"You heard of the Children of the Corn, Ray? Well I fucked the Corn"

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You don't even know how to do it right. Most of Yea Forums is unironically too low-IQ for this meme, and it's not even hard to write.

Write one then. I'm waiting.

>they say if you gaze into the abyss,the abyss gazes back at you,well I brought my camera ray

Some say time is a flat circle, Ray. But you know what? I always preferred spheres.

Okay you got me lmao


you idiots don't even know how vinceposting started and none of you have even seen S2. the original point wasn't just changing a pity idiom in an unexpected way, it was trying to emulate the talking style of frank semyon who is a complicated pseudointellectual pretentious character who compensates for his lack of intellectual chops with insecure gangsterish violence. he uses words he does not understand. he tries to seem deep with every phrase he utters. but ultimately he is a stupid man that cannot pull it off.

oh yeah? well I fucked the children

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>Most of Yea Forums is unironically too low-IQ for this meme
honestly this, myself included, i could never write one that wasn't shit

>that faggot in every vince thread who complains that people don't get it

Ignore and report trolls.

he was insecure, but he wasn't a pseud or a dumbass

You want life to stop suffocating you, Ray? Don't hold your breath.
Me? I don't even have lungs; I have gills. And that's why this shit smells real fishy to me.

that shit sucked
youre a fag

Did you understand what I said, Ray? Good, because I never repeat myself. I don't even have a fucking echo.

My father told me that when things go wrong the shit rolls downhill, but what she didn't know was that I'm in an uphill battle with time. Caspere knew this.

Actually sir! I changed my mind, it is quite funny!

>well you can say the tables have turned but im the fucking waiter

Breddy gud

They say not to count your chickens before they hatch, Ray. But I'm already fryin' omelettes.

>ray its time to take off the gloves and show them your pirate hooks

>When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, Ray. Problem is fucking Caspere drank up all my water and I'm going bananas

>They say blood is thicker than water, Ray, but we are in the middle of a fucking desert and I'm on my period

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>this whole situation is about as ridiculous as a cowboy knowing martial arts but luckily for me i know Krav McGraw

>Punks like you are a dime a dozen, but me? I'm a roll of nickels

Is this Reddit?

This whole thread feels like Reddit

Stupid zoomer faggots

>you know when youre the bullseye you gotta take the bull by the horns, ray

>It's all coming to end, Ray. I am the spark that lights the match that sets the fire that burns Osip's jew ass into the ash that I mix with the with the lye of my wife's love to make the soap that's gonna clean the slate so I can start anew

>Some say the glass is half full, some say it's half empty. What they don't tell you is that someone's gonna have to drink what's in there and wash the cup sooner or later

I don't even know why this is funny.

They say Rome wasn't built in a day, but guess what Ray? It all burned in a night. And I'm the fuckin Visigoths.


these are pretty good
utter shit

If the flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long, Ray, then explain the Sun to me. Ain't never seen something so bright in my life.

>Did you ever hear the tragedy of Mayor Chessani? I thought not. It's not a story the police would tell you

>ray, silly stuff worded funny and im the mother fucking dr. suess

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Life is giving you a collect call, Ray. Are you gonna accept the charges?

it's a doggy dog world out there ray and I'm fucking the chinaman

>you know ray you think you're such hot shit but really you're just a cold cup of diarrhea

>If I had five men as good as you Ray, I'd be king of this fucking town. But men like you are a diamond dozen, and the breaking news is, the mine just collapsed

>when life books you a one way trip to flavortown ray you better get your oakleys and hair gel and be ready to chow down with the big dogs

>They say a picture is worth a thousand words Ray, but I forgot my fucking glasses and I never learnt to read.

>They say even a broken clock is right two times a day, Ray. What they don't tell you is that I switched from analog to digital and my battery is about to die

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>They say actions speak louder than words, Ray. But when I start kicking the shit out of a blind man, I'm gonna make sure he's all ears

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fucking exquisite


>you know what they say ray? they say you gotta be in it to win it
>but you know what? what they dont tell you?
>with jews, you lose

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>"She sells seashells by the sea shore"? Well let me tell you, Ray. I've been to that beach, and all I got was a case of crabs.

>You ever heard them say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? Well I'm a fucking a gamecock, and I voted for Gore

>I ever tell you about my first job, Ray? Real chump change. I was a light switch salesman, on and off. One day, guy comes up, offers me a job. Filling helium balloons. Worse pay, but I took it. You know why? It's all about the way you talk.


best Yea Forums meme imo as it actually takes some effort

Unlike those shitty Zack Synder posts "le imagine if old film was racist", honestly whoever finds that shit funny should die

Jesus.. this is tumblr-tier.

>they say you can't judge a book by its cover Ray, but I was born before everyone had fucking Kindles

what are the essential Yea Forums memes?

>ever see that bumper sticker that says "honk if you're horny?' well, Ray, I saw one the other day and I'm so horny right now I could fuck a duck. Caspere knew this.

Bane and Sneed

formerly known as?

CIA and Chuck

kek'd and checked

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Early bird catches the worm, right? Well, from where I'm standing, Ray, it's just a plumper dish for the night owl.

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>Just gone done listening that Michael Jackson album, Ray. It's called Kiddie Diddler and some of the lyrics are over the top. When MJ sings, "It's beddie time, and I'm reading for rapin' and you're just a boy, so you won't never need scrapin," it touches me inside like my Stepfather used to do at bedtime. That's why I killed him. He didn't know about boundaries. Caspere knew about boundaries though.

This meme really has a special place because most people here are seriously too low-IQ to do it. I'm repeating the first post, but I'm just reinforcing it. Vince/Frank posting is a rare gem.