Do females even want female protags?

Do females even want female protags?

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Women all seemed to absolutely adore her for some reason. It even boggled the filmmakers.

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Yes do they love Harley Quinn, an aquaintance daughter around 10 yo loves her and last week I saw another little girl dress as her for carnaval. Maybe it's because she's a genki character or because the costume is sexy, I don't know exactly why but I'm sure she is the female comic book character most loved by normies today.

Most women don’t want to see any other women that are superior to them

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women love the slutty character?shock

Do males even want male protags?

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look at dat forehead, my god....way too big for a female...

its almost as if.... its a man...


Attached: Daisy-Ridley.jpg (615x410, 30K)

dat man forehead

a t-t-t-t-tranny

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No, they want "hot" guys, and that guy has to have a strong friendship/brotherly relationship with another decent looking guy so that they can ship them together.
In fact most women in these franchise communities degrade female characters more often than the supposed fanboys do.

That's what I'm thinking, they want Chad's dick and they want Chad on screen as well


source please

I doubt most women care about female protagonists in the same way most women don't identify as feminists but we're told that feminism is *the* women's movement. I haven't met a girl whose only or first remark about any Marvel film wasn't "Chris Pratt/ Chris Evans/ Chris Hemsworth was so hot". If they ever mention a female character it's talking about how they looked pretty.

Yes? Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Hunger Games were all big hits with the young women demographic.

>I've never talked to a girl, but I can make generalizations about them
Why must you be so embarrassing?

Yes they do. ESPECIALLY young girls. Of course their mothers light up when they see their daughters light up when a female hero appears.

Uh oh, I smell incels

>ESPECIALLY young girls

are they pretty?

>most women don't identify as feminists

Every American woman is a feminist whether they identify with it or not. No American woman would put up with being discriminated against - even the most conservative woman would react violently if they were denied their basic rights just because they are female.

That's not what contemporary feminism is. It's not about basic rights, it's the insistence that women are victims of a patriarchy, that men and women are identical in all qualities, that abortion is unequivocally moral because it is solely about a woman's body, etc.

hollywood's idea of female protagonists is just men in a woman's body meaning girls simply can't relate

>That's not what contemporary feminism is. It's not about basic rights

That is always what contemporary feminism is about. In the past, for example, men opposed women's right to vote. Feminists then were considered extremists. Feminists today are still considered extremists. Feminists in every age are always considered extremists whether they demand the right to vote or demand not to be harassed on the street. That's the point. Even today you're doing the same bullshit and attacking feminists who just want to be treated fairly and justly and who no longer want to fear male sexual violence. You think that's extreme. In the future it will not be extreme.