Attached: dude why does my back hurt lmao.png (839x450, 24K)
So how do you sit when marathoning kino?
Caleb Roberts
Jacob Bennett
I sit reclining with my legs straight out, not any of this faggot shit going on in the pic.
Brayden Powell
Nolan Martin
Mr President that desk is a historic artifact pls respect it. The Oval Office is not a cinema.
Also what kinos do you like?
Robert Cooper
Absolutely wrong. Recliners are the truest form of comfy.
Brandon Reyes
like 1 but feet up on coffee table and cat on lap
Christopher Reyes
Back straight eyes forward, both hands in lap, and both feet planted firmly on the floor
Xavier Hall
Andrew Jackson
If I'm not literally lying in bed, 5
Noah Gonzalez
I lay on my bed and don’t even own a chair or desk.