What's the point of a film that doesn't entertain?

What's the point of a film that doesn't entertain?

Attached: Jim-Jarmusch-02.jpg (1848x963, 440K)

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Entertain who though? Every film will entertain someone sometime. This is just a trait of being human.

Are you implying Jarmusch isnt entertaining? Night on Earth is kino

Pic unrelated?

>Every film will entertain someone sometime.
Even Andy Warhol's flicks?

It turns film makers on to make garbage and present it as 2deep4u so they can watch people pretend to understand and love it.
So at least one guy is always entertained.

There'll always be one. Whether it be contrarianism, idiocy or plain enjoyment.

what's essential jarmusch kino?
i've seen only lovers left alive, can't make up my mind whether i like it or not. it's slow and atmospheric, i really like hiddlestone in it, swinton's great as always, but i feel like i don't "get it", it feels like it isn't about anything in particular, just being tired of life. admittedly, i'd watched it about 2 years ago, maybe i need to rewatch it.
what else of his work would you recommend me to watch?

Fuck yes, what is even the point of watching anything other than Marvel and Star Wars


Who did Satantango entertain?

Down by Law is his best buy a fair margin imo, but Night on Earth, Stranger Than Paradise and Dead Man are all near masterpieces. I'd recommend all his films other than Permanent Vacation though.

You know there are different ways a movie can entertain. Being stimulated artistically can be entertaining as well, it doesn't have to be nonstop action or comedy to count as entertaining. So while you might not get anything out of a slow art film, the people that do aren't just staring mindlessly at the screen. They're getting something out of it, just in a different way.

tfw to intelligent too understand Jim Jarmusch

Good art should do these things

1. make you feel
2. make you think
3. make you appreciate (composition/design, ec)
4. be of the time period, be of the zeitgeist
5. be of the creators location (country, state, region)
6. be aesthetically pleasing
7. be un sentimental
8. be subtle and indirect

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Entertain is the wrong word, what you're looking for is "engage"

No films entertain me and I need an actual hobby.

Some films are meant to educate

Watch Ghost Dog.

shit, i've actually seen it. forgot it was a jarmusch film. was pretty good

You can pretend to be smart just by having watched it

The Witch is a great example.

Given that there'll be at least someone who can enjoy even the cheapest of flicks for any given reason, I'm convinced that the point of a film isn't just to entertain.
It's a poor excuse that anyone can make to give anything some remote credit. It's as pitiful and vain as an accolade for attendance. I disagree with this philosophy.

Some are intended to make you think about something from a new angle.
There are also films that were made as an artistic statement with no regard beyond the director's self-expression. I don't have a problem with that.

Just because you prefer a shallower depth doesn't mean we should fill in the deep end of the pool.

What if I'm entertained by a film that you weren't entertained by? Or the reverse occurs?

Once you learn to ask "why?" any film can become interesting.
Related: youtube.com/watch?v=RaZ0LnkMITw

Paterson is one of the greatest films of all time

let's not get carried away

>made a The Stooges biopic
>used Sleep, Boris and Sunn O))) in his films’ soundtracks
>a fan of doom metal
He’s based in my book

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if you're watching movies for entertainment purposes or to "feel" something, then you have the mental capacity of a 6 year old

>you aren’t supposed to enjoy movies, guys

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to inform, retard

recommend some kino that doesn't entertain

Attached: Tie Xi Qu.jpg (1024x779, 223K)

The point of any film or any piece of art is to make a comment on the human condition. Obviously if you're a worthless braindead fucking retarded piece of shit like OP you want to see a movie to watch the pretty pictures move while you stuff your face with junk food. FUCK YOU

Dead man and ghost dog are my favorites

Paterson is one of the worst films in modern memory. Utter dogshit characterization and completely trite.

>7. be un sentimental
Would you mind explaning?

>completely trite.
Tell me one unoriginal thing in Paterson