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Other urls found in this thread:


It's no fun now it's obviously being forced in because we want it

Clagenbowl hype?


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The show died the minute they started listening to the fans. It feels like the show is now designed around the inclusion of overbearing 'get hype' scenes that hipsters can overreact to in some bar on Youtube.

>GoT season 8 will have the longest battle scene in the history of television!

Is that all the show's become now? I might still care about the battles if I gave a shit about any of the characters left to participate in them.


Lemme fucking guess:
>The Hound is losing
>He ends up igniting his sword like Beric and Thoros to fuck up the Mountain, who is basically a science wight at this point and weak to fire
>The Hound can die in peace, knowing he has ended all the anguish from his life by using his greatest fire as his greatest weapon

Willing to bet 50 bucks this happens desu.

The moment they started pandering to fans is the moment the show got bad. Too many ebin moments with le badass characters

Also the last time D&D had an 'epic' battle sequence. They fucked it up beyond belief.
Am I really supposed to be hyped for an even bigger mess?

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On the bright side if they really flush the show completely down the toilet with bad decisions: GRRM won't be able to just make a novelization of what they did to save himself the trouble.

will sandor and sansa have a reunion scene or will their relationship be ignored once again?

How will they react?

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It was all thanks to sapochnik, brainlet. It was a good sequence

Sapochnik salvaged D&D's mess into something vaguely watchable, but Dabid tried his hardest to make the BoB unfilmable.
What we saw on screen wasn't even the original plan. It was just a hastily stitched together sequence of action scenes because they ran out of time to film the whole thing. It was supposed to have had an entirely different ending.

Is that a magazine? Didnt think they made those anymore. Is this like a retro throwback thing for publicity? Very cool.

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Based notevenwikifag

I agree. Very cool.

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Very cool.

For the finale they'll get beds in the bar so alls the soibois can watch Queen Dany slay while all the women get inseminated by Chads in the back

>I want something
>I can have it?
>Fuck you for giving it to me!
millennial logic right there

Seriously, what is the Hound's character arc supposed to be?

being based

He's scared of fire then he is not

>0 results



>defending fan service

lmao how was it supposed to end?

HOW many different covers?

Even worse it isn't even a good battle, it's the living vs dead battle. Who fucking cares about that hollow spectacle? Jesus fuck, say what you want about Battle of the Bastards but it had huge buildup.

This. The best battle for me is still the Blackwater one. At least there I was interested in the outcome, and there were characters on both sides who I wanted to live.

See, GoT doesn't work when it's wish fulfillment.
The exact opposite to Star Wars.

Yeah the hype is completely deflated, what did you think?

The day the books were written it seemed like the ending was going to be like the second coming of Christ, everything bad that ever happened is supposed to be redeemed in this big miraculous final moment. I wonder what they will do to try and capture that feeling


The show went shit in season 5, but at least i hope is better than season 7

Sounds good but not happening

he gets beaten by strong female fighters

It was a simpler time.

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I don't get it bro

He got bullied by his big bro, his character arc is about getting over his pyrophobia and killing his brother.
Ironically, the Hound will become Azor Ahai after he defeats his fear.

Do people actually get excited for GoT ? After the abomination that were the last 3 seasons ?

Umbers and Manderlys were supposed to turn on the Boltons. Then Wyman was supposed to give the 'North Remembers' speech next episode. But since they had to cut it we got the cringey little girl giving her shitty speech instead.
Basically D&D wouldn't listen to all the people telling them their 'vision' was impossible and tried to shoot it anyway and ran out of time half way through.

In short:
>D&D's draft would have taken about 48 days to film, but they only had 25 days
>Instead of cutting the battle down so they could finish it, they decided to plow on and film it anyway despite Sapochnik's repeated warnings that he literally COULD NOT film the whole thing in that time
>Despite hyping up the 70 horses in the cavalry charge, they had no idea how to work with live horses on set
>The guy in charge of training the horses told them it would take over 6 weeks to train them for the battle. Dabid responded by telling him to find a way to do it in 2 weeks
>Dabid's vision was based off old Kurosawa movies - not knowing that Kurosawa ACTUALLY killed all those horses in the movie, something that is obviously illegal today
>Instead of filming important plot elements first, and filler battle scenes afterwards (like every competent action director does), Dabid had the genius idea to film the ENTIRE battle in chronological order for no reason
>The reason they gave was just so Kit would be exhausted at the end of shooting - resembling how exhausted Jon would be at the end of the battle. They thought it would enhance his performance
>Predictably, they ran out of time with half a battle filmed and had to cut the Manderly/Umber change of heart - something that was foreshadowed for most of the season and integral to the main theme of the show

What happens after, do you think? Maybe after becoming a hero Jon Snow burns him to death for some dumb misunderstanding and then is emo about it later on when he finds out.

That bit was one of the best fucking bits in the books.

>no plate or helm

I hate what this show has become

That's cool but can he beat Larry Wheels?

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>somsha don't!

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I never got the hype for Cleganebowl, much less for the TV series where they pretty much only mentioned Gregor and Sandor being brothers once.

>cover 11 of 16
Who collects magazines

Why did they have Arthur dayne duel wielding

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it wasn't Dabids idea to film in chronological order that was the stupid directors so they could make Kit give his best performance that look is him realizing there finally done with filming

That was Dabid's idea though. They wanted Kit to get an Emmy (he didn't)


trailer dropping today!!!

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Did the Mountain really died in season 4/5 and he is 100% a zombie or Qyburn just heal him? It seems weird he somehow got stronger after getting poisoned. Did Qyburn injects a bunch of medieval steroids for him or is he an actual necromancer with actual dark magic power like Melisandre, Thoros and the other red priests?

This clash should have happened like 2 seasons ago. Hype is pretty much gone at this point.

>omg guys imagine if we had all of westeros greatest fighters in one room together
>omg epic xD just think of the banter between them. The Hound and Tormund together
>ikr the night king will be shitting his pants
>Westeros Avengers going up north. Im so hyped right now!

Why do so many of you get autistically butthurt over this? Arthur was the best swordsman of his time, of course he was gonna be dual wielding. He was the Musashi Miyamoto of Westeros. If you don't know who Musashi is, he was the greatest swordsman in Feudal era Japan who created a technique that involved using two swords.


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that's reaallllly cringe

>character most known specifically for his 1 sword
>now has 2
Also duel wielding is retarded and nobody did that.

Dabid..two swords dabid

this isn't an anime kid

>best swordsman
ummm sweetie

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I like Qyburn.

This makes sense I guess, I could definitely believe this, but do you have a source for the reasons why the script was allegedly changed?

It's hard to think that a team of professional producers and directors could fuck up like that. Also, I don't know if the Manderly/Umber change of heart was really foreshadowed. The writing is mostly straightforward and predictable in this show now.

hes too short for his armor

>Umbers murdered Shaggydog and handed Rickon over to Ramsay
>No Manderlys in the actual battle



This guy goes through it in far more detail (as well as some of D&D's various other fuck-ups) with sources throughout.
It's pretty much entirely interviews with Sapochnik, D&D and members of the cast along with D&D's autistic ramblings on the commentary.

What would cause them to turn on the Boltons if they had already done all of that?

I'll check it out, thanks.

There was multiple comments by people working on the show that the head of shaggy dog was requested to be small despite the fact shaggy dog was the biggest living direwolf

no hype
just cleganebowl

He surely can’t raise his arms very higher with those faggy pauldrons

Oh, so I *did* mix up the scabbards. This is my practice sword, you see. Brb, just nipping back to Starfall.
>Ned shakes his head smiling
>"You haven't changed, Twoswords!"

Rickon gets killed.

>those eyes

Didn't know Raimi work with HBO

Fuck that fat retard and his shitty ‘prose’.
t. Yea Forums

Is this real? Why did they change the old night King again? This new one looks shit.

Mean cunt who is horrible to everyone including those who don't deserve it. Then he gets his self esteem back after resigning from his post as the Lannisters errand boy. Now he's a mean cunt who is horrible to everyone but only means it with people who deserve it.

One of the few character arcs within the show that isn't actually bad.

>If you don't know who Musashi is, he was the greatest swordsman in Feudal era Japan who created a technique that involved using two swords.

You fucking discount weeaboo plebeian. The way Japanese dual wielding works is by using a katana and a wakizashi, the wakizashi being shorter so it doesn't get in the way of the longer katana blade. Otherwise they would be unwieldy and unusable.

Also, Japanese sabers are much lighter than European longswords. Wielding two full-length European swords is retarded regardless of how you try to spin it.

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>Dabid had the genius idea to film the ENTIRE battle in chronological order for no reason
that's how you film movies and episodes bro, scene by scene.

Literally nobody does that UNLESS you do something huge like destroy a set. That's the only case where you obviously need to film scenes in chronological order.

based retard

The whole Tower of Joy scene was shit
it didn't feel like fantasy, they needed some color in it, a lot of color, his sword needed to look unique and beautiful, a lot of things went wrong.

Nah. Hound's losing the battle and Arya suddenly teleports behind Mountain and stabs him to death. Then she can say she's fulfilled her list if that's even a thing at this point. Also Hound will be pleased to see Arya because he came to like her during their adventures back when and for the first time in his life he's happy and smiling.

uhh why not
what's the harm in filming like this?

*sniggers obnoxiously*

Why do you talk about things you know nothing about it just makes you look retarded

>I wonder what they will do to try and capture that feeling
Well, whatever they try, they can't. Remember being super hyped about the dothraki sailing to Westeros in season 1? Remember how they are on Westeros right now being essentially irrelevant doing nothing of importance? That's how the ending will be. Big flat nothing except for those whores at the bar who will scream their lungs out regardless of how shitty the ending will be.

gimme one reason why they don't

How thick have you got to be to ask this question? I mean, not only is it a matter of simple logic, it's literally explained in detail in this very thread what can go wrong when you choose to film things in chronological order instead of in order of importance.

If you film the important things first, you can experiment/add scenes later, you can flesh everything out without worrying about running out of time, and if you do run out of time you still have the pivotal scenes already filmed and so it is a lot easier to work out. If you don't film the important scenes first, to put it bluntly, you're fucked and whatever it is you're attempting to create will suffer.

Nobody knows. Just shut your brain off, bro.

Maario Naharis

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This desu

Because it's stupid. And uses far more time/money. Especially if you're working with a ton of actors and locations.

Just hypothetically think of the scenes in S7:
>1) Jon and Sansa talk in Winterfell
>2) Jon goes to Dragonstone and talks to Dany
>3) Jon and Dany go back to Winterfell

If you shot them chronologically, you'd have to move all your actors and equipment twice. From Winterfell to Dragonstone, then back again.
If you shoot scenes 1+3 at the same time. Then go back and shoot scene 2 afterwards, you only have to move once.

This is even more important in action scenes when you're outdoors because even more can go wrong. IIRC Dabid used up all his emergency time early on with the BoB.
All it takes it bad weather to fuck you over, you NEED the important scenes out of the way first or it all falls apart.

>now I can die

>do all that
>fuck up in every way possible
>demonstrate no technical understanding of how TV production works as well as zero talent for writing
>normies still praise it
This has to be insulting to real artists. It doesn't matter how much talent, dedication or passion you have - anyone can become mega-successful with the right marketing.

so it's something that imbeciles do
if you have a storyboard all set and ready like with the LOTR movies you can film it chronologically with 0 issue, you know what you're gonna do, how you're gonna do it, and there's no worries.

>if you have a storyboard all set and ready like with the LOTR movies you can film it chronologically with 0 issue
Yeah, if you have unlimited time and money. Those sets don't really exist in a fantasy kingdom user, they cost a fuck-ton to keep around. And transporting all your cameras and crew back and forth ain't cheap either.

i liked tormund's dialogue with the hound

LOTR wasn't filmed chronologically

It was played in chronological order though. Checkmate.

um, sorry sweaty. There are flashbacks in the film.


ah so you film the scenes set at the same location, and then you move down the list until you're done filming

Just found out how this series ends.
1. Jon and Danny fight the night king outside winterfell, but both end up dying in the fight.
2. Cersei tries to use the golden company to fight off the nights king who marches towards kings landing, but the army after seeing undead dothraki on horses charging at them flee in fear.
3. The mountain kills Cersei when the nights king takes control of him.
4. Jamie, the hound and Orion knight (who is injured) try to protect bran who is on the run after he finds out the knight king is hunting him.
5. The nights king was awoke because Jamie killed the mad king, who is the real Azor Ahai The nights king wants Bran because of his power to change history and enter time.
6. Bran after seeing The mountain slaughter Jamie, the hound and onion knight in 30 seconds time jumps to the past.
7. Bran works out he must understand time and fix time itself. He tells Aerys targaryen about the future and Aerys makes wildfire to destroy the white walkers.
8. when controlling his power, Bran explains the whole story to Aerys Targaryen who agrees to give up his power, destroy the iron throne, in return to defeat the white walkers, those swords the iron throne is made of can kill white walkers.
Ending: The nights king is revealed to be Bran the builder, He married a white walker female to end the long winter, but the female was killed by a Lannister, paid by the Targaryens, because they didn't want the white walkers breeding. End seen is Roberts rebellion stand in front of a large town on a river.

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Middle bitch looks just like my ex, it's uncanny

one of the dumbest things i've ever read

I'm the only who hate all the White Walker's storyline? I wish this last season was all about the throne, but that don't matter anymore...

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>I want it
>Hehe look we brought back the hound so he can quip like he was in a superhero movie again
>what the fuck man why are you making characters shit, I don't really like this

What makes you think LotR was 'all set'? They worked their ass off on those sets

I saw the storyboard, it was very well developed. Someone even made a motion comic thingy with it.

>Army of TWD zombies that are slow and stupid
>Zombies instantly die upon contact with dragonglass (an incredibly common material) or fire (also incredibly common)
>Supposedly immune to normal weapons, but nobody seemed to tell Gendry not to bring his ordinary hammer in the Beyond the Wall episode last season, so either they CAN be killed with normal weapons, or Jon is a dick and hates Gendry
>Killing a Walker causes all his zombies to die Phantom Menace style
>They have a zombie dragon, but if the normal rules of wights apply in Season 8 (which I absolutely guarantee they will not) it should instantly explode if Dany's dragon breathes fire on it a little, or from a dragonglass ballista shot.
>Night King has the power to see the future, but seems to be a complete moron
>He also fights by slowly throwing javelins, and seems to be strategically inept
>Can't cross water - not even a small lake meaning the Walkers are confined to Westeros and in no way a world ending threat.

Why are people scared of these guys again? If I was an average Braavosi would I even notice the so-called 'apocalypse' occurring across the Narrow Sea?

Why does that make you think they didnt work on the sets, or that the crew members went back and forth chronolgogically as the characters do??


I mean, they are supporting a Targaryen, you can't expect logic and intelligence from them.

>Why does that make you think they didnt work on the sets,
never said that lol

It will never happen in the books. The show went to shit because of fans and current events.


>the Hound reforms, becomes a gravedigger for a pacifist who spells out the entire point of the series; that violence and cruelty is wrong

>pacifist character is killed off in the same episode in which he's introduced
>the Hound goes on a killing spree and spouts retarded one liners
>YAY! The Hound's back! He's so epic! He calls people cunts!

western equivalent

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And yet, you will still be on /got/ and watching it.

>Aaaahh Cock
>No u


>The nights king was awoke because Jamie killed the mad king, who is the real Azor Ahai
Some twist akin to this would actually be pretty neat. I doubt they'll explain why they suddenly woke up, though.

Why is it that every GoT thread for the last week has had someone claiming that Rhaego will be alive in TWOW?


is that my boy Thor or some twink?

watching it only if it's Thor.

Everyone complains about Stannis killing his daughter over food and cold but I never hear anyone bring up that that could have been a good story if we saw some truly horrifying Donnet party shit going down, hell csnnibalism was a big part of it in the book. But they should have spent a little time and it wouldn’t have been expensive to show the soldiers truly suffering, she Stannis and Shireen being sickly and starving and cold even when trying to warm up by the fire but the cold is just too much. Instead we saw some guys mumbling while they waited in line for food, it looked like nothing compared to stuff irl like Valley Forge that people ended up surviving. They should have made that horrifying and the burning out of desperation would have been interesting story telling.

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I'm not too interested anymore. I was hella interested back when but now it seems obvious they will have no explanation whatsoever, apart from that fag being stabbed and them collecting babies from Craster. They're simply the designated big bad boss fight and that's quite literally it. Best we might get is Bran wargs into the past and is involved somehow but that would not surprise anyone as it's been theorized to heaven and hell already.

Also I find it somewhat obvious that they will not burn the continent to the ground so that makes it somewhat unintriguing too. The goodies will win eventually.

Only good Targ is a dead Targ

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Based and dornepilled

>zombie dragon
Why do I get the feeling it will be severely underused in the upcoming battles. NK probably dismounts it and starts dueling with his fists instead.

Then again I presume Dany's dragons will suffer the same fate. A few dragons in the past easily conquered Harrenhall with thousands of men but I very much doubt they will have anywhere near the significance in the show. They seem to act more like passenger planes than creatures of absolute destruction.



Fanservice/pandering shows a lack of vision.

Dany's still born son.

So, if the leaks are true, Jon, Jamie, Brienne and Gendry will defeat the Night's King together, what do you guys think?

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Battle of five armies was hated so they are copying it?

unbelievably based

Glad it's finally being put out of its misery. The show has been a shuffling corpse since they botched and killed off Stannis. I bet those kikes are actually proud of the work they've done since running out of source material. Laughable.

Got a link to these leaks? all I’ve heard is the Tyrion trial stuff

>*since season 3
fixed it for ya, the show went OFF THE RAILS from S3

Bullshit, Jaime will be dead by then




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S4 still had some of the feel of the earlier seasons, though the cracks were definitely showing. It was during S5 that the groundwork was laid for the Redditwitter mess that was the past two seasons.


someone post it already

I remember the quality seemed worse from S3 onwards, don't really remember why but it was pretty shitty.

Fucking based. Pic-related was always my favorite.

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autist redditor

>Also, Japanese sabers are much lighter than European longswords

>of you
You are a redditor, aren't you?


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Cleganebowl doesn't feel authentic if it's being teased/spoiled.


>i dont care what these bitches do!
>every year anons are plastered to these shit videos
I swear you guys are the biggest fucking hypocrites

>'man' calling his fellow men 'manbabies'
if ever someone deserved the guillotine, this would be it.

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>*stabs it into the dirt*

I can't look at Rory McCann without seeing pic related.

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Swords of any kind are not heavy. Otherwise there would be no point in using them, if you can only swing it by using your full force you may as well use a massive hammer or a ten foot long spear.


>If you don't know who Musashi is, he was the greatest swordsman in Feudal era Japan who created a technique that involved using two swords.

He never used two swords on the battlefield where armor negates their effect. He used swords in a couple of duels, but even in them he often resorted to a different set up.

>Also, Japanese sabers are much lighter than European longswords. Wielding two full-length European swords is retarded regardless of how you try to spin it.

I agree with the rest of your post, but that is certainly not true. A katana is a pretty hefty cleaver and many longswords can even be lighter than that.



Blackwater is actually a fraction of the size it was in the books. Stannis had a massive fucking contingent of troops approaching overland that switched sides after Renly died. Those stupid hillfolk Tyrion picked up do harassment operations against Stannis from nearby forest so he has every bit of woods around Kings Landing set on fire to force them into the opening. The massive fucking smoke plums drop visibility and that is how Tywin manages to get the drop on Stannis' forces.
The show's depiction is pretty lame in comparison though the wild fire explosion is far more dramatic than just the fireships crashing into the fleet as depicted by the books.

Dawn and his other great sword IDEA CRAYONS

jesus fucking christ i hate redditors

Because lol MY video games and table tops

>stupid hillfolk
I forget. What happened to those guys? They just sort of vanished from the show iirc.

>The episode is expected to be the longest consecutive battle sequence ever committed to film, and brings the largest number of GoT major characters together since the show’s debut episode in 2011

So the Battle of Winterfell will be, like, 60 minutes of non-stop action scenery? There is no possible way this will be particularly intriguing to people who do not watch the show for its action aspect.

You need to evaluate your life choices.

years pass, times change
the characters aren't even alive anymore, the fight is obviously a bait to bring back people that left because of how shit the show has become

>The show's depiction is pretty lame


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No Chad would touch these fatties

Tywin sends them home when he becomes hand. There's a throwaway line

I-I'm so, so sorry user. I hope you didn't turn out gay after that.

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>If you don't know who Musashi is, he was the greatest swordsman in Feudal era Japan who created a technique that involved using two swords.

>weeb can't help but sperg out
The real Musashi was fighting his best by using a big fucking stick or log.

I can already picture how cliche this is gonna be with the hound killing his brother and the screams of the söylent enthusiasts at that gay bar in the background

>For Williams, the episode marked Arya’s first Game of Thrones battle, an irony that isn’t lost on her. “I skip the battle every year, which is bizarre since Arya’s the one who’s been training the most,” she says. “This is my first taste of it. And I’ve been thrown in at the deep end.”
Hoo boy, I can't fucking wait to see Arya going full ninja against the walkers.

Why? This is common knowledge.

It will probably get spiced up with some dialogue after some characters board up a door or something. I hope it won't be 60 minutes of clang clangs and aaaaaahhhhhs.

This. They'll 100% milk the Hound-Arya relationship since it'll remind people of the good times. And they need to show off how powerful Arya is in a proper fight and the only good fighter that isn't a good guy is the mountain. Either that or they'll have her mow down ice zombies by the hundreds which is somehow even more retarded

this is really good b8
they hate you m8

That shit is stupid. The castle would be impossible to supply. GRRM has some good world building but the castle in the Vale and Castlery Rock are stupid for practical reasons.

that thumbnail looks so bad i thought they were floating

I wouldn't brag about that if I were you

>drop rope down
>tie it to supplies
>bring it up

>reading entertainment weekly
Lmao how much of a robot do u have to be

>jaime wielding with his right hand

What is this helmet design called?

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>It’s one of two in the final season directed by Miguel Sapochnik
kino confirmed.

It's common knowledge you like it in the ass lmao get rekt fag

do you not see the gangplank access to the door inside the mountain? Just roll the supplies up in a wagon retard
I'm sure there's elevators inside it

Didn't excite me desu

Rat's tail.


That'd be cool but seems more likely.


Those aren't men.

Nips are retards

got is badass

favorite show right now

>'North Remembers' speech

Valyrian Steel is nearly indestructible

Dawn isn't Valyrian steel brainlet

>Sword: Dawn
>House: Dayne
>Country: Dorne
Why is Gurm such a hack?

bro it was predictable from the second episode they'd fight again

originally it was a fake shaggydog head, a normal wolf head, as the director of that episode teased "it looked a little small to me and the prop director to be a direwolf's head ;)"

meteor swords are nearly indestructible

because it's the last season of an HBO show and cgi costs money

I actually like that.

Jamie bindaas

It fits...!

>desire showdown between two characters who seem almost destined to face off in a duel embodying the essence of the entire story
>deliver it in hacky hamfisted fanservice way courtesy of dabid and dam

Attached: ack.jpg (1944x2592, 1.61M)

>status of life: died
>favourite song: nessun dorma

how fucking hard would it be to make it milky white? like damn thats the most recognizable thing about the sword

grab my head from behind

would've been kino to see manderly rise up in the show and give a speech like that

why would anyone strangle a poor animal for no reason

Being one of (((them))) helps

who will survive?

Attached: who will survive.jpg (3382x1600, 3.48M)

imagine the burlington bar screeching

REmember when we actually used to care about this?

>the entire point of the series; that violence and cruelty is wrong

why are americans so dumb

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this is one of the worst photoshopped group photos I have ever seen. only long neck saves it

why is the hound so short

>horses just continue charging and trample him to death

Nothing makes your villain more threatening and mysterious than plastering his face all over magazine covers!

Embarrassing show.

>they are supposed to be beautiful
Jesus Fucking Christ

I'm still rooting for you, popsicle king

Or for Tyrion or Davos, but still, you

Making women wet themselves

>star of david for eyes

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>kill off the guy responsible for the entire plot
>implying its worth watching after that

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jaime meek and jorah (and maybe cersei but from the trailer she is the evil alive guy) everyone else can kill thyselves

Were not even in the same place for the cover photo. It's not going to happen. One will die in a fight, the other will be burned to death by a Dragon.

All potential menace the character had is just gone... lol


>Still no CIA edit
Way to drop the ball Yea Forums

Reek and Jorah both sacrifice themselves to save others. For Reek it's an act of redemption, and for Jorah it's one final act of loyalty and love

>hound is smaller than most of the cast

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So the spin-off show they're making , would actually be a sequel. Hmmm probably bait, but if this was true, id actually commend the originality of it

According to the leak the whitewalkers get defeated here in episode 4

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they're so late with it, its really stupid now

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There we go


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Niggers would so we can get them instead of Chads.

Some scenes can be shot anytime on a sound stage, while others require outdoors and could be weather dependent. You'd want to shoot the outdoor ones as soon as the weather permits so you don't run into a situation where the last week of shooting is all rain, but you still have outdoor scenes to shoot.

As for sound stage shots, it takes time to set up and tear down a set. Rather than set everything up for one scene, you're better off setting the set up, then doing all scenes on that set at once.

Lastly there's scene importance. If you have a scene you're not sure you want to include, or a scene that doesn't really drive the plot nor develop characters, you'd want to film that one last. The idea being if you run out of time, it's no big loss since it could have been cut anyways.

Why are these chucklefucks directing GoT if they're so unqualified?

Presumably HBO thought they could get away with it since all the content was already written for them.
And to their credit, it DID work until they ran out of content.
Even some of the Dabid OC from the early seasons (think back to that Robert/Cersei scene and the Tywin/Arya scenes) were actually pretty good

Damn, do you work in the film industry?

>Tywin/Arya scenes
I miss it already ;_;

Is there a Maisie/Sophie cover?

No. Just an interior pic.

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literally can't wait
this is gonna be a WORLDWIDE phenomenon
I'm gonna shed tears when it's over bros

if there was gonna be one place where a sheltered dragon could obliterate untold hordes of undead walkers, this would be in imo

how much you wanna bet the NK is gonna fall down the well and then be saved by his dragon, prolonging the conflict?

whats with Gregor's helmet? it's like half on and the rest is a cloth mouth cover

>S. Irwin

Even if Cleganebowl happens it will just be crammed in to some large chaotic battle scene and it won't have any weight to it. The proper way to do it would have been a trial by combat.

It's amazing the way that DnD and HBO have allowed Game of Thrones to spiral out of control and into this abomination.

I keep comparing the coming season to the Battle of the Blackwater

All in one episode you get;
>Sansa and Cersei, Sansa and the Hound
>Tyrion's big plan
>Hound v Bronn
>Davos losses his sons
>Ruthless Stannis X5
>Cersei debates killing her children
>Joffrey fails the test
>Tywin's epic arrival
>Tyrion's defeat/betrayal
>Sansa v Joffrey
>Payne v Clucking Hens terror

There's so much going on in one single episode. And that's not even getting into the actual fighting itself.

Now coming up they've got THE BIGGEST BATTLE in the history of television and there's nothing to care about. It's just a bunch of characters from all sorts of places, crammed together into a single zone and told to juke it out with a villian that's never been explored at all.

No nuance at all. All of season two builds up to the Blackwater. The whole show has been leading to this season and it looks terrible.

>trial by combat
that happens. The humans in the north retreat to King's Landing after the Golden Company get btfo and turned into wights. Cersei accepts them into KL but Tyrion goes to trial for the murder of Tywin. Tyrion invokes trial by combat, he chooses the Hound.

The Hound is the Volonquar.