/pbb/-Project Blue Book:Abduction

Is Yea Forums ready for the 9th episode of PBB? On 12th March we get the season finale.
What did you think of the show until now?
Will it end on a cliffhanger? Hopes for the second season(which is confirmed)?
I enjoyed the series a lot,the start was weak but it got better with every episode.

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This show is genuinely good. I’m really surprised

The final episode is UFO Washington invasion based on a real incident. We will get to see Truman too....hopefully Tom Hardy plays him.

i don't get it. Is this show before or after the plane scene?

It's based on CIA's grandfather life and we get glimpses of CIA's father(Joel). Why is it so hard?

Dr.Hynek,I'm UFO

Flying shaushers

This is set in the 1950s. So it's before CIA became CIA.

his transformation will be a very important plot point in the second season. aliens will play a very big part in him acquiring his powers and the power stance ability

>enters the plane
>it's another timeloop episode

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Sought of an origin story

>tfw Twilight Zone crossover

What's the new episode about?

Bump,how much time left?

lmao show is shit faggot, give up

Fuck off,it's good.

In general it's good but the Russian lesbian is getting annoying with how she tries to pry info out of the wife. It's so clumsy.

I wanted to like this show, but its average on its very best day

I hope she dies

how do you explain how CIA's last name doesn't match?

Considering how much crap Hollywood pumps out, your post is a compliment.

Hynek's son,Joel which is Bill's father,wanted to change gis family name so he'll be safe with his family from ayys and army. That's why his son is named Bill Wilson.

Really? This is the best tv series of 2019. True Detective and PBB are the only things worth watching on tv right now.
And it's not woke bullshit.

Kino series

Mystery spook is CIA's future son.

when is episode 9 going up?

The thing with the Russian lesbian and CIAs wife is getting annoying with how much shit she tells the lesbo. Every episode shes spilling the beans to this women who she just met about CIAs secret work and how he got secret ayylien bismuth now. I thought the Russian subplot would pick up and get more interesting after the neighbor got whacked but it hasn't panned out yet. Any scenes with Captain Chad Quinn and CIA is kino though and makes the show worth while. The show will probably end on a cliffhanger probably something to do with the triangle symbol or the men in black pulling all the strings somehow. Either way I'm glad it got a second season, like others said it started off slow but each episode got better and I just like watching Captain Chad Quinn and CIA do comfy 50s style X-files stuff with each other.