Hey Uncle Jackie, you ever have any weird, unwelcome thoughts about me?

Hey Uncle Jackie, you ever have any weird, unwelcome thoughts about me?

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god her mom or whatever she was was hot

If you meant her when she came back from the future as an adult

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no i mean viper

Imagine the possibilities

cast the live action big screen remake

>Kid at school told her earlier that day to "Go fuck yourself"...

>no i dont wan no trabble

WHO TELL YOU-I mean no, never.

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“Do not worry, Jade. That’s what I pay Palcomix to make all those doujin for.”

Anyone know where I can get a good quality torrent for the series? Everything I could find is absolute garbage quality.

which do you choose anons

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Ohhhh bad touch bad touch bad toooouch!

The monkey one, then I turn into a sperm whale for super sex.

This motherfucker right here.

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I always thought you were kind of annoying and pandering. I liked your show though.

Jackiiiiie! Stop looking at your niece in the shower! Such fruit is forbidden.

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God those were awful

I'm gonna bite your dick off and there's nothing you can do about it!

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>Uncle Jackie, what does this button do? Oops, I already pressed it!
>Jade, nooo!

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>Jackie's porn video is unmuted

am born in the year of the pig so uh that i guess

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They had a lot of fetish pandering going on in this show

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>tfw live in Vancouver
I swear I'm gonna create so many hapas for the express purpose of raising them to be school shooters. Gotta confuse the demographics, right babe?

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What does he say?

One moooore thing.

Oh boy

Is that a young Azula?

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Not unwelcome, no.

Is there a fetish for ninjas? I don't get this pic in reference to your statement


Azula was hot as fuck

Are there even any laws against man-child relationships in China or is that just a SEA thing

More the "turning evil and possessed" part.

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They knew what they were doing

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what if I have the horse talisman

Hey its Pseudo-Vegeta

yes, along with incestual overtones

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>tfw bought a townhouse and before it was built it doubled in value

I'm stuck here for the rest of my life though.

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No but sometimes I think about my lesbian daughter and wonder if I did the right thing by disowning her.

Weird yes. Unwelcome, no.


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Summon the Shadman

You did.

Joke's on you I've always wanted a small Chinese girl to do that.

fuck off Carson


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Now you're really asking two questions there. Good and Evil Jackie may have very different responses.

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Bitch looks like Azula

yeah, looks like...

me on the right

Good Jackie turns himself into the authorities out of guilt. Evil Jackie just fucks her right there on the floor with no condom.
Toru watches both.

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>Mr. Chan, have a seat over there, we have some questions about your relationship with your niece..

those are big guys

Evil Jackie doing his best CIA cosplay


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"Hungry crane diving for shrimp"

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