new world is cancelled
Wow, I guess some films don't hold up well with zoomers
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mick thinks he's morally superior because he only settled in America AFTER other Euros """ruined everything""" (actually made the place liveable)
She wasnt kidnapped and raped. She actually wanted to leave the native tribe because she thought the white people were nicer.
The actual true story is john smith used her as a pump and dump, then went back to engerland. And Pocahontas ran away from home and got on a boat to go find him again.
She is actually buried in the uk
As if the Native Americans wouldn't have done the same to Europe if they could. Only hundreds of years later in a post-industrial society do we see this moralizing over what is basic human nature: might makes right.
The eternal mick
>In March 1614, the standoff built up to a violent confrontation between hundreds of English and Powhatan men on the Pamunkey River. At Powhatan's capital of Matchcot, the English encountered a group of senior Native American leaders. The English allowed Pocahontas to talk to her countrymen. When Powhatan arrived, Pocahontas reportedly rebuked him for valuing her "less than old swords, pieces, or axes", and said that she preferred to live with the English, "who loved her".[46]
like can you imagine living ina dirt hut and like alien white people with guns and food appear out of nowhere.
Bitch was like ""fuck this shit" then hopped on the nearest white dick
what the fuck is wrong with white men (we white women didn't have any part in this)? we can't ever make it right
Are you trying to imply this movie ever really 'held' up?
Nobody saw it, big financial loss and the reviews varied from average to 10/10 (which was mostly just people wanting to suck malick off)
Here's an amusing exert from wiki though
>This decade hasn't been up to much, movie-wise, but I am more than ever convinced that when every other scrap of celluloid from 2000-2009 has crumbled to dust, one film will remain, like some Ozymandias-like remnant of transient vanished glory in the desert. And that film is The New World, Terrence Malick's American foundation myth, which arrived just as the decade reached its dismal halfway point, in January 2006.
Malick fans are delusional.
Why can't these cowards ever say Spaniards or is that not politically correct?
lol women are born traitors and nation-wreckers, no need to rape them, they will fuck whomever they see more powerful
I think most of the outrage comes over the fact that John Smith was reportedly in his thirties and Pocahontas was around 16 when they met. Despite the fact that it's still legal in certain parts of the USA and the rest of the world to bang 16 year old girls and that American Indians were also fond of marrying teenage pussy off to seasoned, older warriors at the time.
She was 10 years old when they first met retard, but hey this is Yea Forums so you probably would defend that too.
>implying they have a clue
The claim that Europeans were the ones raping and murdering is always amusing. Subsaharan and "native american" history is solely rape, murder and incest. Nothing else.
based zoomer
It didnt hold up to begin with. Nobody liked that film.
That doesnt excuse rape and murder.
Native american women are good examples that you got to keep bitches in line. Pocahontas wasnt even that bad compared to malinche.
You ever love white dick so much you ended the aztec empire?
Great, a generation full of guilt tripped dumbfucks
Pocahontas was ten years old when she met John Smith. She gave the Virginians leverage that they used to wipe out Pocahontas' tribe. Pocahontas married John Rolfe, not John Smith (John Smith got sick and went back to England where everyone treated him like shit). John Rolfe demanded she converted to Christianity, brought her home to England, and then she died unhappy. When she died, her Indian retinue was sold into slavery.
>noooooooooooo I must disagree with these guys on everything because they're WRONG and I'm RIGHT
americans lmao
Don't hate on your progenitors pablo
Are you trying to dispute the fact? or did you just want to share with Yea Forums today which youtube comments upset you?
lmao anglo-saxons are notorious kiddie diddlers. Thats why englishmen and jews are natural allies.
who would disagree with these comments? it's time we accepted the real history
That's a flawed argument if anything subhuman cum skin
kill yourself moralfag redditor
nobody cares shitskin, you lost
They transcend race, but never gender
>spics offended by it
Aren't they basically mutt nation which was born after spain colonizers fucked native women?
>She actually wanted to leave the native tribe
??? No she didnt. She was captured and was like "well, this is my life now, i guess" and tried to make the most of it. She popped out a kid, then died from some britbong disease
>cum skin
Never understood this insult. Cum creates life. Shit is what happens when life gets eaten.
I'm not even defending them, but posting something as low as youtube comment screenshots just screams someone needing validation and hoping to fitting in, pretty pathetic.
nobody wants to fit in with you faggot, get over yourself lmao
This, but you have to remember that leftists are only motivated by racial hatred of europeans. You will never see them moralizing over the muslim invasion of the indian subcontinent for example.
someone link the youtube page? I don't know what the hell this is
these people talk as if the local tribes weren't already warring and raping each other before the white man arrived and did a better job.
>white washing
Huh? How was the story white washed?
post more screenshots
Were there any logical thinkers in the old days?
When the dick so good you sail back to England to get more.
John Smith confirmed Chad.
>they are outraged over inaccurate history depicting white man in positive way
>they will call you an incel once you point the same about lack of women on the battlefield or black people in medieval Europe
>all this virtue signalling
The reality is Native Americans are nothing more than a Casino operators, Halloween costumes or sports mascots to 99.99% of the population. I don't for a second believe they care about them at all.
>women betray their own people in favor of foreigners
>their own people shrivel up and die
Huh, seems familiar.
Adam made an episode on that
This, we're supposed to know what the fuck you're referencing just by knowing it's a Pocahontas film directed by Malick starring Colin Farrel and Bateman?
Next you'll ask us to find a needle in a haystack.
shit can be used as a fertilizer too. In the end of the day they're both stupid
Right of conquest, bitches. Go team white.
>cum skin
lel, insults only hold as much power as you're willing to give them. it's why honky and cracker don't affect white people.
I know the nigger faggot who wrote this, I doubt you want to shape your world view from that piece of shit.
>that mutt faggot LARPer with the Irish flag avatar
Kill all mutts
Kill all mutts
Kill all mutts
Somehow it made you respond Opie you ofay Casper tint cum covered cuck
Literally this.
this is gods own race
I'm sure your world view is so much better.
>completely ignores the weapons trading Powahtan was in on for giving Jamestown settlers food
>paints Smith unnecessarily evil and stupid for freaking out when grabbed by strangers chanting in a language he doesn't understand
WTF la malinche did nothing wrong.
It isn't though. In fact the first massacre to take place between the "natives" and settlers was conducted by the "natives"...while the men were away and only women and children were left at the settlement. What happened afterwards? Well they got BTFO by the settlers and then that's where (((history))) starts.
1622 Virginia in case you were bothered (you aren't I already know).
>it's why honky and cracker don't affect white people.
But kneel in protest at a football game? Oh brother.
wow it's almost like racial pride is secondary to national pride in America for normal people
blacks are subhuman so they don't get that yet
I'm not some desperate nigger faggot who's a diversity hire because he spews skewed history and hatred of white people. So, yes. Yes it is.