Why are people so butthurt over the exposure of a pedo?
Leaving Neverland
no idea man, he's completely guilty.
Proof hes guilty.
He was one of the greatest singers of all time, coupled with the fact that the narrative since his death was that he was mentally ill and creepy but not a pedophile, which most people have accepted on account of some of the people in the documentary originally testifying in Jackson's defense. I'm sure some believe this is an attempt to turn public opinion against Jackson so that people can go after his billion dollar estate.
what is the proof
What proof.
>take millions of dollars in gifts for your family
>get a free house
>unlimited shopping trips to toystores
>give him his thriller jacket
>cries when new boy takes his spot
>mj pays for your film school and gives you a Hollywood career
>fuck Britney spears in her prime
this. its basically about money. i mean look at the docu itself, its cheaply made as fuck. just lame ass drone shots, and a couple dudes telling overly descriptive and graphic stories about MJ's penis. Theres even a part where the Wade kid looks like he fucking forgot his script for a second.
too bad poor mike cant defend himself either, I hope his estate doesn't let this shit fly
*BTFOs your path*
Apparently he was le based black man
the guy wasn't trying to be an object of pity. He seems to have a great career and plenty of money in his own right. I genuinely think he wants to inspire other abuse victims to come forward.
>hideous grey vampire, has to wear a fucking surgical mask everywhere because oxygen causes him to puke blood
>wear gloves because of his fucking leper ulcer filled gangrenous hands
>could barely walk
Imagine this aids ridden fucking monster trying to touch a kid
it's really creepy. He wasn't that bad in the early 90s, but 2004 MJ must've been so frightening. I would have cried just being in the same room with him as a kid.
I really don't know why people on 4channel of all places aren't giddy at one more nail in the coffin of celebrity culture. Celebrity is a detriment to kinography.
>Make lot of dosh over the years
>Defend MJ during this time.
>waste it all by being a retard
>Try to get into MJ tribute show
>Don't get the job
You have to be a retard or willfully ignorant to believe any of this bull shit.
prove he wasted his money
do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.
If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.
that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.
you have to be willfully ignorant or retarded to believe MJ slept with little boys in his bedroom for years and all they did was eat popcorn and play nintendo.
>found not guilty in court
>No proof he was a pedo besides baseless accusations
>Heavily biased docu
>MJ is dead and can no longer defend himself
I'm glad people are not receiving that piece of shit well.
The guy was an extremely eccentric weirdo. That in itself is not a crime.
Someone post the police records of MJ having pictures of nude boys and books containing pics of nude boys, it was in the other thread and it absolutely BTFO of any argument that he was not guilty.
the only thing that would BTFO Jackson defenders for good is if Culkin admits to being molested.
>Gets dicked in the ass by a grown man
Stop crying crybaby
Where's part two?
because he was never proven to be a pedophile you fuckwit
he was taken to a court, given due process and found innocent by a jury of his peers
i mean holy shit
No idea. Can't deal with the fact the man was a great artist and also a giant piece of fucking shit I guess.
It was a dark and stormy night. Michael Jackson had just finished a show and needed to "blow off some steam." He opened the door, and there he was. An angry hulk of a man. Completely nude except for his MAGA hat. "You, on your knees. Now." he said to me. I was so afraid! But it was a normal occurrence. I had come to expect this. I knew that if I complied, I wouldn't get hurt. But 20 inches is just too much for a little boy's mouth to handle! He didn't like that. "Turn around." he said angrily. I complied. "Spread your cheeks." Again, I complied. And then... he had his way with me. It was a painful experience, and I remember when he was finished he yelled "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now...
>had legal artistic photography
>therefore he is a pedo
you're logic skipped a step there, bucko
If he was really a pedo and the worst thing they found was a handful of artistic nude photography that really hardly counts as anything. If he had a whole stash of cp, that would have been the nail in the coffin. But the raided his properties and found nothing of the like.
But all these other kids' testimonies don't count. No. Only Macaulay's testimony is valid.
holy fuck what do you even say to someone like you
is this just elaborate trolling?
he had "legal cp"
If he had actual CP, he would have gotten nailed for it.
There is none and never will be.
Given this site is filled with perverts who never abused anyone, you would think the idea is not so outlandish here. He was just a perv.
I believe Jackson is 100% guilty, but no one could portray Culkin as only wanting money - he's already a multimillionaire.
>A photograph of a boy, believed to be jonathan spence, fully nude
i don't know anyone who doesn't have at least one nude photo of jonathan spence. and it's not mj's fault that jonathan spence mailed nude photos of himself to pretty much everyone in america.
is this doc actually any good?
its not a out the kike letter of the law, its about the fact that he had pictures of nude boys
Fucking weird, pretty interesting, poorly made
Doesn't mean he did anything to those boys. Both of the boys testified that Michael didn't do anything. Mind you I admit one of them was 10 years old but he other was 15. This was during a case for another boy. That boys dad ended up killing himself. So you're telling me not only did they commit perjury they also felt no remorse for this dad.
Based and ragepilled
Don't forget the other episode
Maybe money isn't the reason he has kept defending Michael
Today and Oprah is going to have some interview with the two boys(men now).
A bunch of butthurt Gen X'ers who can't handle their hero was a monster
Did you know when this ghoul died he was so physically repulsive and deformed the forensic thought he was a giant crow?
>Rape kids? Sure no problem.
>Have actual child porn? Hell no, look I may use my massive fortune to bribe parents into letting me rape their kids but I'm not a monster! Child pornography is over the line!
There are statues of nude boys peeing into fountains all over the world. That doesn't mean people are jerking off to them.
His bedroom was the size of your house.
do those same statue owners have little boy slumber parties too?
Even if he was jerking off to them, that's not evidence he raped anyone. Imagine if hardcore porn was illegal and they found an old Victoria's secret catalog under your bed and tried to claim this was evidence you were a rapist.
the documentary seemed more like a long love story. Would have been 100 times better if they showed some decent physical proof other than stories it would have been a big hit.
now imagine those same picture owners had little boys sleep in their bed and one of them accurately described patterns of vitiligo on the accused’s penis
but he (a jewish boy) couldn't even correctly identify a circumcision?
what fucking physical proof could you possibly have for a situation like this? humor me here. CCTV in the bedroom?
>one of them accurately described patterns of vitiligo on the accused’s penis
You mean the kid that described Michael Jackson's penis as circumcised when his autopsy report said he wasn't?
That's kind of an important detail to get wrong don't you think?
woah you mean to tell me a child doesnt recognize when an erect adult penis (foreskin is pulled back during an erection) is circumcised? better throw the whole case out
the detectives involved literally said it was accurate
what the fuck are you talking about
This wasn't true. Dude said MJ dick was circumcised but it wasn't. You don't even know wtf you're talking about.
Even if you showed me a video of him fucking a kid nothing would change for me. He's dead so he can't go to prison and I will still enjoy his music. It's the same for R Kelly alas he can go to jail but I'm not a twitter npc that engages in cancel culture.
>P-pedo apologist!
Idgaf nigga.
plus the detectives confirmed the drawing/description of the vitiligo on mj’s dick and balls was accurate
how do you refute this?
its not about throwing out his records you brainlet, its about what happened or didnt happen.
You must be circumcised if you think someone you're engaged in sexual acts with won't notice that you're uncircumcised just because you have an erection. What did Michael Jackson do? Run into the next room when he went soft after busting a nut?
365 days
365 days he slept alone in a locked bedroom with a young boy
no one's saying you can't like his music, but defending him because you like his music is stupid. he's probably a sick pedo, but he made some good songs.
Lol so the detectives couldn't tell the difference between a cut and uncut cock too?
that or a 10 year old boy. what are you doing bro? why are you defending this creep so hard?
I get why the two victims originally denied the accusations, it's fucking embarrassing and they owed their success to MJ and it could potentially backfire and ruin their lives. People are so quick to defend MJ because he was one of the greatest performers of all time and the idea that he was a pedo shits all over his legacy and the fandom he created. Get fucked people, your idol is a massive piece of shit so enjoy living in denial like the dumb brain dead NPC moron you are.
they just played video games he dindu nuffin
why do jews want to destroy MJ so badly?
this has nothing to do with the circumcision it has to do with the discoloration patterns on his genitals
That prevents him from noticing the skin hoodie Jackson's penis puts on when it gets soft how exactly?
why are you defending a pedophile so hard? because he named the jew? oooooh so based. Fuck off kid diddler
Americans worship pedos
he also said every adult should sleep with a child atleast once.
it means he doesnt fucking understand the difference
i mean jesus christ imagine asking a child a question like if someone was “turned on” or anything else having to do with adult sex and adult sex organs, they have no fucking idea
Europeans import pedos and celebrate that fact
This one would prove him guilty anywhere but in usa. Kids prints on your porn. You're dead.
Docu is shit, though. Four hours of drawn out pointless drama. It'll do more harm than good for the case.
>everyone conveniently ignores truth being thrown in there face and continues to shitpost and call MJ a pedophile
I'm on a board full of retards
aw man, the poorly made part is disappointing to hear. nothing worse than a shittily made doc
If the kid "describes the penis perfectly" but misses the most obvious fucking detail it means he never actually say the penis and was coached by someone that did.
>Well he got the color of the car right, so what if he thought it was a convertible!
also lots of jews are pedophiles, you’re probably both
if Jackson is innocent despite having erotic art books featuring children then the Podestas must also be innocent for having all their disturbing art.
I'm not circumcised and my girlfriend legit thought I was until she saw my penis flaccid. Assuming it was dark in the room, or maybe he was easily aroused so these kids never saw his dick soft.
It's "okay", not bad, just VERY self-indulgent
he was black
that detail is not obvious to a child you fucking sicko
a child does not and should not know what an erect penis looks like, circumcised or not
>penises are cars
>a child has seen thousands of penises by the time he is 7
yep, exactly what im saying but this guy doesnt fucking understand that not only can this confusion take place but that A CHILD LITERALLY SHOULD NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE
I mean jesus if your adult gf didnt know obviously a kid couldnt know especially if they are only around your erect penis
yes he was a pedo but he was also redpilled
he sing good so he cant be bad ok
Anons lets get real here. Sure there is no smoking gun but MJ is almost certainly a pedo. Whether or not he should be considered legally guilty is a different story but you just cant ignore these red flags
Yeah some cutfags legitimately think an uncircumcised penis is always covered in skin. They don't realize it's only like that when completely soft.
Who said anything about asking if he was turned on?
The kid was asked to describe the penis.
He failed to do so.
How the fuck are we supposed to simultaneously believe that he was paid close enough attention to MJ's cock to describe the patterns on it but missed the most obvious detail that comes with close proximity to cock?
Worst of all the kid was circumcised, so right off the bat he should have noticed the difference!
then how did he know this fact:
really makes ya think
MJ was a musical legend. He spoke out openly about the jews and the media destroyed him for it. Man was a hero.
a child can recognize patterns also those were both me
however to you and
how is a child supposed to know if a penis is circumcised or not if they are only exposed to his erect penis? how would you even expect a child to know the difference?
its entirely reasonable for a child to know the difference between black pink and purple
hell the kids might not have ever even seen his penis soft
Except maybe MJ was always erect during these sexual experiences. If you could have your sexual fantasy become reality I bet you would be fucking diamonds too. If the skin was loose from exsessive masturbation than it may always be tucked behind the head of the penis.
pic related. How do you seriously think a child would know the difference under these circumstances?
why do all these fucking jew shills want to besmirch mj's name.
i get he named them and call them out, but (((they))) already had him killed, let the man rest.
>sleep in the same bed as one of the most popular entertainers of all times
>get a 10mil settlement later for my trouble
the horror
>this is the mentality of someone that thinks National Socialism didn't attempt to systematically kill Jews
he’s a big guy
the only kid who got a settlement doesn't speak publicly because the settlement includes a fucking NDA
He didn't give ten million dollars to every kid he fucked. He bought one of their mom's a house, the other one's mom he bought a bunch of cars and other fancy things
try getting your anus tongued, having your little willy sucked and having to go down on him
I like how American shitposting has basically devolved into "less cucked than you, Muhammad."
>If the skin was loose from exsessive masturbation
t-this isnt a real thing right bros?
He's guilty as fuck.
there is comedy in tragedy
Kikes have to take the heat off themselves, because it's mostly kikes getting #metoo'd.
>that detail is not obvious to a child you fucking sicko
Are you fucking stupid?
>Hmm , this penis doesn't look like mine but I'm a child so I can't tell lol!
Circumcised vs. uncircumcised is obvious to anyone.
> child does not and should not know what an erect penis looks like, circumcised or not
That's a nice red herring, but what does it have to do with the kid not noticing that MJ wasn't circumcised?
i just watched the first part and im really shocked
there is no real proof of all the sex, but it seems very real, they did a very good job in this documentary
male roasties
>MJ had Macaulay Culkin in his bedroom
>not just any year Macaulay Culkin but in his prime Home Alone boipussi Macaulay Culkin
>if you have prime Home Alone boipussi Macaulay Culkin in your bedroom and you don't DOM top bareback sodomize him you're not a child sex offender
case closed
>Assuming it was dark in the room, or maybe he was easily aroused so these kids never saw his dick soft
So it was dark in the room, but they could see the pattern on his cock?
This is logical to you?
I'm not even going to humor the "always hard" Michael Jackson theory.
>there is no real proof of all the sex, but it seems very real
it's like the holocaust
Mj's innocent, he's the victim. Too bad he can't defend himself anymore.
What is this and why do zoomers post this picture?
You clearly didn't watch the documentary
because he's not even alive to defend himself
because it's been over 10 yaers
because there is no evidence
literally saw this with my bitch today and it's like he is straight reading a script and not even talking about any evidence
Just because he can't defend himself, it doesn't mean he's not guilty
The kid doesn't need to know the penis is circumcised to know it looks different. When I was 6, I saw my brother's dick (he was 9) and his was circumcised, I just thought it was weird because I wasn't.
You're defending a liar.
that's because it wasn't erect and the difference is obvious there
When the dude with the soulpatch or wtever describes the molesting you can totally tell he's lying. He's like really trying to prove that he's telling the truth. And I don't give a shit about mj. Some questionable weird stuff did probably happen but I don't think in that extreme.
Let me get this straight, your parents cut your brother but not you?
MJ was much more respected in Yurop by the end of his life
no I think they did try to systematically kill jews
Im saying hit happened for a reason
they didnt go far enough
we can do better
we need to do better
and the world will be a better place if all peoples of all races unite to wipe jews off the earth
europeans generally are more accepting of sexual deviants
Yeah, my parents didn't fall for any Jewish tricks with me
Probably also why my brother got cursed by the Jews. One of his organs got fucked (had to be removed or something (think it's called Appendicitus), apparently it's a fairly common thing though), lost teeth the painful way and broke his ankle in the prime of his high school football career.
Meanwhile I got a cute as shit dimple.
Innocent until proven guilty? But, he was proven innocent. So...
Why would I?
Documentaries are for midwits that think listening to classical music and NPR means they're smart.
No, he was deemed innocent, not proven innnocent
The most MJ did was play with kids in a non sexual manner in a childlike way seeing as he never had a childhood.
Most of the accusers only added the sexual stuff AFTER the initial "hey I was with MJ and we did weird stuff" because there was rumors floating about and their parents saw it as an opportunity to cash in quick. It's awful and its sucks but that's the american way of life for ya
>he never had a childhood
this is irrelevant. his own childhood, or lack thereof, has no bearing on the case whether he diddled kids.
Didn't Corey Feldman always say MJ was innocent too?
So let me get this straight?
MJ paid millions of dollars simply to flash his erect cock to this kid ONCE for a split second? No rub and tug No climax? No repeats?
get the fuck out of here
sure smells like incel in here
Why would they? It's traumatic and shameful. They were also compensated greatly for keeping their lips sealed.
>a full grown black man's adult penis in my small 7-year-old mouth
Holy shit, was I suppose to get erect listening to that shit?
Retard, that is integral to the mentality. MJ hung around kids because he never had a childhood, To ignore that fact is intellectual dishonesty
>no one was hurt
Not really, he was a literal man child. Kids usually don't want to hang with adults. He wanted to play and hang with people that he could relate to.
Are you retarded? That's the way the idiosyncrasies are rationalized.
It may explain his motive, but it doesn't justify what he did
>Naww MJ dindu nuffin he a good guy he only didn't have a childhood
I never said he diddled kids though, because I don't believe them.
Why would a grown man want to hang around kids? When in the history of society has a grown man slept in the same bed as a child for non sexual purposes? Behind 7 doors with bell mechanisms to warn him that someone is coming? Yeah you're delusional.
That's good enough for me. No court ever deemed him guilty, user.
It's not just "he wanted to play and hang out with people he could relate to"
I'm a straight man. I had male friends growing up, we did boy things. Nothing gay. You know what's the last thing I would have done?
That's not the way a 7-year-old boy talks to another 7-year-old boy. If so, you'd get teased and bullied and called a faggot. Because you're saying you love them and they belong to you.
That's how pedophiles talk to children. And it's a fact that Michael Jackson sent faxes like that to 7-year-old boys
Watch this
>Why would a grown man want to hang around kids?
Many times, they just weren't the first pop star
>When in the history of society has a grown man slept in the same bed as a child for non sexual purposes?
Many times, they just weren't the first pop star
>Behind 7 doors with bell mechanisms to warn him that someone is coming?
This reads like it was written by somebody who knows jackshit about Michael Jackson.
See youtube.com
hey can I invite your son over for a sleepover?
OJ wasn't guilty in his criminal trial either. Doesn't mean he wasn't a murderer.
The court is not absolute.
Dude, he could have fucked kids. Maybe not. He's dead. He can't be punished. This documentary is just anecdotal evidence from a guy who in his twenties testified for MJs innocence and didn't understand that getting fucked in the ass at 7 was wrong.
All pedos are "kids at heart" because they never developed mentally past the age of 10. Thus the attraction to young children.
It will cost you 10 mirrion dollas.
Yes because the average Yea Forums neet has the same opportunities to molest someone as one of the most influential icons to ever exist
Is it really that hard to keep you sexual tension in hands?
>correctly identified marks on his genitals
>gave kids wine to make them more maluable to his creepy grandma face (plastic surgery he got done to look more feminine, to appeal to the boys he molested)
>spent millions settling out of court
the guy did it. stop being a dumb fag.
so this nigga just admitted to perjury?
lol your girlfriend is fucking retarded, bucko
If the kids got a good enough look at his ghoulish dick to describe detailed coloration patterns, they could also tell if he was cut or not, not to mention the allegation is that MJ actually used this ghoulish dick making things even more obvious. You can't have it both ways.
As for the supposed child porn stash, pic related makes me question that. The FBI watched this dude for a long time and apparently cops were gunning for the dude enough to bullshit that porn stash evidence, yet they were still not ever able to nail MJ while he was alive and could defend himself in court.
Not saying he is 100% not guilty, but this whole documentary thing is distasteful. Either you have a smoking gun and you use it when the man is alive, or you have nothing new to add to the story.
Did Jimmy Savile getting outed as a pedo after he died inspire as much intense assfrustration and autism as this is doing?
>Correctly identified marks on his genitals
It was an extremely vague description mostly by words put into his mouth by biased cops
>gave kids wine to make them more maluable to his creepy grandma face (plastic surgery he got done to look more feminine, to appeal to the boys he molested)
This was proven false in court, in fact the kids were stealing alcohol themselves, see >spent millions settling out of court
This was right after the OJ case. He obviously didn't want a media circus like that and just wanted to get it over with.
Since he's a literal who, probably not.
With Jimmy, it was pretty open-and-shut that he was a pedo predator; with Michael it's a bit more complicated and the ongoing debate affects his legacy.
>falling for Jewish tricks
You guys used to be smart than this. Shows how far the users of this site has fallen.
You could argue Wade and Jimmy were from low profile, normal sort of lower? middle class families. More under the radar, probably more naive and susceptible to a celebrities ‘charms’ and money. I don’t think he did molest Culkin or Feldman. I mean who knows, but I assume if guilty they were probably too high profile and it’d be too risky and harder to attempt and get the families on board most likely. Plus if also true, he had a revolving door of kids.
He was big in Bongland
the problem with kikedocs like this is the dead celebs have no one making a counter-documentary in their defense
>what is evidence?