Blade runner

>blade runner
>he actually doesn't run on any blade through entire movie

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It all makes sense now

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>everybody is pretty rotten

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youre retarded if you think thats where the name came from

>first man
>it's not about Adam in the Garden of Eden

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You're retarded if you actually think that's what I was implying

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>Fast and Furious
>They're actually Fast and Furious

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>Apocalypse Now
>it’s a movie set in the 60s

This is such a dumb fucking poster.

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youre retarded for even posting that shit in the first place
what were you even trying to say? you sound like a faggot

They just thought it sounded cool

>they talk a lot so I think they have a lot of breath

based tbqh

>Total Recall
>Not on item get's recalled for the entire duration

>has literally nothing to do with the film, is just the title taken literally
That's so kafkaesque

Thinking of hanging this on my wall

After you do that, you should hang yourself from the ceiling.
I'm sorry, it was just the perfect setup man.

well then, you can also consider hanging yourself also

The inability to detect humor is a symptom of autism

>hur dur no u retarded
>hur dur u autism
it was cringe and not funny at all

How new

Doesn't matter if it was funny, the fact that you took it seriously means that you have a form of autism

ok that is some retarded logic but you are a retard after all

It's okay my little autist, someday you might be able to do something with your life.

>eyes wide shut
.>opens your eyes to accept the critics that said Kubrick was addicted to masturbation as well as refined white sugar

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>They just thought it sounded cool
I think the title was intended for some other movie but the absolute hack Ridley stole it because he liked the sound of it.

It was a heartfelt plea and we should have listened.

No it isn't.