If you think anyone other than Paul Allen has the best card you're a fraud

If you think anyone other than Paul Allen has the best card you're a fraud

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For me it's David Van Patten.

Paul Allen's all caps style is too garish and offensive.

For me it's these dubs

If you think they are different at all you're as delusional as they are. Next day you'll mistake it with Bateman's card.

The texture of the card stuck is too busy, biggest doofus in the business

its clean as fuck

All of them are caps

Power rankings
1. Allen
Power gap
2. Bateman
Power gap
3. Van Patten
4. Bryce

They're all slightly different user. And for sure Timothy Bryce's card is awful.

check em


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Bryce with than Sans Sarif.

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They are as different as they are, or in other words not at all, which is the entire point of American Psycho.
Why do you think every mistakes one another for the entire film? Even when murders become involved? The only thing that separates them is stuff life Dorcia reservation's, which is so beyond absurd that there basically is no difference.

They all have the same extension, and acquisitions is spelled wrong on all of them.

Bryce and Van Patten's aren't.

Texture of the bottom 2 immediately disqualifies them. And compared to Bateman, Allen's feels far neater. ffs I don't think Bateman's phone number is even lined up properly horizontally.

But Paul Allen's is so damn classy by having the address be two lines.


Yes they are you fucking shoeshine. You're confusing big and small letters with capital letters.

I really like Bateman's, I dig the slightly lowered top part, I like the font for his name, no distracting texture, I think it looks very well done.

Allen's is also quite good. Super professional, and I really like the font for "Pierce & Pierce" It also has no annoying texture.

Bryce has a fucking shit tier card, disgusting. Fuck this asshole.

Van Patten's has nice looking font, but not much else. Terrible pattern, and the the bolded name is so tacky. Your name is already in the center, and your last night is noticeably larger, you don't need the bold.

Bateman > Allen > (Large Power Gap) >Van Patten > Bryce

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Bateman's is unironically the best

Nevermind, I see what you mean, I thought you just meant their names, 8 see it now

based retard

I prefer Bateman's just like I prefer these dubs


bryce has the most immaculate nails dont @ me

Where's the watermark? What the fuck was Bateman talking about?

i dont like Bateman's numbers and I think that Allen's separations of telephone and fax numbers is a bit neater, so ill have to agree and go with Allen

also Van Patten's card isn't all that bad, certainly better than Bryce's

Timothy Bryce objectively has the best one dubs confirm

What's Paul Allen's font? I can't make it out.

Van Patten's is unironically the best


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shitty texture

Does the color make it kino or too gaudy?

David Van Patten runs it close, but Paul Allen's is the best.

Look at the subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it.

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It clearly shows his whole Yale thing.

Bateman has the obviously worst card.

Absolutely disgusting

What the fuck was Luis thinking?

Unironically the best

seethe harder texturelets

That's nice, very impressive, but uh, check *my* card

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Paul Allen's is genuinely the best.
Perfect pure coloration on the card. It's easily the "cleanest".
It has a tasteful Sans-Serif font that's more casual than Bryce's Sans-Serif font that looks like it was generated by a machine. Playful, but still firmly business.

Also, the raised lettering on Allen's card is subtle. You really need to look to see it, whereas Bateman's raised lettering borders on brail. It's so high it would fail a drug test. It screams of a man trying too hard.

Then, there's the typesetting the design.
Allen's card is readable from a fair distance. The typeset is large and bold. Even the address lines are properly broken up from the fax/telex numbers.

Bateman's is so small that I'd need to go full chinaman eyes to see it. I'd think he's ashamed of his workplace.

Paul Allen is the clearly the best of the group. Hands down.

post yfw you saw the spelling mistake

Correction: Allen's font has Serifs, but they're so subtle that I didn't notice them at first.

There's so much going on with his card, it's a legitimate joy to see them. Every time I catch something new.

You're all choosing Paul Allen's card from the picture, but if you actually touched any of the other cards IRL Paul Allen's card would seem like it was cheap printed in your home printer.

Do any of them work on contingency?


One appointment at dorsia if you will

The film and book both debunk that.
It's remarked as having a "tasteful thickness".

>vice president
Don't line up, the spacing on the numbers is inconsistent, the name runs together and to top it off a gaudy gold font with no dubs.

Just like my cock and also your numerals

What do you expect from a closeted gay man-child from old money?

Gaudy, tasteless card for a gaudy tasteless man.

Best typeface with nice serifs giving a nice accent to every letter
Bold letters for a bold man
Coarse surface that captures your eyes because you can sort of see some kind of pattern in it

>"tasteful thickness

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