*breathes in*

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>it might not have legs
but it sure has toes.

Has anyone really been well cast in Marvel movies? Downey Jr is probably the best character because he is the most rounded. Evans also has a meaningful back story but the rest are just cardboard cutouts and quips, part of the blame lies with the hack writers

>Flesh eating toe fungus
Friendly reminder that she bites her toenails

> complains about casting
> goes on to describe writing

Chris Hemsworth and Paul Bettany are good.
Scarjo and Mark Ruffalo are terrible.

Tom Holland is the second best Peter Parker and spider man

Hemsworth was a miscast until they made him funny. Hiddelston, Holland, Brolin, and Saldana were very good casting choices. Most everyone else is serviceable, as is the MO of Marvel movies. Be serviceable.

>Friendly reminder that she bites her toenails
I did this as a kid and fucked my toes

you know how much you are humiliating yourself, dont you?