/ffg/ - Found Footage General

Featured film: End Roll

Previously: What is found footage? Found footage consists of feature length movies, shorts, or webseries designed to have the look and feel of actual (non-fictional) filmed events that were lost and subsequently discovered and made available to the viewer. That is why it is the most creative subgenre ever to exist, with over 700 movies and counting!


FF IMDB: foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite found footage film?
>What found footage film are you looking forward to?
>What is your idea for the perfect found footage film?


a) Download Sources from best (1) to worst (5)

1) Private Torrents (PTP, CG, and THC are the best for FF and THC is easy to join)
2) Private Usenet accounts (Get these from private torrents and private piracy forums)
3) Public Usenet (use Binsearch, get a free usenet account, slow but it works)
4) Public Torrents (use BTDB, torrentz2, zooqle, rarbg)
5) Public and private DDL (warez-bb, filehosts)

b) Streaming sites have quite a few. Type in google "[name of movie] 123movies"

c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

d) Ask /ffg/ for the ones you can't find using above methods. Remember to archive the rare ones for your fellow FF fans!

e) Here's a still-evolving pastebin of FF movies you can watch on Youtube. These are NOT recommendations!

Attached: End Roll.jpg (699x1000, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


phew thanks god for this thread, the board is so terrible right now


Italian found footage film?







I didn't finish P.O.V. but it seemed pretty crappy from what I got to watch.


They're pretty based for showing them watching The Blair Witch Project during the movie.

yeah did you notice they had Rec in their dvd collection too?

Damn, I didn't notice that. I'm gonna go back and check for it later.


>What found footage film are you looking forward to?

Dont even know a single found footage movie thats about to come out.

Scare Dares

Now you know 3

>he's not looking forward to Bad Ben 6

fear footage

Don't expect that to be out any time soon.

Marta has a nice body.



fuck bad ben 6

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Based, do something new nigel ffs

That was really based.

true dat

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The Visit was a pretty good film. The actors did a good job.

this thread is just as bad.
>new IP I promise I'm not the same person, there are definitely 15 people here and not just 4 or 5 tops with one of them switching IPs every 15 minutes.


thanks for the bump

I reply with yeah in agreement because that's how I agree with people



based schizo

it was me lol


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survive the hollow shoals is pretty comfy lads

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I do it all the time

go post on reddit. you can just click the upvote arrow instead.

no it's not.

get fucked


No need to be rude pardner

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you have shit taste, your opinion is invalid



What found footage movies are like this?

Gang Tapes


forest skeleton

I never got to finish that one, the last part is missing on youtube

fuck you I'm allowed to be rude.
>just let me abuse you!
>only I'm allowed to be an asshole, not you!!!
do you know how long I've been nice for and just took whatever with a smile?
I should've just kept my silent streak going tbqhwy


it's on the THC

You're being rude to people who did nothing to you. You're lashing out randomly and it's not doing you any favors.




You contribute nothing.

what was the last found footage movie you guys liked? mockingbird for me even though the ending was a little weird

blare witch

Survive the Hollow Shoals would be like 4/5 if they just didn't use jumpscare sound effects or music

are you sure about that?

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I think it was Char Man, but that was ages ago, I liked it but didn't like the ending. Don't watch the OP much because I'm afraid wasting my time like I have with a lot of movies here. Last one I watched was Jeruzalem and apart from the hot blonde, it wasn't great. I have 16 FF I really love, most I learned about from this thread, some I knew from beforehand.


upvoted xD

I didn't like char man

Char Man was really weird, like they couldn't decide what they wanted it to be about.


The first 20 minutes were bad, but I get why, even though it wasn't entertaining. When stuff actually started happening it got better, but the ending wasn't very good. Kinda wish they had put some budget into showing the Char Man. The roaring flames sound was nice and ominous, but it never paid off and this aint Blair Witch.

None of the Found Footage movies suggested in these threads are ever good

I think the guys were pretty entertaining but it was also like 3 movies at once. I liked the char man story and the townspeople being like "yeah nah we're just going to let them die or whatever"


Right gonna watch End Roll now.

the guys seemed gay to me

They were unironically just Californian


that's a good movie, I liked the special effects and cinematography

trips confirm.


kek good post

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He's losing his mind.



Reminder that the yeah and lol poster lurks here to bump the general to its limit so as to actually stifle conversation.

that's exactly what my point was.
they just want to speed the thread up by spamming one word posts with no substance.
all it's really done is made it so I don't want to watch any of the OPs because I like to take my time and do it at my own pace, instead of feeling like I'm forced to cap an entire movie or even just watch one every night of the week and I can't do that, I need to switch it up now and then or at least feel like I have the ability to do so.

I really wouldn't be able to keep it up for any real amount of time anyway, so they're just wasting their time. I would've gotten bored of posting about FF every day a long time ago, if I wasn't doing it specifically in opposition to them.

how does posting yeah and lol stifle conversation lol

Generals are kind of cancer anyway. But I guess it's not worse than the 50 capeshit threads per hour.

stop acting like little bitches

I'm actually with you on this point and I've said it probably a dozen times by now.
fuck generals in general, I just happen to like found footage and have enough free time where I can post about it all day if I'm in the mood.
and you're absolutely right about the state of the rest of the board, but I guess it's one of those "stop liking stuff that I don't like" scenarios, where I think they're a bunch of fags for liking capeshit or caring about celebrities, but I'm sure they think I'm a fag for liking FF.

>the jew cries out in pain as he lols you

you're the one crying

I'm waiting for Creep 3 desu

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no I'm reading


Nigel sells mice lol

Seems like they make a lot of found footage in the UK.

you're right, almost half of the FF I've seen is british

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7 nights of darkness was garbage



I liked it

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The only Brit FF I like is The Borderlands, the rest of my faves are American, followed Nipponese. Is that weird and/or gay?


I'm a nip over burger man myself.
I liked the Borderlands a lot but I didn't love Webcast or Hollow. what are some other bong FF?

I'm the opposite, japanese FF is my favorite followed by American then Spanish. They all have some good ones though.

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my man!

The only Espanol FF I know if REC, there's others?

>the new FF, Koji
>hand it over

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oh no

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kek not bad desu

looks like francesca made her age a lil bit

still would

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Laura is so annoying.

>Movie has a long driving scene

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I hate when that happens

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uh oh buddy
/got/ is back

I went to the store today and found some coconut redbulls. This kills the monster

man claire is just great

>tfw already used ay dios mio.jpg

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>End Roll
More like Bog Roll, amirite?



heh more like Stan DARSH


he sounds like the clerk from Look


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berry good

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oh shi-

that's actually one of my favorite episodes

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love it

all these damn slags in pov cheers m8

I wanna go urban exploring

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are you under house arrest?

>Those special effects

nice rack

another one added to vomit core

it’s a goddamn conspiracy

I hear music in the distance


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It wasn't a flute it was like a bagpipe

Like this?

this is classic

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I had to sleep with one eye open

yeah I used to see it on /x/

this looks different than usual

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Does anyone know that found footage flick that had a brother and sister siblings and the girl was dating a black guy? I know it's not exists.

Ah yes the Poughkeepsie Tapes. You sure your girl won't get mad?

based miklo


you should take that mortal remains head and erase around it in mspaint and then put it back.

I'm on my grind

damn I know which movie you're talking about but I can't remember the name, I see the scenes in my mind though

It's not Alien Abduction, is it?

no that's not it

>those sound effects now
dear lord

the lost coast tapes?


Watched The Gracefield Incident today. Fair to middling for what it was. As usual it tried to be gimmicky and blew it. The lead canuck overacted like a motherfucker but that's better than the ones that sound like they're reading their lines cold straight from the script.

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Tell me the most terrifying found footage film youve seen. Only one truly scared me, but enjoyed these:
>lake mungo
>VHS 1 and 2

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no, I’m always right.


The Blair Witch Project spooked me hard when I saw it first.
Lake Mungo's phone footage is genuinely fucking scary, and the film builds it up wonderfully.
Savageland had a really good sense of dread throughout and those photos are god tier.
My House Walk Through, even though it isn't even 15 minutes long, had me on fucking edge the whole time.

Interview With The Assassin is a weird found footage movie, about an unemployed guy who gets a video camera, interviews his neighbors and one neighbor eventually claims to have shot JFK

this but unironically


I liked that movie

t. no taste shitter

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she's pretty hot

anyone ever watch this series?


I wonder if POV Horror pays reviewers

I haven't but it looks kind of good when I skimmed through it. I'll prolly watch it sometime thanks.

I was agreeing with you though...

no I only watch this video

I've seen that.

this is how you do it

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Looks kino

Makes me wanna go to France

That one scene in pov was kinda spooky


I was hoping it was a brap sniffer

I didn't mean my post ironically, Anonymous.

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No, the part with the eyes

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hes a bro i would eat dinner with him


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That's the scene

neither did I the first time I said it

I thought the special effects were iffy but the voice distortion was kind of creepy I guess.

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lol he didn't change much

look at this caveman ass nigga

Almost done with pov them I'm moving onto the featured film, fuck the bullshit


dab on the haters brotha


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karl made his face slightly manlier

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It was bad. I got an hour in

The ending to pov was weird

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What the fugg is wrong with her face? She looks like a spooky mummy.

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also this is why

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So you basically missed when the action happens

>this could be us, but (You) always playing games

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I wanna bang marta

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The camera distortion actually doesn't bother me here, it works

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>bare ass on a public toilet

ill pass

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she's a dirty girl

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night lads

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what does this face trying to convey?

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Based interactions, they seem genuine

Nice she has rec in her movie collection

I need rec in my movie collection too.

I own both and her roommate is watching the blair witch project now, I'm liking this movie so far

I saw Bradley Cooper in a found footage film once.


I spy with my little eye Bradley cooper in a found footage movie


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dude just punch it he looks weak af why are they even scared

Nice thread yeah

based will smith

>what was the last found footage movie you guys liked?

welcome to earth

>about an unemployed guy who gets a video camera
You misunderstood the plot. He didn't just get a videocamera. He's literally a professional camera operator who worked for news outlets in his area and he recently got laid off, so he is looking for something to do and thinks the neighbor is a good way to get his career jumpstarted again.

>That one scene in pov was kinda spooky
which one?

Fucking jumpscared, got me good

that was a fun one.

That damn doll


>You misunderstood the plot
welcome to 4channel

Is lake mungo good or nah

Holy shit that was spooky

What was
Give ff kino pls

I'm watching the featured film

>Is lake mungo good or nah
it's good if you have a brain, bad if you are a retard who thinks every movie about ghosts needs to have nonstop, pantshitting jumpscares and longmouth ghosts.

Kek this is true. If you the mind of an emotionally stable, thoughtful, mentally-focused adult, you will love Lake Mungo.

Everybody who hates Lake Mungo is a full-on sperg NEET manchild failure.

>not using incel
oh sweaty...

blare witch

I don't see what being an incel has to do with it. I know guys who get pussy and they are still retarded, manchild neet failures.

Alright finished watching end roll, it was pretty good. The thread can die now for all I care, goodnight

if only
to be free again... I dream of the day

>Alright finished watching end roll, it was pretty good.
Where did you see it?

where the fuck do you think?

Never mind, it's on Youtube. Legally uploaded by the studio.


Where can I find Wekufe

It's not out yet. Still in festivals in South America.


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I fucking hate critics so much.
>literally the best movie ever made in the history of all mankind
>I was transcended to another plane of existence where a choir of Angels took turns blowing me
>there can't possibly be enough hype for this movie, it's more than a movie, it's a cinematic masterpiece
>this film will change your life and your penis will double in size by the time the credits roll

I'm still not gonna watch it lol

>this film will change your life and your penis will double in size by the time the credits roll
I saw Long Pigs too

Um ok

LIVING AMONG US got added to Tubi


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night fren
i hope neither of us live to see the morning



MARCH 19th, according to IMDB, we will get CRONE WOOD, an Irish FF.



TRAILER: youtube.com/watch?v=60ZLlnR4Bo0

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nice, this I’ll watch. but only because it’s Irish.

Oh and March 26th we have...


It will be on AMAZON so it will be an easy watch.

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Is Chronicle (2012) the best of these?

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No, but it's called Cronkle

Hwell, which is the best?

Man Bites Dog

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Not exactly FF, but did you guys watch Ghost Stories with Martin Freeman? It's three different stories being investigated by some skeptic debunk dude. Has an interesting twist.

It's overrated. Don't mention it again. It's not FF and it's nothing special.

The twist is literally the most overrused twist ever

The tv show version of this was so much better than the edited down movie.

How so?

Taking 4 hours of content and cutting it down to 1 1/2 hours cuts out a lot of the context. Like the dads life just falls in a matter of like 15 mins in the movie whereas in the show thats chronicled over a couple episodes. Plus there are characters that are introduced like 25 mins before the end of the movie and strips out alot of the storyline they have. On a positive note it does cut out some of the superfluous storylines like with Mickeys ex wife and the non needed scenes where hes friend with the next door neighbor that don't really do anything for the main plot.

It's not terrible as a movie I just like the extra info and context you get from the show.

I didn't realize it was 4 hours long. Any more nudity?

Alot more. There's basically 2-3 nude scenes every episode. The thing that kind of sucks about it is the show is hard to find online one of the reasons being it had the generic ass title of Reality Show as a tv show. Not sure if you can find it officially on a showtime app when I watched it a couple years ago I had to go digging for it.

I'll look for it.

oy vey

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I've only seen the tv version of LOOK.

I love look, both the tv show and the movie.

did you guys see Reality Show/Shooting the Warwicks?

I have only seen Shooting the Warwicks.

I enjoyed this film. Didn't know italians were making FF.

it was good

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OR I described it in a vague way because I saw it years ago and also didn't want to give away any hints

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she started out annoying but she was funny


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that bitch spooked me twice

She was pretty spooky.

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a friggin hammer