Now that the dust has settled, who was the real genius?

Now that the dust has settled, who was the real genius?

Larry David or Jerry The Seinfeld.

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One is the most successful stand up comedian of all time, the other had the character of George, who merely rode Jerry's coat tails, based off of him.

Larry, obviously. who ever decided to make Seinfeld act anyway?

they're both pretty good, desu. but when collaborating you typically tend to create something better than either person could on their own. seinfeld was great not because of larry or jerry, but because of them both working together

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so you admit the seasons after Larry left were worse?

I want to have sex with Elaine.

I think they complemented each other really well. Larry pulled of another great TV show by himself though.

Larry went on to create another even funnier show in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Jerry went on to do some shitty animated flick and a boring interview show that basically just says "look at how many expensive cars I have". Theres your answer

and george is the best character on the show


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The Seinfeld seasons they did without Larry should tell you

Larry, same as george being the funnier, but it was all about working together.

What has Jerry Seinfeld done outside of the show he did with Larry David?

Now, what has Larry David done outside of Seinfeld?

We can argue tomato, tomatoes and they both needed each other to work for sure.

But les be honest here.. Larry David was the genius behind it all. Jerry was just his vessel.

The two of them together was gold.

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>Larry David has a cape
>Jerry Seinfeld doesn't have a cape

I think the answer is obvious.

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Both were, but Larry was the better ideas man and knew exactly how to make something funny, and even if most episodes weren't written by him, his influence still kinda shaped all the episodes and humor. Seinfeld was pretty damn smart as a "producer" though, knowing what's best for the show rather than just what's best for his ego, knowing when to push the studio and when to back off and so on.

>What has Jerry Seinfeld done outside of the show he did with Larry David?

He was the biggest stand up on the planet before and after the show, Jerry met David while David was still figuring out how to even tell a joke in front of an audience without losing his shit and sperging out. Larry would have sets where he couldn't even finish half his material without going ape shit and yelling at the audience. Jerry thought he was funny in a ironic way, he saw that he could write but didn't belong on stage, he took him aside and that's when their writing partnership started. Larry the left the show for many of the same reasons he would lash out on stage for, he's a sperg autist.

Also note that Curb had even more outlandish plots and unbelievable episodes than what Seinfeld had, which Larry used for the reason for leaving. In reality he left because as famous as the show was, he was not getting recognized, deep down Larry wanted to be in the spotlight and this made him resent Jerry for many years. Curb is literally just a fucking copy of Seinfeld.

aka larry has aspergers and is a savant. his area of expertise is writing good comedy shows.
jerry couldnt pull off another successful comedy show like larry did with curb.

>jerryfags this delusional
Seinfeld felt inadecuate and scared of doing the show when Larry left because Larry was the one who figured out everything, watch the interviews. Larry did one of the best sitcoms from the last 20 years while Jerry keep telling the same stupid jokes he said on the unfunny standup comedy bits of the show but now at very private weddings and bar mitzvahs.

Larry David’s material sounds better in Jerry’s voicE.

That dude is a straight up racist. Look it up. It literally said the N word

no way

that was faked btw

elaine is fine as fuck

wtf i love kramer now

I think even Jerry would tell you its Larry

100% Seinfeld. The thing about Larry is that he is the kind of person who wrongly thought he's the genius, while Jerry is some "normie" next to him.

But no, when you look at Jerry's standup, and then at Larry's own tv series - you can recognize the it's Jerry who's the hilarious one.

He also owned an ice cream truck if I remember.

Season 8 is great, but noticeably different, and Season 9 is pretty weak

Seinfeld. Because he has a show called Seinfeld.
I never watched a show called David.

>ywn be one of Elaine's random lays

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Who cares? Post Elaine.

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It was an accident.

Without Larry, Jerry would still, he already was before teaming up with Larry, be the world's greatest stand up comedian of all time. And he was being pitched shows by networks, as in they were coming to him.... before Seinfeld was ever created.

Larry would have continued to remain in obscurity and have a failed writing career if it wasn't for Jerry. While Jerry would still have continued to be on TV. He turned down being the host of the Tonight Show, he still gets asked by networks to this day to have another show but he turns them down because he'd rather do CICGC and continue his stand up.

stfu up nigger

ok jerry

>People that talk during your stand-up show

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which episode is this?

Larry was the genius.
Jerry was a repackaged Larry the normies could enjoy.

The Glasses I think. The one where she gets bit by a dog while George is buying lady glasses.

The Glasses, Season 5 Episode 3

Elaine is bitten by a dog and thinks she has rabies, has a glass of water and dribbles it all over herself

Larry David is a genius, but Jerry the Seinfeld was the one who learned time travel to have two careers as Jerry Seinfeld and Gilbert Gottfried.

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thanks lads, i'll be back in five ;)

How do you accidentally say something like that? It's impossible. You remind me of my gf when she told me she accidentally cheated on me.

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To think the hobgoblin Gilbert Gottfried looks like really ANYBODY else requires some pretty intense prosopagnosia.

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it was Larry

you really think comedians in cars is a product of a comedy genius?

>expensive cars I have
You sound like you didn't even watch an episode.
Retards like this make me like Seinfeld even more.

shut the fuck up??


i like jews sometimes

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Could Seinfeld ever have produced a kino of such quality? I think not

curb was GOAT

t. Joe Sacamano