So how do you sit when marathoning kino?

Attached: dude why does my back hurt lmao.png (839x450, 24K)

I sit reclining with my legs straight out, not any of this faggot shit going on in the pic.

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 27K)

Mr President that desk is a historic artifact pls respect it. The Oval Office is not a cinema.

Also what kinos do you like?

Absolutely wrong. Recliners are the truest form of comfy.

like 1 but feet up on coffee table and cat on lap

Back straight eyes forward, both hands in lap, and both feet planted firmly on the floor

Attached: tumblr_lqo8kjv7jP1qiealao1_500.jpg (490x700, 146K)

If I'm not literally lying in bed, 5

I lay on my bed and don’t even own a chair or desk.