It’s been an honor lads

just found out I have terminal cancer /tvros/

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Again? How many cancers do you have now?

fuck that shit, if true

do a flip faggot

Wish I had that

good riddance

>I have terminal cancer
So you're just like Yea Forums


thats what you get for watching capeshit. how is that shit even legal?

What gate is it arriving from?

I guess you should waste the rest of your short life watching tv and eating more cancer-inducing snacks. Why not have a couple cigs too while you're at it?

Take care bro. Spread as much positivity as you can in the time you have. This hateful place makes you hate people for stupid shit like race, religion, gender. Go out there and be happy. I know this will get a lot of hate but I hope you guys can let go of the hate and be happy and lead a wonderful life.

God damn it this made me crack up


Just be yourself bro

>just found out I have terminal cancer /tvros/
Doctors don't know shit. I got my own terminal prognosis about 4 years ago and counting.

With that diagnosis you will now know freedom few men will ever know. Knowing your going to die is a powerful thing, as as you can now do whatever you want, the end result will be the same anyway.

At least while you're dying painfully and afraid you know you lived life to the fullest watching shitty movies made by kike corporations for the sole purpose of getting shekels out of retards and chinks and going onto an unfunny anime forum afterward making posts 4 people see before theyre deleted forever.


>I guess you should waste the rest of your short life watching tv and eating more cancer-inducing snacks. Why not have a couple cigs too while you're at it?
Agreed, he should do whatever the fuck he wants...within reason because there's a chance the doctors were wrong. How many comedies were based on that exact plot?

RIP fellow kinonaut. It's been an honour shitposting about popular things on the internet with you.

Attached: 017-stalker-theredlist.jpg (500x500, 34K)

they expect one of us in the wreckage brother

Btw OP posted this yesterday and revealed that it's dick cancer, said the doctors told him being uncircumcised and less than 7" put him at increased risk. :(

Sincerely sorry to hear that OP.

Attached: what do you see.webm (800x337, 2.86M)

it was the baneposting? starwars? capeshit? new forced memes that i rather not name?

It's time to start repenttng. Go to your local church and be one with the Lord. There's still enough time user. God bless you and I"ll pray you make it to heaven.

>frogposter gets cancer

Your balls should be crushed between two bricks

If you had any advice for those of us without a terminal illness what would it be?

there's still time to leave this shithole

Sorry about that man

youll be fine bro

Remember that your only salvation is Jesus Christ

u mad faget?

what have i done with my life?

Do a barrel roll flippy you goddamn quiet

Once entered, you can never leave this place, and you know it

sorry to hear that. better catch up on your kinos. you're only allowed into the gates of heaven if you pass the pleb test

>just found out I have terminal cancer
you have finally become Yea Forums itself, congrats

moot found the way out


You just confirmed that prolonged exposure to this board causes cancer.

I bet my life he still lurks from time to time

ITT: Everyone tries to have the funniest quip to get (You)'s

in the end, it doesn’t even matter


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>tfw you can't scroll past something like this in case it is real

(._. ) I hope you get better if it is true. If it isn't don't be surprised if you get dabbed on by the memegods like TotalBiscuit did.

is there Yea Forums in heaven?


fuck off retard