against all my instincts, im going to give this faggot a view.
Grayson Nguyen
Josiah Wright
I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about Captain Marvel. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.
Jaxson Young
To be fair WW is the only other Female superhero movie. People will likely compare the two
Lincoln Myers
He was right about that one too
Grayson Howard
grace's review she says it's about the Avengers name.
Brayden Barnes
if it were walking then, the joker.
Dominic Smith
How dumb are you, the cat will scratch it off, they tell the joke on the trailer
I’m not the target demographic for Boys in the Hood and thats still a terrific movie.
Gabriel Cooper
Someone said her call-sign is Avenger. That would be so corny.
Robert Thomas
As a woman of color, this movie was MADE for me. It's exactly the same as any other Marvel movie, but with a woman protagonist.
Xavier Bell
Camden Ross
his suit should look more dilapidated to match how rough his makeup looks. as-is he looks like he ran of a elementary school play or some kind of face painting booth.
Kevin Allen
all these white incels hating on a movie where a woman is in the lead. who would have thought?
David Peterson
You can tell from the trailers that's why she has so little dialogue
Austin Martinez
maybe, but the real kicker is that almost every schoolshooter ever was raised in a single mom household. Now that is something the media will never tell you.
Jaxson Myers
Dan from Screenjunkies said it felt like watching the bad parts of Age of Ultron
Jaxon Barnes
it's not like GG is a great actress but she fits the character so perfectly. Whoever does the casting in WB deserves another million.
Dan has always been /ourguy/ What did the fat girl say
Jackson Young
Jason Diaz
>being worse than gal gadot how does something like that happens?
Kevin Ward
Gal at least had some charm, not a lot but some Also she was fucking hot
Gabriel Brown
John Cruz
According to trannies is going to be the best movie of all time. It being ok it's a massive failure.
Luke Bell
Gal looks like a rat
Dominic Garcia
>that fresh pair of tube socks straight from the bag who the fuck made that decision and how do they still have a job?
Camden Wood
This her pretty face was worth it's brie just looks like a massive cunt
Nathan Miller
*good female superhero movie
Samuel Walker
She is talking about two different things retard
Thomas Gray
Not defending Larson, but here’s some simple truth:
Wonder Woman is just a better character than Carol Danvers. Full stop. Brie might technically be a better actress, but when you’ve got shit to work with, all you can hope for is an immaculately polished turd. As a character, Danvers would be bad enough were she merely derivative(and she oh so totally is), but her lore is steeped in rape, of both the literal and figurative variety. In order, she’s:
>Mind-raped >Literally raped >Power-raped >Experimentally probed and violated
This is her character. You could write a powerful character out of that, a feminist icon, even, but not for fucking kids you can’t. So in typical Disney fashion, they water all that shit down and sanitize it to the point where all you’re left with is bland power fantasy. Remove those elements and she’s got nothing left to overcome.
Gal is such a sweetie. I would be honored to have her kick my ass. And quite aroused.
Jacob Jenkins
Perhaps if women weren't so shit at reviewing movies she'd have more people to clap to her garbage opinions about garbage.
Colton Watson
Fucking really? Wow, that's bad. I mean Age of Ultron was really garbage, so...
Matthew Wilson
Look up Carol Danver’s comics history. Just from what little bit I know about the movie’s plot, I can already tell that the “rape” aspect has been watered down into brainwashing. They already did that shtick with Winter Soldier.
Luis Nelson
There were other female super hero movies in the 90s and 2000s, but all of them bombed. Hollywood hasn't figure out how to write a good female superhero yet, which is weird because there's examples of excellent female leads in the sci-fi, action, and fantasy genes to pull from. I think the issue here is the hero's journey is a quintessentially masculine story, served from traditional duties and hardships men were expected to face and overcome in their lives. Granted this already simple genre has been dumbed down to the point it's almost recognisable, but at its core it's still a masculine story, putting a women in the lead just weakens it overall.
The real challenge here would be rewriting the trials in the hero's journey to be more feminine, but keeping the same general structure. Unfortunately this would require a modicum of creativity and nuance that modern film studios simply don't possess.
Ryan Murphy
The rape and her alcoholism were retconned out.
Parker Bennett
Its gonna outperform deadpool
Josiah Brooks
What's it going up against when it cones out? If it gets a weekend or two to itself I can see that happening.
They just complain about fucking everything. It's like they expect reality to perfectly confirm to their assanine opinions
Aiden Richardson
Well fuck him. The movie is better than Wonder women. Fucking Incels.
Michael Myers
cope more
Colton Gonzalez
What' asinine? That people should be chosen on their own merrit, or what they want to do, instead of being chosen because or race or color of skin or sex?
Connor Green
>better than Gal Gadot's movie
You sound like a raging anti-semite.
Liam Anderson
His review was pretty leveled and predictable. He said he didn't hate it but it's not great, some things he liked, said he really liked the skrulls and some other things he didn't like so much. But of course Yea Forums will exaggerate and say he hated it and is shitting on it
Angel Harris
He gave his second lowest score.
Justin Mitchell
>see this ugly tranny dood running at you looking like he's constipated Wat do?
Sebastian Walker
This tbqh. WW isn't even a great character but she's leagues better than Captain Marvel. Brie Larson has shown her acting ability to be much better than Gal Gadot, but with shit material there is almost nothing you can do (also Brie usually does more serious roles, it looks like she was very uninspired in doing CM and just wanted the fast money).
That's no excuse for such a shit show of a movie though, Disney knew it would be bad and banked on marketing to women instead.
Robert Foster
hey fuck you man i liked the MCU quicksilver
Brandon Gonzalez
Maybe he robs a Dollar General at the beginning and puts on the socks in some alleyway? Wouldn't be surprised
Aaron Wilson
What's his lowest
David Smith
Dogshit is his official lowest score. The second is good if you're drunk. Third is alright but you'll forget it in like a day. fourth is good no alchohol required. Fifth is buy it on blueray. Sixth is awesometacular.
Gavin Russell
>runs up to her >yells the word nigger >she falls down spasming Can't beat gamers
Isaiah Foster
Based Jerm getting redpilled.
Nicholas Lewis
Henry Foster
>TFW JEREMY HAS A CUTE WIFE >Now he's a CHAD What went right?
Mason Watson
leaving the conglomeration of onions he was associated with
Caleb Mitchell
mirin memory and how you're using it, user
Nolan Howard
How the fuck are they so incapable of seeing the end result of spewing rhetoric like that? They think everyone they called an "incel" or a "troll" just spontaneously appeared. She probably thinks her hatred of white men has nothing to do with the backlash.
Caleb Hernandez
>dc did it better the absolute madlad
Jackson Jones
But they did. You’ll be hard pressed to find people who watched both WW and CM and say WW wasn’t the better film.
Daniel Gray
Ethan Reed
He did say Godot is more "charismatic," which is only part of being a good actress. Godot doesn't show much range or have any particularly memorable scenes requiring much acting talent. But she's appealing and easy to root for as a hero.
Sebastian Nelson
He merely said he was going to review the movie without addressing any of the surrounding controversy.
Carson Watson
He kind of said it all when he said Wonder Woman did it better...
Cameron Scott
He sums up a lot of why the movie looks shit.
There's no character arc. She starts the movie as a stoic warrior. And ends the movie as a stoic warrior.
Jahns seems to think the feminist angle of the movie added nothing. She has no romantic interest, there's no romance at all, it's just her and her black lady friend.
It just sounds boring. It seems like a very character based script yet Captain Marvel doesn't exhibit enough character to pull the movie along.
Hunter Nelson
>"Loxism" jews aren't white
Jose Adams
Why does this guy remind me so much of that AskANinja guy? Anyone remember him?
Joseph Thompson
>make sexist remarks >woah why are they attacking me? it must be because they're angry that's why
>Brie Larson acting That fungus spreader can't even manage to make a different face. At least Gal has functioning face muscles.
Lincoln Hill
>critics love cat >cat is why Fury when blind
what the fuck is wrong with critics?
Cooper Jackson
Jahns has this scale
>Awesometacular (amazing film) >Worth buying on bluray (great film) >Good time no alcohol required (good film) >Might be good if you were drunk (poor film) >Not going to remember it in 5 minutes (bad film) >Dogshit (dogshit film)
His "would be better with alcohol" rating is basically saying the movie has some good ideas but it's weighed down with enough negatives that if you want to have a good time you probably need to be drunk.
It's not a glowing recommendation. He's basically saying Captain Marvel is a b-movie enjoyable only in a certain context and not if you go into it expecting a genuinely good movie.
If you look at all the hype around Captain Marvel and how much it gets shilled he's definitely shitting on it big time.
To add to this he dislikes x/x and percentage ratins, and there's meant to be a bit of overlap between his tiers when your looking at if one movie is better than another, but better if you were drunk is far from a good review. It's 4-5/10 range bad
>A movie can have a feminist message but it also has to be interesting A FUCKING WHITE MALE!!
Adam Morales
Based Chadzam
Levi Thompson
He gave it a 4/10!
Blake Bailey
1 Dogshit 2 Better if drunk 3 No alcohol required 4 Buy on BluRay 5 Awesome
2/5 or 4/10
Noah Watson
He pretty much sums it up at the start and end. He's going to get shit no matter what.
Most of these critics reviewing the movie are too scared to voice their actual opinion just in case they upset the feminists out there. Actually, there's quite a few "positive" reviews out there that aren't actually that positive.
I just feel Disney will never get a rotten score with any of their movies from now on; they have too many bias paid shrills reviewing their movies. It's quite apparent now.
Right, here's a thread full of autists sperging out over other people's opinions about capeshit, and I am supposed to be the brainlet for not getting it? Sure.
Chase Jenkins
Ryder Cruz
>good kys
Sebastian Carter
I'm so fucking exasperated by people's borderline worship of capeshit
I almost wish the mods would just permaban capeshit posters on sight
>captain marvel is not relatable >starts the movie stoic and snarky and ends stoic and snarky >movie doesn't show us all the hype, comes off as a really weak hero and she was
>What’s said to be Marvel’s most powerful superhero ever is served Melatonin by Larson. There is precious little texture or detail, ups and downs, or emotions of any kind in her performance. The character, even when kicking ass, is a total bore. The film’s best moments are provided by Jackson and a hilarious cat." --
Even the reviews praising it are saying bries acting is terrible. Seeing alot of 3/2 out of 5
Sebastian Parker
I watched the whole video and I feel like I just got done being yelled at. It was exhausting. Why the fuck do people like shitty youtubers?
Samuel Diaz
Men in movies are allowed to have flaws so they're easier to relate to AND they get a goal, something to overcome. Seeing them grow into a better person is satisfying.
Unfortunately women aren't allowed to be portrayed as flawed beings (Ms Marvel had an alcoholism problem for example) cause everyone gets up in arms and scream about misogyny. Thus they end up with sterilized characters that come of as Mary Sues, making them hard to empathise with and ultimately borings as characters (aside from maybe a couple of "quirks", that must always come of as cute and not annoying).
Dominic James
>Great critics, all men If they're great critics (lol) then what's the problem?
greatness is completely subjective, that's why we need women and people of colour to review the fil and express their opinions because there's matters more.
Haven't seen jeremy in years, his voice sounds a lot more tired.
Dylan Walker
For anyone who's lost track of the bullshit, she's literally saying >this movie got bad reviews >it was reviewed by men >replace those men with women so it can have good reviews
Plus she's based. The gay flash guy tried to get her to say some "smash the patriarchy" shit and she refused, eventually saying she doesn't like sexism just to shut him up.
Joshua Peterson
I don't even know why Marvel pretends Captain Marvel is worthy of getting a movie
Nick fury loses husband eye to the cat. The name “the avengers” comes from the fact that Carol’s call sign was “Avenger” thereby retconning her to be the first avenger. Jahns is likely talking about one of these things. Source: I review for a shitty website and don’t give a fuck about NDA. Wrote one of the few negative reviews online. Sad because I generally like MCU capeshit
Blake Cook
lmao that Captain Marvel follow-up outed him as merely pretending
Alexander Lewis
Joshua Hall
Culture war is endless my dude. Battles may be lost but the war is eternal
Jose Barnes
>"Only in positions where you negotiate your own salary, and only because women suck at negotiating when they can't use their cooch as a bargaining chip."
Eli Ward
They did the same thing with Ghost Busters 2016. The content of the review would suggest a 5/10 but the score would be a 7/10. >This movie has a lot of problems but some of the jokes were funny.
Google literally got called out for underpaying men relative to women after they conducted a review of their businesses and now they're fixing the gap
Robert Smith
well they were right, she did have a anorexic tier body and didn't improve it at all for her WW role. She's still a cute though
Kevin White
wanting the movie to fail (though it obviously won't) and /pol/ have nothing to do with each other. If by some magic CM did flop I'd be happy because I want Marvel to fuck off (DC too but they're not half as annoying)
William Morgan
that's a weird webm why was it even made?
Sebastian Gutierrez
Did you just assume Jeremy identify as male?! HOW DARE YOU?!
Daniel Bell
Should have been Han Solo getting his last name tier
>Brie Larson has shown her acting ability to be much better than Gal Gadot, In what? She was a cardboard cutout arrogant snob in Kong and she's a cardboard cutout arrogant snob in Marvel Sue. When did she show such tremendous acting ability?
Gal Gadot may not have a tremendous range, but at least she's charismatic and a sweetheart and I would rather see her in a movie any day.
Adam Thomas
> Brie Larson ruining Marvel > Implying there is something to ruin and Marvel was not shit already
Jonathan Rodriguez
Ian Williams
>That amount of dislikes
Elijah Stewart
Owen Rodriguez
What does the race of the men have to do with it? Why would a black man be more likely to positively review a film about a white woman?
Chase Russell
God she's so perfect. GOD DAMN SHE IS SO PERFECT. FUCK.
Brie Larson is good in Room She never even tries to act when it's a blockbuster however
Justin Williams
Gal Gadot is the worst actress that ever lived. This guy's opinion means nothing and I will not listen.
Xavier Gutierrez
*rubs head* lemme ask you sumthin Rick
Nolan Ramirez
Isaiah Morgan
The movie was decent but not amazing for polniggers, less than amazing = OMG ITS BAD LMAO This is just par for the course, relax
Connor Sullivan
Gadot is still far more physically convincing as a superhero than Larson
Ryan Young
>she's so perfect she's a jew
Blake Reed
brie gives a worse performance, that's just the way it is
David Thompson
kek have you seen it
Adrian Cruz
So are the beastie boys.
Charles Morgan
why is there a cut every 5 seconds? is he taking advantage of his retarded viewers' short attention spans? if so, that's pretty clever.
Christopher Smith
wow, the first instance of this shitty meme that made me chuckle.
Ayden Thompson
I don't like the beastie boys
Nolan Watson
literally a who? talking about a who? marvel superhero.
Lincoln Wright
I'm not surprised. I watched parts of "Glass Castle" and there's this scene where Larson's character yells at her abusive and neglectful parents in front of a room full of people and it's supposed to be this really emotional moment...and she just cannot carry it at all. She just comes across as whiny and bratty even though her parents were awful to her and her siblings.
Wyatt Perez
They should just double down on Carol's not-so-repressed love of murder and battle. The comics haven't done much with it but you can make a good character out of that.
Michael Turner
Yeah, that's why nobody's heard of Akira Kurosawa.
Jayden Rodriguez
If Gadot is “charismatic” than my girl here is the greatest person on earth
It's difficult to make a good movie about a character with personality inconsistency.
Liam Murphy
using full stop unironically
Brody Lewis
She is a little too much on the skinny side to be Wondy, but she does a good job of understanding how to portray the character, which is more important than matching the comic book characters physique
Gavin Walker
Truth be told Marvel doesn´t have the cinematic rights of any of their more interesting female characters... Kitty Pride? nope, Rogue? nope, X-23? no no, Black Cat?! nop, Spider-Gwen? You wish, Emma Frost? Hope Summers? yeah right, The stepford Cuckoos? too obscure and mutants, Rahne Sinclair? obscurer and Xmen, Susan Storm? Fox.
Comparatively DC could, if it wasn´t run by complete assholes, make a movie about Batgirl following the events of The killing Joke. Nail the drama of Barbara getting back on her feets right and DC would go from infamy to oscar nominee. I mean DC is just making shitty movies for sport because they wanted to copy Marvel and fucked up but if we are talking about female leads DC have more interesting ones like Zatana, Black Canary or Harley (the Arlequin like one, not the slut one). How is DC even losing right now?! seriously...
Robert Reyes
If average easy to please schlock like Jeremy didn't like it, I can totally see general audience not like it either.
Jordan Morris
Ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?
Jonathan James
god, I wish I could see that anime girl get blacked.
Logan Cook
How bad is Brie Larson that she loses to Gal Gadot lol. I guess that Oscar can't really save her.
Logan Jenkins
oh snap my fuggen sides.... you bastard I was eating!!!!
Evan Morris
>tfw Chris Cuckmann review comes out >He also thinks its garbage AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Jack Mitchell
Gal Gadot isn’t really a good actress neither but WW was a better written character even when the plot writing fell apart in the end. Character script can really saves poor acting.
Joshua Myers
Is that a Bipedo?
Blake Hughes
Jeremy "Suicide Squad was awesome" Jahns said he didnt like CM? What a shocker!
Seriously though, hes worse than the horse fucker. At least he picks out good indie films occasionally
Justin Sanders
James Butler
>I guess that Oscar can't really save her.
Offcourse it can´t. The Oscars are a simbol of the opression of the cinematic patriarchy. If the Oscar saved her it would be the equivalent to be saved by a man and she, as a strong woman, need no man. Not even one with a golden heart.
Nathan Thompson
>horse fucker Who?
Jose Stewart
that intro LMAO thats how I feel about SJWS and alt right retards.
Logan Miller
Jackson Mitchell
WAIT TILL YOU HERE WHO'S REVIEW BOMBING CAPTAIN MARVEL >Angry anime-loving conservatives (that's a thing!), whose natural habitats are normally Yea Forums, Twitter, and the comment sections of every gaming site on the internet, have now banded together to shit all over Captain Marvel while simultaneously kissing Alita's ass. Possibly in the hope of astroturfing some enthusiasm for their doe-eyed anime fantasy fixation by calling her movie's detractors SJWs and communists. And all because Larson had the gall to call for more diversity in film journalism.
hero's journey for females could theoretically work, but you really need creative god tier writers to suspend disbelief and make the female overcome her obstacles by realistic designs. >making her overcome adversaries by just beating them up, even several goons at the same time with sheer hand to hand is BS >making her overcome evil genius villains by her sheer brain power and strategic thinking, is suspending disbelief even in most women audience >making her overcome by sheer luck, is not a hero's journey
See, the problem is how do you make a female her's journey work and keep the audience invested? Closest thing I can think of is, she is born to royalty, has an excellent set of intelligent officers who follow her every command, and then has above average charisma
Thomas Reyes
>cree brainwashed the captain marvle >cree slaughtered skrull >cree bad bad people END
Gonna wait for 5 peso pedro to weigh in since he is the pleb gold standard
Ryder Howard
Thomas James
Noah Sullivan
Based prinnychad
Luis Lewis
Kys redditshits
Aaron Johnson
Shazam looks, dare I say it, fun. Probably won't be a GOOD movie but at least it will be entertaining.
Sebastian Young
Isn't it the very definition of sexist and racist to assume that white males would be incapable of writing an unbiased review? If the roles were reversed and Chris Hemsworth tweeted that it was unfortunate that so many black women gave Thor Ragnarok bad reviews he would never work in Hollywood again.
Leo Anderson
This is the first video where someone has deliberately asked for likes where I obliged.
The hero journey has always been sexless because it´s structure, a simplyfied formula, that´s the beauty of it. As you said there are excellent female leads in sci fi, action, fantasy, drama and so on to the point some of the most memorable leads from cinema are women. If you let it work without trying to deliverately going against it it works just fine.
If a proven formula that has worked literaly since the age of the myth is discarded in detriment of authorism then the result no longer depends on the tool/ formula but on the solution or workaround that the Director or Writter found. I believe in authorism and i can even agree with people that says that any story worth telling comes suddenly and without method but super hero movies are usually tied to the hero´s journey and only rarely other structures work.
If anything the problem is not the female heroes but the idea that the hero journey should not aply to them. (which is not even a femminist idea since femminism is supposed to be about equality). There is not a single reason why a female character should ignore the formula. You said it is a masculine story, i ask you how so? (i am actually asking) If the female characters that have always worked just fine are suddenly not working is because those characters specifically have been badly written. It might seem like an oversimplification of the problem but there is no justification for not giving a character, regardless of sex or race, a propper back story with solid motivations and objectives. A badly written character is a badly written character. Period.
People talk about the femenine perspective to stories but i don´t think that generalization is correct. I am sure there is one but that alone won´t be enough. It implyies anyone could come up with a good story or narrative because of their sex. Rather it´s gonna be as it always is, a specific director with a recognizable vision will nail a way that works.
Capeshit is not just a movie. the press tours, convention appearances, Gal was more welcoming and smiled all the way, never condescending towards anyone. How can anyone hate that? Are you even human user?
Liam Hall
>the press tours, convention appearances Are you unironically saying that part of the "capeshit experience" is the fucking marketing? How much of a bunch of consumerist drones can you capeshitters be?
It's completely soulless, it's like when a model says "I wish peace in the world". It's goddamn marketing, it has no value whatsoever.
Brandon Phillips
>but she fits the character so perfectly Fuck off, casual. Gal's shit, and so was her take on Diana
>How can you hate someone being nice on marketing stunts. Brie is an outlier precisely because the dumbass wasn't nice. Even if you are a cunt, actors normally try to look good in this shit.
Do you unironically think that's how actors really are? It's called PR, reputation, it's not that Gal is nice and Brie is a cunt, is that Gal was just putting up an act, who the hell knows how she is really.
Hell, Chris Evans himself, everyone has the feeling that he's a chill good guy, but that guy is actually a drug addicted asshole who has almost never said no to a line of coke and is actually a dipshit to anyone he doesn't know, not to mention that he absolutely hates superhero movies and only sees them as a paycheck, but then again, that's pretty much everyone who works on them, specially the actors.
>How can anyone hate that? The question is how anyone still thinks any of that is genuine.
I don't think he really shat on it, he was far too jovial and diplomatic about it.
William Anderson
Gal wasn't incessantly screeching white menz bad! I'm not even a white man and Brie cheese comes off as retarded being one homely cracker basic bitch herself.
Also Gal has given birth to two kids and still has the better body.
Jeremiah Morales
>movie reviewers It makes me genuinely ill that people can make a living off of sprouting their bullshit opinion on the latest movies lads
Jason Robinson
Zachary Bennett
Nice. DC is getting his cock sucked because Marvel shat the bed. I hope shazam does well so Feige gets a stroke.
This guy single-handedly convinced me to buy a hipflask so I can get drunk in the cinema
Gabriel Fisher
Asher Nguyen
I think Gadot is awful but she is likeable at least, like that aunt that you like to have around in those shitty xmas parties. Cheese Larson is cancer.
Christopher Smith
Carter Miller
>squats 225 >deadlifts 250 >pushes truck uphill with black person inside of it
These are the levels of fitness that are required to be “marveled”
Kevin Ramirez
Hellboi is DOA
Xavier Rivera
>"Then why the fuck are you being paid 5 million dollars for an origin story compared to Hemsworth's 150k and RDJ 500k, you priviledged bitch? Give some of it to charity of some shit."
Cooper Rogers
It's a marvel movie, it's "meh" equals failure, don't play dumb.
Mason Miller
>Brie Larson has shown her acting ability Not really. >Muh oscars! Be serious.
Jace Lee
Retard alert
Jason Peterson
As an incel I can say that I love Alita and that has a female lead, checkmate atheist.
Grayson Edwards
I hate brie larson the person, but based on the roles I've seen her in she isn't a shit actress.
if she was shit in this movie, that is more likely on the director. heard they forced her to be like a female Tony Stark in the movie and it came off cringey, but i don't plan on seeing the movie so someone else can fact check that
Watch the review again, he is admitting to hating it 2/3 in when he's talking about how Brie sucked, you can hear it in his voice. He won't outright say it because it would jeopardize his career. Honestly they'll probably already send a guy to his house to bash his legs for this
Noah Morgan
But nazis choose your current president (will happen again) and bombed GB2016 (will happen again with Mahvel) How does that compute?
Brayden Moore
nah, he is gonna commit suicide by 2 bullets behind his head
Josiah Hughes
DC is trying to learn while disney is being more stubborn by the minute.
Adrian Morris
Lmao the ol' Clinton special eh
Adam Edwards
Will watch >netflix eh, sometimes they get good shit, like beast of no nation
>Truth be told Marvel doesn´t have the cinematic rights of any of their more interesting female characters... Kitty Pride? nope, Rogue? nope, X-23? no no, Black Cat?! nop, Spider-Gwen? You wish, Emma Frost? Hope Summers? yeah right, The stepford Cuckoos? too obscure and mutants, Rahne Sinclair? obscurer and Xmen, Susan Storm? Fox. They will soon. The deal goes through in March.
To be fair, you're making commentary on what Marvel had before hand and picked Captain Marvel. She wasn't their best option, she was a character they could attempt to reinvent and make a movie about.
Ms Marvel becoming Captain Marvel a handful of years ago was the worst thing Marvel did and they specifically did it to build up a new Marvel Wonder Woman from scratch which they could design for the modern age.
AND... they screwed the pooch entirely over and over. Never seeing that they fucked up and kept making it worse. This is the result and as much as I love Marvel as a hardcore Marvel fan from a kid... This is what they deserved across the board for this numerous series of mistakes.
The problem is women always date up. So to have a powerful female superhero requires her to date an even more powerful male superhero. Of course, this creates a feedback loop as they can't have a male superhero be stronger than the titular female superhero, and they can't have a female superhero date someone that isn't as strong or powerful as she is.
So the only course of action is to have her date no one, and give her no sense of attachment to our world.
Nathan Peterson
SJW tend to think that certain races and genres are programmed to think and act in a certain way. It's scary.
Kayden King
And cheese is even worse, imagine.
Grayson Hall
As an angry, anime-loving conservative this makes me feel happy.
Bentley Barnes
I would leave this man alone with my wife for a year and not worry about a thing.
Jonathan Young
Oscars renamed as Carols when?
Aaron Robinson
>The name “the avengers” comes from the fact that Carol’s call sign was “Avenger” thereby retconning her to be the first avenger.
You're joking. You're joking right. This is so stupid it's believable.