Which is cooler in your mind?

Which is cooler in your mind?

1. Palpatine and Vader are best friends. A happy relationship. He made the suit nice a comfy for his bestie. Vader doesn't need to get in touch with the darkness of his soul to draw strength from. He just has it automatically. A white knight.

2. Vader HATES Palpatine. He's a slave. The darkest relationship ever. Palpatine made the suit as painful as possible to keep Vader angry. His anger grants him strength. A dark knight.

Attached: sidvad.jpg (1478x1224, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


3. sheev made vader a bigger suit than he needed so he could be a big guy for him

100% pure evil kino

3. Palpatine gave the suit a 10" dildo that Vader uses to fuck him with every night

The second one is more realistic.

Name Ranking:
1. The Emperor
2. Palpatine
3. Sheev

How does Lord Vader shit? Into a tube?


never got this meme. I hear it all the time and have no idea what it means.

He made the suit bigger than Anakin so that he would be a big guy (for everybody else) while also making it extremely painful.

I think that Its sort of a mix of both, but much more so Number 2. Since its cooler and makes more sense overall when thinking about how the sith draw power. I don't think that Vader ONLY hates Palpatine. With Palpatine making the suit strong and suitable for Anakin to sustain his life after getting handicapped by OBI. Their relationship initially was that of a friendship though I think that overtime it's natural for any Sith to have hate for their master. The rule of 2 sort of backs up that theory, with the apprentice always thinking about succeeding the master and taking an apprentice of their own. I can't say if the suit itself was painful, but I think that Vader sustained anger anyway just because of the course of his life and Padme being dead. Plus having your dick burnt off would make you angry for life.

>How does Lord Vader shit? Into a tube?

His brapchamber

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Why did Palps even need an apprentice? He was the most powerful Sith of all time. Why would he even want to train Anakin, who is destined to be the most powerful force user ever, and would obviously be the only real threat to Sidious

3. It’s a movie for babies and the characters don’t have depth

3. Palpatine is a shrewd businessman who contracted out vaders suit to the lowest bidder and had it welded shut so only the helmet could come off.

Somebody get this hothead out of here

The same reason Jedi need apprentices. Force Bonds. It strengthens the force and makes them both stronger. The master learns from the apprentice who learns from the master,

Neither of those. Vader is a junkie for the dark side and Palp is his dealer.

How do we know Vader has no dick? Obi-wan didn't cut that off


He used Anakin to destroy the Jedi and later became his errand boy.

His asshole doesn't function as his lower half was most severly burned; he has a piss and shit bag within the suit

Oh dear that post and those digits...

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Why not just destroy the Jedi himself

3. Palpatine used his force powers to view thousands of possible futures. He realized that he didn't necessarily need an apprentice but he also saw that if he tempted Anakin to the dark side he would get his shit rekt by Obi-Wan, allowing Sheev to rebuild him as a cool robot sidekick

Slightly longer version, the interrogator says "If I took the mask off, would you die?" Bane responds with "It would be extremely painful.". Then the video clip dialogue. BIG GUY FOR YOU

kotor son

Watch ROTS carefully/look at ROTS concept art, his thighs up to belly got absolutely destroyed (more so than the rest of him) due to all the leather and fabric that gathered around there


Repay me by explaining what the fuck the t. stands for in the t. >whatever< signed on posts.

The emperor was delighted to have someone to torment for eternity.

Stop spoon feeding newfags

fuck. srry

You forget his first name that he shares in the movies, Frank.

Finnish meme. Short for greetings from in cuckspeak.

>t. spoonfeeder

the meme is passed it's expiration date anyway

it's the second one in "canon"


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There's an EU book where he goes on about "What is a master without an apprentice", I guess, and laments about the inevitable betrayal and wankery. I can take it or leave it. He also used Anakin as an enforcer while he bolted together his "Fuck you, I'm evil immortal jesus now" plan. But again, EU.

Is it just me, or would Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid make a great buddy film duo?

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it's a reddit thing just ignore it

If Obiwan was such a good friend, why didn't he put Anakin out of his misery instead of leaving him to burn alive?

Canon? What did Lucas say? I'd LOVE a source of Lucas saying Vader's physical pain causes a rise in his strength.

He trusted in The Force. It wasn't whispering in his ear to kill Anakin.

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Makes sense why Kylo was punching himself in the wound, I'm surprised Disney knows ANYTHING about what Star Wars is about.

Still, Kylo wouldn't want to be Vader. Vader himself hated everything about himself.

Want to hear Lucas say it himself. Is it in the ROTS novel that he had ultimate creative control over?

not just an apprentice, but a son to nurture and love. evil sith lords have feelings too!

>He trusted in the Force
>dies because he let Anakin live

And went on to become more powerful than Vader could ever imagine, and guide Luke's hand from beyond the grave to destroy the Death Star.

Lord Vader, did I ever tell you about my son Trioculus, the three-eyed mutant warlord of the Galactic Empire who declared himself Emperor a year after my death at the Battle of Endor He was a good friend

Attached: Lord Vader, did I ever tell you about my son Trioculus, the three-eyed mutant warlord of the Galacti (200x216, 21K)

>dem digits
good... good...

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I wish the prequels HAD developed a legitimate friendship between Palpatine and Anakin, it would have made everything so much more interesting.

You wouldn't have to change much of the actual events, just a few notes of the motivations. Say, for example
>Palpatine isn't secretly in charge of the Trade Federation, in fact their exploitation of his homeworld of Naboo is what led him to hate the Old Republic and the Jedi for their impotent inability or unwillingness to stop it
>therefore Anakin murdering Nute Gunray and his men is played as a dark triumph
>Anakin tries to force choke Obi-Wan and Padme gets in the way instead of him just sperging out and doing it to her on purpose
>Palpatine's rescue of Anakin on Lethal Lava Planet is played 100% for compassion, it ends with Palpatine genuinely kinda/sorta grieving for Padme (or at least Anakin's grief for her) and handing Anakin his red lightsaber with a promise that they will avenge her by destroying the remaining Jedi
>Vader stands there like an asshole just letting Palpatine give his son the Mike Pence treatment for over two minutes because he's genuinely conflicted about killing his beloved father figure who has grown more twisted, corrupt and insane over the years

I get that there's not supposed to be any kind of gray morality here since it's a flat out child-level "good versus evil" story. Except by the time the prequels came out, and even worse with the current trilogy, there's no good. There's hilariously cartoonishly sadistic Stupid Evil bad guys who are somehow both incompetent and omnipotent, fighting against a rag-tag yet unstoppable group of murderous, pig-headed hypocrites that can hardly be described as "good guys" by any stretch of the imagination.

Attached: a good trick.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Literally all of that shit is Old EU and wiped
RLM was reading from the "Legends" section of the wook

kek wth?

There's no weight to Vader's betrayal of Palpatine at the end of Jedi if Vader hated him to begin with

What do vader's farts smell like?

vader was always his lackey, even in the original films. I don't think vader really hated him

My favorite bit of the EU is that Palpatine is actually the savior of the universe and the greatest hero we've ever known - absolutely every action he's ever taken was in foresight of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. He spent decades and killed millions all in a single-minded effort to whip a tired, peaceful, decadent galaxy into a massive fighting machine with thousands of warships, trillions of shock troops and countless superweapons and battle droids just so they would have any chance at all of survival when the Crab People From Beyond The Stars finally arrived.

Attached: DefenseAgainstTheVong.jpg (785x590, 164K)

They both harbor hatred for each other but are more or less forced to work together.

Vader hates Palpatine because he's completely at his mercy - he cannot do shit against the lightning because of his cybernetics and so has to simply do the Emperor's bidding. Internally, he is always looking for an opening to betray and kill Palpatine and finally finds his opening in Luke.

Palpatine hates Vader because he lost to Obi-wan and completely ruined his potential as an apprentice. However, nobody else in the galaxy exists who can fill the gap of apprentice. Until Luke comes along.

They're a broken marriage who both get the idea to cheat on eachother as soon as fuckboi Luke shows up

i don't know who the good and bad guys are any more

Palpatine isn't really "evil for the sake of evil" character people label him as. Giving into the irresistible temptation of the darkside, something Jedi struggle with everyday of their life(like Frodo not wearing the ring), feels more intense than drugs itself. It changes you, and the more evil you do, the better it feels. Better than uncut heroin, if you ever had any, without the disorientation.

that was an actual plotline from some of the old EU stuff

I think you can now appreciate why it was wiped.

if you want to lean into it more with the whole Vader is brainwashed angle, its true, you get into a cult, and you cant leave. you are mindfucked from it.

it takes some serious shit to break the conditioning.

I really fucked with peoples heads dropping this on them.

SHEEVUS CHRIST is the hero we needed, but not the hero we deserved.

>Does absolutely everything in his power to force the Galaxy into unity so that they can build a Death Star for EVERY system, millions of star destroyers etc, just to give the Galaxy a fighting chance against the extra-galactic invaders he saw in his visions
I like it too but some people prefer the "nah Palps was just pure evil" explanation

Holy shit

When I picture evil, The Emperor is what comes to mind. The Vong invasion would be on par with Disney shitiness.

just go ahead and parse this image in your brain

Attached: Trioculus_shot.jpg (1200x450, 326K)

>Makes sense why Kylo was punching himself in the wound
I will never not love that scene.

I know everybody hates Game of Thrones now but I really dug how it transitioned from "Good Starks versus Evil Lannisters" to "Moronically Noble Starks and Edgelord Antihero Lannisters generally struggle against various shit thrown at them from all angles"

the emperor is the visual and fictional definition of evil

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Is that Leia?

>the superman shit was around long before TLJ

>Vader HATES Palpatine
this has been canon since the beginning of time

Episode IX might very well end up with Vongshit or some off-brand equivalent. One of the more concrete spoilers is that "the Knights of Ren return to report a dire threat from outside the galaxy" to Kylo.

You can't tell me it's totally impossible to imagine the trilogy ending with Kylo and Rey and the New Empire and the Scrappy Rebels all teaming up to fight the evil alien monsters (and then Kylo and most of the First Order sacrificing itself, restoring the status quo until some new Sith asshole comes along and starts the Empire all over again)

Trioculus and Jedi Prince and all that bullshit is generally touted as 'so bad it's good', but really, it's just bad. It's also a cyborg, if I remember correctly.


Explain this then

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they wont do the vong, the vong and everything related to it ruined the reputation and credibility of the EU. They will end it with rey fighting kylo or some shit, this is JJ we are talking about he's gonna remake jedi

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they have no room for the vong. you need 3 pictures just for that.

Basically the way the Sith Works is the master trains the apprentice until the apprentice kills the master and takes their own apprentice. Vader probably wanted to keep training until he learned some dat sweet lightning shit.

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You guys are forgetting about Triclops Palpatines TRUE son unlike that fake bitch Trioculus.

Attached: Triclops.jpg (180x217, 20K)

>Vader probably wanted to keep training until he learned some dat sweet lightning shit
Vader couldn't use force lighting because of the electrical systems in his suit.
Please don't post anymore

>being unable to recognise a troll this obvious
>current year

Having Dooku summon lightning was a bigger mistake than midichlorians. It should of remained unique to The Emperor himself.

Nigga its the force, he could do fucking anything with it. Vader could summon lightning into his hand and block it at the same time like yoda did while building up some naruto ball attack shit.

I endorse this product or service.

>It should of remained unique..

It should have remained unique..
It should've remained unique..

I suck've cocks

It shouldn't be unique to the emperor but I would say Dooku shouldn't have been able to use it because he is more fighting focused than force power focused.

1. The Emperor
2. The Senate
3. Palpatine
4. Sheev

Palpatine did not anticipate Vader getting rekt by obiwan. Vader would have been crazy super powerful if he wasn’t died up and burnt to a crisp.


But he discarded the idea of having a powerful apprentice and instead took delight in tormenting Vader. The pain of the suit is probably nothing compared to the pain The Emperor could inflict on his damaged mind.

I always thought he wanted to trap Luke in the suit too. Thats why he looks at his robot hand to question the path he's going down.

Wait, so the emperor’s three eyed son tries to marry leia, who proceeds to kill him at their wedding with her laser vision. Am I getting that right?

You're ruining what makes The Emperor unique

This was absolutely the worst retcon in the EU.
>Hey you know everything that happened in the Star Wars saga was because Palpatine was an evil Sith who wanted to blow up planets?
>Nah he was actually fucking based!! He was a secret hero!! Death Star? That's for pussies! Our new threat are BADASS AND KILL JEDI!!!

Revenge of the Sith
>Windu: The Senate will decide your fate
>Palpatine: I am the Senate
>Windu: Not yet
What did they mean by this?


Attached: sidtrump.jpg (1440x1440, 131K)

That he was a large governing body

What'll really bake your noodle is when you realize Padme doesn't get angry at Anakin at all until the SECOND group of children she found out he murdered

And why does everyone have to have a unique ability to you? Should Obiwan have never been able to becoem a force ghost because that is what makes Qui-Gon Jinn unique?

Maybe she thought he was cleaning up after an affair the first time. "Well, he loves me enough to butcher like 20 kids. Even if he IS sleeping with that blue skank."

I just love The Emperor. I liked him better before his name was Palpatine. I liked him better when he was the only one that could summon lightning.

He's pointing out that previously, force jump and lightsaber deflection were the most active uses of the force we saw. darth Vader, the big bad, was limited to choking someone without magical effects. And then the Emperor comes along, seems contemptuous of things like lightsabers and the Jedi and proceeds to shit all over luke with fucking lightning bolts. It's the big reveal that the Emperor is so far above them it just isn't funny becomes cheapened by 'yay lightning'.

those digits

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it's the poetic foreshadowing of Bigger Luke

Now I get it!

Kek, love bigger Luke lore.
Also, can anyone give me a rundown on force lightening?


Well the script for all the movies was made beforehand so Dooku using lightning was a thing before the movies even got made assumedly.

But like I am saying, anyone on the dark side who is almost entirely force powers focused should be able to use lightning. The emperor was the only one in the movies who should have been able to use it because Darth maul, Dooku, and Vader where all mostly combat focused. It's like how Yoda can stop lightning with his bare hands because he is big on force power and not as strong physically.

There isn't much of a rundown to be had. Force Lightning is just something you can do when you're tuned into the dark side enough.

In what sense? Current canon there isn't much information. EU?

Short version: Bad shit. The 'real' Sith version could leave people fucked up for the rest of their lives. Hell, Luke got the best treatment available but still went to fight space tentacle raptors in a wheel chair.

The darker you are, and Sidious was 100% pure evil, the stronger it is. More hatred in the lightning.

>the script for all the movies was made beforehand
At the end of the making of TPM they literally have a shot of George sitting down barely starting the script of episode 2

it's essentially hating somebody to death

Execute order 66

Attached: sheev (8).jpg (1200x861, 64K)

Everyone knows the script was done beforehand and they started in the middle because that was the most exciting part. That is why it starts on episode 4.

It is a religious mandate as part of the Sith faith. Why do real religions do evil shit? In Islam they blow themselves up and Jews cut off the tips of dicks. This is entirely irrational. The Sith concept of training the next generation to be more powerful than yourself in a cycle of death and rebirth is honestly less evil than the aforementioned acts by real religions.

He must of planned for Obi-Wan to be the first Force Ghost. Thats why Vader was confused when he disappeared.

>Well the script for all the movies was made beforehand
Incorrect. Lucas had a very vague outline of how Anakin became Vader in the 80s but that was all. He wrote the three prequels one at a time in one draft.

classic sheev

Shiit, I'd vote for SHEEV


Sidious named Anakin "Vader" but where did the name Vader come from?

more or less number 2

i always figured that somewhere in the back of vader's mind, he knew he fucked up by killing mace and saving sheev, but at this point he's too far in to leave

I can't believe Jew Jew thought Snoke could one up Sheev.

Palpatine was a nonce who groomed Annie from a young age. He was going to fuck him going forward but he got MAGMAD so he ended up with ugly Anakin.

"Darth Vader" from Lucas is basically a way of saying "Dark Father", according to an interview he gave once. In universe, the sith lords got names that somehow reflected what/who they were. Vader was the Invader, the mailed fist.

wasn't there some old EU novel where leia had a robot body double that was used in a wedding

been ages since i read any of that stuff but this picture is bringing back memories of that

He regretted it instantly by saying "what have i done" then realised he was too far gone and pledged his life to Sidious.

Where did the name "Sidious" come from? Probably shortened from Insidious and Vader was probably shortened from Invader.

He delivered that line well. And people say the PT had no good acting.

>"Dark Father",
> Vader was the Invader, the mailed fist.
He fisted Padme? That's how she got pregnant?

The anicent Sith Language or something, probably.

Yes. Babies are made through fisting while wearing chain mail, and it is an eternal mystery how our species reproduced before the era of metal armour.

idk I think Vader was still psychologically attached to him in some twisted way.

No no no. You have to remember that he got his hand cut off. They mailed it to Padme and she used it as a dildo and got pregnant but Anakin never did the fisting. He actually never did anything and died a virgin. As you can see from pic related he is undoubtedly an incel, and one who was cucked by his own severed hand nonetheless

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Makes perfect sense. But there's no hidden EU meaning or anything? It' just that it comes from in-vader (or something like that). Cool.

How do you explain Shmi's pregnancy to Anakin.

so obi-wan basically cockblocked plaps?

Midichlorian gangbang

No hidden meaning. Darth Maul was named because he was a blunt weapon and denied access to the higher sith mysteries. Vader was to be Sidious' strong right hand to enforce his will. That's all.

comfy thread, ill make it again next week

I think Lucas said it had nothing to do with that


All Star Wars threads are comfy.

Anakin was utterly pointless for his plan.

He already won when he became chancellor, ordered the clone army and gained complete control over Separatists.

Basically episodes II and III are completely pointless. Sheev already won by then.

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he needed someone to kill the jedi

The Force strengthens in a master apprentice relationship. Its called a Force bond.

It's the same with Revan in KOTOR.

Because in reality Sith/Empire factions are far more popular and people want them to be more than just evil dudes.

Attached: dark_side_stronk.jpg (1280x1811, 677K)

he needed a pet

>All Star Wars threads are comfy

So long as they stay episode 6 and below.

So glad the prequel haters on Yea Forums are the minority.

Clones worked fine. Fucking shitty droids murdered half of Jedi order in that arena shitfest in AotC.

tru dat

He already had Maul and Dooku.

4. Sneed

Yea but they both died. Also Maul was more like an attack dog than an apprentice.

clones couldn't get into the jedi temple tho.

both worthless

I've never understood this. Is it reverse spam for deens (sardines)?

>clones couldn't get into the jedi temple tho.

Literally what? They just walked in.

who did Palpatine like best of all his apprentices? I would guess Maul because he raised him but he treated him like shit so its hard to say.

Did the EU ever have credibility? Serious question. I thought it was always a mildly embarrassing thing that Lucas put up with because he didn't originally have plans to do any more movies.

He didn't view Maul as a true apprentice. I don't think he really liked any of them - they were all tools, rather than actual apprentices and successors.

No, there were entire tiers of canonicity and licensing enforced by Lucas film. You'd better believe he got his cut. Entirely canon. Disney cutting through the gordian knot by going 'lol no' was a good choice - there's like 150 years of timeline there, with 20% of it being great, 20% being utter shite, and 60% being utterly unmemorable.

Shame they replaced it with such crap.

3. Vader hates Palpatine because he ruined his future with Padme and Palpatine hates Vader because he ruined his own ability to be Palpatine's perfect succesor

Where did the "suit is painful" meme come from?

He discarded the idea of Vader being his successor when he after he got his ass kicked. What did he like more? Tormenting the immortal Vader? or having a powerful threatening apprentice?

The EU. Palpatine gave him a shit suit, both as a limiter now that he wasn't all shiny and polished and perfect for Palpatine, and to help focus his pain. But mostly the former. It was bad enough that by the time of the OT, he was looking at a surgery that had a 50/50 chance of killing him to get a more comfortable one and ready to go through with it.

What did Palpatine do for fun when he wasn't being evil?

The Revenge of The Sith cannon(not EU) novelization. Lucas had complete creative control of the concepts in it.

EU authors thought Vader's costume was too silly or some shit so they retconned it that it was a piece of shit that Palpatine made to torture Vader.

Did you not watch ROTS? He got off, literally, from being evil.

Also he spent his time fucking with the galaxy, mostly. He started the rivalry between an EU crime lord and Vader mostly out of boredom. Establishing his dark side paradise planet where everyone wandered around in a ghetto trance. Dreamt up more superweapons. Apparently he enjoyed the opera. Spent a lot of time going from planet to planet - lots of 'retreats'.

I understand why they did it, but there is now nothing to replace that 20% of good stuff they threw out and I feel the "magic" of the setting has died as a result.

Litterally? did he cum during his evil grin at Vader's torment?

Is Rey now the most powerful Jedi in canon? I've only seen the movies.

Yes. I mine the new stuff for use in our tabletop campaigns, but I mostly just set it in the EU and slice out the dumb bits instead.
Look at this and tell me he isn't messing up his pants. Look at it. This is an elderly man ejaculating into his space pants.


In much the same way that the United States is the best United States in existence, yes.

>hur dur no girls aloud
fuck off

i don't think we know were ahsoka is

he was a crackhead for evil.

They've hinted at the Vong. I mean alot of Thrawn's story is tied to their threat.

why didn't he just tell people they needed to prepare to fight space crabs?

>A Sith relationship not involving power dynamics. come on now.jpg
Vader after he got toasted became a disposable tool for Sheev.

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I think it's funny that palpy gave vader a budget cut armor to make him suffer and live in pain all the time.

Sheev was actually a huge patron of the arts, which is hilarious to imagine.

honestly the best thing to happen in IX is if they kill off as many of the nuwars jokers as possible be it by noble sacrifice or reckless abandon; all of them, Rey, Kylo, Poe, Finn, and anyone else from this shit trilogy, need to go.

to be fair Vader was deserved it for losing to Obi-Wan

Thinking that Rey would even be considered a Jedi. Rey is going to found some new school of Force users that is "true path" because all of those pasty wh*** "men" on the Jedi Council were actually evil and wrong, plus stupid.

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>It hasn't been posted yet
>ChanPal SuRecon Center

Just here to shill a meme.

She wouldn't be wrong.

what I never got is how vader could suffer in agony for 20 years without trying to an hero even once

that's unrealistic even for fantasy

> rey realizes the jedi were wrong

I'd be ok with this.

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Palpatine wasn't immortal. Sure he'd have no problem living for a few centuries but he'd eventually die unless he found the secret to eternal life

Considering Vader is more powerful than Palpatine, neither makes sense

stronger than palpatine

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He figured out how to transfer himself from body to body. He was functionally immortal. If he hadn't been dogpiled by the spirits of every Jedi ever he'd still be around.
That's not really correct. Nihilus is less a force user and more a celestial event on his way to the grave.

>It is impossible to understand
For you

He said it in the third movie. He wanted to turn the most powerful being of all time into a permanent dark emperor. Palpatine said to Yoda in their fight he’d be more powerful than either of them. He just kept Vader around so he’d stay in charge

>He just kept Vader around so he’d stay in charge
so it was a 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' kind of thing?

It's mutual hatred-based symbiosis. Palpatine continues to groom him but knows when to smack his ass around if he gets uppity. If he gets killed (outside of the way he ACTUALLY got killed) by vader vader did the sith code right and he can deal with the clusterfuck that is sheev's custom empire himself.
Meanwhile Vader hates him but he's literally the only thing he has left, both on a mental level and physically.
If there's one thing nu-canons done right it's how Palpy's teachings and errands he gives to him steel his resolve as a Sith up until Luke comes around.

1. The Emperor
2. The Senate
3. Frank
4. Palpatine
5. Sheev
6. Darth Sidious



They’re already canon, just called the “Grysk” this time

People forget thr novels make it quite clear palatine was still personally evil and did enjoy just being emperor and a huge dick, it also happened he had foresight and wanted to rule his empire with people who were not raped by crabs

Apparently renamed "The Grysk"

This makes me mad because Luke gave zero reasons for explaining why the Jedi were wrong so he just came off looking like a whiny old bitch