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Why does the left ruin everything it touches? BioWare is a dumpster fire and Anthem is one of the biggest video game blunders of all time.


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You can't let me down if I don't expect anything

So this is why Kylo dies in 9?


Disney needs to stop saying that everytime people don't like their movies some kind of prejudice is involved

Oh it's too late for that. Far too late

>last chance to get it right
I don’t think there is anything they can do to salvage Star Wars at this point

Could this be a hint that in the end Rey travels back in time and becomes Anakin's mom

The only redemption for this trilogy is to kill rey and let the darkside take all the galaxy.

The concept of TFA is the lamest shit they could have conceived. This shit was dead from the start.

last jedi was shit. one of my favourite films is alien and i dont think it would have been as good with a male protag
his film is just shit and miscast. that's all

it's not about money, they're pushing an agenda. Everything you ever loved as a kid WILL be turned to shit

No. I hope they keep doubling down till theyre outta business

can disney really not fathom that they made a bad movie?


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When that first trailer came out with Boyega I was skeptical they had an agenda and it would be full of 'girl power' references and stuff like that. I actually liked the first new movie because it left so many possibilities open for where the story was going. I thought we would see more of Boyega and that shiny storm trooper lady and maybe a backstory of how they got recruited and maybe knew each other before. But instead we got a bunch of wasted screen time saving animals on some rando planet and killing time in space and then not using Luke to his full potential. Leia should have died in the explosion, I was actually feeling sad and thought 'holy shit they actually did it' and then she opens her eyes and flies back somehow.

Rogue 1 was decent but I have no interest in the final movie and I didn't see Solo

JJ will double down on everything people hated in the last jedi. You think Rian Johnson was bad, just wait.

What am I on the fuckin Truman Show today? Second time in a row this shit happens.

Actually, she goes back in time and becomes Padme.

someone add it to the "phases of death" chart

Disney won't learn til they burn

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Based Adam

i saw someone post an article headline about j.j. abrams wanting to create the "first gay character in star wars". not sure if it was real or an edit. rian didnt give him much to work with. is 9 going to be even worse than tlj?

>doubling down because you can't admit you made a mistake

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>Why does the left ruin everything it touches?

You can serve one master, quality or diversity.

The more I browse Yea Forums, the more it seems like this statement is actually correct. Anons are obsessed with complaining about muh women, calling them whores, saying any portrayal of strong women is stupidly offensive, making post after post after post of the same headlines trying to create some sort of echochamber hugbox.

If they weren't right about you being women hating obsessed trolls afraid of empowered females, then why the fuck do you talk about hating women so much?

Rose I don't even think is in the main cast of 9 tho. I know Poe and Finn have a lot more screentime together.

Anyone have the chart so I can add Scott Mendleson not caring anymore as exceptance

Reminds me of the roasties that say guys who don't date single mothers are "not man enough"

Based JJ

user, so many people here loved Alita because they liked the female lead. No one here just hates females.

I forgot to add the article that threatened the fans with punishments for not liking the last jedi. This shit is insane. I guess punishment is dont bring Luke back and make sure Rey has no backstory for us to care at all.

Bump for a re edit

Has improve ruined modern blockbusters?

Here we go again.

is he gonna say it?

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Quantum of Solace was half improved and that was half shit.

>kills off best qt so early

Here ya go

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what, you ran out of brie larson quotes so you have to repost this? fucking incels

This video was more emotive than both the sequels and prequels combined.

t. false flagging discord tranny
When agenda takes precedence over meaningful character development, it's straight trash and deserves unrelenting mockery. Alita really isn't too far off from being a mary sue, but she does get beaten down at least once and the movie isn't bogged down with moronic sjw overtones, but more importantly, Alita is a likable character who is allowed to show vulnerability. Very relatable and human.

yup so right JJ, just cause the movie was absolute trash I'm somehow threatened by female characters and not shit writing

>then why the fuck do you talk about hating women so much?
These discussions only ever crop up when a movie is all about "muh vagina," which happens a lot nowadays because of SJW politics. 7 was okay but had some flaws, but 8 jumped the shark into a pussy propelled train wreck. It's not even about gender because if you turn "Rey" into "Ray," it would still be a poorly crafted piece of shit but would also lose its protection from current day politics and people would accept the truth

Disney is getting ready to roll out a live action ducktales where huey dewey and louie are gay

My mom threatens me every middle of the night over the phone telling me she'll kill me.

Damn Driver really has some balls on him. Shoulda know that when he has to have sex scenes with Lena Dunham

he does it to himself. he gets into bed and goes to bat for these people knowing full well what they do to people. he does everything he can to appease him, dances to every jig, says fuck drumpf at ever opportunity, asspats and defends them all the time and they just beat him down and he goes back again and again.

this. TLJ sucked balls but TFA was a garbage opening to the trilogy. the fact that the New Republic is somehow the underdog again is infuriating and just proves that Palpatine was right to destroy the Old Republic.

How come women don't flock over to see it?

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based JJ