>Johnny Depp has filed a defamation lawsuit against ex-wife and Aquaman star Amber Heard, claiming her latest role as an underwater princess who leaves her Atlantean husband for the eponymous fish-talking superhero was intended as an explicit cinematic commentary on their real-life breakup, culminating with Heard hooking up with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Real life is literally stranger than fiction at this point.

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Good for him. Hope he wins.

Elon Musk could get any top tier supermodel if he wants. Why did he hook up with this rapidly aging crazy succubus?

He really has lost it

Depp is getting more deranged due to drug abuse and the fake accusations destroying his career, this is actually kinda sad.
Didn't knew Elon-senpai was dating her.

Based Depp

Why did he hook up with this rapidly aging crazy succubus?
Men tend to fuck what is ready and available. It's not too difficult to imagine her going to him because he's rich, and he'd hardly say no considering she looks alright.

>crazy succubus

Answered your own question, she probably whacked him off while eating last nights corn from his asshole.

meant for

Shit is fucked up.

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She didnt write the movie though? I saw it and I have to say Depp most be pretty mentally unhealthy to take it as a cuck thing

>Men tend to fuck what is ready and available. It's not too difficult to imagine her going to him because he's rich, and he'd hardly say no considering she looks alright.
Yeah, the average men, but Musk can buy any woman he wants. I thought he was smart but I think he's more of a crook than anything. Dating this woman ight after what she did to Depp is ridiculous.

Amber Heard doesn't really have that good of a face, I can't imagine being seduced by her body alone.

>but Musk can buy any woman he wants
Getting a bunch of money does not change your dick desires. Your dick desires nice looking pussy. If nice looking pussy is in proximity and available, you will hit it.

Then it confirms he's a complete idiot for falling for this witch. But I thoguht they had already split up

Not discrediting him in any way, but Musk is likely on the spectrum.

this can't be true, come on

This witch is a fucking sociopath, you can see it in her eyes, everything is fake about her

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>Then it confirms he's a complete idiot
Every man is a complete idiot for pussy. You and me would have done the same and justified it to ourselves later.
And yeah, they have split up, ages ago in fact.

One night stand is okay, but he should have come back to his sense. It's possible this woman uses witchcraft.

>defamation lawsuit against ex-wife and Aquaman star Amber Heard, claiming her latest role as an underwater princess who leaves her Atlantean husband for the eponymous fish-talking superhero was intended as an explicit cinematic commentary on their real-life breakup, culminating with Heard hooking up with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.
I'm not sure he has a case there... but then again in my jurisdiction a former prosecutor successfully won a defam case against a person who called them a "curry muncher" (he's indian).

>Eyes fallacy
Not this shit again.

Fuck elon. Depp deserves calling out a whore as a whore if she wants to lie about abuse.

>, but he should have come back to his sense
I wont pretend I regularly bang women as hot as Amber, but speaking as an old boomer I've dated/banged a lot of women, and you will sometimes come across ones you KNOW you should leave but you just can't. Either the pussy is too good or there is something about them you just don't want to tear yourself away from. It burns you everytime without fail.
I full understand why Musky boy did what he did, I've been there as well. Women you know are batshit but are a good fuck and know when to shut up are so rare you legit keep them around and ignore your common sense to bail.

>This witch is a fucking sociopath
>you can see it in her eyes

You don't say..

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>Elon-senpai is dating this crazy thot

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Her and Elon broke up ages ago, he's dating Grimes.

this also she has succubi powers
just look at how johnny depp is seething and can't let her go

aquaman is about me and her
she knows how to manipulate men

Literally all of this guy’s weird gossip girl fan fics about celebrities turn out to be 100% fake, he’s like Alex Jones meets US Weekly. He also is a LARPing faggot who pretends to be Robert Downey, Jr. when in reality it’s an old fucktoy of that gay blogger Perez Hilton. Real cringey shit, I get second hand embarrassment just thinking about it

I believe Heard slept with Zack Snyder though. Based Zaddy is irresistible to model types

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Wasn't there some controversy around the time of Suckerpunch that Zack was sleeping with one of the actresses?

Not every man is a complete idiot for pussy, but Musk def is. He remarried his ex-wife for fuck’s sake. And then divorced her again. That’s easily bottom quintile for susceptibility to thottery

Depp is the biggest fool for falling for this thot it was too obvious her lesbian pussy wasn't interested in him but his money

Was the controversy that he was only sleeping with one of them and not all of them?

It's not just her eyes, all the photo where she's standing with him, you can see that it's all about her and he doesn't even exist to her, he's just a walking wallet.

She left him for Musk? Holy shit what a chad.

>explicit cinematic commentary on their real-life breakup

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>Not every man is a complete idiot for pussy
Yes, they really are. If you're not or have never been an idiot for pussy its because its not been available to a degree where your brain goes "hurrr durr" mode like the rest of us.
>He remarried his ex-wife for fuck’s sake
Oh wow never fucking mind then. Even I'm not that bad.

The bitch was asking $60K per month alimony to keep the same lifestyle although they lived together less than 2 years and never had a child. That's why she invented the beatings to make sure her demands are met

You retards will believe literally ANYTHING
He did sue, but for the #metoo article she wrote, not because of Aquaman you dumb faggots.

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Have you seen her though?

Based Elon cucking faggots

I heard he only slept with Browning and Vanessa Hudgens, but it’s possible we never got the full story
Browning still raves about him:
> She also credits her positive experience on set to the perennially upbeat Snyder. “It’s the best experience I’ve ever had working on a film and I think that’s to do with him. He’s such a positive energy and attitude towards filmmaking and he’s so aware that we’re really lucky to be in the profession that we’re in — so he doesn’t suffer grumpiness. He wants everybody to be happy and having a good time… and I think when that attitude starts at the top, it trickles down to the rest of the cast and the crew and we think we had the happiest most fun set I’ve ever worked on,” she gushed. “He’s hilarious, but he’s so funny and energetic and he’s a genius, visually this film is stunning!”

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Notice how every stupid cuck falls for this thot?

I can see why Harrison Ford said he was getting tired of apathy ruining the industry.

Chad Snyder


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He dumped her ass lmao. based musk dabs on succubi

Wow, bitch is in love with him. Must have dicked her good.

Apparently your can accurately pinpoint whether a person is a criminal or not purely by appearance.
Problem is, that opens the door for similar accusations regarding race and gender.

It's been like two years since Elon pumped and dumped her.

Eh, I think Johnny knew he was dealing with a snake, he's probably the type of guy to get off on such a challenge.
I think's he's losing here though.. she's very mischievous with her plots if they are true.

You can't be this delusional.

Some are stupid cucks, others are knowing snake charmers.

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He fucking gets around ay.
We need to list the trail of destruction of this mad man. Must have rooted half of hollywood by now.

yeah depp is a mega cuck and elon outsmarted the bitch

>turn out to be 100% fake
>like Alex Jones

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Why is musk so autistically based?
>I am the alpha in this relationship

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You know that site where the dude posts hollywood secrets but leaves out the names for people to work out who they were?
I don't remember what that guy is/was called.
But I think one of them was about Elon Musk flying him and his gf across the country to have a threesome with Cara Delevingne.

Depp has always been a loose one, but I think he chewed too much with amber.

>But I think one of them was about Elon Musk flying him and his gf across the country to have a threesome with Cara Delevingne.
That motherfucker.
Cunt has supreme taste in semen demons.

Bear in mind he said that to his starter wife, not the absolute bombshell that he married twice because she was too hot to let go.

I hope he isn't too distracted from his actual work though.. I mean I'd be annoyed if I were a Tesla investor and I heard stories that the person running the show is fucking around with whores and drugs, rather that maintaining the management of Tesla.

>If he wasn't rich, Musk would be a "horny and lonely" poster

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I just listened to 5 hours of the guy ranting about how God is an asteroid, the elite are communing with extra-dimensional aliens via DMT, and the Virginia governor is harvesting fetal organs to compete with the Chinese catpeople hybrids

All of it was more believable and fun than the trash “Enty” posts, but it’s still completely ridiculous

Depp was the perfect catch for Amber's witch hunt
1. a rich fool who easily fell for her
2. he drinks a lot, takes some drugs

of course not many will believe him

> Elon Musk Allegedly Paid Late Night Visits to Amber Heard While Johnny Depp Was Off Filming ‘Pirates 5’
Based Elon

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He's already shuttering most of the stores, you can only get a Tesla through online order now.

So who's the Grimes of Aquaman?

Only this.
I really hope he wins,

It's his fault for sticking his dick in crazy. He had a stable family, and he gave it up for a harpy with Borderline Personality Disorder. He should count his lucky stars she didn't eat him, as marinated as he is. Vid related is the kind of thing you can expect getting involved with a cluster B woman, they'll fuck up your life in ways you cannot imagine.

If she'd fucked Momoa, Lisa Bonnett would have cut off her nose.

grimes dumped him already lel

he's mad coz he got aids

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>Aussie lass killing someone and skinning him planning on feeding him to his own kids.
Couldn't take the banter.

Holy shit, Zoe Kravitz is Momoa's step-daughter.
That's fucking mental.

Actually plausible.

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Just because a person is rich doesn't mean he has any common sense

rich people don't have common sense

Elon Musk was a cuck at first but after he got divorced he got redpilled and started showing hoes their place.

Grimes really needs to pay attention to Amber and ask "do I really want to be like this?"

wtf i love elon now

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Elon dumped her ahwhile ago. I thought he was dating grimes.

this doesn't even make sense. She divorced Depp well before any Aquaman stuff even happened

Aquaman can't stop being more and more kino, based

So much drama with Amber Heard....

How good must she be in bed that every guy goes cuckoo over her?

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It really isn't about that, it's about how good she looks. Having a good-looking, universally-regarded-as-hot, successful woman as your partner does a lot of things for you that you really only notice once you've had it and lost it. It feels horrible, it's literally the worst feeling in the world, worse than the one-itis you fuckers talk about. But then again, you wouldn't know.
No matter how beautiful these moments are, they're evil when they're gone.

and then the bastard goes and takes the internet's music waifu

I think she looks better than 95% of the victoria's secret girls. Only a few of them can even compete.

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Why am I the way I am anons? I've fucked a fair few women but the older I get the more I get off on rejecting them if they have a shitty attitude. I could be approached by an absolute goddess, who id have done anything to fuck when I was a teenager, and I still would enjoy fucking them but I hate it when their attitude stinks and it turns me into a cunt. I sometimes wish I could get over myself and smash them but I honestly get more out of hurting their feelings and rejecting them because they can literally never handle it and I find it so satisfying.

>All this boydrama

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You're just not a Disney drunk pussy worshipper. Without sex appeal women have little to offer

horrible taste
lmaaaaaao maybe in redditsville ya soi

>Apparently your can accurately pinpoint whether a person is a criminal or not purely by appearance.
It's not just the appearance, the context matters too.

Nice slowpoke


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Do we have an example of a 100% ?

Where this from

I heard they're making a Pokemon movie!
Team Rocket have tried to clone Mew and made a Mewtwo and now Ash, Brock, Misty and Pikachu have to stop him!

No, she's the highest score of faces analyzed using that method. It's not a constructive program, it's analytical only.

>aquaman is about cuckolding
And niggers here pushed it.

London Fields

It's basically just Amber strutting around half-naked The Movie.

Depp is fucking crazy. Everyone knows this.

Back to resetera, tourist

None of that dork’s gossip is even plausible, let alone real

I mean it's a cucked movie to be sure, atlantean queen leaves king to fuck some random human and then disappears leaving behind both her pure and mutt sons, and then another atlantean noblewoman leaves fiance king for said mutt. Movie did have plot holes too. Fuck this capeshit.

Found the Virgin*^
*(NOT by choice)

>Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi
>Amber Heard scored the highest in history
>TFW a new Troyan War starts over Amber Heard with Elon Musk on one side and Johnny Depp on the other

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Tumblr backs Depp, Yea Forums and Reddit back Musk

You guys know this is celebrity fanfiction don't you?

And l back Amber

Unbased and egopilled

Cause having billions doesn't stop you from being a beta

she is gonna get old and ugly like the rest of them

Why the fuck do women cuck Chads?

She is, and inherently neither she nor any other attractive woman is special. I was talking about the absolute destructive force that can come from having someone like that attached to you and your social standing and then lose it. It kills you inside, because the fact alone that you had the value of holding that as a partner gives you a lot of security and confidence that you never knew you were lacking as badly as you'll realize when it's gone.
I'm not saying food is amazing, I'm saying not eating will drive you insane or kill you.

Why do people ever do anything? They think it'll give them something they don't have.

Chad status is loss upon cuckery.

Deep State is using Johnny Depp to drag Musk into a long legal case.

Imagine if Amber had to go into porn to pay him off.

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Trips of Truth.
Embarassing digits. Naysayers BTFO.

>Elon: Alleged homewrecker
>Amber: Alleged unloyal thot
If true, not sure who to thinkly lowly of more

They’re not exactly loyal by nature, and society is telling them it’s empowering to act impulsively, with tons of white knights ready to provide for them in the chance that they can maybe hold their hand if they’re lucky

>everything is fake about her

As opposed to the unrelenting REALNESS of Johnny Fucking Depp?


>Literally all of this guy’s weird gossip girl fan fics
>this guy
fucking newfag
it's a gossip aggregator from various sites. he got into trouble when he started collecting HIMMM's (Robert Downey's) blinds.


fuck off fag

Goddamn, Jason Isaacs is so hot I want him to cum on my face