Just finished reading this, after there any movies similar to it? And if it hasn't been already then it should be made into a movie.
Just finished reading this, after there any movies similar to it...
Murakami would be hard to be put into film
Normans would get bored and not understand Japanese aspects
The story was fairly simple although the end might fuck their heads up. Plus there would be lots of sex
I just read the synopsis on wikipedia. It reminds of another of his books called Tazaki Tsukuru. It also reminds me of the ending of La La Land.
I finished his new book recently, Killing Comendatore. His books are great, but most of the appeal comes from the meandering character interactions that take place. I.e. nothing on the surface level takes place (you can usually summarize his entire plots in 2-3 paragraphs). That doesn't mean they aren't rich in meaning, but that I have high doubts that they are filmmable. I haven't read South of the Border, West of the Sun, so maybe I'm wrong about all of his books.
>lots of sex
understatement of all the year, albeit his way of writing (at least the english translations) never make it feel sleazy or overindulgent imo.
This nigger needs to stop injecting bullshit jazz references into every book. No one cares about jazz.
And why are all his characters either being cucked or cucking someone else?
the sex would be functional and for utility and Normans would roll their eyes
this shit is massive
For those who don't already know, Burning is based on a Murakami short story.
Norwegian Wood is probably his most normie book, and the film adaptation was terrible.
>you can usually summarize his entire plot in 2-3 paragraphs
t. hasn't read 1Q84 nor the wind up bird chronicle
Is Murakami good? I keep getting recommended his work but always by people I get the feeling are pseuds.
Cucking is entertaining when done well. The Walking Dead lost a lot of tension after the cucking plot point became resolved.
Read one book by him. If you like it, you'll probably like all of his books.
He's very good, his atmosphere and themes are unique and very distinct. He's a very good writer, and this shows on the fact that he's liked by normies and loners alike.
don't read him if you are as discerning in taste as you are even though you have been reccomended several times by different people especially if you think they are pseuds and that is the absolute worst desu i hate that too where instead of thinking for myself and picking up a few of his short stories or even one of his shorter books I would just keep putting it off until a non pseud tucks me into bed and reads me a book
fuck it don't read any books ever at all for your own enjoyment and judgement
>placing yourself above others for enjoying slightly edgier than normal YA fiction
weeb pleb desu, Murakami actively is a westaboo, too.
Fuck you
South of the border, where the tuna fish play.
well if normans enjoyed it then we would already have movies and miniseries out the ass
sorry the truth bums you out
lol faggot calm down
Murakami's work is literally unfilmable
What makes it unique is it's atmosphere and introspection, and you can't translate that to film
It's pretty great, albeit it's best to go in with the expectation that not much happens.
That's a fair comment on 1Q84 - I gave up out of boredom a ~200 pages in. I've read Killing Commendatore, Norwegian Wood, After Dark, and Kafka on the shore.
>the end might fuck their heads up
Why? What happens?
1Q84 Is unironically the most enthralling book I've ever read and undoubtedly his best work
once you get past a certain point, things start connecting together and you literally can't stop reading it
can't recommend it enough
oddly enough, it's quite an "uplifting" book while all his other works tend to be rather depressing/loomy
>I gave up out of boredom a ~200 pages in
You should have stuck with it. I was apprehensive about reading it because it was so long and I read so many reviews from Murakami fans who didn't like it, but I really got into it and wound up liking it a lot in the end.
>tfw you'll never see a movie adaptation of big-breasted Fukla-Eri
basic bitch-tier writer
>tfw no Tamaru bro
Murakami isn't very popular in Japan. He's a hack who knows his own popularity in the West so all he writes now is made for western japan-fetishists. His fans keep shilling for him to win a Nobel Prize but all efforts have been fruitless.
>tfw you fuck one hot bitch so good it impregnates another hot bitch miles away
Murakami is a one trick pony although his books are relaxing for some reason
>dude awkward sex
>dude cucking and shitty love
>dude like surreal and shit
>hehe what did this mean? I won't tell hehe
could it be that the guardian German shepherd died because eating spinach made her explode in the same way as rabbits exploding when they eat some plants?
Kafka on the Shore first
I'm definitely going to give it another shot: it was his first book that I attempted to read, and I can't say that I hated it either. I just sorta fell out of it casually. If it matters, there was a few year gap between attempting to read 1Q84 and Norwegian Woods,etc.
I enjoyed the old man talking with cats and sealing a dimensional rift part
The young guy fucks older lady that's actually his ghost mom part not so much
I can't get into Murakami, what did you like? Should I try again?
Was it actually his mom?
The girl he was going to leave his wife for might not have actually existed and it was all in his imagination.
I'm 270 pages into hardboiled wonderland. it was boring at first, but its getting better now that I see the outlines of the point of the whole thing.
He's absolutely fantastic at describing the people around him, but trash at describing natural environments. makes me want to grab tolkein again.
What are some none depressing Murakami works?
I accidentally bought The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle thinking it was a short story collection, but I've enjoyed the 200 odd pages I've read of it so far.
I made this topic on Yea Forums
Post recommendations
his early books are very good
One of the most depressing, gloomy, haunting books I've ever read
Murakami is definitely very popular in Japan but about half of japanese critics don't like him anymore
He's the Kojima of literature, obsessed with western media over japanese but replace the mindfuck spy/soldier shit with mindfuck sex/whimsy. Read Kafka on the Shore if you want to experience the best of what his style is like with no excess bullshit