movies only you've seen
Movies only you've seen
Might be the worst comedy film ever made, makes Sandler flicks look like Tarkovsky in comparison.
most made for tv horror movies that play on syfy every october
it's terrible. you get more entertainment out of reading the description
now im thinking about a movie called zapped. the sequel was zapped again. those movies were not good but they were still entertaining.
>dave eggers
more like david egg
Kuchisake onna > these 2 shits
I heard this was maybe worth watching in a “artsy slasher” movie thread on Yea Forums
that's every movie if you're a solipsist.
Is that Chloe Sevigny?
too bad carved was mediocre
My friend is in this
it's kind of unique as it's a western slasher flick shot in south africa. not as good as hardware though. if i was to rec an "artsy slasher" i'd tell you to watch white of the eye, which is the closest america ever got to producing a quality giallo flick.
how can i be solipsistic when doubles exist
i'm the only one who's seen it on this board. you people don't watch anything before the year 2000
this is on VRV, worth a watch?
>the one with a dude and some robbers in a mine full of giant beetles
So many based ones that I can only remember a premise for but no name
i've seen this i have the douglas sirk box set
Jesus I remember watching this on tv one day around the time I started getting high and there was the dog scene where we find out it's a fucking giant fly wearing dog fur. Like the only thing I remember about that movie.
i remember the part where the daughter gets pregnant and lays an egg, then a guy stamps on it.
if you like weird german movies
Is this the one where they eat reeses cups?
Seen both, Dust Devil was great looking but meh overal.
White of the Eye was weirder somehow I couldn't get into it
I was so turned on by the teenage mantis who got impregnated
my vote goes leolo
>incels are a new phenomena
Based Movie
Like if I kinow what you did last summer forgot it was supposed to be a slasher film until the last 20 minutes.
I liked it for the well done subversion of the J-Horror genre. Mostly taking place in dailight and forgoing jump scares was a good choice.
It was actually a pretty good movie. Touching and sad.
Plus kuchisake has great tits iirc
Great one.
That scene with the kid, also that ending
Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars
Wow you smoked weed? That's so xool
I only remember it because he smokes in the scene, genius.
is that like The Stepfather?
This one was fun and should appeal to y'all incels
This wasn't nearly as entertaining as it should've been. Though there is a scene where a bunch of niggas shoot a mailman because he didn't have their welfare check.
Unironically the worst movie i have ever seen.
wow this looks more low rent than the insane clown posse movies
i've had this ready to go for months. i got it one drunken night. should i watch it?
fire it up. it's good.
this is about as close as I can get to "only I've seen"
I saw an art house movie about a woman who visits her grandma who lives in a small village. It starts pretty ok but some point the grandma and her female friends start to go naked and sing. They also chewing bread all the time and making dolls from it.
back when schrader wasn't a complete hack
good job everyone who posted. not only have i seen none of these movies, ive never even heard of any of them as well.
my dick thanks you user
How do I get a gf like the girl on the right?
superman can beat them
one of the best movies about making movies ever made
decent despite having some pretty low budget effects. kinda peaks in the middle with the SAM city raid.
>This lost the production company 30.2 million euros
>And yet it still wasn't the biggest bomb Luc directed
big fan of warren oates, this any good?
hi what's it like having friends?
Nah I watched this with my roommate in college
I was really fucked up though, don't remember anything about it
I got this because of the Noe blurb
Unironically Jonah Hill's best role.
50's style suburban domesticity meets cannibalism
That had such a comfy premise, it's a shame it was so shit.
lol that scene where the midget tell them to fuck off
It's enjoyable if you turn your brain off and drink a few drinks.
I think I was high, I normally watch things like that when I'm high because even if it's shit it makes it enjoyable. If it wasn't for Vince laying the smackdown on his thot daughter I think all would have been lost.
Overall, I think I enjoyed Tower Heist more. I wish Ben Stiller would make more comfy stuff like Tropic Thunder.
Eat and Run (1987)
RIP in peace, King Kong Bundy...
This movie is kino and I have it on VHS
I'm sure it's not that obscure but its a cute little "horror" movie and I recommend it.
I remember watching that and being hit with the sudden twist that there were ALIENS IN THE COSTCO. (I had just started working at Costco at the time so it was hilarious to me.)
Rock smashing scene is great
Great soundtrack
feels kino
Don't ever remind me of this again.
Thanks for reminding me about this.
fuck off you fucking nigger, this board is for civilized peoples
>just a bunch of people jerking off about C&H
>Watterson does not make an appearance
What a fucking waste of my time
Great film
>Watterson does not make an appearance
Very unexpected.
Hell ya, Two Best Friends! Shame their channel ended :,(
Death Machine Director's Cut
Which one, is it Robert Englund
I used to watch this all of the time. Great movie.
No lie, Tower Heist is a super comfy movie. You feel good about all the good guys and you hate scumbag Alan Alda. Also, punished Stiller and Tea Leoni had oddly good chemistry.
And a bunch of those knock off asylum films
This is the movie that everyone sees at 3 AM on HBO and just begins to question the presence of God.
>Death Machine
what you mean it is B-...
>Director's Cut
fuck off that think is unobtainable
Wenjun Chew
Literally never see this Tim Allen kino mentioned.
Mr Bungle thanks this movie in their first album's liner notes.
Those eyes are haunting
dear god that’s horrifying
Funny, was thinking just the other week about this flick. The scene when tests the room's acoustics with that hum he does. Thought that was cool.
made me buy a song on bandcamp for the first time. The one playing when he cuts his hand. Other than a few interesting scenes, it's kinda shit though.
What the fuck, there were sequels to the original movie?
Seen it, it's fucking awful
The Machine 2013
>there were sequels to the original movie?
Yep, 2 in fact (Revenge of Maltazard and War of the Two Worlds).
They were made together with a combined budget of $91m.
In the US they weren't even given a theatrical release due to how poorly the first did so they got dumped on home media while in the UK the two films were recut into one.
Fun Fact: This was the first R-Rated animation film.
Sausage Party was only the first R-Rated CGI film.
everyone has seen this you pseud
Currently watching this movie only I’ve ever seen
seen it. weird little flick. pretty good though.
A fucking prime B movie honestly
Main chick shows bush in locker room. Nice incest moment with dad too
>This lost the production company 30.2 million euros
no wonder, what the fuck were they thinking with those character designs holy shit
Damn Mary Lou is a two timin bitch
I loved that as a kid
Absolute kino masterpiece
It's based on a childrens' book series by the director.
This sounds weird as fuck, and that poster is intriguing. Is it good?
I loved the hell out of this flick. specifically the D-Cut. It was available from German distributors from 2016 to 2017. Its bullshit that they stopped selling it. its also bullshit that Arrow Video is looking over this.
*hiccups at u*
it's certainly an experience. the main character is pretty much what i imagine the average channer to be like IRL.
This was directed by the same guy who wrote Good Time
reminder that finns where concidered mongolians by nazi eugenics
Bought for 50 cents when the video store went belly-up.
Watched frequently.
I remember seeing this on the shelf at Family Video when I was a kid and I always wanted to watch it. I finally saw it a few years ago and it was fantastic. I need to see it again.
The book this film is based on is written under a psuedonym. It belongs to Andrew Klavan, a crime fiction writer and nowadays pundit for Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire website
Anyone else here seen Symbiopsychotaxiplasm? Somewhat well-known now that it's got a criterion release, but was pretty hard to come by before that.
Considerably fucked up.
Yeah Buddy...
Holy shit I've seen these!
Adam Sandler's only movie
aired once in 1999 and now i can't find a copy
watch this movi itz funni
it's movie night
Nah, I've seen this. I called people 'sport' for bit after watching it.
I think when hulu first started adding movies this was one of them. I couldnt make it past fifteen minutes
Worst film of 2011?
Only thing I remember was the main broad folding a 5.25" floppy so it fits in her pocket.
I enjoyed it
>Chris Evans
>Dakota Fanning
>Djimon Hounsou
Interesting casting
i always get this and jumper mixed up
Oh man totally forgot I downloaded this a couple years ago. Should check it out so we can be moviebuds :)
Even finding a poster of this shit is tough.
looks like a low rent version of the warriors. how is it?
Pretty shit. A mix of the Warriors, with weird multi-cultural 80's style themed gangs, and thriller/horror, where a group of city yuppies get stalked and killed by one of the gangs.
i enjoyed it when i watched it back then
I have a vague childhood memory of renting a horror movie from the local video store named something like, 'Galobalos'. The weird thing is I can't find any evidence of this movie existing on the internet, but I know I watched it because my brother also remembers it.
What time frame, what was the plot?
Watching this now
I would've watched it the late 90s/ early 00s, but the film could've been older. I can only remember it involved a group of teenagers being killed off by a demon or spirit, who in my memory had long wet looking black hair, like old Kane from wwe. I think it all took place in one house. I think someone got killed in the bath by having the tap forced through their eye socket. I remember one girl survived who in the end fell in love with the killer?
Apparently being based isn't new phenomena, either.
I say "galobalos" because that's how me and my brother pronounce it from memory, but it must be spelled different.
I liked that movie
Dude I think you've just cracked something that's been bugging me and my brother for YEARS
Or maybe not every movie needs to be a cerebral experience because a lot of movies that try to be end up as pretentious trash? I mean fuck Robocop is a pretty simple movie you can turn your brain off for and it's fucking amazing
This ones pretty well known. It got played a lot on TV in the 90's
The female was hot qt3.14 in the original but wired change in model for the last 2 movies.
Yeah it was a fucking trilogy!
Confirmed, it was definitely Kolobos. I remember the girl getting her eye gouged on he dear antlers. I talked about this on Yea Forums like 8 years ago, mentioning this scene, but someone dismissed it saying that it happened in a Christmas themed horror movie. Anyways thank you for finding this!
I watched that movie when I was bored. I didn't even finish it. Felt like a long Tales from the Crypt episode for the most part, not that that's a bad thing.
>hating on troma
you are just uncultured swine, you.
Dude nice, this is the greatest horror film of all time.
I was hoping for a movie on F/d incest, disappointed
the only good troma flicks are combat shock and cannibal the musical
>not Tromeo and Juliet
Seen. Shite.
Who wins?
>Rest in Peace in peace
my fucking man
Caved In: Prehistoric Terror
LOL, i remember these cheap movies for schools. This was one of the few good ones. Tommy's Tiger T-Shirt was fun too
entertaining movie
best indie film I've ever seen
The main character is extremely annoying and punch-able. Cannot recommend.
Saw it last week. Not sure what it was trying to say, but it was entertaining.
I actually own this in some extremely rare, signed and numbered, edition. Awesome movie. It's one of the best character studies of an incel I've ever seen.
That's the point though
This is one of those movies that looks fake, like a fake movie that appears within a movie/show type thing.
I watched this as a kid when it came out and fucking loved it. Need to see if it holds up.
I like this poster
I still thoroughly enjoy it to this day.
I saw that movie the other day and it was a piece of fucking shit.
Fucking fight me after school.
I hope this makes it on a "Best of the Worst" someday.
Love this film. Marty is such a great character
wanted to like this movie so hard but i just couldnt
I seent it. Stevie from Eastbound and Down talks to a dog turd or something.
en ole ikinä kuullutkaan, onko kuinka paska?
typical late 80s/early 90s animated intro that has nothing to do with the movie
Yeah I didn’t like it much. The more I hear people go on about it the more I feel I can understand why he avoids everyone and doesn’t want to talk about it. Still my favorite comic though
Pretty good for low budget Australian trash.
not bad
you guys should know i'm cataloguing all these movies and going to watch them tonight so you can't post them in future threads
I actually watched one
>directed by (((Michael Lehmann)))
This is in my top 5 favorite movies of all time.
t. shit taste
Thank you for your input.
i'm jealous