Hahahahahaha these reviews are KINO af.
Hahahahahaha these reviews are KINO af
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Oh nonono
it's time to fight back, Yea Forums
>4chanX filter for capeshit, cunny, and autism
is everything a "kino" for your dumb bean-sized breain?
Imagine the pain of reviewing this turd.
>Captain Marvel : Good enough
Wow, now I really want to see it.
i dont get it.
some 3/5 are fresh, some are rotten
>snowflake can’t handle it
Lol triggered much?
Michael Phillips will go home and show his review to his wife. Then he will spend the evening hoping it turned her on, so she might make the first move... Who knows, he might not even have to sleep on the couch tonight
>every single review has some caveat
I was at around 100 hidden threads once. I stopped filtering for the most part though. Majority of this board is shit, so simply top whatever interests you and ignore the rest.
>Rates go from 0 to 4
What the fuck, this is disgusting
kek look at this faggot..
>It's not only heroes who can have superpowers, movies can have them too, and you can add "Captain Marvel" to the small list of those that do.
>an origin story not structured like an origin story
So in other words the directors and screenwriters failed. It isn't rocket science it's capeshit and if you can't get that shit right, wtf are you doing? Jesus this didn't have Kathleen Kennedy, Rian, Trank or Feig to tank it so wtf is Feige thinking here?
>the movie doesn't have to be good to be good
how dare she betray her gender like that
Based Glen
This one is fucking sobering.
>that review
>Top Critic
Like he's such a cuck to the Mouse he has to blatantly lie and make shit up like a retard. Even shills admit it's got no punch so fuck off it's got superpowers.
This isn't a movie review, just pure advertising.
Jesus Christ not even hiding it. Fucking based.
This is genuinely infuriating. Not only is it completely wrong, it's also completely dishonest and feels like it came straight out of a Disney social media account.
just throw your brain into the trash bro
>it dances to its own beat!
I fucking loathe that phrase.
back to trannydiscord
a tour de farce
Spaniard here, what is NPR?
It's always been like that. RT just subjectively decides whether or not the tone of the review is positive or not, regardless of the score.
It's a state funded radio, like Radio Nacional de España.
National Public Radio, funded by the government, those with an interest in destabilizing America, and those who think talking softly and buying the correct books makes you an intellectual.
I thought that Americans don't have state funded media.
Government-funded radio organization that, iroically enough, calls Trump a fascist on an hourly basis.
y'all are stupid.
he's saying that we are so used to this shit that we can enjoy it as popcorn kino due to being conditioned to the MCU style
NPR on the radio and PBS on the TV
>and you know how to watch them
Stoned, that is.
Are all critics Jewish?
>you know I don't do it anymore
>but just this once...
How do you think she's going to respond lads?
the movie is bad so he'll like it
That McCarthy guy does sum up almost every movie in Phase 2 and 3 with his statement to be fair
Kino is meme word for superior quality, dumdum.
Yes it's a... Culture of Critique ;D
>the movie isn't good. but good thing is, it doesn't have to be good to be good.
a bunch of them are positive reviews that basically bookend themselves with "this movie was mediocre to bad, but i can't wait until they do something with the character so here's 4/5 stars"
why are you niggaz so obsessed with this movie?
Not state funded anymore lol
why are underage twitter niggers so afraid of typing "fuck" ? Do they think the internet police will get them?
wasted quads..
Forgot link fug
she'll blame white male critics
this is very insulting for all the NPCs, i wonder if theyll get the implication.
>no cunnyshit
why get out of bed?
based and MacDonaldpilled
Why is no one talking about James woods? He had a LOT of tea to spill hunty!!! yass gawd!
>It's not only heroes who can have superpowers, movies can have them too, and you can add Captain Marvel to the small list of those that do
I don't think there's a single kind of person I hate more than a failed writer
This one is amazing.
Better times will EVENTUALLY come, albeit we could not enjoy them. And these things will be studied.
>house style
The thing that comics have been criticized for decades on is now treated as a compliment for its movies. Amusing to me
>NPCR critic
>not even trying to hide the fact that he’s advertising this movie to his pathetic drone audience
Glen Weldon is based, and, dare I say it, /ourguy/
I read it more as "dude it sucks but I cannot tell you, they have me by the balls, remember the Los Angeles Times, DON'T GO - you are my only hope".
>the day SJWs were irreparably destroyed, and not even mousebux could stop it
Loving it
So judging by this review, because it's MCU movie we should instantly like it.
The more "positive" I see, the more average they say it is. It may be a 89%, but it definitely doesn't deserve it.... judging by a lot of these reviews.
"Well, you know, it's a little bumpy, if you excuse the use of the word, and Larson is rather fine I guess."
Score 10/10
Oh he knows exactly what he's doing.
If you read how the site works you'd understand the reviewer submits the score and the rotten/fresh rating.
Only when talking about films redditor
>charismatic cast
Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.
Dear Lord.
The average score the 7.11 is pretty telling.... and it'll drop to around 6.5 I think.
Most of these critics are paid shrills who just want to stay good in with Disney so they can get early invites to future Disney movies.
So i guess unimaginative and obligatory best sum it up.
People like this will get offended over other people seeing Alita, but will at the same time pull damage control for big company capeshit.
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't
It's like you don't even know how memes or language works, faggotor
this sounds like trolling, what the fuck
based lindsey
People here seem to forget this also happened with Wonder Woman, a lot of reviews were 6/10 because they needed to be
Which is why the average score is 7.64
It's not trolling.
It's crying for help.
Todd is our nig
Based Johnny
Jews are higher IQ and have a culture that emphasizes success, so they tend to succeed in things and are over-represented in aspects of society that don't involve menial labor or service industry.
>Jews are higher IQ
No they're not. Israel has the highest concentration of the supposedly genius ashkenazi jews of any nation on Earth and the average is sub-100.
>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world
Nigger-tier argument about "DEY CHEATIN IQ BE TRIPPIN" incoming
movbie good.
3/4 fresh
How the hell does the CNN review come off as positive?
30% arab will do that
jewish IQ however is well documented. Read Richard Lynn and Jared Taylor.
a fucking russian I should have guessed russian bots would have infiltrated themselves even into movie critics
It's tine for Disney to be knocked down a peg
Mendelson never disappoints
America is 12% nigger and still has a higher IQ. The math don't add up. Sorry, Moshe.
From most of the reviews I’ve read, the main complaint is that Carol is very unlikable as a character. And reviewers are quick to make excuses that it’s not Larson’s fault, but the script’s.
>all the retards ITT who can't read between the lines
>Black Panther
I mean, I'm glad he's honest about Captain Middling, but have some dignity
Disney is getting it's just deserts.
>t. discord tranny
this only proves patriarchy is alive and well in america and that that fascist meany drumpfh has made it stronger than ever
>it's not great, but it's a super hero movie, so what did you expect?
his review reads like a ransom note written by an ISIS prisoner
>it’s not Larson’s fault, but the script’s.
Which could be partially true in the extent that they wrote her in a way that Brie just had to play herself.
In my optimism, pre-trailers, I was hoping they would play more the humor and character development in the space autism of Carol derived by her being raised by the Kree. I mean imagine if Ronan was your dad.
Oh well.
I agree with I had the same impression.
>tfw no elan
Nah. My dad is a critic and he's been a Catholic since birth. Heads of critic academies though? All jews
Somehow the movie being mediocre and cookie-cutter is worse than if it were actively bad.
12% is a lot different than 30%. Plus there's an extra 5% of ethiopian jews who are legit dumb but only 2% of Jews worldwide
Also US IQ isn't anything impressive, and according to Richard Lynn US Jews are much smarter than US Whites
So in other words no marvel movie can ever be negative since the character might be better used in a different movie?
Who's gonna watch the real Captain Marvel?
Yeah, and supposedly 112 or whatever is a lot higher than 98.
Dabbing is literally code for paid shill.
t. nigger
Could you add Alita on the other side along with Shazam?
>good enough!
>a work in progress!
>only for diehard fans!
What the fuck, i like AV Club now
The rafer hits again
What the fuck is elan?
> Lack of elan in every deparment
Be a new meme?
he will do intellectual acrobatics to tell you its faults merely reflect society's and that it's a valid historical document in this age
based kenneth needs those shekels
>No /pol/shit
Her fangirl brigade is already blaming white male critics for all the mixed reviews and we're only getting started. You just wait until the damage control blog pieces
hmm this is p based but I'm not gonna jump onboard
>People like this will get offended over other people seeing Alita,
Wait. Wouldn't you be able to see if any of the Captain Marvel reviewers reviewed Alita?
Ahaahah, the best one
I fucking hope so, it's like a high brow "fuck you"
Brie's portrayal of Captain Marvel is deep and nuanced, a performance that will stand the test of time!
holy shit
you will never pass tranny
>You are the uncle tom on the hollywood plantation
Hilarious how many brainlets couldn't understand this. It's a reflection on how dull and corporate film has become, reminiscent of a factory line, notice he uses 'churn' and then immediately refers to their financial success-no mention at all of quality or creative substance. His final line implicitly refers to the fact that many posters here and mindless consumers won't heed his message, or even care.
heh nice
Wakanda logic is this?
initial reviews already have it in the 60s. are you guys ready for it to turn yellow from green? :)
It's in the 60s even with mouse bux. This movie is fucked.
this movie is going to reveal so many things,
its going to reveal to normies that rotten tomatoes thinks a whole bunch of 6/10 reviews = 90% fresh. because the fan reviews are missing, people are spending slightly more time reading the critics reviews and catching on.
its also going to reveal how racist everyone was for othering Black Panther. acting like it was somehow great or special just because it had a black cast or set in africa, and that a movie just about women can never achieve that level of other no matter how hard it tries.
Damned with faint praise.
>there are people who will unironically take this as an endorsement
This is the kind of review one would write at gunpoint.
Fresh hot takes. Now down to 87% RT again.
holy based batman send it to his twitter
holy shit Yea Forums is pure cringe
here we have a legitimately great film being trashed by those who havent even seen it. why? because it features an outspoken woman.
sorry 4channelers, your own misogyny and bigotry will NOT be able to tarnish this film's reputation. this is going to be one for the history books, and based on my own prediction, MIGHT even top black panther for best superhero motion picture of the century.
>Captain Marvel is a bad character played by a bad actor
>... and that's a good thing, it has MARVEL slapped on it, go watch it you fucking goyim what do you expect, an original movie?
>no cunnyshit
I beg your pardon?
>top black panther for best superhero motion picture of the century.
Uhh wow that's pretty racist of you.
Jesus Christ Turan, you're supposed to be a fucking writer
Yea Forums and society in general have become such cancer I can't tell if this is a sjw retarded troll or just a regular retarded troll now.
kill yourself bugman
How do they expect to be taken seriously if thet write reviews like those?.
Just accept that you are a corporate shill who does it for the free tickets and the doritos from the screening events and leave culture to somebody else.
They're saying it's a paint by numbers flick, pretty much exactly what we were expecting.
Maybe five minutes once it's leaked.
Comforting that she's ugly.
>we need more female critics
>female critics trash your movie
>wait noooo not like that
Even reddit would downvote this shit
This is why the Jew can't win. They try to shape reality through (((subjectivity))), but reality and nature relies entirely on what's objective and this includes humans. Once the goys notice this, Jews tend to get (((scapegoated))) due to their being guilty.
It's just a fact, an objective one no less. Time is ticking Hebrews.
Man all these reviews seem to say "I didn't like it, but i'll give it a passing grade so I don't get lynched."
>doesn't have to be better than all of the MCU's previous films
so it's worse than Thor 2, Iron Man 2 and Avengers Age of Ultron?
The fuck? Why is it green when games with 71 are yellow?
>you know how to watch them
Yes, with your eyes closed, your head reclined on the sofa and your mouth open and drooling.
>no cunnyposting
Found the faggot
You know this is what I was wondering. All the politics aside and all the dumb shit Brie said aside was the movie going to be a good movie? The trailers didn't look good at all to me.
No one will watch this movie. Who's even the target audience other than tards who would eat up anything Marvel shits out? Not even lesbian transexual feminists will watch this.
Sounds pretty based and redpilled
>filtering out cunny
y tho
>filtering out autism
Board would be 100% fucking blank.
It’s the same webpage.
Non playable reviewer?
I think they are trying to target young girls with this movie if I'm honest. Doubt it will work, I have a 13 year old sister and that bitch watches cartoons and shit, not capeshit.
>it's not too long
The funny thing about leftists is all their posts are indistinguishable from bait.
>Trump suporter
>no cunny
>no /pol
Why even live?
Since when were girls interested in fucking comic books or superhero movies? Did they seriously decide to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into a superhero movie targeted at girls? Jesus christ, no one can be this stupid.
filter this
when will the holy one bless us with his words?
>Since when were girls interested in fucking comic books or superhero movies?
Since they pretended to be to get the attention of particular cocks, and corporations didn't see it was pretending.
It’s basically a radio station run by people that think Hillary and obama weren’t left wing or progressive enough.
And there’s a massive abundance of ((Swiss templars)) working there.
based hehesillyposter
just shut your brain off bro
>tranny takes a useful image and adds its own captions
What disgusting parasites.
stop trying to bait me and bait me
>filtering anything
>not just ignoring things you don't like
Yeah but corporations are not this retarded usually, you don't make fucking money by chance. I could understand if it was some garbage for the chinks to eat up but THIS, who the fuck will watch this?
Currently sitting at an 84% critic review ohnononono
No, it looks like a mediocre mid-2000's superhero flick. The de-aged Samuel L Jackson only adds to that feeling. The only giveaway is that female superheroes back then were somewhat attractive
How many times can they say “it sucks” without actually saying it
Turan is an insidious fuck
With how critics have to positively review SJW movies, this must be really bad to be that low.
>People actually complimenting Brie Cheesy Toed Larson's acting
I'm sorry, but she's a complete bore from what I've seen her in. I'm surprised someone so uncharismatic landed the role. Sure, Chris Evans spews the shame shit online, but at least he's likeable on the big screen. Brie? Nothing.
Why would you filter based c*nnyposts?
this. as much as i enjoy reading his reviews, he's so easily tempted to being a contrarian
Discord Tranny.
Tax funded US media.
And they have the cheek to complain about license funded tv.
The new thing will be that it's for small children, just like the Phantom Menace
>kino af
loosest? I'm not even sure what he means here