>Snyder should direct Dragon Ba-
Snyder should direct Dragon Ba-
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Nintendo should hire this guy!
Based cynical crossboarder
Snyder should be chased off the fucking continent with pitchforks and torches.
snyder's dragonball would be the blockbuster to end all blockbusters
it would be like benjamin franklin discovering electricity a second time
If it was animated, why not?
The original design is fucktarded anyway. Toriyama made him look ridiculous on purpose so Goku would be surprised by how strong he is. He did the same cheap trick with kid Buu.
They gonna get that kuriboh nigger to voice him? He was actually pretty good, I thought.
That is a terrible fucking redesign. Final form Frieda should look smooth and slick. Unassuming in his power compared to his previous monsterous forms.
>Nintendies this butthurt about 19 year olds fucking around in unreal engine making better results than the LA remake that it transcends boards
Bing bing back to your containment board please
shut the fuck up nerd
A Dragon Ball adaptation would only work if you aesthetically stick as close to the source material as possible. Pic related is a horrible render for it's own reasons, but it's a step in the right direction.
Grimdark shit has no place in Dragon Ball. Even at it's most serious the franchise has always been colorful and optimistic
>this is the adaptation Snyderfags want
>muh colors and optimism
what a fucking faggot, i bet you also need a bunch a loud noises too you fucking autist
Agreed. Frieza's final fomr should even be a little feminine.
is that killface
quick rundown?
As if we didn't already know Frieza was supposed to be evil. Isn't part of Frieza's design meant to lull you into a false sense of security?
Literally looks like a power rangers villian.
This. Frieza's final form should be so uncomfortably androgynous that you want to fuck it.
Fuck off, those designs were from the DBZ 3D fan art contest back from 2013
It's just a Yea Forums meme where someone posts a screenshot from a fan made Zelda remake and people sarcastically post that Nintendo should hire whoever made it, despite it looking not very good
This actually doesn't look too bad for Super Buu if you just made him more pink
Unironically this. The one thing snyder is good at is directing and framing fast paced fist fights and action. Thats literally all dragon ball is
>Toriyama made him look ridiculous on purpose
Frieza is supposed to be scary though, in his first forms. In his last form he's supposed to look unthreatening.
is this patrick
>More fucking grimdark shit
When the fuck is The Buu Saga in 5 minutes coming?
Post some actually GOOD renders
You can start whenever you want.
Awful Goku but not bad Vegita
Use of shadows allows to hide imperfections. Back in 2013 it looked cool, now it's overused
>not 3d renders
>not even good
sad, many such cases
They are both awful. Why'd they look like instagramm influencers and Vegeta is clearly older than Goku not the other way round.
Find a better Goku or Vegeta. It's literally impossible
The satan looking dude is pretty good.
you're telling me that Frieza is a guy?
Even this is better
Yeah Dabura is the only one there that looks okay. Even he could use a better color scheme though
Pic related is unironically better
All of these renders look utterly soulless
Best one ITT
It looks fine, nerd.
I genuinely can't believe anyone actually thinking this
>Tfw no Killface kino
I feel like this is Hugh Jackman
the only dragonball enemy that would work with a design like the OP is imperfect cell, because he was designed as a horrific villain to begin with. Seeing drink a fat guy in live action would be kino
snyder is way too edgy. he literally has no concept of innocent fun. he'd butcher dragon ball worse than the previous movie
>dude weed
Its a show for kids jackass
dude what if cartoons wuz reel
it's absolutely impossible to make that haircut look good with real hair. there's no point in even trying, it can't be done. You need a specific hybrid style if you insist on making it 3dcg
>snyder is way too edgy. he literally has no concept of innocent fun.
t. Dragon Ball Super fan
Let me guess, DBZ was too edgy?
This, he's supposed to be the Pillsbury doughboy with a rolled up purple condor on his head
>Goku vs Frieza with the Men are still good or Arcade theme
Yes please
How do I start watching Dragon Ball ?
I'm sick of all the DBZ memes, where do I start ? there are so much.
I tried Super but it seemed trash
in live action they would make vegeta a full foot taller with a full head of hair, you know this to be true. women will literally never understand him.
and piccolo will be fucking idris elba.
start with volume 1 of the dragonball manga
or just watch dragonball and then dbz kai
Start at the original with Baby Goku, it's great and fun, then watch z
b-bejita-sama...pls kiss my wife
>Piccolo idris
I'm ok with this
Everyone is wrong. Watch Dragon Ball X by Joe Capo on YouTube.
They don't know anyone jacked enough to be Super Buu.
Snyder himself
Looks more like Dodoria
I don't watch super or the manga associated, as far as I'm concerned it's toryiama cashing in one last time on the series to leave as much as he can to his children. As for the frieza arc which I guess you're referring to, there's plenty of innocent fun in it. The Ginyu force would be an obvious example
Dragon Ball then Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Z Kai which is a recut of Z with significantly less episodes due to most of the filler being cut out.
A lot of people skip right to Z or Kai instead of watching DB first. While that's not preferable, it's not always a horrible idea as DB has a completely different tone and style to Z. Less crazy super hero action, more grounded Kung Fu and silly antics.
There isn't anything for you in super unless you have at LEAST watched Z/Kai
>Read the manga up to the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament
>Watch DBZ Kai
>If you're still enjoying it by the end, and are looking for more, watch the Battle of Gods movie
>Watch episodes 15-18 of Dragon Ball Super
>Watch the Resurrection 'F' movie
>Watch episodes 28-131 of Super
>Watch the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie
>If you still don't want to kill yourself by now, watch GT
>Still not satisfied? The movies.
Sub not dub.
You are the reason people find Dragon Ball cryptic and hard to get into.
It's name is Freezer
I'm just giving the optimum way to do it.
*turns you into chocolate*
Damn, is manga actually good or is it meme? I only read regular superhero comics.
This is the most stupid thing that I read in the last hour
This. Frieza should not look like a hideous monster in this form
You got better, smart guy?
People swear that it's way better than the Anime but most of those people haven't actually read it
You really aren't missing anything by watching the shows instead
Dragon Ball
GT for a fun yet flawed alternate ending
The pacing is a lot better, and I think a lot of the humor works better in print.
the manga is incredible and the most concise way to experience dragonball. it may start a little slow during the beginning of dragonball, but once the red ribbon army is introduced, you're in for a good time. plus, kid goku is one of the most inspiring protagonists of all time
It's really not and the drawings are bad, and this is from someone who enjoys it every month.
>The pacing in Dragon Ball is horrible
>Agree with you on Kai
>Watching the first two arcs of Super instead of the movies is just silly. They're drawn out and ugly retellings.
>Semi-agree on GT.
Original db movies
piccolo jr saga
Dbz Kai
Optional Dbz movies for non cannon fun
Super for nigger and Mexican fan shit
Super broly
DBZ sucks watch the first series.
Bulma is looking good
Goku is harder to make look good.
Idk if its a less workable design, higher expectations, or what, but fan-vegetas always look better than fan-gokus.
Franklin didn't do shit. It was all Tesla. Sick of Christians always hiding behind lies
dubs of truth. if there is a single man of earth who could do justice to DB, it's snyder.
Where to start from ? Is it hard to get meaning out of print and they are expensive ?
user, snyder has never ever dissapointed us when it comes to CGI. stop blindly hating him for no reason.
I read the vizbig editions which have typically 3 volumes in 1. They're all relatively cheap on amazon (average price is $15)
>colorfags hating on Snyder for something he didn't even do
God. What is it about hm that triggers your autism so much? Did your uncle look like Snyder? You know. That uncle who did, uh, things to you?
Original Dragonball manga is excellent. Not sure about DBZ as I could not find decent scans at that time.
You know what, a standalone Alien inspired Cell movie would be neat
>yfw you realize Frieza could morph his dick into any shape he wants
Ryan Reynolds would be a pretty solid Vegeta, opposite some young, tall, ripped, half-asian Chad with good comedy chops (think: Jason Momoa circa Stargate: Atlantis) as Goku.
Yeah, he could probably voluntarily dilate and shape/texture his urethra until you could fuck it like an impossibly ribbed vagina before he constricts it on your dick but wouldn't that be so gross and wrong lol.
Imagine if he choked you with his tail while commanding you to fuck his fleshlight dick that would be so scary and gross haha
Goku should've died on Namek.
There I said it.
Goku surviving post-Namek is the cancer of the franchise.
Based correct user.
You know he’d be a personalityless vapid cgi monster that dies in one scene
You'll be fighting me, now.
>tfw mr. Satan promised candy, but hasn't delivered yet
Best one yet
Beerus is pretty hard to fuck up, considering he's just a purple humanoid sphinx cat.
No, the most optimum way to do it would be:
>watch dragonball
>watch dbz (not kai since the fillers are actual kino)
>watch the movies in chronology with the show if you can
>watch super
Dub not sub
This looks terrible. More smooth. Frieza was at his most menacing when he was completely expressionless apart from his demeanor and voice
Completely disregard this contrarian.
>fillers are actual kino
Yep, wasting your time is kino. Dumbass
>cute alien hitler twink
>turn it into voldemort
Honestly I think Snyder would actually do an okay job at Dragon Ball Z, unlike Superman and Batman DBZ is actually really shallow action. It's exciting and fun but there's really not much character to fuck up since Goku is already really selfish and retarded. Goku saves people yes, but it's mostly because he likes training and fighting, he almost let everyone fucking die because he wanted Gohan to follow his footsteps as a fighter during the Cell arc, he's also away from his family either staying dead or whatever the fuck as long as he gets to indulge his own selfish need to get stronger. Honestly Snyder would excel at it.
That's 110% Malcolm McDowell. Pretty confident it's this photo.
Was there a point in bringing him back? Just to pad Vegeta's win record out?
They both look like The Rock
He's the protagonist, why wouldn't you bring him back?
Manga creators, at least those published in Shonen Jump always work with the publishers and readers breathing down their necks. They have regular polls where readers rank the series as they go week to week, this means that the artists are constantly pressured to do stuff that won't piss off the readers because their series might get cancelled if it's not liked enough. Maybe this wasn't the entire reason when it comes to Dragonball because Toriyama has been on record that he didn't even want to keep doing the series after Namek, but it's still to be assumed that people would have hated it if Goku stayed dead.
Aside from making him wear black pants for no reason, I dig this one
Can someone make this one work pls?
I suppose the streak was destined to happen, then.
>fans demanded 'Geets be put over
I see.
they had already set the precedent for resuscitation at the beginning of the king piccolo saga, there was no going back
>it was fate
AT willed it.
Face looks nigerian
if you watch kai, you're a complete faggot. If you have any masculinity within you at all, you'll watch the old dub with the falconer soundtrack in it.
You are literally mentally retarded if you would willingly watch hours of filler instead of shit that's actually relevant to the plot. Kai is the definitive version of DBZ, faggot.
Baka gaijin comfy filler memes the best part about shonen
>If you have any masculinity within you at all, you'll watch the old dub with the falconer soundtrack in it.
just skip over that shit then dumbass. anyone who watches kai with those voices and soundtrack has a weak bloodline and better not reproduce.
The one thing I dislike about kai is all the nostalgic music is gone.
Other than that it's 100% an improvement. The only filler that was remotely worth anything was Goku learning to drive.
>Ryan Reynolds would be a pretty solid Vegeta
You have to go back
This was an awful post
Snyder should dire-
Frieza looks handsome, not like an old fart.
When he was introduced in Namek saga he was something like 35 years old.
read the manga
ignore the anime
Vegeta's hairline is way too low, I always picture Five Easy Pieces Jack Nicholson.
Got a touch of the ‘tism there, user
>With those voices
Is this bait?
Reminds me a whole lot of Ivan Ooze.
He's right, though
It's true.
pure unadultered cringe: the post
is it bad that upon first look at this i thought it said “Snyder should direct Bad Drago-“ and was referring to Bad Dragon, purveyors of all manner of sex toy, creating a Frieza butt plug, and I was immensely confused of Zack Snyder’s connection
That's fucking creepy
Imagine crawling inside his fleslight dick and he uses his three toed feet to jerk you off haha that would be so gross haha. i wouldnt do that.
>short baby faced villain whose power level contradicts his relatively harmless appearance
>westerners completely miss the point and try to make him look as evil as possible
>le innocent fun maymay
Holy manchild, batman!
i can see your virginity through your post, it's that obvious.
>not only provides a non-argument but also acts in a childish manner
>not only provides a non-argument but also acts in a childish manner
So basically identical to the post I was deliberately mocking?
based retard
>Sick of christians always hiding behind lies
Tesla was a Christian you fucking retard.
Brety gud
Why is he wearing trashbags as shoes?
You have never seen dragon ball
Snyder is too edgy and most western directors don’t understand the concept of a character needing to overcome conflict by training to be better. All western shit just has characters magically leveling up to beat the final boss due to western cambellian myth
>tfw downloaded a torrent decade ago that was every dbz movie and episodes uncut.