I don't get this "Indians like DC" meme, MCU is way more popular than DCEU on India

I don't get this "Indians like DC" meme, MCU is way more popular than DCEU on India.

I mean just look at the box offices, way more Pajeets go to Marvel movies than DC.

Attached: aquaman and thor india.png (633x252, 50K)

more pajeets may like mcu overall, but dceu's entire fanbase is pajeets and brazilians

Indian DChads are rapidly growing and soon we'll outnumber the marvel fanbase

Marvel has a lot of pajeet fans, but ALL snyderfags are brown skinned.


Why would you POSSIBLY care which kids movie series is more popular in some third world country? How could you possibly be vested in this?

being a snyder fan requires a lack of familiarity with western cinema and what makes a director good

>more pajeets may like mcu overall, but dceu's entire fanbase is pajeets and brazilians
>India + Brazil Box offices = 44 million
>Aquaman WW box office - 1,140 billion

They're not even 3% of DCEU fandom

Indians that are MCU fans are the DESIGNATED shitting streets kind

Indians that are DChads are the based Northern India Aryan kind that use toilets and can be cool sometimes

a lot more people saw that one then just dc fans since they basically made it a marvel movie

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To be fair Snyder is a misunderstood genius

Attached: 239423432.jpg (1600x800, 178K)

>some user reddit user
So how that disprove that Pajeets like Marvel more than DC by statistics?

Liking is not the same as being paid to shill for.

You brought this on yourself.

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pajeet here DC pajeet fans mostly consist of nolan fanboys I've never met anyone who likes snyder . maybe the ones who like are more vocal than the rest. MCU is all the rage

You don't have to like your boss.

I just assumed the pro capeshit pajeets here were simply outsourced shills for all studios. The mouse prolly can afford to use less of them

heh. good one

A pajeet was screaming at the top of his lungs when Superman was fighting the Justice League

i can see if might have annoyed you. we are used to stuff like that
>Superman was fighting the Justice League
it was the only redeeming thing about the whole movie.

When in doubt and you are losing the argument, blame pajeets or discord trannies