/got/ general

Trailer edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



First for Shireen on Iron Throne


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CGI looks bad, like not even unfinished just straight up bad

Fourth for Based Stannis

are we back for good

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Leaks when?

>Jon x Dany


Azor Arya

>that shot of the Silence


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Holy shit them leaks that were posted the after the season 7 finale are legit

That trailer kinda sucked

What a terrible lackluster trailer. Literally doesn't show anything we don't already know.

>kill me Jon

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Seriously why does it look so bad? I figured they would go all out with the budget for the final season

as usual

what leaks

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/reddit containment general/

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>Jamie dies

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The shitposting can start again


i never noticed before but the dragons look pregnant ;)

can't wait to sit through half the cast spout the same "now I fight for the LIVING" speech throughout the season

They're such a weak couple that Missandei and the eunuch felt more romantic in this trailer.

>riding out from Winterfell

For what purpose

>Still pushing Grey Worm-Missandei romance
So has D&D forgotten he's a fucking eunuch?

>tfw Rickon and Dickon will never become the gay emperors of Essos

That was kinda weak desu. The season 7 one was more hype.

But they catch from tiny eggs

Actually you're back one more time, and when this trash finally ends we never have to see you retards again.

I can't fathom the mentality of someone who thinks this isn't going to be as hamfisted and embarrassing as all of the other episodes they've done without the books.


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>thinking the only way to pleasure a woman is with a dick
how old are you

Fighting a siege against wights would be pretty retarded. Kill or be killed.

They're like the only black people in the show, it's mandatory. Just don't waste another 10 minutes on him eating her out.

>tfw not even a tinge of excitement

Shit trailer, do they usually show trailer 2 shortly after or what? hopefully next trailer is actually hype.

fucking uglyass wyverns

>being a Slovak subhuman

>trailer drops
>literally dont feel any excitement anymore

D&D really managed to kill this series for me. And the last two books will literally never come out. It really is a shame this is how things turned out to be, i really loved GoT a few years ago.

Also, not that it matters, but did you notice how Tyrion doesnt have any lines in the trailer and literally does the same as in the last season: standing around and looking with a brooding face at everything? What the fuck did they do to this character?

The two are males

They don't wanna give much away. Battle of Winterfell is episode 3 and it doesn't look like we've seen anything past that.

Couldn't you just hole up and let the dragons fire breath them all?

There better be ice spiders. I was promised ice spiders.

>Cercei cries
Death of Jaime confirmed.

they gotta be careful with the dragons, Night King can one shot them

>that guy who cant keep it up so he relies on his tongue game

It'll never be enough, sweetie

I hope she cries because Jamie left desu

Gods i was a good series then

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so reddit general ?

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I hope the dragons and the brown people kill all the white men with the help of strong women

She's drinking, so it's probably that miscarriage that got cut from the previous season. S7 established that westeros has an understanding of FAS.

god i wish we could go back to pre-season 5 times of /got/

Jesus Christ every Arya scene is cringe as fuck.


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There won't be. It'll be sone scene where they have Tyrion say

>"ice spiders? that was just a ridiculous embellishment"

In a show with dragons and shadow demons and giants and etc. Because this is how retardedly sloppy the writing is.

>venture beyond the wall for the genius plan of capturing a wight
>end up losing a fucking dragon to the undead side
>undead dragon can now destroy the wall
why would anyone root for Jon and Dany? these retards doomed an entire continent

>implying he can't use his fingers/his fist/a dragon glass dildo
also have you ever had a girlfriend?

>GoTfags unironically comparing GoT to LOTR battles

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Just like the books

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Why are they the same size? Drogon is supposed to be way bigger

not even normies asked for greyworm and missandei scenes, just go ahead and kill these two expandable bore ass characters
>Bro remember helm's deep?

What's it like being blind?

Bro did you see how fast she was spinning, with such speed she could fight anyone, even Brienne of Tarth

I've lost all character traits to serve the dragon lady, your grace

Since the series has been in steady decline ever since S1 this is going to be predictably terrible with one great action episode

>read the comment section
have i really become this jaded or is the general populace just this tasteless ?


Yeah but none of them were broken Tumblr wastes who hadn't yet figured out they were actually lesbians. Also I'm not since bigbutt s o y waste that can't get it up.

> Cersei gets depressed, eventually alienates herself. Ends up going insane and shutting herself off. Jamie finds her, mercy kills her (Via strangling either via hand or necklace of hands) and dies in the ensuing explosion that Cersei had set about before dying, destroying Kings Landing with Wildfire.
> Bran ends up witnessing her ravings of 'burn them all' and accidentally creates the mad king, setting the events of the series in motion.
> The Iron Bank of Braavos is a surprise threat in the series - its unclear if they arrive before or after the death of Cersei and the destruction of Kings Landing, but the implication is that they are not serving Cersei but the desires of Braavos but are out for themselves, wanting to exploit the chaos in order to gain control of land.

They could have easily taken the entire undead army out with the three dragons desu.

Hello Sean.

>BATTLE OF WINTERFELL is just gonna be an HELM'S DEEP copycat
feeld bad

Book Arya is still twatting about in Essos poisoning niggas you massive abortion. Show Arya is now ebin ninja edgelord princess greatest warrior in the seven kingdoms

Both. Welcome to adulthood. Everybody sucks. Even you.

I dreamed about GoT last night, it was filled with product placement, Dany found a STC and it goes from a medieval society to a space faring civilization, halo marines and mecha knights, comercial breaks every 10 minutes.
Honestly when i woke up i wasnt sure it had been a dream or reality

Same retarted tierlist in every thread.

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Never read youtube comments for mainstream shit, it's always pure cancer.

he literally has no balls

>show used to be about political intrigue
>Omfg did you see that dragon?!?!?! Go KHALEESI

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Maario Naharis

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What about the white walkers, or as I call them, culture stealing honkeys

You sound fat and bitter no woman is "good enough" to look past your fatness

I hope daenerys gets fucking murked, fuck this mary sue bitch-ass bitch-ass bitch


At least Stannis will appear

The average person who watches got can't even name 5 characters from the show.

>that Cersei smirk

Still the best girl.

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It'll be nothing like Helm's Deep. The location/enemy isn't similar at all.

Blood on her face
Did she lost an eye?

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why was season 6 so kino but season 7 so trash?

That seems a bit harsh for making fun of your gay show. Are you on your period?

Why is every Arya scene like this now?

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I want the Nite King to fuck all these guys up.

Walk to the light Stannis, it's ok, everything will be ok. It's time.

>book arya isn't a cringe edgelord

i change it based on feedback

Or burned?

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Only the even numbered seasons are kino.

last episode will reveal Night King is a huge fan of Bobby B and just wants to get to KL to resurrect him

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That's a good trick

Alt Shift X live streaming trailer breakdown:


Seeing as how Sothoryos is not connected to Essos then does that mean the Brindled men are another homini species entirely from the GoT humans?

>Le ebin unstoppable assassin Arya saying stupid shit meant to be cool
>Eunuch love
>Soviet-tier dragon cgi
GoT is a caricature of its former self.

anything arya related after she goes to braavos is ultra cringe
i missed seeing you

>season 1

>tfw arya, sansa, and daenerys are all cringe but you can't point it out without looking like an inc*l

Can’t wait for the Night King to march on Winterfell only to be charged down by the fucking MANNIS out of the trees like some kind of Vietcong.

I think the IB are Faceless and see the undead phenomenon itself as an expression of God. They want to sacrifice Westeros to them. Also Baelish was working for them and has the same beliefs.

imagine actually watching that retards videos

How likely?

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I just hope we'll be able to squeeze some memes out of it. Autist Bran almost made S7 worthwhile.


>none of that happens of is just really minimalist and lackluster

>half the season taken up by greyworm/missandei romance plot


calling it


remember littlefinger?

Is Stannis finally coming back this season?
I can't believe they've kept him away for 2 entire seasons now

>the whole trailer focuses on Daenerys and her gang of misfits
>some nods to arya and Cersei

Pisses me off. Martin spent decades building one of the most vast world in fiction with hundreds of characters with deep character profiles. They all get washed away in the show for like 5 characters.

wouldn't faceless see undead as an affront to death

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Only way to redeem GoT is by bringing back stannis and/or Littlefinger.

>charles lena and jack on top

Sansa... the rape...



Why would they be first men and andals aren't different

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I want a brienne and Jamie to fall in love. Will it happen?

And Stannish... I shupposh thatsh off the table ashwell?

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>none of that happens of is just really minimalist and lackluster
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that the battles are going to be really flat and underwhelming. Betting that most of the budget went towards paying the actors since there are so many of them

>he doesn't know about the prequels
You won't get rid of us that easy.

We will never get a sword and sorcery type series, where a group of madlads goes travelling the world. It would be kino.

>that episode where the madlads become bountyhunters for the empress of Yi ti but end up turning on her because the person being chased is the real heir

>That episode where the madlads get trapped in a witch lair in Asshai, sexy big titty goth witches are plentiful

>that episode where the madlads have to go deep into sothoryos jungle to find a temple, indiana jones kino

>that episode where they are going through the shivering sea and have to face a levianthan

Wasted potential desu


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It is implied that humans in Essos barely immigrated to Sothoryos compared to Westeros. I find it interesting an Africa not linked to Eurasia is actually a paleolithic wilderness.

Did they just unironically confirm Jaime died

Little Finger

all are gone for Daenerys and Jon take the main spot, it hurts

if littlefinger fucks everyone in the end
i will admit got would be the best tv series ever

I actually liked a lot of the world building parts from aDwD and it's a shame we won't see any of those other weird areas

Until the spinoffs/sequels/prequels start rolling in.

more like miscarriage maybe

mmmmmmm i hope GRRM introduces 50 more characters and 8 new POVs for the last two books

they think death is a merciful end to suffering and see the others as the god of death himself coming to end suffering

>one brief shot of Tyrion
That's D&D's whitewashing of him coming to bite the character in the ass. Without his descent to darkness, there's literally nothing for him to do, as seen for the last, what, three seasons? He's Grey Worm tier now.


god I wish

Where as the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs were quite advanced

I can't believe they turned one of the most interesting and nuanced characters in the show into Daenerys' bitch. Bravo. Truly fucking bravo.

i don't get why anybody would follow Cersey, but ok

also completely incompetent

Sequential hermaphroditism


literally everyone is either jon's or dany's bitch now

Nah he's made a deal with Cersei for sure. He found out she's pregnant and he cares about family.


Here's hoping they kill this ugly goblin at last

>Legit queen of the seven kingdoms
>She isn't the daugther of a crazy lunatic who burn people alive
>Has a good hand of the king, smart guy
>Actually a trustworthy women if you support her


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I'm still not able to finish season 7
Fuck this shitshow, it's garbage.

lol everybody here hated Tyrion before long before he met Dany

Nah, he's got a deal with Cersei. Going to be the last plot twist

Euron's actor said he's blackmailing Cersei in the article yesterday, so yeah, nobody give a shit about cersei. Tho knowing the show, she'll feed him to the dogs and steal all his ships. D&D love cersei and dany and all the wimminz.

Why did I not see a single Greyjoy in this?

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>lol everybody here hated Tyrion
really tho? I thought he was one of the better characters all the way to the end of season 4

the DUDE I DRINK AND KNOW THINGS smugness was cringe but his role as a character was interesting

>No redskins in GoT
What did George mean by this?

except the glorious lioness

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>Cersei isn't a Targ

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Euron will sit on the Iron Throne by the time the battle reaches the south

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I want to eat Sansas asshole. I actually really liked her character up until the last season.

Yeah really



Because the best one was cut

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Welcome back brothers

Just rewatched all of the previous seasons and I just had to skip all the scenes with Daenerys. Such a boring and non-existent character evolution with mediocre acting. Jon+Dany relationship feels so forced.

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they're like a half step away from being as relevant as dorne. if cersei and dany didn't need ships last season, they'd have been wiped out already.

>What the fuck did they do to this character?
Tyrion's character was based entirely around his intellect and charisma, something that is difficult for Dumb and Dumber to write by themselves.

Is there any hope left for the martells?

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>wew we're about to be attacked by enemies that can raise skellies from the dead

What in the fuck is happening with Theon......

What Cersei has done against the people of the seven kingdoms? Most of her evil stuff was against Tyrion and her enemies, she isn't have done something that Tywin wouldn't do, and Tywin was a very good hand of the king.

When's Lady Stoneheart?

>that pic


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lol there are no more martells

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>political intrigue? character development? verisimilitude? show, don't tell? nah.
>khaleesi? terrible CGI? arya cosplaying as coldsteel again? mulattos kissing? characters teleporting around? anime combat? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS

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>Legit queen of the seven kingdoms
by murdering the people the went before her
>She isn't the daugther of a crazy lunatic who burn people alive
did you watch the series? she literally 9/11s her own city
>>Has a good hand of the king, smart guy
>Actually a trustworthy women if you support her
she's incompetent as fuck and a drunk

So who the fuck is Azor Ahai?

oh look, it's ghost. I thought it was a statue.

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>Victarion and Euron were mushed together into Eurtarion

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Didn't they establish that Winterfell has secret tunnels designed specifically so people could escape in the case of a siege?

I've been gone for two years. But I'm ready for /got/ general again.

it is a statue

fucking based

>Cercei won't be strangled by wight Tommen

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Some shitty comedian.

Nope, Asha and Theon are Victarion. In the books he's going to Slaver's Bay to marry Daenarys and give her the fleet to bring her to Westeros

>This happened almost 5 years ago

Blew up the faith and tyrells in the great sept, soon to backstab the army fighting the walkers

don't think so mate, i think they cut the direwolves statues from the show. It's probably Ghost.


>Cersei legit crying

He's dead isn't he?

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They did
but that doesn't make for good TV does it?

That's what happens to anything previously cool that lasts too long, and gets too popular: it collapses under its own weight.

why wouldn't he be outside fighting?

>I know Death
>he's got many faces

No. He HAS many faces.

You are from England, why can you not speak English?!

talking about the meathead axe portion
but you're right, Victarion's character has been spliced and divided amongst the greyjoys

>everyones wearing dull black dusty looking worn out outfits still

post the season 8 leaks

I don't care anymore

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is this a student project?

Yeah, she knows something bad is going to happen to her, or received the news Jaime is dead.

> Two main battles with the White Walkers occur
> They know if you kill the Night King, that they all die (unsure if they mentioned this last series)

> 1st battle is a massacre, it's set-up as a big final battle of the episode but instead we cut away to a different scene only to return to the battle to see everyone dead thanks to the Ice Dragon - frozen and being re-animated by the Night King. This includes two or three main characters. It's supposed to emphasise nobody is safe.
> 2nd battle is the one from the trailer around 1:30, everyone is going into this fight knowing they cannot win and the goal is simply delaying and being a distraction to buy time while everyone else escapes and Jon and Daenerys attempt to kill the Night King's Ice Dragon. They succeed, but the Night King himself is leading a second attack elsewhere.

The final conflict with the Night King involves the White Walkers invading Winterfell, but that occurs in the penultimate episode and no shots of that battle are included in this trailer.

This trailer primarily focuses on the first three episodes and shots of the destruction of Kings Landing.

>GoT literally used to be the reason I didn't kill myself back when s4 aired
>only feel disgust when I see people hyped about it now

what the fuck happened guys...

No. If that does happen it's in the second half of the season and they're definitely only showing scenes from the first few episodes.

>tfw original aagghhposter and seeing my legacy lives on
i love you faggots

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Doesn't look like they're using them though. D&D probably forgot like they forgot about Cersei's OC Baratheon baby. Either way, bunkering down in the crypts when your enemy has the ability to raise the dead is a monumentally stupid move.

Probably guarding the people inside the crypt?
Because maybe, just maybe this direwolf in particular won't suffer a pointless, retarded death.
Nah, just kidding, he'll die protecting the people hiding in the crypt.

Kys Redditor

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>Even if I did escape, I'd be a coward
>The Greyjoy who ran
>The shame of the family
Theon is the most tragic character, change my mind

This is almost peak CGI and there is nothing you can do about it.

It always looks better in motion, budget spent on realistic muscles and lighting.

The compositor afterwards kinda fucked up the saturation on the dragons and maby the creature design is off putting but the CGI is Dank

T. 3dartist

god i fucking hate maisie and arya so fucking much

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every tv show after 3-4 seasons will suck no matter what

leave me alone brienne


This picture. this pic posted in a thread not about Game of Thrones was what convinced me to watch that first episode.

Whoever you were, user who posted this, I want to say; thank you. But also, FUCK YOU!

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She doesn't care if Jimmy lives or dies.

The Wire

He brought it on himself

No, this is her falling into madness.

Sopranos managed to get to 6 without it turning to shit. It's possible to avoid getting stale with competent writers.

>t. hasn't seen The Shield
kys, stop making excuses for mediocrity
even Supernatural was great for five whole seasons thanks to Kripke's vision.

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The first five and latter nine series of Supernatural are two different shows, please don't equate early Supernatural to this horse shit

>the americans
>mad men
>the wire

>cersei drinks poison after having qyburn smuggle her baby out of king's landing

What happened to this show
Look at Ned's facial expressions when he's talking about Jon's mother
Theon's face when he looks at the corpses of the farm boys AND Luwin's sobs

Now we have "He's got many faces, I look forwards to meeting this one"


sopranos was a comedy, that's different
lucifer actor looked like a joke and ruined season 5

>Jon is the main character and king of the biggest chunk of land in the series
>dresses like a fucking bum
>no one wears helmets, proper steel/plate armour
>no colour anywhere, just generic brown and blacks

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>lucifer actor

I liked Nick more as time went on. He bugged me in S5 but I even enjoy him going full demented serial killer these days

She is unhappy with tax income.

>and king of the biggest chunk of land in the series

ISIS had an enormous chunk of land too. But like The North, it was mostly just empty scrubland

I've never seen Lucifer.
What happens to the actor in season 5?


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>*teleports to Winterfell*

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>the retarded spoilers seem to be true



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Why not just dig a giant moat around winterfell and fill it with wildfire or dragonfire so the dead cant get through?

This is the last season, retard.

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The spoilers from ages ago or are there new ones?

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They no longer have a book to fall back on and the writers don't know how to write a good plot so they rely on action scenes to compensate. Season 3 was the last really great season. Everything since then has just been a fucking trainwreck

the fucking state of the costume design

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Spoil this shit to me plox

Great reading comprehension fella.


>Missandei and the eunuch

Ms Stronk and Ser No Winkle confirmed for major focus of the season.


that's different, Supernatural was just fun schlock from episode one

Star Trek TNG.


What is she thinking about?

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she killed cersei

Tyrion commits treason by burning down Kings Landing and is executed.

She should lose her head desu

>confirms the old as fuck leaks

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Anyone have a clue when the new season starts?

post the leaks

>r to gain control of land.
Braavosi agents are for CONTROL ending.
Bran/Jon are for DESTROY/REFUSE ending, and the cycle will continue.
Daenerys is gonna break the wheal - SYNTHESIS.

he was arguably good when he was in Sam's head as a representation of madness, but not when he was in real life as a representation of evil

What's that red thing?

I'm surprised they showed Arya running away and showing fear desu.

this is the last shoot of the big season 8 battle
she's running after Jaime and Brienne bought her time with their life.

iron born seed quickening inside her womb.

nice one, retard.

this but unironically

if only there was some sort of trailer that tells us the date

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april 14th watch the trailer lol

A cape.
All heroes wear capes.

got some kebab grease on her eye when eating a doner after a shag round the back of the club.


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They came out half a year ago or so, the same spoilers for last season turned out to be right.

I don't have them, but basically it was something along these lines

>big battle against the white walkers at winterfell
>humans get BTFO, 1 dragon dies along with multiple other characters, one of them jaime
>jon, daenerys, arya and some others manage to escape
>bran is waiting in the gods wood for the night king who kills him
>later on daenerys is killed by euron and hung from the walls of kings landing
>the people throw shit at her
>final battle is jon riding a dragon and killing the night king in the most cheesy, forced scene ever

Check Yea Forums
15 captain marvel hate threads
5 GoT threads
I think I need to leave this place for a while
Trailer looks great though hype train full steam ahead

Guess that means Danerys dies too

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>Bran ends up witnessing her ravings of 'burn them all' and accidentally creates the mad king, setting the events of the series in motion.
This is so retarded that I'm sure that D&D will go with it

Based Euron

As soon as it actually became fantasy war I lost interest. I mean I enjoy fantasy stuff and so on, but the intrigue in GoT was much better than the all out warfare. I guess I just want another season of Rome

Fuck, the leaks were real. Time to drop this shit.

Such an obvious lie

Don't get my hopes up

I thought jaime died in the big dragon pit explosion from that leak

We can hope

She's obviously gonna go crazy and will be put down by jonny boy

Gendry is true ending

what leaks

>sunset found her hanging....

That's not crying unless he's pissing his pants. That's right before the WW show up. There's soldiers just standing in the background.


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sansa's hair?

That shit came out like a month after season 7 aired. Why are people still falling for that garbage when there are people like frikdoctor with more believable spoilers that are backed up with set photos?

it was all part of the plan
you mean the series won't end up with cersei as the new snow queen?

Because this trailer doesn't contradict any of the spoilers. But feel free to post better ones if you have.

Story is that the vessel he's in is degrading because he really needs _Sam_ who is his true vessel. So they have him in full leper mode in S5

How will Varys react to the death of Little Finger

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black dicks

hope The Expanse will not die this slow death. there's lot room to grow for every actor right now, seriously they're mostly shit besides a few. good thing the story and setting is alright.

Doubters doubted, but I never lost the faith



Mostly that but there was a kings landing fight at the dragon pit being where the final fight is
Cersei basically kills everyone off in the cast and Tyrion is left alive as hand to Dany and Jon's kid (few others were also alive) but she doesn't look preggo enough for her to have a kid so that bit's likely wrong.

>being hyped for got
What is this, 2013?

This is so tru tho all of the Stark children are such shit actors

why is the trailer so dam dark? can't see shit

The ending is Jon killing Bran because Bran is the Night King time-traveler, thus ending the undead threat.

Zombie Ned and Lyanna confirmed.

does your uncle work at HBO faggot?

Don't remind me of that please

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dude zombies lmao

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>nobody cared about me until i cut my cock

Those spoilers contradict themselves, nigga. The person writing it literally forgets certain characters died and just writes about them later on iirc. Also he's right about Friki, and his leaks are different. He knew what was in the trailer before it even was posted. You can't even say it's not a reliable source since he did similar with S7.

>later on daenerys is killed by euron and hung from the walls of kings landing
only good thing from it desu

When are they coming back?

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but I thought the future is female?

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Keep dreaming, this adaptation is completely cursed

if they hang daenerys from the walls my respect for this show is absolutely restored

Yeah I'm sure thats how George RR Martin is gonna end his character driven, morally complex book that is supposed to stand against classic fantasy with evil sorceressers in the drak against heroes that bring the light.
With a fucking Minas Tirith remake where all the likeable characters fight against the unlikeable ones and an unquestionably evil force that is basicly muh global warming.
Fuck D&D I LOVED the books and the series could have actually been really good.
But I guess NPC's are a lucrative audience

unironically based king

>Brothers are killed
>His father hands him off to the Starks as a hostage
>Spends his childhood/teenage years with a metaphorical knife to his throat
>Though he generally lives comfortably, he's essentially a glorified house nigger, and is politely reminded as such regularly
>Eventually returns to his home, and is treated with contempt by his father and sister due to circumstances that are completely out of his control
>Is given a shit job, and put in charge of a shit crew who doesn't even respect him
>In a moment of sheer desperation for approval, allows himself to be manipulated into "going above and beyond", and taking Winterfell
>Even the people of Winterfell don't respect him after that, and he makes a bunch of bad calls out of sheer frustration (and manipulation)
>Gets handed over to Ramsay by the shitbag who manipulated him into taking Winterfell in the first place
>Around this point, the realization hits him of how much of a piece of shit he's been
>Doesn't matter, because he spends an undetermined amount of time being psychologically tormented, and physically dismantled by Ramsey
>Ramsey even takes his genitals, the ONE place in his life where he felt like he had any control
>Becomes a mentally broken shell of a man
>The surviving Starks hate him, and want him dead
>Eventually returns to Pyke, because he's really got nowhere else to go
>Sister is even MORE disgusted with him now, going as far as telling him to kill himself at one point
>His people hate him
>His Uncle comes out of nowhere, usurps the throne, and now wants him dead too.
>Sister (the only family he really has left) gets captured by his uncle, because he was too afraid to do anything.
>Tries to rally his men to rescue his sister, but they all call him a coward, and tell him to fuck off.
>He gets the shit beaten out of him, and the only thing that saves him is the fact that he doesn't have a cock and balls.

Theon's had a hard life.

OH shit, is there a scene stealing cat?

Shansha Stark, I'm Undead

this can't be real, I like Dany death but this
>final battle is jon riding a dragon and killing the night king in the most cheesy, forced scene ever
it's too forced like you said

What "spoilers"? Everything in that trailer can be reasonably assumed by just watching season 7.

>Jon and Dany go back to Winterfell
>Jon will most likely learn about his parentage
>there is a fight at Winterfell
>Euron comes back with the Golden Company

How does that confirm ANYTHING you posted? What inside information did the "leaker" have that other people didn't, when judging the trailer?

this. this little faggot was right about most stuff. could've grown to be more ruthtless and successfull than Tywin.

>Tyrion and Bronn cross through the near deserted courtyard.
so this is how the show ends? BASED

>daenerys is killed by euron and hung from the walls of kings landing

i am ok with this

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>later on daenerys is killed by euron and hung from the walls of kings landing

Worth the price of admission alone. I'll gladly watch the NPC bar reaction to that one.

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Well, honestly, the trailer feels like shit too

>I'll gladly watch the NPC bar reaction to that one.

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the only thing i want is stannis to come back

Just to be clear, everyone agrees that Jaime is best character, right?

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Really? I'm /fullcomfy/ right now.

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it's revisionism, nothing more
that's the kind of people who say "s2-s4" " were great" even though everyone complained about them constantly back in the day.

they got killed off because it was her turn

yep. and a good actor too.

>>later on daenerys is killed by euron and hung from the walls of kings landing

Hopefully he on screen rapes dany before killing her

>using a mac
nice, faggot me too

Is this what becoming lesbian does to women?

>i really loved GoT a few years ago.
We all did user, we all did.

Attached: sadpepe.png (917x871, 139K)

>I'll gladly watch the NPC bar reaction
fat girl with belly hidden and boobs displayed always a must

except for the degenerate thing

>Brienne is taller, stronger, fought since she was 8, had armor, experience and an actual fucking sword.
>Arya trainer for 2 months, got her ass kicked half the time and still needed an advantage to kill the dainty little waif
I was actually fucking shocked when they really had arya defeat her. I was 100% sure she would be taken down a notch just to show that theres a bit of realism left in the show.
But no, it really is just bad fanfiction now

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I'm just gonna say what we're all thinking...


compare upvotes in r/GOT from season 5 onwards. A lot of people still watch the show but few are really enthusiastic about it.

Alt Shift X, good guy, makes pretty entertaining GoT vids compared to other mediocre stuff.

Which probably means you'll all hate him

Based memory chad

the fuck you say? He's normiecore to the max. His videos are full of asspull

In the first draft of his death he was supposed to just get rekt by superautist bran who can read his mind, but then DD decided they needed a kweens moment with arya and sandsa

I'm making a new thread

dont do it, fag

no don't do it

do it

New thread

Gods no

>ellaria sand at bottom

um, what?


I think he would have been an ok king at least. Hes cruel enough to hold his power, hes somewhat competent and hes not hold back by morals.
The only difference between a bad a and a good king in this world is which one can avoid a war to keep his people save.

Obviously not. They couldn't even save a few people with all 3.