American film

>american film
>boomer parents over-exaggerate the importance of going to college

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Attached: median income by education.png (1000x743, 83K)

That doesn't say much about standard of living, debt and other things

whatever lets you sleep at night senpai

Yeah, einstein would be a starving hobo if he didn't go to college.

Attached: nationalAdultLiteracySurvey.png (1085x1300, 106K)

You're not Einstein.

Einstein was an outlier because he was obviously extremely talented.
But trust me, I already played nice by posting median income, you don't want me to post average income where all those extreme ends of the spectrum are counted and educated people are blowing plebs out even more.

But hey, if you want to believe you're the next Einstein and totally the exception to the rule, go for it. Again, whatever helps you sleep.

The point is that high IQ people become doctors and low IQ people become janitors. The income gap is caused by IQ, not going to college.

If you take a mediocre person and run him through college, he'll still be a mediocre person when he exits college. Hence why its retarded for boomers to push their (probably) average kids into college instead of something more suited for the average joe like trade school.

Attached: Capture.png (720x766, 208K)

College is incredibly important in securing access to prosperous lifestyle in the United States. Achieving entry into a higher-tier college and then completing the degree is seen by employers a necessary demonstration of some degree of competence, particularly in a world where HR departments are incredibly constrained by discrimination law and are forced to set up "objective" qualifications that withstand judicial scrutiny

unironically this. australia is full of tradies and its got one of the most expensive housing markets in the world because there isn’t a surplus of retards who went to university knowing they weren’t going to make anything of it. i’m not ignoring everything else that is shitty about australia but in this instance they are right for not pushing university and allowing young adults to pursue trades and apprenticeships.

no kidding. but going to college essentially acts as an IQ test for employers who are legally not allowed to administer actual IQ tests as conditions of employment

>The point is that high IQ people become doctors and low IQ people become janitors.
I've seen a lot of people that defy this supposed law of nature.

Well yeah, its a proxy for competence. Its just you get retards looking at graphs like this and then thinking their kids will be rich if they go to college.

Attached: FT_16.02.19_hispanicsCollege_value2[1].png (420x380, 8K)

Literally the good goy system.
Goodest goy = more $

This is true but it works for men, there aren’t many trades out there suitable for women which is why the trade to university gender ratio in Australia is bonkers, there are way more women in college over there compared to men.

how much is 26k in the US? you can't live with 26k a year?

Attached: 566093bdc2814424008b7349-750-606.png (750x606, 239K)

would be cheaper to give them your I.Q results

low I.Q would be spending that much money and say stupid shit

your "a lot of people" isn't representative of the 7 billion people on earth

>lolno my anecdotal evidence refute this
sci-hub (dot ) tw/

Attached: Capture55.png (917x556, 45K)

>Young freshman is told that he'll make new friends, have some crazy girlfriends and to make sure he doesn't get too wild at the frat parties he's invited to every night
>He actually does and doesn't just stay home watching anime and jacking it until 4 years of his life evaporate with nothing he can show for it
Totally took me out of the movie desu

>boomer parents exaggerate value of stem phd
>dont realize H1B means that pajeet and dongwan get all the jobs

i only got my doctorate 5 years ago but i'm not even close to 130k

Attached: 1528859496535.png (420x420, 121K)

>4 years of his life evaporate
imagine being in school until you're 30 and then moving back with your parents because you cant get a job

If you read the study you'd see it's not an absolute rule.


I don't have to, I'm living it now. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking I'm going to starve to death.

That's like saying "lottery tickets always lose" is not an absolute rule. Its trivial and meaningless.

there is actually only one university in Australia with a higher ratio of males to females
It's also the best Science uni in the country, so make of that what you will

Not even close to an accurate comparison

But it is. When you say that
>people with a higher iq make more money than people with a lower iq
is not an absolute rule, you're saying that there exists at least one pair of people where the lower IQ guy makes more money than the higher IQ guy. Its trivially true and also meaningless.

>PhD above $100k
This is propaganda
Ask any fucking postdoc what they're making and it'll work out to barely more than slave labour


Uh... I have news for you, user.

It's important.

Mate I really feel for you as a PhD student now
Its absolutely insane seeing how this pyramid scheme works from the inside. People demanding 15 hour work days for fuck all pay and no accountability thanks to the tenure system.
Academia deserves a good hard enema.

>But it is
You either know nothing about lottery tickets or you're just delusional

Sure. Please explain how your statement isn't trivial.

Keep slaving wagie.

Attached: lUrDgVz_d.jpg (640x539, 37K)

Yes, the US census and department of labor are part of this big conspiracy to make people get worthless degrees despite the fact that you can go and look up the statistics yourself.
It can't be that your anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. Here's a little hint: You don't have to go into postdoc research after getting your phd.

Not him but why are you moving goalposts? IQ is pretty accurate at predicting a persons sucess in life. That’s what an IQ test is, just shows how fast and efficient you are at solving problems, which is basically what life is. Obviously it doesn’t mean shit if you don’t apply yourself though.

Why are people here so utterly obsessed with America?

This isnt /int/, for chrissakes

Ok that was half tongue in cheek but universities do heavily benefit from this idea that a PhD still gets you what it used to.
The reality is the university system is fundamentally broken above the masters level but it's rarely laid out for people exactly how it all works

Winning lottery tickets are famously improbable. Meanwhile, even the study you posted says that IQ is an indicator of likelihood of going to higher education; those with lower IQ are less likely to succeed in higher education. "Less likely" is not in the same realm of possibility as the likelihood of winning the lottery.

Turns out life is more than just solving problems. What's more, many people who are highly intelligent have issues that interfere with the cognitive process (ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc).