Summarize this season in one word

Summarize this season in one word

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i dough no..

>one word
all i need is one letter:




* z z z z z z z z z z z z z *



I won't say it, but I want you to know I'm thinking it.

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I don't think I'm allowed to say it.

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how come "I'm gonna think the N word!" posting never took off? seemed like a great meme idea to me



it's the only memeable scene from the season

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It went real strong for a week or so

How does it compare to season one and two? I'm still waiting for the kikes at HBO to release it in my country

mixed opinions
I like it the best right now but that may just be because its fresh
We will see how it ages

Ending is maximum kino.



agree strongly

I've rewatched all three seasons many times. 3 > 1 > 2


1 > power gap > another power gap > huge fucking power gap > 3 = 2 = literal pile of dog shit



Better than season 2 for sure, personally I prefer season 1 over 3 but I still love season 3

bennies because you need them to sit through the whole thing

Nigger Prison Rape

thank you for the level-headed, fair, and accurate assessment


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Watching S2 now, I can understand why they pretty much repeated the first season again.

season 2 shits on it when you look at it the way pizzolotto intended you to; all that eastern book of the dead shit
season 3 is irredeemable trash




Just torrent it.

what sre bennies? benzos?



Based + redpilled


came here to post it

The "Michael Jackson fucked Dem keedz" thread from earlier legit made me laugh good and hard. Whoever came up with that one deserves a medal.

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What the fuck was his problem?

Season 1 is very good
Season 2 is very bad
Season 3 is good until the ending, where is pulls the rug from under you and lowers the seasons quality dramatically

See now if you hated this season it's because you don't understand the premise.

Season 1 is about the serial killing of a prostitute
Season 2 is about the murder of a prominent city official
Season 3 is about a dead boy and a missing girl

Every story follows the thematic direction of its starter case.

the rug pulling was the best part desu

Season 2 was great, fuck you

this. i never understood why most of you simple folk don't like S02. Sure, it was different compared to the other two, but still great!

I can see why people hated S2 with that ending, jesus.

>S1: Two detectives go far outside their job description, thus becoming true detectives. Excellent acting, score and cinematography
>S2: Can't remember aside from the people who sung in an empty bar
>S3: Roland dies alone despite being a brilliant person and far better than Hayes

Oh look, it's the same no life retard shilling season 2 again in every TD thread.

>Two detectives go far outside their job description,
This applies to Roland and Hays too smoothbrain

what movie is that? i saw her somewhere can't remember where

Pretty sure it's Walking Dead

post some true detective kino:

this is the best meme to come out of this season?

salacan thank abou...


The rug pull was great though. I genuinely didn’t see it coming and the last 20 minutes or so were pure kino. I’d written off Pizzalatte after season 2, but he’s clearly got something in the tank still to be able to expertly fuck with audience expectations like that.

I watched the whole season in one sitting and never read any threads discussing it, how mad were the Reddit refugees when all of their undoubtedly bullshit fan-theories got BTFO’d?


Hays dies alone because of what happened to Tom. He clearly blamed himself for it and spent years living in a state of self-loathing.

nobody saw it coming because it made no sense and only happened because the writer is a hack
I don't know how mad anyone was because I also watched it all in one sitting

Any blacked scenes this season

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It was ready to die but the manlet didn't kill it.

I really hoped he'd have another rape threat when he was older but I guess we can't have good things.

What are you referring to, exactly?
I mean it was obvious to me that it wouldn't end with that AIDS death story, because it would be too boring and simple.

That said, the entire season was kinda meh, with a scattered narrative and new infos popping out every 10 minutes that were supposed to keep you hooked. It got a bit boring and the characters were not that interesting. But the same is true for previous seasons. It's a mediocre show through and through.

the boys death being an accident, no pedo cult, the wife abducting a child because she wanted to replace her dead one were all things that annoyed me

I was rooting for pedo cult too.


>Two detectives go far outside their job description, thus becoming true detectives. Excellent acting, score and cinematography
>Can't remember aside from the people who sung in an empty bar
three detectives and a gangster go far outside their job description, thus becoming true detectives. Excellent acting, score and cinematography
>S3: Roland dies alone despite being a brilliant person and far better than Hayes
Roland wishes he could stick to his job description. He'd rather get Wayne his career back than find Julie Purcell. Wayne is the true detective of 3 you dip

one of the greatest scenes in the entire series, and better than any in the first episode of s1
boy have I got the show for you two. its called "True Detective The Complete First Season"

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I loved it. It's a subtle "fuck you" to all the muh pedo cults obsessed Americans (you can find plenty of these retards here on polreddit with their pizzagate and shit).

Came here to post this


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I'm not saying it but I want you to know I'm thinking it.

yeah I too am gonna go watch the much more inspired procedurals like SVU and Brooklyn Nine Nine to cleanse myself of this slop

there's no rug-pull. S1 is a modern serial killer story, S2 is dinosaur era noir, and S3 is the cozy detective genre that happened between those. It's entirely redditors own fault expecting a retread of S1 when nic has repeatedly stated hes never gonna do that

I dunno how else you write a greek noir without the sinful main cast members undone by said sins

what was up with the bike, why was it found next to the boys body wrecked? Did the bully steal it from the boy, ride it around, gave it back and the boy wrecked it himself or did the bully wreck it and just happened to wreck it next to where the boy died
also was not a fan of the hole in the wall being a red herring and thought when it was revealed was the strongest part of the show
come on now, the Halloween decoration was very similar and they even had the tv interviewer mention specifically what happened in season 1 deliberately to trick the audience


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Could have at least had the other crooked cop die.



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Why is it everyone fails at getting proper screenshots?

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dem keeds rowlan
julay pasell
this high yella bitch shittin all ova my head

>what was up with the bike, why was it found next to the boys body wrecked? Did the bully steal it from the boy, ride it around, gave it back and the boy wrecked it himself or did the bully wreck it and just happened to wreck it next to where the boy died
it wasnt next to where the boy died. devils den is a huge state park that includes both where will died and the homo cruisin spot the teenagers hang out. the bully stole the bike and crashed it while drunk. he said this in episode 4
>come on now, the Halloween decoration was very similar and they even had the tv interviewer mention specifically what happened in season 1 deliberately to trick the audience
it was not a deliberate trick on the audience. in s1 the devils nets are explained to be related to voodoo in episode 1.
in s3 the connection of the dolls to pedophiles by a clickbait netflix producer who uses words like intersectionality unironically is rejected by wayne in ep2 (part of the two episode premiere) and everyone in 1980 knows theyre just toys given to kids on halloween - maybe by the criminals but the objects themselves are not nefarious

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Based low IQ poster

That’s what the entire first season was about though, you schizophrenic kid-diddler.

caspere, dixon, and holloway were killed. if the evidence ani hands over to the times reporter wasnt serious enough to undo burris, he and holloway wouldnt have put themselves at the risk they did to find it and her

Summarise this season in one picture.

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not him but fuck you!

clearly no (sense for) style and brain.


dem Sneedz

the difference between you and rust, is that he's a professional detective who was aware he may have lost his mind - while you're a nobody with no self awareness

literally the only major reason why somebody in other thread said s1 had better style and direction than 3 is because hbo wanted to save half a million shooting digital instead of film from 2 onwards

but also s3 woulda had better direction if saulnier didnt spend more time on two episodes (mostly on the first) than he was allotted for three

When the bennies scene happened I had great hopes for that season....

>t-thats not me! I swear!
you're not fooling anyone user

what bennies

A bit anticlimatic.
There was a great angle with the Nam LERPer + growing madness (drugs, booze, sleep deprivation and racist hicks) but they chose the family man angle...

Roland has some in his car, I think they pop them before shaking the pedo dude

it took you over 7 hours to figure out that wayne has a family?

How do you even imply that?



it is not even worth watching.

Season 3 was fantastic. Anons either hate it because the main character is black or because it didnt end in Le Epic Lovecraftian Sex Cult

S1 > Sharp Objects >>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>> S3 = S2

>*senile, old, black man noises*

This nigga knows what's up. Sharp Objects was brilliant kino, from beginning to end. Amy Adams can live on my dick.

I think you mean to say S1=S2>SO>>>S3

fuck you two and everyone else who shilled SO in TD threads
I mean besides the fact that it has nothing to do with TD as many implied
FUCK that bitch mother she's the most unlikeable character I've seen, I was fuming with rage every time she was on screen
fuck the dumbass twist at the end "oops don't tell mama" what the fuck was the point of that
ok I admit it was a thrill to watch but by the end it just didn't fulfill me in the slightest

for me? its Amma


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>grenade right next to face
soldiers never did this


muh keedz
muh racism
muh bbc


My mum guessed the entire thing during the scene wher they visit Hoyt's company and his assistant says he's on a safari. Episode 2 or 3.

pretty funny desu

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Wanna oil me up user?

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good opinions

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dis case rowlin.... dem keez.... sallacan thankabout

everybody got spoiled on the S3 ending after Ep3 when they released a behind the scenes documentary that accidentally showed the perpetrator in the cave set and people figured it out


fuckin lmao







The journey beat the destination.

No it wasn't