Post underrated actors that improve everything they're in

Post underrated actors that improve everything they're in.

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Other urls found in this thread:

good thread op. julia roberts.

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I always watch a videogame movie when Karl Urban is in it. Dredd is propably my favorite role he played.

What's up with all the keith urban dicksucking going on today?

i like him though he seems to always be a support character in successful movies

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Eric Bana

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we dug coal together

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Goggins pretty much makes anything he's in a must see.

Hateful Eight was terrible despite Goggins.

Based BD

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I can only think of two movies and theyre both Jurassic Park movies.

Name one bad thing he has done.

He's in....lots of things. Also hilarious in Gotham.

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Fichtner is kino as fuck, he deserves way more roles

Mistah Week.

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He is in every tv show I swear

i like his voice

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Manu Bennett

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It got into people’s head they want him as Snake

>We need a stern cop


If only they'd made an MGS movie 15 years ago, he would have been a great choice for Snake.

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Snape nooooo

I'll Second that Motion.

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Barry Pepper

James H O N G

i thought you called it your pecker

Didn't appear more on the last riddick movie

>ABRAHAM LINCOLN? THE Abraham Lincoln?

I liked it until the flashback chapter.

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>we need britkino

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>Buster Scruggs? I'm Surly Joe

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they set him up as the next villian in the end credits..
pretty sure if the sequel gets made he will show up

Clancy Brown

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>this thread

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I really enjoyed Almost Human and it's a shame it only got 1 season.

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Thank you for posting him!
I'd say Garret Dillahunt is another face I like to see pop up. Ben Mendelsohn
These too.

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>That Mexican dude from Training Day

Everytime I see him in always like "good choice"

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You just posted him, not a single bad role to his name (even if those role happen to be in shiity movies).

He's the best thing out of season 2 & 3 of Mr Robot

based Mahone

Go see his Imdb credits, it's hilarious. For half of all his credits (if not more), the characters he played have the same name. Cannot be more type cast Mexican/latino than this guy.

I really like Karl Urban. I even unironically like Doom because of him.

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He was great in GTA Vice City.

He's also a great Voice Actor too

adding one more

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Cliff Curtis

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Okay okay boys, very good, but what about women?

>Chain of command

>Captain Patterson!

I love this guy

I just realised he plays whiterose!

not underrated but i'm gonna ignore that

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Now THAT was a game

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>Post underrated actors that improve everything they're in.
What about them?
Only titty monsters may apply

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He looked incredible with breasts in Sons of Anarchy

It's been like this for years.

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Unironically this.
He never puts in a poor performance.
Tragic that he's never landed one of those roles that would turn him into a lead.

Why do I want to fuck her so bad bros?
Is this phase one of turning gay?

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San Andreas was also great but it was also when the series started to suck.

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Fuck I miss him.

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>"he need a frothing at the mouth country racist on set right no.."
>"he's just arrived sir and he's already called Idris Elba a nigger"

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Find me an actor with a more impressive scifi filmography.
You literally can't.

He stood alone at Gjallerbru.


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>we need a samurai

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Literally the only reason Widows was decent

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>no Ken Watanabe

>we need a stoic Asian man
>sir we need a face that you can punch

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Based Assassin Actual

Best clavicle in showbiz

He was so good in black sails, excellent casting

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>every time I see his face

Made even shitty recent GoT into kino for like half an hour

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Fuck he was good in Fringe.

He owned in the Avatar series


"They call me... they call me Quicks, man!"
"Quicks? Not quick enough."

American Gods is so good because of him.

He owns pretty much anything he's in

Detroit: Become Human, The Clone Wars, Rainbow 6 Siege...

Deadwood was my only Blue Ray disc i had for a long time because of him. Then i got Logan. Now i have 2 blue rays.


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One of the most prolific voice actors in the industry. And 70% of the time I don't even know it's him until I see his name in the credits

>no one has posted Morgan Freeman
This whole fucking thread is just söy.

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död död död dödö dödödöd

what made you have sex with a black woman together with him? anything special? jokes aside, was he a good coal digger?

Based. He's the guy for any HK crime movie that needs a sleazebag.

Imho, the most Underrated actress working today.

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I nominate David Keith.

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he's not underrated, he's just a cunt

Don't know what it is about this guy, but he could turn any boring movie into an instant classic.

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She turned into an alcoholic whore

based retard

Unironically Eric. I wish he got better roles.

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this man right here

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this. he was the only reason i watched bloodline, he was just great as danny.

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>All actors

Are there no kino actresses that get sidelined or type casted to supporting roles? Or is Yea Forums just full of incels?

pretty much /ourguy/

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read the fucking OP retard

I don’t take orders from an incel

Best character actor in history

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>they changed VA in Prey: Mooncrash because of Avengers

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Based Eomer

Willem motherfucking Dafoe ...
One of the most talented, has next to no MC roles coz he's not a prettyboi.
Every time he appears as secondary character he steals the scene

best Moriarty, eternally based actor

He would also be the most perfect joker, 100% face 200% talent to play it

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.... office.

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I need the stupidest eyebrows you can find. Let me be clear, I don't mean "some stupid eyebrows", or "really stupid eyebrows", I mean the stupidest. The definitive.

Oded Fehr

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>makes a career out of playing arab characters

is that supposed to be hugo strange?

all i can think of is sunshine and prometheus

he's great in everything he's in, Fargo S2 and Angels in America being standouts

only reason i watched it, it would be pretty shitty without him. only good thing besides him is Mad Sweeney

The Martian
The Marvel movies
even one of the Blade Runner shorts

>the marvel movies
really? also blade runner shorts don't count

Is that the undefeated Gaul?

literally who


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This guy is fantastic in Boardwalk Empire and This Is England

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>the only part of the Mummy trilogy better than Brendan
>Best part of Spartacus
I'm thinking this is epic


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I even watched him hamming it up on an episode of SVU a couple times. Dude makes just about anything watchable

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I really wanted him to be Cable, but the reality is that as a Mischling he has a great and masculine face and a wiry small body, so unless you work Cameron tier camera magic it wouldn't have worked.


t. David Fincher

>Hunger Games

Noone could have saved this movie

By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan, you shall be avenged.


Such a shame that they reduces his character to a cowardly henchman of a villainess.

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Nothing more pathetic than a manlet jew acting like a tough guy

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Where's my iconic slave role, ERIC? MOTHERFUCKER?

I need a rich white guy with bad intentions

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I recently rewatched LOTR and I think fucking Gamling (Theoden's captain or something) has more screen time than Eomer, even in the extended editions. Is his role more prominent in the books?

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i feel like his talent is wasted in all those direct to DVD movies... if only he got more VA work after blood dragon...

What happened to him? I always thought he was list A material.




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He likes to race too much I think.

Champion of Capua

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Also had a good role in Agents of SHIELD

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It's Toys R Me.

It was only really good because of Wong and the top tier qts (mongol girl best girl).


>two m16s
Based and redpilled

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really like him

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only good part of Drive Angry.

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Was gonna post him GG


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>julia roberts
the fuck m8? The most incorrect answer in the thread, and I haven't even scrolled past your answer. she is shit m8.

redpill me on this supposed kino anons, I don't know this guy well but recognize his face. Why is he so kino?


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You reminded me I gotta watch the Predator movie with him since I've already seen everything else

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Recently re-watched Dredd. So good. Shame we never got a sequel.

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jared taylor?

Men of the valley! Citizen-soldiers:

I am here at the order of General Robert E. Lee, commandin' all Virginia forces. On April 15th of this year of our Lord, 1861, Simon Cameron, the Secretary of War of the United States sent a telegram to our Governor, John Letcher, directing him to raise three regiments of infantry to be sent to assist in suppressin' the southern confederacy. Governor Letcher's answer is well-known to you, but perhaps not his words.

His wire to Washington stated, "You have chosen to inaugurate civil war. And, having done so, we will meet you in a spirit as determined as the Lincoln Administration has exhibited toward the South."

Two days later, the Virginia legislature voted for secession.

JUST AS WE, WOULD NOT send any of our soldiers to march in other states and tyrannize other people, so will we never allow the armies of others to march into our State and tyrannize our people.

Like many of you -- indeed, most of you -- I've always been a Union man. It is not with joy or with a light heart that many of us have welcomed secession. Had our neighbors to the North practiced a less bellicose form of persuasion, perhaps this day might not have come. BUT that day has been thrust upon us like it was THRUST upon our ancestors.

The Lincoln Administration required us to raise three regiments.

Tell them we have done so!


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Now lemme tell you about hwyte coomunitees

I doubt they could unless all the black South Africans were educated elite scientists and the whites were robbing and killing their children on the way home from astronaut training

wwwwweeeeellllllll, if you compaaare numbahrs propertionaaaate to POPulashuuun, you wheel see that Huwhite mehn are much moar likely to mahke Kino actahrs.

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What should we call him?

Why has this never happened?

The best thing about this show was that they basically had to hire every asian in Hollywood, and it finally let us get a look at which of them has actual talent. Benedict Wong handily rose to the top of that list, what a fucking stud.

Same with Clive Owen, both of them were in many high profile movies during mid 00’s and would have been far more better as James Bond than Daniel Craig

What the fuck happened to his face anyway. Was he licking out the can of peanuts or something.

got glassed in a Scottish pub, aka had a night out in Scotland.

>bargain bin George Clooney
Wait, he was in Black Sails? As who?

Vice Principals kino series

fuck off, he was Isaac Serko, no bully.

His best role was the kickass British knight swordsman in the Jackie Chan movie.

Lol, there isn't single one that improves the movies by her underrated presence.

>one of the richest actor in America just because he isn't a drugged up drama queen and knows how to save and invest money

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Oh shit, right he was that detective in the Detroit - Become Human. I knew I've seen him before.
His part with the android detective was definitely the best part of the game.

>I wish he got better roles.
Unfortunately for him he looks like someone who stars in Wrestling related entertainment.

Much prefer him to Dwayne Johnson.

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That was fucking great.

I waited 7 years for that game because of Kara just for her to be sidelined to an expository plot and be completely overtaken by the buddy cop kino. Worth it.

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He's great in that too. Well obviously.

He did a very good job in the Bumblebee movie. I thought that he will be a meme, but he held his own well.

the best Wild Bill Hickok

My man.

what is this?

>sidelined to an expository plot
I think that depends on the path you took, or rather path that happened to you. Out of all these movie games, this one was the only one where the choices really changed the plot.

Why couldn't he snap Ewan out of his delusion?

criminally underrated. And I still think Tucker and Dale vs. Evil should have got a sequel

Probably because he actually plays characters instead of himself.

To Live and Die in L.A. would have been a million times better if Dafoe had had the crazy villain range he developed later.

Highlander, Clancy Brown plays the very entertaining villain.

No, choices you make as Connor and Marcus change the plot. And those changes reflect on Kara. The only thing you can do is get Connor killed by accident.

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post a picture of yourself

RIP, he was always good

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This guy better be posted already

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He was

>Garret Dillahunt

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Toby Stephens. Shame he's in virtually nothing and plays mostly stage.

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probably my favorite supporting actor

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He played Liam Gallagher?

Just watch the 5 minutes he's in on youtube

Hes so versatile

Underrated until very recently,

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He's pretty clearly a very serious character actor. Those guys usually have serious theater chops and don't care about becoming leading men because they'd much rather be blending so seamlessly into a handful of widely different costar and side roles each year that you forget they were even in them, all while making a comfy million or two.

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Again, a character actor. See: is basically the female equivalent, same with Geena Davis.

>Captain Patterson!
Him and Fick were way too good for the Marines.

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Another god-tier character actor.

He improves everything he's in, but I wouldn't call him underrated.

Ciaran Hinds

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>Fick is german for fuck

Based David

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Because Hollywood is dumb as a piece of wet paper, that's why ...

I always thought either Dafoe or Crispin Glover would be a better Joker than any of the others we've had.

See:British character actors are always god-tier. It's the stage experience.

This fucking guy

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I always enjoy a bit Carla Gugino appearance, don't know if it's about being an underrated actress though.

Imagine Season 3 of True Detective with Dorff and Foster instead memershala

Based Erroll

I wish I were Levar Burton

that show saved me from a terrible depresion,In fact it's time to rewatch it

I wanted Season 3 of TD to be set in Alaska with Ben Foster and Giovanni Ribisi

Ali was fucking great, Dorff sucked ass

> He stood alone at Gjallerbru... And that answer is enough.


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Based drunken sailor

the only good thing about tino flicks, also not underrated really

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Even 10/10 is too low for Russell, so he can only be underrated

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and Taboo


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Literally the only reason I stayed with Deadwood, even through the pile of shit that was Season 3

>Tfw we'll never get Riddick 4
>Tfw we'll never get a conclusion to pic-related
Why can't Vin Diesel finish the series?

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>I need a sketchy but charismatic older Slav

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widows wasn't decent

For us Britbongs of a certain age, Ian McShane will always be the loveable rogue antiques dealer Lovejoy.

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>james purefoy
>0 results

Yea Forums you've changed since we last met...

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fuckin love this guy

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Stellan Skarsgard is pretty based

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excuse me?

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>Tfw we'll never get Riddick 4

Why hasn't there been any news on this in forever?
Fuck, it better not be dead.

>has barely five minutes in the opening of that King Arthur movie
>absolutely steals the entire thing

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Amazing in the terror

top tier

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Absolutely love Brendo, wish he were me da

No one’s mentioned Brad Dourif yet? He might be the most underrated actor ever.

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he is aids

she has sex eyes

Terrier is criminally underrated and underrepresented on Yea Forums. It also happens to a killer opening track

Based Stamper... no more broventures with Frank :*-(


Not really sure if technically underrated, but he's great regardless

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yeah, no


wasn't glassed, he got knifed. the classic glasgow smile

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He's tacky, op.

Plus you don't need to spend months doing a gay promo tour, you can just join another flick

Yeah, yeah, actually

I swear to god this bitch doesn't act and is just her being her in every role

i wanna lick her neck

Almost mistook him for Brent Hinds from the thumbnail.

Great picks

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I'll stay in the underrated part

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He and Ryan Gosling need to star alongside each other as autistic psychopaths. Preferably in a western

I like your taste user