Movies for intelectuals?
Movies for intelectuals?
Shitforbrains = Alien
Derp = Aliens
Brain Master = Alien: Covenant
Normie Wojack = Alien VS Predator
Derphead = Alien 3
Shitforbrains = Star wars OT
Derp = Star wars AOC
Brain Master = Star wars CW 2003
Normie Wojack = Episode 3
Derphead = Force Awakens
Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 need to be switched and Spider-Man 3 is still better than The Amazing Spider-Man
Shitforbrains = Sneed's
Derp = Feed
Brain Master = Seed
Normie Wojack = Formerly
Derphead = Chuck's
At the end of the bell curve you should get smarter.
OP are you retarded?
That's not how bell curve works, you fucking retarded fuck. You should watch movies for disabled people, clearly. The more you go to the right, the higher the IQ while middle is average of the population. End yourself
maybe he is saying that really "smart" people are dumb
What about the Amazing Spiderman 2
I cant believe people think homecoming is as good/better as the raimi movies. It's literally the same as every other marvel universe movie. Not special at all.
sub 100 iq idiots who just got trolled
arguably the people with the highest iq's would be the non-functioning rain-man retards. ever met a really smart person? they're basically the same as the mouth breathing trailer trash only they live in math and physics departments
Yeah I agree spider Man 3 was the smartest
Le epic troll :^)
Is that how you rationalise having low IQ?
>high iq people are d-dumb anyways
no high iq are too smart to function, go find the smartest math student and try to hold a conversation with them. extremely high qi, the ones who can multiply 10 digit numbers in thier head are usually heavily autistic.
Not true at all
>It's an OP pretends to be smart only to get btfo episode
But but.. homecoming had Iron man and a suit from daddy stark and aunt may was sexy and love interest was a person of color.
That's just because they read books and stuff, book reading make you dummer. You should worry more about real responsibles.
That's just survival of the fitness
homecoming is basically the first spiderman movie. The amazing films are insulting and the raimi films feel like straight to tv sci fi channel movies that played on a wednesday afternoon. People only liked them because they were better than a joel schumacher batman movie.
Got em
Daredevil: The Director's Cut is pretty dec
>redditard falling for the "spiderman 3 is bad" meme
It just confuses me even more. So who is the real genious? Is it OP or is it the other poster?
As we say on 4channel “OP is always right!”.
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
but op's image is implying that spiderman 3 is good
>As we say on 4channel “OP is always right when he has a cock in his mouth!”.
The greatest pleb filter ever put to screen.