Movie mentions your hometown

>Movie mentions your hometown

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>hometown is in the movie

>le epic green fucking frog that hates women
Wow so epic fucking incel. Kill yourself.

>they only mention it because your hometown houses one of the most, if not the most dangerous insane asylum in the world

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".. rocket city"

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>movie and series is your home town

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>watching shitty Swedish production film
>recognize the backdrop
>realize they're literally standing underneath my mother's window for an entire scene
Spooked me right out of the movie

I can't believe he killed Morty's mom

this has never happened to me. it would be funny though if james bond or some shit went to bargara lol

very jewish post

based CIA data mining thread

>Homecountry is not USA
>Watch nice action flick
>Character from homecountry
>"hell yeah"
>Its an antagonist (like always)

>Movie takes place in home town
>"Hey user, where are you from?"
>"Oh, I'm from 'town name'."

Every time.


>movie is filmed in your hometown

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>character from my country
>treats his mother bad and then rapes the protagonist's wife

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Stop being Russian then

Maybe you shouldn't be from a third world country

>Hollywood action sequel
>They go to L O N D O N

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>character from my country
>isn't potrayed as a lazy and a rapist
>can never feel identified with them

who here /le epic green fucking frog that hates women/

>movie mentions milwaukee
>and how happy they were to get out of there

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>One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was filmed in my hometown
>one of the patients escaped by climbing down camera cables
I don’t think anything’s been filmed there since

>movie destroys your hometown

Why the fuck are there so many Yea Forums anons from Milwaukee?
And in what fantasy movie did any character ever escape?

people who live in nice places don't have a reason to go on Yea Forums

>it's always about something illegal
based TJ

time to dialate tranny

>movie mentions hometown
>they actually mean one of the two dozen generic american towns that stole the name

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Sh-shut up, Milwaukee is nice
I didn't even get robbed last year

>bestgirl is from your hometown

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no, it doesn't

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This post is clearly ironic but /pol/cels are too dumb to notice

>TV show is filmed 15 minutes away from you
>It's shit

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>movie gives your hometown a sportsball team

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We’ve come a long way since “dumb frogposter”

My small hometown was featured in an episode of The Apprentice UK

This happens to me a lot except they rarely ever do filming in my actual town because it’s too expensive.

>Brampton, ON

Must be a Bollywood release

bong? what town?


that would startle me

To Catch a Predator mentioned Cincinnati.

This you?

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when I first spammed that insult back in 2014, the banality of the insult was the point

It honestly did

I mean it wasn't actually scary since I don't fear shitty Swedish actors, but I couldn't think about anything other than all those people right outside my mother's kitchen for the rest of the movie


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The movie wasn't set in Fargo.

>hometown gets destroyed in movie

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Do they play the movie and the series in the theater on the big screen?

when yanks talk about their hometown they mean a the greater metropolitan area like the whole of chicago

when brits talk about their hometown they meant the street and the path to the shops

americans are so generic and plastic

Based Brampton Batman

is that michael jackson?

>scene takes place in your home town
>it clearly isn't in your home town
It happened once at a fictional business on a street that definitely wasn't in my home town.

hot actress is related to someone from your hometown

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But I posted my literal hometown you cunt

>hot girl you went to high school with did porn

based trips

>Movie IS in your hometown

Based Bad Ben

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>They make fun of our accent
Feels bad :(

/pol/cel here. I recognized it as ironic and laughed.

Spice Girl Mel C is from your town, but instead of mentioning your town, she incorrectly tells everyone she is from Liverpool.

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ah-bloo-bloo ish een shpaysh

>*Blitzkrieg Bop starts playing*

Yeah boi

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>your entire state is hardly used for anything film related

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Not a movie but i grew up "somewhere in Muskoka Ontario"
Its a genuinely beautiful place and i would highly recommend it for a vacation spot.

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Erie PA name checked in Wall Street
half the movie That Thing You Do!


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>hometown gets nuked in anime

>Movie takes place in my city (Dallas)
>Filmed in Louisiana and New Orleans

At least we got Robocop.

Vilken stad?

Wait how come incels look like all those dudes with their mouths open in their Twitter profile pics? Just what the hell is going on here

based /le epic green fucking frog that hates women/ posters

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>movie says your hometown was destroyed

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Excuse me, the restaurant scene was in the Hotel Donaldson.
Every now and again they play the movie.
>tfw buddy was the manager there in high school and we would get blazed in the catwalks and mess with the drunks from the balcony above the marquee.

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>your hometown only comes up in Narcos and both Sicarios
Texan btw

Is the Ayuwoki

Which one?

i fucking hate this type of b8 it's so obvious and hits all the nerves.
yet here i am

based obsessed redditor

51st State was set in Liverpool

It portrayed Liverpool as a grim shithole full of drug addicts and petty criminals living in poverty

The most accurate depiction of my hometown there has ever been

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buenos aires?

Mel C isn't from Liverpool?

Next you'll be telling me Kerry Katona is from Warrington lmao

>movie says it takes place in your town or state
>filmed in Vancouver, BC

>The scene where the Canadian guy in Grown Ups 2 mentions Saskatoon
Literally nobody has that accent in the west.


>Evil Russian guy

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t. live in a rural town in the midwest that was on Supernatural

I've lived in Washington state for a long time. I don't think anything that takes place here is filmed here.

>Live in San Fernando Valley
>literally one giant Paul Thomas Anderson film set

Not worth it though, driving here is a nightmare

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>live in Germany
>they mention your country
that all we eurobros get :(

You might want to consider talking to a counselor for your impotent rage issues. I find it funny but you should get help.

One of the people who worked on toystory lived around my town and we'd always see him driving around in a old VW Buggy with a toystory paint job

Those were the first posts I ever saw on Yea Forums on the old pissbottle generals.
I miss those.