Impossible to say a positive thing about a major movie without being called a shill but I feel like this is what most capeshit movies SHOULD look like. Fun for the whole family but mostly the core 13-18 audience.
Like I'm not going to see it because I don't have a little brother or something that wants to go but still, I hope capeshit dies but if it doesn't I hope it shifts more towards this feel.
New trailer for that Shazam movie came out yesterday apparently
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I appreciate the effort and the abandonment of invoking dabbing, but you still failed.
>Fun for the whole family but mostly the core 13-18 audience
No human being talks like this.
What is with all these NPCs making threads.
nobody cares honestly
I’ll join you in the shill shed, bro. This looks fucking awesome.
>>Fun for the whole family but mostly the core 13-18 audience
I'm talking that way because I'm referring to the way the marketing people talk and what they're aiming for.
ik it doesn't matter what I say because like I said in the OP it's impossible to say something positive about something big without being called a shill.
Also new footage from Aquaman BD
I never go to the theater, but I'll make an exception for this one because my dad's name is Shazam
This cast looking hella diverse and it's beautiful
>this is what most capeshit movies SHOULD look like. Fun for the whole family but mostly the core 13-18 audience.
You're fucking pretentious. I bet you throw the word "edgy" around a lot.
Based. Looks great, Master Tripsman.
what's this pic mean? Are there a ton of other Shazam people that'll be in the movie and those are their actors?
Is the marvel family in this movie? That'll be pretty fucking based if true
why am I pretentious? I'm just saying capeshit should imo be fun and kind of carefree and aim for a younger audience. and i'm talking about capeshit too, idk how any of that comes across as pretentious
He is legit channeling the spirit of Tom Hanks and it’s fucking fantastic.
Fan casting for the rest of the adult Shazam family.
Tom Hanks died? damn RIP
Fuck off shill
it's not fan casting, they're all but confirmed
They are.
Huh, didn't know that.
I’ve never seen a capeshit since iron man 3 but this might be an exception
also keep in mind that Freddy is only blonde in the new comics
he's Captain Marvel Jr. and looked like this all these decades
Transgender Thor on the right?
Yeah i know.
I can't believe they put in that bit with him jumping into the building at the end. Too reminiscent of 9/11 and it should have been edited out, or ideally never conceived of. Really uncomfortable.
Should have introduced black adam before Sivanna
Is Sam Raimi working on Shazam too?
it looks alright, most comic book movies are shit because they aren't really stylized, they're just WOT IF PEOPLE IN TIGHTS WAS SAVING THE WORLD IRL, IT'D BE ROIGHT WICKED which fails to capture the spirit of most comics they are based on. at least with this type of thing it feels like its own movie with a voice instead of typical simulationist capeshit
Pretty sure he was in charge
this one is pretty mundane but has a nice christmas setting
and after all the story is supposed to me grounded with the magic elements coming in
at least it will be better than the other captain marvel
What if the trailers show literally all of the superhero-type stuff he does in the movie and all the rest is actually a romantic comedy that's basically a clone of Big where he meets an older woman who only knows his shazam mode age.
Shazam is going to get bad reviews because it belongs in another time
>caring about modern reviewers