus on his family. Don't believe the meme about Guru tanking his career, many comedians have come back from worse, or they have to have several stinkers in a row before they're no longer given movies. Myers' disappearance was absolutely his own choice

Even though Gold Member was a bit weaker than the first two these movie were all pretty good movies. Pretty rare for a comedy to have good sequels. It's actually impressive how good Austin Powers and The Spy Who Shagged Me is for being a comedy sequel.

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The Love Guru fucked up his shit. He then hosted the Gong Show and did a segment on the Oscars.

All of the jokes are recycled and the entire dad plot was a misfire. Also Beyonce was awful and has no chemistry with Mike Myers. He should have cast a redheaded actress to complete the trinity of hair colors.

They are making another Austin Powers movie

beyonce overacting kills it.

Yeah, Beyonce was one of the worst parts about it.

that been rumored for years. but I doubt it will ever actually get made

The Love Guru dented his marketability as does his reputation for being extremely difficult to work with.

One great movie.
One pretty okay movie that kinda hints where things are going to start going wrong in the future.
And a big pile of shit.

Damn, I got excited for nothing. my bad


what did he mean by this?

Chill the fuck out user, if you got en issue errs a tissue









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the closing credits are kino fun

Also remembee he got those sweet Shrekbucks

The first Austin Powers is a work of art
>In Japan, men come first, and women come second
>Or sometimes not at all muahahahahahhaha

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Bump, babay

best part coming through:

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The Spy Who Shagged Me is starting now

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Didn't the Cat in the Hat movie come after Love guru??
The cat one is mediocre but most kids movies are.

Before if I'm remembering correctly.

cat in hat was before

pic related should have been the third Powers girl

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He was in Bohemian Rhapsody


International Man of Mystery was the first movie to really make me feel nostalgia. The movie is just so 90s, not in just the production design but with certain styles of comedy, scenes, etc. that wouldn't be done today (not in the /pol/ reee sense) on top of being a legitimately great comedy film with something memorable in almost every scene. Even just the spoof film as a genre is basically dead but for ultra cheap bargain bin cash grabs.


there are still some good ones every now and then

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3 is the best

D girl?

t. underage zoomer

Fat Bastard is the worst thing about the trilogy.

Yeah baby YEAAAAH!!!

He really is painfully unfunny most of the time, although I laughed at the scene where he's in bed with Felicity. They should have just had Will Ferrell as Mustafa perform his role in the plot, but Myers just HAD to play another character

this. worst character myeres plays in the series, most try hard humor, disgusting to look at

AP 3 is legitimate kino

He's funny in the second movie

Goldmember was worse, at least Fat Bastard had 2-3 funny moments

AP 2 is the best


The Spy Who Shagged Me was always my favorite growing up, but watching it now, it pales in comparison to the first movie

AP 1 is the best and a great standalone movie made with heart


myers should have just played the two mains and that's it.

also, i always thought foxy was the worst girl but when i watched the movies again recently i think i found her the hottest. i'm not even into darkskins. she still adds the least compared to the other two.

The first film is great because it's not just a funny spoof, but has this character arc for Austin where he learns to adapt to a new world. Between that and his romance with Vanessa there is legitimate drama and poignancy. The sequels throw most of the drama and are just laugh-a-thons

>dark skin

Beyonce is a goblin compared to Liz Hurley and Heather Graham

>Beyonce is a goblin
fixed it for you

>>foxxy says long time no see to Austin; she also implies a prior relationship
>Foxxy says her partner at the bureau was killed about a year ago so the relationship was before then
>Beyonce was 20 during the film's production

this film feels potentially problematic and the relationship age difference is definitely creepy if not illegal by enlightened California age of consent standards

Ok but how old was the character?

Do these even hold up? I haven't watched them since I was a kid but I can't imagine the toilet humor still being fun y.

Ive seen the first 2 movies recently and still laughed quite a bit







First two are still really funny, especially if you have seen most of the Bond movies. The original only has a mild amount of toilet humor

What made The Spy Who Shagged Me good was that they basically made it a parody of the first movie

the most jarring toilet humor is just at the start of AP 1, AP 2 has more with FB


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I'm calm, I'm calm... I'm gonna fucking kill you!

I had a different childhood my father would make absurd claims like he invented the question mark

I'll gut you, and it'll look like a bloody accident!

Yeah baby yeah!

I'll stay...

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, heal my earth with opra and Mila Anjelou

You're the diet coke of evil, just one calorie, not evil enough!

Yes I think it holds up

No, just nearing the end of Spy Who Shagged Me, Goldmember up next

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I wish they still made movies with this tone. Sort of a cartoonish pseudo-reality. Anchorman, Airplane, Top Secret, and Shaolin Soccer would be other examples.

>That's my business


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I want Beyonce to beat me up.

fucking pleb

That was a really minor role though.


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I remember enjoying all three as a kid, but upon rewatching there’s a huge power gap between 1 and 2, and an even bigger one between 2 and 3. The first really is a classic, and one of the better spy parodies out there. It has good pacing and nonstop laughs. It’s fantastic.
2 has some good moments, but it doesn’t come close to the quality of the first. The humor isn’t as clever, and resorts to being over the top to compensate. The script isn’t very good. Whereas in the first film, each plot point naturally flows into the next, there really isn’t a plot for a good portion of the second film. It’s just random bits haphazardly stitched together, none of which are as funny as those in the first.
That said, Heather Graham looks so good in that movie I can reach touchless orgasm through memory of her outfits alone.

>That said, Heather Graham looks so good in that movie I can reach touchless orgasm through memory of her outfits alone.
Indeed, she's always wearing something that accentuates her best features, whoever did her wardrobe deserves a medal. They also took the same sexy metallic dress Liz Hurley wore in the first and made it even sexier. Heather Graham is easily the best thing about Spy Who Shagged Me, although I do think you are being a bit harsh. In my opinion it's almost as funny as the first, it just lacks the same pathos

It didn’t occur to me at first, but it actually makes so much sense that they’d give him a role.
After the music video for “I want to break free” damaged Queen’s reputation in America, Wayne’s World actually played a big part in their eventual resurgence in the States.

I still think it’s a funny movie, just not nearly as well crafted as the first.
A lot of Mini Me moments are admittedly quite funny.

>You shot me! You shot me right in the arm!

good casting? what do you guys think

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Blessed thread

the seethrough tent scene is utter kino tho



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That whole intro was kino

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This coffee tastes like trips!

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AP2 is literally Austin Powers Poo Poo Pee Pee edition. skip it
AP1 only has a few moments and its played well with the situtation
AP3 has more poopoo peepee with fat bastard

Jesus Christ I knew that was Amber Blank. Great ass, great pussy but I'd never touch her

You didn't happen to see.... anything at all.