Why is it so hard to stop shitposting?Is it the attention?I literally spend days just getting you's.
Why is it so hard to stop shitposting?Is it the attention?I literally spend days just getting you's
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For me it's because I have a never ending source of people I can be antisocial to. Irl you only get a small stream before everyone hates and avoids you, evne if you go out to a random bar and antagonize people you don't get anything like the quantity and quality of provocation you can achieve on Yea Forums
There is literally no way to recreate this outside the internet, and even most sites will ban you for this sort of behavior
This but unironically
It's even worse since bans mean nothing
YOu're the boy version of a camwhore
It's empty (You)s though. When you find that someone who will give you unconditional (You)s because they find you interesting and genuine by being yourself, when that someone literally can't imagine a life without (You) is when you'll look back at this contrived form of interaction as a silly, trivial and unnecessary pastime.
it's the complete opposite though, when you find someone who loves you they think everything you say is amazing, the (you)s are totally devalued
This is why I still come here, no filters. You're a piece of shit, but you're honest.
Getting yous stops being exciting when you turn into an adult. You'll get there some day
You just feel empty inside, you NEED it.
I don't get replies unless I shitpost. No one answers my questions, no one cares about my opinion. Welcome to this world.
Been here 10 years
Basically it's the late stage of this
>addicted to dopamine
Why are you like this?
Could you be any more friends episode right now
This but I skipped stages 3-6
Sorry I've been inattentive, you'll get more (You)s henceforth
Idk I think it varies from person to person, I've also been here since 09 but I dabble between stage 3 and stage 6.
I'll never take part in sneedposting though because it's stupid and forced as fuck. Abatap, now that was a real shitposter.
man i wish i had the attention span to read this
i can remember the first time i accepted my new shitposter status.
Someone posted some gay tranny shit and i started laughing and just replied with BASED
Your so fucking wrong big nigga. I'm prolly oldest lil nigga here and i stand with da op
how old are you
Let's just say there are two digits involved
>You're a piece of shit, but you're honest.
lol i don't believe in 90% of the shit i post. e.g., i'm not a racist, misogynist, or homophobe, but i post all that shit because it's low-effort troll that always gets easy (You)s. other times, i just play Devil's Advocate
lmao@you if you actually take anything posted on for Yea Forums seriously
"I live to trigger autists" no, you're a no life loser
it's not your fault.
I'm only here when working. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here who isn't a complete deadbeat loser, but I've been coming to Yea Forums since 2006 and probably won't stop since the layout remains simple, traffic is high, no account requirement, and can post virtually whatever without being banned.
was that supposed to contradict the post lel
You're still an honest piece of shit.
Been here for ten years as well and I still never made it passed stage 4.
>devil's advocate
>not doubles advocate
you know nothing about getting (You)s
it's a doggy dog world
This place has ruined me.
Faggots itt don’t know they gave a (You) to gay ass OP
op posts don't get yous
I literally started as a shitposter though and have always been one
Because you are starved of real life social contact
I went from Yea Forums lurker for years to shitposter on /pol/ right after the election
It's a long and boring story desu. Just one more person with antisocial tendencies whose failure as a human gave free reign to bad impulses