It's in the frakkin' ship!
It's in the frakkin' ship!
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A little context, OP. What is exactly in the ship?
Jimmi Fracking Hendrix
I prefer Tigh with the eyepatch, I just wish they would have given him a black one.
>atmospheric FTL jump
Gave me a hard on
The Adama Maneuver was such a badass scene.
Colonel Tigh is a fine character but Gaius Baltar is the greatest television character ever.
I hated that motherfucker and kept wishing he would die. Same with the blonde chick.
I was talking about Gaius since that might not have been clear.
He did nothing wrong
I can see why people might hate Baltar but he truly evolved over the course of the series. By the finale he completely redeemed himself.
>He did nothing wrong
Felix Gaeta did nothing wrong and should have never been executed. If they gave Baltar amnesty then they should have extended it to Felix who was a hero of the resistance.
Friendly reminder that Felix did nothing wrong.
It's beautiful.
I love the documentary style choreography. I wish more Sci-Fi shows/films did this,
>Friendly reminder that Felix did nothing wrong.
What about Tom Zarek? Did he do anything wrong?
Zarek was a terrorist.
Was Fisk /ourguy/?
>that moment when the fighters launch
what an incredible scene that was
also, for some reason I really liked Hot Dog
Zarek was a freedom fighter.
Man Star Trek was such a good show I like when they found the other ship
Beast > Bucket
The only thing he did wrong was fix the election
he was a deluded, self-serving mass murderer, that's what he was.
Why was the Beast so weak compared to the Bucket? Galactica took way more damage and survived.
Murdering the Quorum so recklessly showed he was nothing more than psychopathic mass murderer.
>also, for some reason I really liked Hot Dog
Same. They should have put more focus on him instead of Kat who I couldn't stand.
That's because Fat Lee was a shitty commander.
>Galactica took way more damage and survived.
I think Galactica took more damage over the entire course of the series than the Pegasus, but the Pegasus took way more damage in her final battle than the Galactica ever did on one single occasion.
>*whispers* "Adama is a cylon"
What do?
Exactly what she did.
He was literally the reason the human race got genocided. You might think "O but no one knew they could look human." Ok fine but he opened up the possibility of humanity getting fucked by allowing ANYONE into that code. So from the start, he's the reason everything's fucked.
Then he goes on to lie constantly, finds a way to detect cylons, and then fucks with the code so that he can live the good life.
From start to finish that asshole never looked out for anyone but himself and then cried anytime he thought he was fucked. He never developed. He just morphed into different versions that best suited his survival at any one point in time.
t. laura roslin
In the end he was willing to give up his life in order to rescue Hera. He could have stayed back with the others without any consequence.
>He was literally the reason the human race got genocided.
He was one piece and he played his part unwittingly.
Let's not get into the space jesus ending which was total horseshit.
>Let's throw away everything we've ever learned and accomplished and pretend to be savages again so this can all repeat.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the ending either. Even though I believe Baltar is a better person at the end of the series, I don't buy him giving up on their culture, history, and technology.
I prefer a woman with a bit of age.
>Admiral Cain will never spit on you
what would a battlestar galactica look like in 2019?
I'd suck his hot dog if you catch my drift
Why did Fleet Admiral Attemborough betray Imperial Regent Wenli bros?
I thought there was a movie being made?
Me on the left
more niggers
yes, toasters aren't people
ur a gun?
I got greenscreened out and they replaced me with a gun, if you know what I mean.
I tried to rewatch BSG recently and could not get over the god-awful shaky cam. It's absolutely everywhere, in every scene, without any purpose.
Real-time image stabilization when?
"You know... I know about farming"
Genuine fucking teary eyes