Based sexy barefoot brie kicking ass
Bran NEW Captain Marvel Fight Scene
is this an actual spambot? i refuse to believe that real people are making these threads
You new here moron?
>barefoot brie
does she inflict extra poison damage or something?
Hard to tell sometimes.
The söiboys ARE actually retarded enough to like this crap..
i've been here long before the Yea Forums emigration happened
thanks, it was shit
One of the weirdest things about every clip I see of this movie is there's no air between the quips. Like, Carol asks "You wouldn't know how to get these things off, would you?" there's barely a beat then she's all "No? Okay. " FIGHT!!!
There should've been a longer beat there.
Her delivery of those lines was awful. Does she even give a shit, just a little bit?
Literally Buffy tier quips.
Who watches this shit?
The mouse isn't even trying anymore are they?
is that supposed to be an insult? Buffy was a great show
>Lost Past. Memories Trapped. Powers Gained. Is this me? Higher. Further. Faster. The Story before the Avengers.
Heh, everyone who arent manbabies
buffy was pg-13 power rangers
Giving a shit is patriarchy, racist
>More poorly delivered quips
Jesus christ whoever thought she was right for this kind of job
Literally nothing wrong with her in that clip or her clit
So you’re a newfag
>that "running" @0.08
holy shit Rousey would have actually been a better choice
Aww she's cute!
Holy shit she really is doing a Robert Downey Jr impression
Sweet Jesus that fell flatter than her ass
That shitty Room movie that came out Taht got her the Oscar.
Why does every fucking MCU character has to be a quipping bot? This BS contaminated Star Wars and now we're here.
how embarrasing
Nice shit opinion retard
Yeah, I found Yea Forums through Yea Forums habbo raids it's been a decade, send help