Why must they take everything from us?

Why must they take everything from us?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who would you cast as Solid Snake? Kurt Russell too old

Isn't Snake like 6'4"? How could he even be considered?

They need someone based and alpha to play Snake. Not that faggot.

I'm ok, face looks rugged enough.

No what the fuck Snake is 511

Listen, you don't really have to look like Snake, but you ABSOLUTELY have to have the gruff David Hayter voice. The voice IS the character.

That dude doesn't have it.


Sorry don't include me in your Yea Forumsirgin incel clique.

If the script and acting is good then do it. I am fearful of target demo video game films aka we believe only x group will watch so lets put tits, generic plot, shit watered down concepts and a low budget to recoup everything in the first week.

Scott Eastwood

>metal gear solid movie
It will suck.

i like Oscar Isaac and i'm glad he's in Dune, but he can't pull off snake

Kurt Russell

Oscar Isaac is a kino actor Yea Forums. I know you only know him from Starshit

>gruff David Hayter voice

>Implying he didn't sound like a 12 year old on Halo 3 in 2007 faking a deep voice

mgs story isnt even good

I don't care how old they are. Flick's going to be an amalgamation of the whole series.
Hugh Jackman
Eric Bana
Christian Bale
Viggo Mortensen
Karl Urban
Josh Holloway
all better choices. Oscaar isn't the worst they could do though. They could get someone like Tom Hardy.

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nvm about viggo. Haven't seen him in shit lately and he looks way too old.

Oscar Isaac is cool, what's the problem?

Why not Kiefer Sutherland?

Get real

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As long as the actor can pull off the voice than I really don’t give a fuck what they look like. I’m still sweating thinking about what they’re going to do about casting Spike.

>Having a literal Guatemalan Jew play a purebred Anglo icon

Neither is diehard

But it does need really good direction and performances, which is not going to happen so they should not make this movie

this always happens. A game designer rips off movies they like in a really clunky way because it's just a fuckin game. Game gets big though so some idiot thinks let's adapt it into movies. Like making a cake with batter that's just spewed up birthday cake

Yep its the perfect cast

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Oh fuck user, i hadn't even been able to think about an actor that would convince me but you done did it.

Hopefuly Urban isn't too old.

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You seem upset.

Snake is literaly a clone of a jap-american mutt. LOL

Shit just give the guy the job already

Wyatt Russell
He looks virtually identical to Kurt and can actually act decently. I don't mind Oscar Isaac either, you could certainly do a lot worse

Karl Urban

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I would be fine with this tbqchwymmmfitbwc4cm

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I'd take it's weird paramilitary conspiracy/ WMD threat with a slight fantasy edge plot over the endless uninspired schlock that Hollywood cranks out

>i didnt play the games

Big Boss is British, have you even played the games?

I was always opposed to this for some dumb reason, but it would be absolutely perfect if he can actually act.

So you don't even know what the thread is about.

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big boss isn't british you colossal fucking skank.

Haha fuck it dude im fuckin snake bro

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How come this guy is sexy and gross at the same time?

Not that guy, and I know he "has the blood of the east" in him or some shit, but is he actually supposed to look hapa?

I thought you were referring to the design, but Big Boss isn't Japanese.

Snake being part Japanese was retconned into him being born to a Japanese surrogate when he was revealed to be the clone of Naked, who was never part Japanese.

Is this fucking movie still in pre-production? I thought they filmed it like a year ago.

Holy shit they haven't even started on this? fucking king kong released in 2017. I'ts bound to be comfy being a director and spend years in """""""""""pre-production""""""""""

They literally haven't even been approved to make the movie. Roberts literally asked people on twitter to @sony pictures to greenlight the movie. Its just a pipe dream right now still.

>can actually act decently
Ya, as a stoner maybe. Guy fits the role of a big dumb stoner dude.

People forget that whoever they get for Snake also has to fit for Liquid.

Oscar ain't the choice.

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yeah, why no? he's handsome, masculine, and in the perfect age range

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I see. I've played them all but I was always too disinterested and/or brainlet to keep up with the convoluted story.

There won’t be a Liquid. It will be a MGS3 movie and you know it.

Hope not, Big Boss is infinitely inferior to Solid, so fucking annoyed that retarded mary sue high jacked the series.

judging from the concept art, it's an amalgamation of all the games

He's alright, but isn't gruff enough for Snake.

He's a decent looking guy, but he's not masculine in the traditional way Snake is. MGS5 showed that at least 50% of the character is all in the voice and he simply doesn't have the gravel for it.

He already said that those concept art are just "mood pieces" and basicaly let every artist do whatever they wanted since they were fans too. To get buzz going, they aren't real concept art since they haven't started.

God why is he so perfect bros?

What do you mean, op?

Good get him out of Dune.

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Been following since the first rumors.
Roberts has said that it will be an amalgam of 1 3 and 4. He said there is a device that allows time travel so they will touch on his 3 favorite games. They still havent been given the ok to actually make the movie. Kojima is heavily involved already has been over seeing the scripts. There is some concept art but literally sony has not said yes yet. Roberts was at one point begging people to bother sony on twitter to give him the movie.

He talks about it all in this interview. Its kind of long, but its all there. He seems passionate about it, but seeing him beg is a little weird



I cant stand this guy. Something about how he talks. Cant take him seriously.

He is perfect to play Snake then.

Dredd was sweet

it should be Richard E Grant

>5'9 menlet playing as snake
Are they trying to insult people?

>I like them all but 2

Dropped, fucking dropped.

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Snake is only 5 10

>Roberts has said that it will be an amalgam of 1 3 and 4. He said there is a device that allows time travel so they will touch on his 3 favorite games.
That sounds retarded and it skips over the best game.

I guess that's why he can get inside a small box

No he's Half Japanese half American

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2 is just 1 with a blonde twink. Literally.

I'm fucking tired of this jewish beaner manlet getting shoehorned everywhere.

Old Snake is still a thing. Or Big Boss. It could still work.
Alternatively, just cast David Hayter. He's a good looking guy and you don't need to worry about the voice.

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Oscar Isaac is a great actor. He'd make a good Snake.

He's trash quit trying to cast him in anything

Jake Gyllenhaal

>first great video game movie
okay now im mad

2 would be seen as too 'right wing' these days anyway with the whole plot about controlling the culture with AI and a deluge of bad journalism, given that's exactly what Google and co are aiming at and the left sucks corporate cock so long as it's trendy/new.

It'd be too close to home.

1 and 3 are campy Hollywood films and a lot of fun, so they'll settle for them.

David Hayter is in awful shape, can’t act, and hasn’t even been able to do the Snake voice right since MGS2.

No his face is too babyish still. Hes not tough or hard enough.

What about Dylan O'brien, fellas? Right age and look for a young Solid and it'll trick the ladies into the theaters to boost the profit.

I did not like him in Dredd. His fake accent irritated me. So did his crowded teeth. I hate him in star trek too.

Could a young del Toro play snake?

Benicio DelToro

Kojima is directly involved. Hayter wont be anywhere near this shit.

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They should just cast Snake's voice actor or Keiffer Sutherland and be done with it

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Kojima would be more likely to cast Guillermo than Benicio.

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cast david hayter then

deep voice, weakling body, manlet stature, no one will mind!!

Bros. I think we all know who snake will be.

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They should just get Mads. He's based and it'll satisfy the "Snake is part Nip!" crowd because he looks like he's got some of that shit in him anyway.

is Frodo actually carrying a purse?

Who cares? Metal Gear jumped the shark after 2, Kojimbob is a hack.

Would still be good casting

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im out of the loop

what did Hayter ever do to Kojima? why does he hate him?

Excuse me, but that's actually a "satchel." Thank you very much. All men of refined taste carry one.

what's wrong with those glasses?

It's European!

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it's literally Hollywood films: The Franchise. The story isn't Shakespeare but it's engaging and fun

Solid Snake is, not Big Boss

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>They should just get Mads.
The only choice. And Karl Urban.

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why did this took so long?

He hates him because he isn't a Hollywood star. Kojimbo is a massive faggot that wishes he was a film director but doesn't have the talent for it.

It unironically is Shakespearian

Because based kiefer sutherland replaced him in V. Apparently kojima never contacted hayter at all for the game and just left him hanging. Which caused hayter to throw one of the biggest crybaby fits twitter has ever seen, making himself look like a fucking baby for the whole world to see. It was pathetic.

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>urebred Anglo icon
Made by the Japanese? Silence, retard.

As long as Yong Yea cameos in this.

i haven't seen this guy act but his pursed little mouth doesn't seem too good

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Why are unabashed racists always so stupid

Michael Fassbender he has the face and the jaw.

rootboxes bad

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I thought somebody already covered this in the thread. His jap ancestry was retconned, big boss' sperm and eva's eggs were put into a Japanese surrogate's womb and she gave birth to the snakes. Making Snake white.

I got just the right man

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You're just like the SJWs crying about White people playing non-White roles lmfao

They LITERALLY tell you that they used a Japanese womans eggs and put them in Eva's womb.

YOU didn't play the game.

why is he showing his teeth? is he intimidated?

This is the guy making it. Seriously.

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Big Boss is 6'3, snake is 5'11

I feel like a retard I literally did not realize until just now that Kiether Sutherland is Donald Sutherlands dad

Big boss is snake


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>Scott Eastwood
Can we get someone who can act?

I'm this guy and damn, you're right. Nigga doesn't look half Jap though. It's no wonder why i only ever played the games for the gameplay itself and all of the cool superficial shit like cyborg ninjas and robots. The story is retarded.

Yo onions el Snako De Solido.

Get that pc liberal faggot outta here

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Bro thats karl urban

Kurt Russel's son*


Jared Leto

Big Boss is literally an American you fucking colosso-tard

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Josh Brolin as Solidus Snake

40% of why MGS games are good are the codec conversations where time doesn't pass and characters keep rambling on, 40% curazy anime and tacticool choreography, and 20% quirky Japanesey Kojimbo gameplay rusery. Almost none of those things translate into a Hollywood film.

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Its going to suck. Hour long codec conversations dont translate to film well.

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Choreography isn't even tactical.

Christian Bale wouldn’t do this shit, he laughed in an interviewer’s face about how video games are a manchild waste of time when he brought it up.

That's also a man who went on a 10 minute diatribe against a man simply because he was caught in the background for a couple seconds.

He also said he read the comic books for the part of Batman and realized how deep and philosophical the character and stories were.

kojima is a hack whose success is based solely on his ability to mimic hollywood

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He's half Japanese.

the level design of mgs1 is great, he did it all he still is overrated tho

Maybe ethnically, nationally he was born, raised, and educated in the USA.

On one hand, the director seems to genuinely have a ton of love and passion for MGS and seems pretty intelligent and well thought out in what little I’ve seen him talking about it. On the other hand, Kong shows that he’s unquestionably retarded.

Nah. Kojima is a jap and therefore a racist. He wont allow a mutt to be snake.

Big Boss isn't. It could be argued that Solid, Liquid and Solidus are since they're birthed from Japanese eggs, but that might not even hold up since they're supposed to be clones of Big Boss.

Holy shit you're right. I rescind my shitpost, and direct it at

goddamn its PERFECTION

Put a bandana on him


So does Christian Bale actually like MGS or was he simply taking the piss? Wikipedia cites this as him being a videogame fan but I think he was just being a dick.

Also, Chris Hemsworth might be an alright Liquid.

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I guess Oscar is a pretty good actor. The character of Poe Dameron is garbage, but that's not the actor's fault.

That's wrong, they use Eva's egg and a Jap woman's womb. He's a clone anyway though.

Because all you NEETs/nerds must pay for daring to have your own culture and discarding and mocking the lifestyle and views they wanted you to have. Too long have you been living in your own perfect fantasy world.

tl;dr: you can't have nice things anymore

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I googled it after he said that and he's right. Eva's the surrogate. You're right about the cloning negating the jap ancestry argument though. The Snakes are white.


lets be fair though, how would you be able to top MGS2?

the perfect voice for the LEGO:MGS movie.


how the fuck would MGS work as a movie? it's too long and half the plot is told through radio conversations.

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He was aight in Overlord but I don't think he has the screen presence or charisma m8

>Yea Forums autistically screeching about a white dude from a japanese animu videogame
you like him or not he's a good actor, was pretty based in the robo-waifu movie. Urban would be even better.

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Yes but not the Snake Oscar Isaac is apparently going to be playing

The mock up the director posted is pretty okay.
But you know they couldn't actually make it look like this in the movie.

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It's funny because Snake isn't the least-swarthy character to ever exist and Isaac is almost a Criollo. I have actors who I'd prefer take on the role, but if Oscar buffs up and wears lifts, he wouldn't really be that bad at all.

mads mikelison

>Jake Gyllenhaal
love that guy but he aint no Snake

ffs please no

ohhhh fuck yes, him and Kojima are like best pals as well after their work together

none of the others suggestions really do it for me

Oscar Isaac wud be pretty good cause hes a good actor, but obviously its Keith Sutherland

Yeah, I shilled for him too later on in the thread.

this is purely photoshop, don't be fooled

hngggggg how can we make this happen? we need to get this to Hideo asap

He was just memeing, he obviously has no idea what it is.

>a purebred Anglo icon
literal autism


fuck that retarded inbred, my vote would go to a young eastwood


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>based and alpha

Not many alpha’s left in Hollywood. At least young.

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I got the perfect snake for you here.

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if he going to play liquid he has to play solid too
they are fucking twins

neither is 99% of movies
whats your point?

holy shit nikolaj would actually be perfect for the role

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Imagine being desperate enough to act in Star Wars as le "Protagonist Allies". I get Adam Driver playing the Villain role as a literal neo-nazi, everything else is inexcusable.

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Idris Elba

idris elba

He's too old and fat and dummy thiccc

>first great video game movie
in the west maybe

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Those up are too old and those down are too young for the roles.

all terrible except Bana

Except Jackman is way better and Urban isn't bad at all.

jesus christ is there ANYBODY in hollywood young and gravelly enough?

damn... are white men the most oppressed people on earth?

Other way around. It was the Jap's egg in EVA


It’s a movie and there is already an in setting excuse. Liquid is the genetic imperfect clone so you could afford to make him look different beyond him being snake in a blonde wig...fucking eat shit twin snakes. And Hugh and nikolag look similar enough.
And liquid and solid snake don’t look exactly the same, they have subtle differences. And even then make up and light cg could make both actors even more identical.

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youre a capefag who thiks jackman can act, which he cant, karl urban is a good action actor but i guess i just cant picture it do to my limited mind. maye hed be alright

phoenix wright was fucking awful

Unironically Idris Elba

Mads as Ocelot

He was practically liquid in thrones already

Do you want to try that again?

Obviously it should be Kino Reeves, maybe a little more jacked up. He's kind of skinny, but I think could nail it.

The second obvious choice is Mads Mikelson. That dude could play anything, and I think he'd be a Solid Snake.

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>Liquid is the genetic imperfect clone
they both are but if you are talking about the dominant recessive genes LIQUID was the dominant one, not snake

> him being snake in a blonde wig
also snake is blonde, he paints his hair dark

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Outside of his capes shit I don’t think you have seen many of Jackman’s films

Cast his hologram for the inevitable cameo.

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that was footage of liquid

Kept you waiting, huh?

naomi gave the fox die injection to liquid?

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Kino but we don’t need Jackman, besides he was already old snake in Logan.

That’s just an art style choice. Snake is not blonde.

The ilustrator obviously fucked up. You think he dyed his hair brown just minutes before being deployed?

>You think he dyed his hair brown just minutes before being deployed?
its heavily implied in mgs2 yes

You could argue his hair is just brown with a light reflecting into the crappy camera lens and since it’s mg it’s likley just a


He was alpha in Sucker Punch. Still too short for Snake though. Granted they could make it work with trickery

Time machine when?

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I've posted in this thread a bunch of times already, but I somehow forgot to add that Michael Wincott should be Revolver. I've posted that in every MGS thread I've posted in for years, even on IMDB. I'm on a mission for this man.

But he's not Jewish...

Just make it a cartoon by those into the spider verse guys and cover all the games in 1 movie.

This but don't cast David Hayter as he's terrible compared to how he used to be. Also don't use Kiefer.

no that was Solid, he dyed his hair

Cgi like alita is the only answer


Yes, he's just being dickish here. Christian Bale is an extremely troubled person with a really bad temper. Horrible family relations too, his father used him to get money while he was acting and he doesnt talk to his mother ever. He's fucked up

Big Boss was born in Hawaii and is part Japanese though

You’re pretty alright alright

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Passing through, haven't read the thread at all. Oscar Isaac is a great actor and would make a good Snake. Been a fan since MGS on PS1.

but video games already have generic plots and watered down concepts

I've researched this shit enough tonight. Can I get a link to some proof that Big Boss is part Japanese?

>an amalgam of 1 3 and 4
MAN I wonder why they're skipping 2

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Based choice

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He’s using the real snake as his source not the imposter that you play as in the games.

Thats my thought as well. I dont care that he's mexican or jew or whatever but his voice is nowhere close to what it needs to be to play a convincing snake

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>implying anyone in a MGS movie needs to be able to act

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Titcow as Meryl
Daddario as Dr. Naomi
Charlize as Sniper Wolf

This is a collection of bio information collected from before. While some has been retconned, where BB was born has not. Looking to gather their source as well


How would you guys feel about a cgi metal gear movie? I feel like thats the only way you could pull this movie off given its limited budget. Its gonna end up with shitty and cheesy props, staging and lighting

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Thanks, man. I needed that.

I don't mean to be a prick, but can I get something more official than this? You could have written this stuff.

No. Then you might as well just play the games

Here is the official height list for MGS trust me i played all the games :
Solid Snake - 182cm
Big Boss - 192cm
Ocelot - 182cm
Big Bos(mgsv retcon) - 178cm
Ocelot(mgsv) - 185cm?

Naomi is supposed to be Indian lol

I am digging around, but the internet is awful at citing sources.

But you think I wrote this 11 years ago in anticipation of a /tumblr-pol/ argument on Yea Forums?

Why did they recon Big Boss into being a manlet?

I didn't notice the date. I've only played all the console games and nothing about them indicated to me that Big Boss was a third generation hapa-American. I'm just being honestly inquisitive because I love the series, man.

Venom is a Manlet with Manlet rage

I love Karl Urban but hes box office poison in lead roles

>Snake, Confucious say in famous chinese proverb "aroundu blacku, never relaxu"

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Me too. I am suddenly really curious. Not for who should play him, but in general. You'd think it'd be in the booklets somewhere

BUT most importanly who should play meryl?

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I could see him as Snake, but not as Liquid. Can he do a terrible british accent?

Blade Runner 2049 flopped and I'm still glad that got made. They could cast a Z-lister who's right for the role like Scott Adkins, make a decent flick that bombs, and I'll still be happy. Hollywood sucks. Fuck their profits.

just insert meryl’s game model into the movie, let her play herself

Watch someone like Tom Hardy get hired.

He sounds like a good choice for the role, but unless they got Kojima deeply involved I don't think it'd work.

Though if I were to pic the actor it'd be either Viggo Mortensen or Mads Mikkelsen.

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Emily Blunt ten years ago

Kate Mara
Why, what's wrong with big guy? he's a good actor, he could probably pull it off.

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I can never really get over the fact of how retarded Meryl's hair looks

That's a wolf, not a dog.

Well, it's the byproduct of using like 4 polygons to make her entire head.

it's gonna be weird if they dont match Snake's weird hushed, smoker voice

Dude, it's a DOG!

Tom Cruise. I don't give a shit. Use CGI and makeup to make him young or just do a MGS4 movie instead.

What would be the kicker is if they somehow got David Hayter to write the script.

What about this cool guy who should play him? Im in favor someone young but who?

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Tilda swinton

He's just gross.

It won't even be a movie based on any of the games. It'll be like the resident evil movies. They will use vague names, places, and concepts. It'll be an hour and thirty minutes long and one hour of that will be god awful over the top action sequences.

Oscar Isaac is the farthest thing from handsome, stop this meme

I know him from Ex Machina

Neither role is nutty enough. Hardy likes roles where he can go off the deep end

Oscar is an overrated slimy hack

No. Big Boss is pure American. The donor for the eggs that the Snake triplets were cloned with was Japanese but since they were clones of BiBo, they have no Japanese genes in them.

What about him? He is edgy enough to play him and young.

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(((Hollywood))) hiring foreign beaners instead of Americans should offend everybody. These same kikes also beg the normie goyim to keep watching the Oscars.

>he hates the absolute KINO that is 2

Reminder that Oscar Isaac is an ugly overrated bottom feeder who literally lies about being Jewish to get roles and the only reason he has a career is because he will literally take any role

This movie is gonna be a massive flop. Like a serious turd. Fuckin stinker.

Kojima star wars husbando is Adam Driver. Just so you all know.

This holy shit

2 calls out ((((them)))) too much. It's a shame too cause it scared my ass off when I was a kid. I feel Kojima couldn't shit out anything as good as 2 ever again now that he slurps up hollywood so much.

He has good taste. He likes the only real actor in the ST, based Adam.

A hamburger?

Dan Radcliffe

The MGS movie rights have been in the wild since 2006. I was hoping it would stay in development hell forever.

>not Kojima's beloved Adam

lol Kojima was probably so disappointed it wasn't the actor actually likes

I like Oscar so I'm all in for it, I never played MGS though, the only stealth spy game I played for hours was one of the Splinter Cell games for PS2

*he actually likes

>Meryl is 18 at time of shadow moses
I think it's obvious

Attached: isabela-moner-personal-pic-01-10-2019-0.jpg (1280x1458, 192K)

I have no clue who I would even want for this

Get that mutt goblina out of here.

Oscar is garbage get some fucking taste

>never played


Attached: YES_ah64.jpg (1733x1388, 336K)

>I never played MGS though,
therefore you do not get to have an opinion

Honestly this is the most promising video game movie that has high chances of being actually good
You got the guy who did Skull Island who is a big fan of MGS and now Oscar Isaac confirming he's a fan of MGS, if you can get people who are actually passionate about what they're doing and WANT to do it I think you can get something good, and most video game movies are made for paychecks only and keeping the rights to an IP

I'd be dissapointed too if I wanted a kino, tall actor like Adam Driver but some ugly overrated goblin like Oscar Isaac kept shoving his old and busted face everywhere

what's your pick? resident evil, silent hill, mortal kombat, street fighter, doom?

Oscar Isaac is shit though and only passionate about his next paycheck

True but the heart of MG are the conspiracy themes and constant war. A tight script that does not try to aim for the under 15 crowd allows a better story. A bad script may focus only on action and meryl as purely a love interest. A good script can focus on snake trying to decipher who liquid is, what his motives are, why others rally to liquid, finding intel on the base from meryl, and understanding what is going on by having snake as a self insert for the viewer.
BTW I think MGS is adaptable but not scene for scene.

Oscar Isaac has never played anyone cool in his life.
If you think he can embody a cheeseball throwback to slick 80's action heroes I think you're lying.

>Oscar Isaac has never played anyone cool in his life.
You've never seen Ex Machina. Nathan is based.


I didn't read your full post before posting. You might be right about the second part.


He's so fucking old nd ugly stop casting him in shit.

Your manlet fave will never be cool just greasy and creepy

Wrong. Snake is a clone of Big Boss, who is fully American. However, Snake has mitochondrial DNA from a Japanese woman, the egg's donor which was fertilized with Big Boss's DNA.

10/10 made me reply

So tired of seeing this overrated ugly fucking manlet he's just as desperate and pathetic as John Boyega

I've been shilling against him for the whole thread. He's not the worst that they can do, though.

Looks like we've found our Machinegun Kid

He's just mad they couldn't successfully shoehorn him as a main character in Star Wars. He and John think they are so fucking important but they are the least popular characters