Post them
The west needs to burn
Why did they latch onto the icnel word so hard
What the fuck is an incel? Why can't they just say it if the movie is bad?
>When your movie is so bad not even SJW politics can save it from bad reviews
How is that even possible?
Wonder Woman sends her regards.
Because it's an easy way to be mean to men while being socially acceptable because you can always say "oh i don't mean *all* men just those horrible incels who use websites other than reddit and twitter"
It's still gonna get a Fresh. Everyone will give it a 6. Just like Ghostbusters.
It’s their nigger.
Post Captain Marvel memes.
They are mindless robot-like beings who can only “argue” by parroting buzzwords. Also, they love to shame anyone they can’t refute.
It's their "c.uck"
Jeremy Jahns is shitting on it.
> 1 Star Review from French Guy
> 3 Star Rotten Review on Rotten Tomatoes
> Multiple lower rating reviews for Captain Marvel starting to appear
> Reports of press refusing to review the movie because it is so bad
> Multiple verified twitter users claiming the movie is terrible and 'Ghostbusters' tier
> Everyone avoiding talking about anything other than Talos or Goose - nobody wants to talk about Brie/Captain Marvel
We are definitely getting the other cut of Avengers Endgame... this movie is trash.
>Top critics
65%-70% but with that sweet 10% mouse bonus
only if it were DC. Since it's Marvel it will still be certified fresh, but a low fresh
FUCK Trump and FUCK incels
You should include the one from the movie;
>ben mendelsohn is one of the few good things about the movie
I hope they paid him a small fortune
looks like its bang average
the other cut?
>What the fuck is an incel?
it's their attempt to fight back after getting destroyed by the cuck/basedboi combo
>Beyond the inferences of its opening scene, and a handful of cheeky moments sprinkled throughout (one of the villains basically stands over Carol and demands that she debate him), “Captain Marvel” doesn’t foreground its gender politics. Unlike “Wonder Woman,” the film offers few plot-specific reasons to call attention to who she is under the spandex. That’s a blessing and a curse in a familiar story that leaves you desperate to see Carol offer the movie, its genre, and her impressionable young fanbase something more than a cosmetic overhaul. Itcould have been “Alien3” or “Princess Mononoke” or “Tank Girl” — hell, it could have been “Batman Returns.” But only in its most regressive ways does it really feel like a blockbuster from the mid-’90s. Neither a blast from the past, nor an inspiring glimpse into the future, at the end of the day it’s just another Marvel movie. And not a particularly good one, at that.
It's shit.
Mother's basement dweller lost its bite.
Because they haven't been told yet that true involuntary celibates are the people with disabilities and mental illness that they pretend to be champions for
I'm withholding judgement until I hear from Cole Smithey, the Smartest Film Critic In The World.
>A Marvel movie shielded with feminism can only get average reviews at best
this must be worse than Ghostbusters
Imagine how fucking shit it must be if critics think that it's average.
Jeremy Jahns hated it
My last 2 digits
Disney was up in arms over mirrors?
>one of the villains basically stands over Carol and demands that she debate him
Who here ready to review bomb the shit out of this flop?
>be in committed relationship for over a decade
>get called incel for thinking disney flick is shit
>it's super ineffective
they can't even keep their shills happy
To be fair he didn't hate it he said it as meh
Just thirty minutes ago I was going to say no lower than 92% but now I'm not sure.
I always found it ironic since its bullying of people who have social anxiety and various other psychological problems
dumb cuck
men demand debates from women in the patriarchy
It started to be co-opted by the left when that Armenian guy ran over some people in Toronto. /pol/acks spread on twitter that he was incel, which was completely untrue, but the left ran with it and the rest is history.
A 29 year old woman, who looks lika a 40 year old one. In spite of having access to the best skin care.
>based vegan diet
>one of the villains basically stands over Carol and demands that she debate him
pretty telling they think this is what a villain would do
How can someone literally have negative ass?
Disney realise that they are going to end up with a The Last Jedi scenario and have two cuts of Avengers Endgame ready.
> One has Captain Marvel playing a major role in the final battle
> One that replaces what she does with Black Widow & Captain America
Brie Larson's Captain America will still be in Endgame, but depending on how well the movie does during its first week they are going to decide which cut to choose.
In addition, if Captain Marvel is poorly recieved they will replace her role as 'Leader of the Avengers' with Black Panther in order to reduce the backlash.
Despite reports, no plans exist for a Captain Marvel sequel at the moment. It is similar to Doctor Strange where they will do a sequel eventually, but likely not for four/five years.
>negative review from Youtube normie
This movie must be complete shit judging by these reviews.
>Brie Larson was miscast will be the popular opinion
Do you think they'll recast her? Or will they bite the bullet and try to make her work?
>Advertise the movie as a feminist's wet dream
>Turn away your male audience
>Still not feminist enough for the feminists
The Raimi cut.
Sounds like its another Thor 2, just with more womyn
he opened the review saying "he can't win", he's not gonna completely shit on it
Disney were betting on anti incels liking it by default but it looks like their gamble didn't work
The true test is what stuckmann thinks
>committed relationship lasting a decade
That’s basically being an incel - you know it to be true, don’t try to deny it
you gotta admit, it works
IGN gave it above 80 so yeah
A conjunction that means "Involuntarily Celibate". Normie version of permavirgin.
>literally says Brie Larson was less charismatic than Gal Gadot
best review by far HAHAHAHAHAHA
there's a rumor that says that all her scenes has been filmed also with Evans and Johansson instead, to remove her just in case the movie bomb ...
It's funny because they'll turn around and tell you can't call people retards
>Critics 90%
Too many paid shills for this not to get at least that high, too many people who don't want to see the "incels" win
>Audience 53%
Im waiting for HIS review
Like have you seen how much rent is? Mother's basement would be saving you like 20k a year, easy.
>he said it as meh
That's worse. If it were a trainwreck people might've been more curious.
genesis suck
>Uber-shill "I love everything" Jeremy thought it was meh
lads this movie must be boring as fuck, jesus
Somebody combine this with her FLAT ASS pic
Cuckmann goes with the general opinión.
>tank girl
They literally just naming anything that stars a vagina
You must have never seen Alien if you think that's negative ass
he'll just talk about how disappointing it is and go around calling it shit
or he'll like it and review it with his wife
Stay mad fag
he didn't hate it he just really didn't like it
compared it to Star Trek Insurrection
Why is there even a Captain Marvel movie? Have Disney run out of characters?
Why isn’t the Tomatometer updated? Has the mouse put a gun to RT’s head?
>fell flat
>it feels flat
>brie larson is a bit flat in the role
It still makes me laugh that Yea Forumss most trusted movie reviewer is a homosexual black man
lmao, the movie is so shit that they are attacking BvS again. haha
So Yea Forums have you pledged soul to the true queen of capeshit yet?
Quiet. Dcucks only want to see the few bad reviews right now
T-This can't be happening, bros! I thought white women would finally get their chance through Captain Marvel!
what is the climactic needle drop?
I thought Yea Forums hated Wonder Woman
Bob Iger is setting at his desk saying "five million seven films. Five million seven films Five million seven films Five million seven films Five million seven films Five million."
Once in a while he'll defend a divisive film, but he does it in a disingenious way that screams "SEE GUYS I'M NOT A CONSENSUS BABBY I HAVE MY OWN OPINION HAHA".
Because it tells people that the highest goal a man can have is to kind himself a good lady. Men have been made slaves to women, but no more. They screeched about rape culture well soon they’re going to see it.
>By Meg Downey
Marvel has been trying to get people to like Carol for years after switching her from Ms Marvel to Captain Marvel. Her comics have been selling like dogshit since she became Captain Marvel and nobody really likes her.
Honestly I'm surprised they bet so much on her in the MCU since her comics literally always sell like absolute trash.
Why can't the west make good strong women characters like Noriko?
I wouldn't last 30 seconds. Goddamn.
let's be real, it won't get under 80%
when will brie larson?
rent free lmao
For a quite specific age group of women Tank Girl is seen as empowering and feminist and was a way to fuck crazy chicks if you were into it or could pretend you were. We're talking 20 years ago here.
Oh fuck
Well they can't just come out and say her ass was flat, they need to beat around the bush
IGN is the pinnacle of unreliable reviews.
>BvS living in their head rent free
Hey I got a shocker for everyone:
>What the fuck is an incel?
Pictured: an incel
To be fair Jahns is super normie mainstream in his tastes so I'd trust if he wasn't blown away by it that's really a bad sign for CM overall.
what a bitch
>be in committed relationship for over a decade
>not married
user you're either lying or you should just fucking leave her if you dont like her enough to put a ring on it
and yet she couldn't make are ass decent? kek
fucking hell Marvel's DAMAGE CONTROL team are working over time
>no info about prefered pronouns
Doesn't make the movie less shit
Because the idea of making a good character first is antithetical to the Disney model. Also whoever is in charge over at MCU seems to think Brie Larson of all people has the charm of RDJ.
alright im off to enjoy resetera's excuses for the movie
holy shit. we won
Attacking a man's sexuality is the only thing roasties have going for them.
but they signed a 7-movie contract with Larson
Needs more FLASH and surround it with laughing people.
>caring this much about how a film based on a comic book, fares at the box office
>caring this much about the quality of a film based on a comic book
You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows. A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.
Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults. Adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children. This is your world. This is the world of capeshit.
Terrifying, isn't it?
2 rotten reviews and 13 fresh on RT right now
It's over lol.
Squeak harder mousefag
Walt Disney's Snow White?
The left's strategy in the culture war is to win by:
- shaming their opponents to lower their status and so trying to make it so opposing them is something that only losers would do. That is the case of this word.
- shifting the Overton Window to the left by declaring that some views that are common on the right are unacceptable bigotry. For example, now they say that it is unacceptable to claim that two parents households lead to better results to the kids than single mother households
God damn this thing has a big sjw handicap, I'm surprised we're seeing reviews like this. I have a feeling we are about to see a lot of 'This film is very important too bad it's average in all the ways other than feminism and women, which are great by the way"
Reviews are up on RT. You have to click the All Critics link.
They're actually almost all positive so far, save for 3-4 negatives.
if critics say it's average it means it's FUCKING AWFUL
He looks pretty handsome and sophisticated, idk what you see in this gentleman
kek Yea Forums fucking rekt
>literally 3 years later MCUcks have still not salved their asspain
Because it enrages incels.
you forgot censorship
Everybody who unironically uses the term instantly looks like an ass.
the movie was your average capeshit, but Gal was sexy and good WW, except for being hungry skellington
They hate getting owned with facts and logic
Why did Black Panther succeed but Captain Marvel failed?
Because incels get triggered by it
That's literally it, if virgins didn't start seething everytime the word incel came up people wouldn't use it
Despite the Tomatometer this feels like another TLJ
Waiting for the user score to tank.
10%? more like 30-40%
>Men Bathrooms are trash
>Women bathrooms are good and clean
>Invite men to the women bathrooms for a party
america has more niggers than white women
>tons of mixed reviews 2.5/5
>still fresh rating
Makes sense- thanks for the context.
It just never struck me as "feminist" but i can see it being a flag for alt/punk thots.
Remember to mine the salt boys
Black Panther didn't have antagonistic marketing and people actually wanted to see more of the character after Civil War.
userscore will be 30%
what did they mean by this?
The absolute state
Hollywood Reporter
>Still, the focus and big selling point here is Captain Marvel herself and Larson's impersonation of her. So what does a best actress Oscar winner bring to a performance as a Marvel superhero? Larson makes Carol/Captain focused, solid, ever-alert to what's going on around her, a quick learner, a determined and unafraid warrior. In other words, she's everything you'd want and expect in a soldier, intergalactic or otherwise. But all of this is more or less prescribed by the role. What's lacking is humor, a hint that she might get off on the action and violence, or the indication of a deep desire or spark to ferret out evil and right the world's wrongs. The performance is fine, if not exciting or inspiring.
>Jackson aside, the other actors are stuck with one-note, uninteresting roles, including Annette Bening, who is in very briefly as a character called Supreme Intelligence. Maybe she should have taken a pass at the script.
I've been saying this for months. Being the first female led superhero film in the MCU after 20 movies is not cause for celebration but shame. It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't try to bring attention to this fact by pretending it's cause for celebration.
>because retards think incels get triggered by it
So far, BP had something to say about the current state of race relations that was more natural and honest and not just pandering. And apparently it wasn't fucking boring.
Oh and based CHADwick is good on the role, unlike the Virgin Larson.
Don't worry. Already decided that anyone rating it badly is a "troll / incel / alt-right nazi / russian hacker / bot account" etc.
What the fuck is rotten tomatoes shitty rating system? Someone gives it a 6/10 and that's considered fresh; how the fuck
Captian Marvel went for antagonistic college feminism marketing.
Black Panther and Wonder Woman didn't.
Still a cape movie but incels gunna incel and they think they’ll get fucked by the kike.
oh come on now
Black are on top of diversity virtue signaling chain. Oscars made this pretty obvious.
>The picture is not dull, exactly, just mundane, marked by unimaginative plotting, cut-rate villains, a bland visual style and a lack of elan in every department.
sounds about par for the MCU
Yea Forums LOST
I absolutely love the incel meme. I can't wait till liberals will call it the I-word because it offends the real incels.
so you kissless virgins get to call everyone a kike, nigger and roastie but someone calls you by a name you made up yourselves it's "being mean".
time for mass suicide.
Clearly the male leads in the previous 20 films lacked expression
Edward Norton had a five film contract.
Terrence Howard had a three film contract.
Contracts can be easily ended via Marvel/Disney if desired. A 7-movie contract does not rely on them having 7 solo movies, it could be as simple as a cameo appearance or a flashback or they will simply recast her or wait till people forget.
but not certified fresh would make it only the 3rd one
Mothers basement is a legitimate aspiration for millennials.
It's an accurate descriptor
>86% RT score
>all the positives reviews are basically saying it's painfully generically average
The mouse would never tolerate a rotten Marvel film
Yeah, this WILL sink.
A lot of the negative reviews posted haven’t been included. I expect this will sink to about 70%
It makes perfect sense when you think about it.
Back to discord, tranny
Nice cope
I've seen countless anons get triggered by that word on many boards.
It's clearly a reddit poster with a fake account.
Nobody is under the impression that calling someone a kike, nigger or roastie isn't mean though.
Well apparently according to RT, a 3/5 is "fresh" so that doesn't come as a surprise.
at least we know it's better than Imagine Babyz
An incel is a fat, NEET, 56% white male that frequents /pol/ and /r9k/. Completely friendless and lifelong virgins, they have double digit IQs and blame their miserable existence on jews, blacks, and women.
There aren't that many of them, but they're EXTREMELY autistic and easily offended so are quite loud and whiny.
Pic related is a typical incel.
>they're triggered in my head
It's annoying seeing these types call you an incel Nazi but then turn around proudly flexing their USSR pins and ushankas as if it's not exactly like being an incel skinhead. Can't even have dixie flag without being called an incel but you can be a vocal Stalin apologist and these millennials won't care.
Every time
It's literally just Manhattan liberal hipsters deciding if they want it to score well or not. There is no actual basis on deciding if a review is fresh or not as long as the reviewer says its "OK" and if its a progressive meme movie the reviewer will always throw in some breadcrumbs so the Jews won't fire them.
RT scores often go down by around 15% to 20%
However Marvel films are wildcards since fucking complete horseshit like Ant-man and the Wasp somehow has a 80%+ score
This is what an incel is.
Looks like someone is triggered lol
Incels are very, very rarely far-leftist but they do exist.
Far-left bitter permavirgins are usually trannies.
Oy vey that's originally an antisemitic quote.
>tfw you are an incel (with a girlfriend) that hates are blacks, minoritys, wahmen and fags (mostly Trannys)
>tfw you like Mr. White
>tfw You don't even know what you are
>86% for derivative capeshit with shit acting
Come on, this is getting ridiculous. Literally bought and paid for reviews.
alita BTFO
Stalin and Mao did nothing wrong. After all, was there anyone who killed more communists than they did?
Who gives a flying fuck if someone reads comic books. I'm more concerned that mainstream media feeds people nothing but shit and refuses to touch actual topics.
magic word you use when someone doesn't like something you do
>get to call everyone a kike, nigger and roastie
Do they get to spout this from the biggest MSM platforms with the backing of pundits, celebrities and publishers?
>m-muh horse shoe
Time for another dose of Finasteride.
>click video
>only shows face and not her body while talking
>close video
Ho. Ly. Shit.
He is so fucking handsome. How can you call this...this beautiful specimen an incel?
how many retards are going to watch this movie with a "if the movie does well then the world will become a better place for women" in their mind?
So when are the trannies and feminists going to start calling the reviewers incels, like they did with the audience? Is resetera going to start attacking their personal lives?
can confirm them and "reviewers" like them are not really paid so much as owned by disney. reviews are adjusted by the editor.
Grace Randolf's review was all over the place. She spoke for along time but didn't say much.
>Yea Forums ACTUALLY looks at the critic tomatometer
>Yea Forums ACTUALLY thinks it matters at all
>Yea Forums ACTUALLY thinks these reviews are genuine and unbiased
>The movie screening didn't have problems, and the cinema chairs were comfy
>Ok that's a fresh
and zoomers
you can call me an incel all day long if it makes you feel like you won something, okay? I can do that for you
Jeremy BTFO
>The review: the movie exists
>RT: Fresh Score!
Ant-Man is the third best MCU entry you pleb.
is it about feminism?
>preemptively blame "incels"
is it good?
>call it a triumph for feminism and make 3 more just like it
>is it bad?
make reviewers say its bad but that the feminist symbol is a good actress
>are the rotten tomatoes ratings bad?
force the site to change and blame russian hackers
The fact that it's not 100% for a progressive meme movie is telling
inb4 he likes it
Not enough women and minorities in the band for your taste?
>fresh reviews that praise the cat and nothing else
Were we really expecting any more from this?
Oh damn. I can't see this soon enough after that positive review...
Maybe it's about the cat scratching out Fury's eye or maybe the way they end the final fight is gay as shit
go back and read the Ghostbusters're going to see the same shit here
No it isn't you fucking zoomer
I liked the 1st film as a generic origin story but the 2nd film was boring and looked like a tv show
They don't even need to cancel the contracts. These contracts basically amount to "we can make you appear in x many movies but have no obligation to continue employing you at any point in time"
That won't happen, chief.
All me. Time to go shit up RT with fake reviews. Oh wait, I can't anymore.
86% fresh and rising. Get fucked incels. You will never win a proxy battle against us on rotten tomatoes. Ghostbusters 2016 is certified fresh and the first review proclaims it’s better than the original.
>All negative reviews were written by white males.
Brie Larson was right all along.
Gave this an 8.3? Not even a 9 from the bulleyes of your target audience. This movie is just going to be a boring piece of nothing.
What happened to being sincere?
This entire fucking atmosphere just sickens me to no end, were opinions have to be controlled and weaponized because being morally superior is more important than speaking the truth. You can't speak for or against something without having the opposing ideology you have nothing to do with plastered on your self. Discussion and arguments are pretty much impossible at this point, it's all about us and them. Opinions don't matter, only what values you want to push unto the world.
I just want this bellicose, political environment to end as soon as possible.
But he's right. The RT system is rigged to give a more positive appearance to movies than they actually deserve. The whole site is complete nonsense, metacritic is more reliable because it actually does the real math behind the big score.
What will he think of it?
>discord eunuchs
>"movie is meh"
>gives 8.5 anyway
wew lad
It still bombed though. No matter how you rig the reviews, if the film is absolute dogshit it's been proven even the general public will turn against it.
"DC did it better"
holy fuck it's over
Because of the Wakanda fantasy
The film is average at best, but the idea that some jungle nigs can be more technologically advanced than the entire planet sold it
Dont think you'll need to
Fuck you incels.
>/pol/ I mean nu/tv/ was wrong again
I don't really care about capeshit or RT but I hate you faggots a lot.
>over half of the greatest films of all time were made in the last 3 years
what a time to be alive
It's dead, Jim.
>t. discord tranny
It wasn't made for you user
He was pretty careful in staring that the movie just didn’t do it for him. But having to preface the review by saying there’s a culture war going on that he wants nothing to do with wasn’t a good sign. And his first compliment being for the main villain was’t a good sign either. Looks like Fury losing his eye to and infection caused by Goose was true too given the stupid thing he mentioned. And I think people are sick of nostalgia for the 90’s being used to prop up a movie at large. Doesn’t look good.
I'm triggered now. You got me.
this shit has gotten so stale. It's also funny cause I don't really know what discord is.
>the guy who botched that fresco of jesus
Ouch. Poor Clark Gregg
86% fresh. Will cruise to 90%+ easily. And that’s the tea, sis.
jesus get a grip on your fucking lives
>extraordinary hero
Doesn’t carol fuck her kid or something
It's going to get much worse. Each side sees the other as evil. Hopefully, it stays a culture war only.
Not really? Score tends to drop after a high start.
That makes sense, I'm not a wealthy fat white woman.
>go to plebbit
>they’re angry that all the negative reviews are white men
you're here too dipshit
Is there a chrome extension to replace the word incel with nigger?
We're going to get even more capeshit and captain mervel threads aren't we?
The NPC memes write themselves
How can she see it if she has no eyes?
>not even 90%
Would you though
its okay, always remember that the real and ultimate incels are the trannies
White has integrity, maybe you respect that.
>Non Playable Reviewer
>i mean what else are you going to watch? its literally the only movie showing
5/5 fresh
>didn't shit my pants after eating the large steak dinner that was provided before the screening - 3/5 fresh
I’ve seen this back and forth arguement of people saying she was miscast or the movie was badly written, but never both by the same review. Which is it?
Removing all the layers of /pol/tard and SJW focus?
The actors. The 4 main are decent to good, or at least sell it. If people feel a connection, the rest is secondary.
Also look at Danai Gurira, look at Ms Fungus, and tell me which one can sell the "warrior woman". Stance, built, glare, attitude.
Black Panther had a supporting role in a movie people liked. They got a chance to see the character was pretty cool and basically a good, heroic guy.
Exactly. How have they not realised that ACTUAL incels are people who phsically can not have sex?
>Obviously leftist circlejerk picks nigger movies as oscar worthy
>Leftists: "Look at how good these movies are, they are oscar nominated!"
>Obviously leftist "critics" give "progressive" movies 8s and 9s
>Leftists: "Look at how good this movie is, the average critic score is 8.3!"
What if Captain Marvel goes the way of Venom and critics don’t like it but the general buzz of it sucking and ads causes a trillion dollar hit
>got aids from a needle some queer left in the seat and that was the highpoint of my cinematic experience
3/5 fresh
So, um, anyone getting a strong urge to protect Israel from harm all of a sudden?
Sounds like someone that is trying to send a secret message while having a gun pointed at his head.
>The actors
oh fuck off
Too late for that
Lmao nice
>extraordinary hero
...these people never read a comic in their entire life, she's as mediocre as it comes. She's a gender bent Captain Marvel/Tony Stark, anything she does is just a copy paste of another more famous hero's arc
Wait... they're making fun of ugly and/or socially anxious people?
Burger king foot lettuce
>remove all the “grrrrl powah” reviews
>sinks to 53%
Let me translate :
"Captain Marvel is a boring hero whose only reason exist seems to be her feminist agenda... The result is a soulless showing, with no emotion"
then it refers to some lame movie instead of avengers
>Fun - but not overly surprising. Just as you would expect from a marvel movie these days.
Swiss radio, extremely sjw. Praise the "long needed" female lead and mention, how the negativity is caused by sexists. Still gives a shit rating.
maybe all the nazis enjoyed cheering for the black ethnostate
Still better than Brie
The green book was good and deserving of a nom at least.
Black Panther was the favourite character of Civil War where he was given the most bad-ass moments and some of the best lines. The actors were also very popular prior, appearing in many popular films. The ending of Civil War also teased the idea of Captain America, Bucky and potentially others all being in the movie, even though the cast/crew denied it, people thought they would show up. We also had narrative reasons in the form of the Soul Stone which many felt would appear along with the potential for a direct lead into Infinity War.
Captain Marvel had no prior appearance, has appeared in only three good movies in the last 9 years and is reliant on terrible marketing and her lack of acting/charisma.
>the airforce actually did a fly over for the premiere
what the actual fuck?
Sex is on their minds, and they are opportunistic predators
Redditors and all other types of virtue signalors say all of dumb thoughtless shit they do in the hopes that the feminists will pity fuck them
Why is the tomato meter taking so fucking long to update? I still can't tell if we got BTFO or not.
Chairforce will fly over anything for any reason
Reminder the last time we saw Brie Larson in a passable movie was 2017;
This, so much this
Body of a teenage boy
>So wie man sich das von Marvel-Filmen mittlerweile gewohnt ist
Swiss-German was a mistake
I don't know anyone who's seen black panther I'm fairly sure some ticket shenanigans occurred.
To dehumanise those they disagree with. I’d say it’s a reaction to cuck. People shouldn’t take incel to heart. It’s an element of an individual that they can’t help, but being a cuckold is a horrible thing that you choose to do.
Review Embargo is meant to be in place until Friday, however the movie is trash so shills are desperately rushing to defend it. Meanwhile Rotten Tomatoes is getting bombarded with requests to remove the negative reviews by Top Critics because people think/'want to believe' that they are trolls.
oh no no
I think Captain Marvel is going to flop. It's bad enough that there's so much hostility directed at Brie Larson and the character but the bad reviews don't help, it worsens it.
I wanted this movie to be so big, I'm just going to say this. I think Feige has issues with women. He had so much time to make a Black Widow movie. He could have introduced Carol in Age of Ultron, for God sake.
This weekend is going to be bad for the MCU and I will be crying over it because it feels like Feige could have given women their Wonder Woman. I hate that I'm getting so emotional about this, you have no idea how important this movie meant for someone who waited TEN years for a woman to get her solo movie. Heck, why couldn't they have given us Black Widow five years ago? I'm done. I'm tired.
Please be understanding that my anger isn't an attack. If I wasn't a fan, I wouldn't be tearing up over this. I was called every name in the book because of my fighting with anti-SJW trolls and now I'll have to admit I was wrong and I can't deal with that.
RT are panicking so they have to improvise a way to skew the meter in their favor. They're trying to hold the bad review floodgates.
Couldn't a wounded war vet also be called an incel if they're no longer able to have sex?
3/5 is not a shit ratting for RT. That's why they are getting fresh score for that site. A 6/10 rating movie has as same fresh amount as a 10/10 rating movie. Period. Substract any 3/5 review as fresh and you'll see how the score really is.
They're obligated by contract to give it good score...not good words.
I dunno, she's always been a void for me. She's like Jlaw where she might as well be a puppet on strings.
wouldn't it be weird if it's "delayed" until its wide release? that would be weird
"that guy who botched that fresco of Jesus" is called Cecilia Giménez and she's a woman, but don't get that information get in the way.
This image needs chadzam
Detective Pikachu is going to earn more than Captain Marvel easily.
Shazam should give it a run for its money also - may even surpass it depending on how much Endgame stops its box office.
Have you actually ever been with a woman nowadays? They literally think that sex is the only thing of value in life; that’s why they love going to that first when insulting men
You guys are not going to get laid by “playing nice” and following along with it
Nice argument.
Who is he? Name?
Feige was warned about Captain Marvel not being a seller from the comics and he was warned about Brie Larson.
>earn half
God fucking damn it, why everytime that the pay gap mytho gets completely busted in all fronts and not only that is proven women earn more than men in the same situation, these cunts keep pushing for that fucking illusion?
Teenage boys have the best bodies.