How do you push the reality TV envelope even further now that we've had shit like failed child sex change operations...

How do you push the reality TV envelope even further now that we've had shit like failed child sex change operations and half-ton obesity? Have we hit peak dystopia yet?

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when they're done filming the destruction of individual lives, they'll focus on small cities next. Watch out middle America!!

Just make thunderdome real

Basically got that already with Bum Fights.

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Why is it always whites who do this kind of shit?
The world needs to build a wall around muttlandia to prevent their unholy "culture" to spread around the world.


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I assume it's because you're allowed to be a vigilante still in poor countries with corrupt police who don't get involved ever. This was the kind of stuff that used to be covered by extrajudicial hangings carried out by regular townsfolk, similar to the Church keeping witches at bay going back even earlier in history.

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The Catholics banned witch burnings fyi and called it grave sin

we’re getting there
we have like 10 nu-american gladiators shows
we still have tv news cars chases
we still have prison rodeos
we just need to combine them somehow

As expected from the Church of Satan.

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reality tv show about a male virgin

>18th century America
pick one

America is degeneracy central, has always been. I hope Putin nukes the shit out of it and maybe we'll finally be free of that fucking dead weight

>thinks any witches were ever burned in America

Maybe in Central America.

middle America is already fucked beyond repair

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Have something like MMA fights but with opposite ideologies, i.e.:
>KKK Grand-Wizard v NAACP representative
>Anti-vaxxer v Pediatrician
>Tranny v TERF
and so on.

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after lighting how many piles of faggots and pitch ad majorem gloriam dei, brainlet?

Yeah, the fact they eventually banned it just makes it clear they used to condone it.

>Kingsman 2

TLC will start following suicidally depressed individuals in a similar fashion to My 600lb Life. Instead of the climax of the episode being whether or not the fatty gets the surgery, it'll be whether or not the individual pulls the trigger.

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lol you think this is the bottom? There's so much lower we can sink.

Louis Theroux did that Choosing Death documentary where a lady who basically had nothing wrong with her except being depressed opted to commit suicide following the instructions of those Final Exit activists.

There was also this guy who killed himself but he had legit cancer.

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watch The Voice

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something like big brother, only you're following a group of military servicemen on a deadly mission behind enemy lines, and people can vote who they think is going to die or have their legs blown off each episode.

she is a qtpi

His genitals have the consistency of a literal pie now.

Until pic related is done done without a script.

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>Steel cage jousting
>Yeah, homeless jackass is basically that

More midgets!